A few days ago, I was very surprised to hear REPUBLIC TV chief Arnab Goswami, the BIGGEST open supporter of Narendra Modi, saying repeatedly that some Indian politician might become PM - but Arnab Goswami did NOT mention Narendra Modi - from which I concluded that Narendra Modi had LOST. Otherwise, WHY would Arnab Goswami NOT mention MODI? (I heard Sanjay Raut on TV recently saying mysteriously that he knew about EVM cheating.) I smell something very fishy about the election of Narendra Modi. I am sure there are alternative methods to check the total counting. Many will be put in TIHAR JAIL if truth is deliberately suppressed or will be forced to be always on the run with transformed bodies (perhaps with sex-changed bodies), changing locations & aliases.


Nazi fake news TV channels' nonsensical chatter: Nazi BULLSHIT.


REBORN Nazi mass murderers are constantly seen on all Nazi-run fake news TV channels of India. I predict violent end of ALL Nazis.


LGBTQ may seem like a derogatory term for LGBTQ humanoids (I used to think so) but as a matter of fact LGBTQ is the biggest clue to Nazi deception. Think about it.... I will give details of deception.

Anyone can be transformed reversibly into other forms: humanoid, animal, plant, fungus, bacterium, virus, stone. (This may sound like science fiction, but I assert that this is fact suppressed by Nazis.)

Nazi male/female clones of male/female Nazis are for deception.

Nazi males transform into other male forms just as Nazi females transform into other female forms for the purpose of DECEPTION.

NAZIS consider the SEX CHANGE of a MALE NAZI into a FEMALE and the SEX CHANGE of a FEMALE NAZI into a MALE the biggest Nazi deception. (This is very pathetic because all male and female Nazis in all transformations are under continuous surveillance and all are audio video recorded continuously by CCTV, satellites, etc.)

L: Lesbian (sexual attraction of female for female - one of the two females can change sex to become a male and they can have sex)

G: Gay (sexual attraction of male for male - one of the two males can change sex to become a female and the two can have sex)

B: Bisexual (female breast and penis OR male chest and vagina)

T: Transgender (male bacomes female, female becomes male)

Q: Queer 

Q is the general term for L (Lesbian) / G (Gay) / B (Bisexual) / T (Transgender). Q for Queer (or strange) is very easy to remember.

I use the mnemonic Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi airporT (name of Guwahati airport) to remember LGBT - a "mnemonic" is an aid to memory - a good "mnemonic" is humorous or vulgar or unusual.

Nazis have used body transformations and changing aliases and changing locations to deceive the human race for billions of years.

Nazis move from place to place at thousands of mph via tunnels.

But the game is up. All m/f Nazis are under constant surveillance.

LASER can wipe out all f***ing m/f Nazis on Earth & inside Earth.

My pithy and concise explanation above exemplifies गागर में सागर

"FORBIDDEN FRUIT" probably refers to "FRUIT" that can revive the dead (IMMORTALITY), make the old young (ETERNAL YOUTH) etc.


I predict that the Nazi-run Indian FAKE news TV channels will NOT report the dissolution of Indian Parliament (Lok Sabha) for lack of two-thirds majority (at least 362 Lok Sabha MPs to form a Central Government: 543 × 2/3 = 362) just as Nazi fake news TV channels continue to suppress news of dissolution of state governments of Assam, West Bengal, Delhi. Nazi FAKE news TVs distort the truth.

Rajya Sabha MPs are "time pass" MPs (cricketer, comedian, actor etc.) with no legislative powers, who cannot be Central Ministers.


CNN "black" female anchor* (iterviewing Dr. Phil McGraw on CNN) sounds like "black" Michele Obama, wife of ex U.S. President (twice) "black" SAT. Barack Hussein Obama (of "uncertain origin" = 2nd "s/o" of SAT. BM KuS & SAT. BM KamMoSin T.N./BELT.?). Nazis keep on transforming themselves repeatedly.

Nazis don't have a copyright on transformations. Humans can also change.

Dr. Phil McGraw, TV anchor and author, who interviewed Trump, looks like Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of top motivational book THE SKY'S THE LIMIT (POCKET BOOKS / Simon & Schuster, New York).

I suspect that Joe Biden (Joseph Biden) is transformation of Osama bin Laden.

I think body transformer "Tom Hanks" = body transformer SAT. "AAMIR KHAN". 

*CNN "black" female anchor Abby Philip = Michele Obama? (Abby = Abraham as in SAT. Abraham Lincoln? SAT. Abraham: compare SAT. Brahma). *RAW BM BULI DEL. ("d/o" BM HARIDAS RET.RAW DEL. & "bro." of RAW ASHISH DEL.) = FEMALE transformation of SAT. MICHAEL? RAW is full of NAZIS: "late" BM DEL. ("dead" "dad" of BM RAJA DEL. and "bro." of "late" BM FIL SURJYA KANTA C.B. DGPOFFASS.), BM HARIDAS RET., BM ASHISH, BM BULI etc. = Ms. TAFFI DOLLAR "GOD TV" (sp. CREFLO DOLLAR/PC "GOD TV")?!!!

