
Showing posts from October, 2023

8; YouTube podcasts G-63 - G-81

YouTube podcast (@kishalaysinha) Oct 28, 2023 G-63 A WITCH - 1 (5:32) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube) Mandi Lynn: MARSEILLE, FRANCE -1343 in I AM MERCY (Kindle) G-64 A WITCH - 2 (5:57) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube) Mandi Lynn: MARSEILLE, FRANCE -1343 in I AM MERCY (Kindle) KALE (pronunciation: keil) = a dark green vegetable with curled leaves -> see picture at VEGETABLE 1  [looks like broccoli - I ate very tasteless boiled broccoli when I was in America] SATCHEL = a leather bag that you carry over your shoulder, used especially in the past by children for carrying books to school -> see picture at BAG 1       - LONGMAN DICTIONARY OF CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH G-65 A WITCH - 3 (2:37) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube) Mandi Lynn: MARSEILLE, FRANCE -1343 in I AM MERCY (Kindle) MARSEILLE ... MARS ... F***ING MARTIANS ... F***ING SATANIC NAZIS ... Claire Boiko: THE BOOK [God KSG] THAT [WHO] SAVED THE EARTH  (short play) Kishalay Sinha जी [G] October 28, 2023 Oct 29, 2023 G-66 JINN'S GIFT - 1 (2:


                               MY AUDIO PODCASTING HOME EQUIPMENT                                    Kishalay Sinha जी [G] October 28, 2023

8; YouTube podcasts G-7 - G-62

SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY! I have numbered all My audio podcasts on YouTube serially: G-0, G-1, G-2, G-3, ... , G-62 (latest) - YOU CAN LISTEN TO ANY OF MY YouTube PODCASTS BY JUST TYPING @kishalaysinha AND SEARCHING under VIDEOS! THANKS, YouTube!!! I think this method is true for ALL uploaders of videos on YouTube - search the uploader's NAME and then CLICK his or her NAME and search under "VIDEOS"! You can also CLICK the NAME of ANY YouTube channel you are watching and then CLICK "VIDEOS" - and you will get ALL VIDEOS on that YT channel. WOW! Now we can't blame YouTube algorithm: we can find all YT videos of anyone! Kishalay Sinha जी [G] October 27, 2023 YouTube podcast (@kishalaysinha) Oct 3, 2023 G-7 CHAMELEON (Raduga) (12:37) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube) ANTON CHEKHOV: Selected Works in Two Volumes - Volume One STORIES * (RADUGA PUBLISHERS, MOSCOW), p. 31-34 Ochumelov - from the Russian ochumely, crazed. - Tr. (footnote, p. 31) Khryukin - from the Russian khr