8; cyclone ঘূর্ণিঝড় "DANA" "ডানা" - Nazi চালাকি
cyclone ঘূর্ণিঝড় "DANA" "ডানা" - NAZI চালাকি
weather forecast, climate change, floods, droughts
See Nazi cheats "মহাত্মা গান্ধী" (Manoj Pant), কালী "মমতা" বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় (Mamata Banerjee) etc. in ঘূর্ণিঝড় "ডানা" Nabanna নবান্ন "control rooms" LIVE on Bengali TV news channels! শয়তান Nazi cheat Mukesh Ambani* is LIVE on CALCUTTA NEWS (CN) বাঙালি সেজে ! - Oct 24'24 *[বহুরূপী Prosenjit Roy প্রসেনজিৎ রায় "অলক" / আলোক Lucifer GASS - boss of APDCL!] Nazi cheat শয়তান RAWAT / SANJAY RAUT / Beng টিটু Titoo ex ten. T.N. also on CN (CALCUTTA NEWS) LIVE বাঙালি সেজে !
Mahatma Gandhi (Chief Secret. Manoj Pant), TVS boss BM Bidip Sinha বাবুল "Babul" "IAS" Princeton N.J. USA, বাবুলের পিসী কালীঘাটের কালী "মমতা" Mamata Banerjee in NABANNA f. "control room" live on NEWS18 বাংলা LIVE!
দিলীপ বৰা fake "IPS" এখন বাঙালি সেজেছে! abp আনন্দ gave the f. names of "cyclones"!
All Nazi "meteorologists" CRIMINAL CHEATS should be hanged, blown up, or burned alive!
ALL male and female owners and staff of all Nazi fake news TV channels are reborn Nazi mass murderers who hide the shocking truth but COLLUDE WITH evil Nazi meteorologists.
কোটি কোটি বছর Nazi criminal cheats mass murderers শয়তানরা মানব জাতিকে ঠকিয়েছে, অত্যাচার করেছে - এখন বদলা নেওয়ার পালা ।
পর্দাফাঁস ! पर्दाफाश ! NAZI ENTERTAINMENT !
CITIZENS OF ALL COUNTRIES should CHECK the CRIMINAL activities of NAZI criminals in meteorological departments, such as BIPIN RAWAT / SANJAY RAUT / Beng টিটু Titoo ex ten. T.N. / সন্তু SONTOO M.Sc. Physics (bro. of MITHU, Mn. Ln. T.N. GASS) etc., who have controlled the weather for BILLIONS of years and have caused floods and created deserts
(recently, Kuwait in desert area experienced a rare FLOOD by unusual amount of rainfall) and climate change, and should check their weather balloons and their connections with NAZI PILOTS of NAZI fighter jets (Modi/PC, Rajesh Pilot, Subroto Mukerjee/BM Subrata C.B. GASS) and NAZI passenger air planes from which chemicals are secretly sprayed into the atmosphere at high altitudes. Indian Army, Indian police and paramilitary forces, CBI, CIA, FBI, INTERPOL, EUROPOL, NASA, RUSSIAN SPACE AGENCY should swing into action. "Meteorology" or "weather forecast" offices of f. "meteorologists" are located at airports! Why? The answer is obvious. Nazis control the weather by balloons & airplanes!
I think there are only 666 f. Nazi aliens, who may be male and female clones of PC/MODI and BM ANITA C.B. GASS, but the 666 Nazis including BM SS T.N., BM SS SIILP., BM SS REP., BM SS SIL, BM SLS/BM SS C.B., T.N. GASS etc. are very cunning TRANSGENDER CHEATS who, by constantly changing their body forms and aliases and locations, have CONTROLLED and ENSLAVED the vast world population. F. NAZI CRIMINALS try to make weather forecasting or "meteorology" seem like a JOKE to prevent public suspicion that the WEATHER is actually controlled by Nazis working under topmost Nazi scientist Ms. Z / (ROMAN) "Moon Goddess" DIANA / ডাইনী / DINAH / (GREEK) "Moon Goddess" LUNA - LUNATIC LAKSHMI BM SLS C.B. T.N. GASS!
I think Ms. X and Z (Jesus!) and Ms. Z / BM SLS T.N. GASS / XENU (f) know the HERBAL CURES for all poisons and diseases and old age and death - eternal youth & immortality!
Aristotle: everything falls to center of Earth - HUMANS are tortured in underground HELL!
Isaac Newton: tides are caused by Moon -
weather & climate are controlled by Nazis!
Kishalay Sinha [G] October 24, 2024
Reborn Nazi mass murderers super cheats disguised as "meteorologists" and their evil gang of Nazis continue watching imaginary
cyclone কাল্পনিক "DANA" "ডানা" ঘূর্ণিঝড় on their f***ing computer screens in f***ing "CONTROL ROOMS" in f***ing NABANNA (West Bengal Secretariat), in f***ing KMC (Kolkata Municipal Corporation) etc. etc. overnight. (CN)
Kishalay Sinha [G] October 25, 2024
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