CNN: 100% male/female Nazis. 

Kishalay Sinha [G] June 7, 2024


ALL male and female Nazis are m/f clones of m/f SATAN ARJUN (m)/KALI (f).


All poisonous terrestrial creatures - poisonous snakes and poisonous insects and microscopic and ultra microscopic poisonous germs poisonous bacteria poisonous viruses - are evil transformations of evil m/f clones of m/f SATAN. (Cf. Humanoid monkey Hanuman transformed into a small insect to visit rap. SITA in ASHOKA GARDEN of Brahman RAVAN KING OF LANKA, top devotee of RAM. Brahmans are male and female followers of BRAHMA/SATAN. Ancestors of Brahman Rabindranath Tagore are "Muslims", according to a YouTube video. Smriti Puran a few centuries ago started the evil idea of Brahman by birth. - G)

SAT. MEHUL CHOKSI = SAT. NADDA (body transformation and change of alias)

Tisul Princess - preserved inside Earth for 800 million years (80 crore years)!!! 

Tisul Princess was discovered on September 5, 1969 - note the date: "birthday" of RADHA-KRISHNAN - "Teacher's Day" - birthday of SATAN BM KirS / ARNAB / HIMMLER.

The Mysterious Tisul Princess - Is She the Real Sleeping Beauty? 800 Million Year Mystery (11:50) / Conscious (YouTube)

3:42-3:50 looks like body transformer SAT. BIL3 GOURI SANKAR C.B. GASS. / SAT. BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B. GASS.

800-Million-Years-Old Sarcophagus In Siberia: Tisul Princess (28:57) / Universe Inside You (YouTube)

I am sure that complete videos of the discovery of the well-preserved body of 800-million-year-old extraterrestrial (?) "Tisul Princess" can be found in archives of NASA and Russian Space Agency etc. which are stored in supercomputers.

Tisul Princess = Ms. X? (If so, international intelligence agencies including CBI can track down the changing locations and transformations of Tisul Princess.)

I could be wrong about My hasty identification of Ms. X with brutal tyrant XENU.

Kishalay Sinha [G] June 6, 2024 


All male and female Nazis, in the open and inside rooms, are under continuous surveillance and are audio video recorded continuously by CCTV, satellites, etc.


Body transformer Nitish Kumar becomes BM Shanti L. NAG. H.M. GASS., etc.?

Transgender male/female Nazi criminals have cheated and tortured humans for billions of years though f. Nazi criminals may now look like "jokers" in a comedy.

In some plays of William Shakespeare (fake name), there are female characters who play male roles - this could be a subtle hint about the reality of sex change.

The hymn quoted on page xi at the beginning of the novel ELEVEN MINUTES by Paulo Coelho makes references to repeated body transformations or rebirths or reincarnations and to sex change (I am quoting some lines from that cr. poem):

I am the prostitute and the saint
I am the wife and the virgin
I am the mother and the daughter 
I am the married woman and the spinster 
I am the wife and the husband 
And it was my man who created me 
I am the mother of my father 
I am the sister of my husband 
And he is my rejected son 
Always respect me 
For I am the shameful and the magnificent one

Anyone who has NOT heard of reincarnation (or rebirth or body transformation) and sex change and reads the above poem will definitely conclude that this is a crazy poem written by a poor lunatic poet who needs "psychiatric treatment" - it is natural to dismiss anything or anyone we don't understand as "MAD/CRAZY".

NOTE ON THE TITLE OF THE NOVEL "ELEVEN MINUTES" - When I first glanced through this erotic novel a few years ago and during and after later readings since then, I tried to guess what ELEVEN MINUTES might mean - did God take eleven minutes to make the universe or planet Earth? But that seemed like nonsense. So what did "ELEVEN MINUTES" mean if it did have some meaning? Just a few minutes ago, I solved the puzzle in a flash. It could mean the TOTAL AMOUNT OF TIME the prostitute "Maria" spent having sex with a particular guy! The story of Maria and the boy classmate in school, narrated in the first chapter, seems completely fictional to Me (a lie is a strong blunt word) - but how can I be so sure? Maybe it is indeed based on a real-life story I don't know about. Actually, I am reminded of My days at UIC as M.S. math student on a tuition and fee waiver (graduate scholarship) awarded to Me by Dept. of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), USA, which had a high rank among mathematics depts. in U.S. universities. (I particularly remember Dr. Neil Berger, who was the Director of Graduate Admissions, mathematics dept., UIC, and Prof. Sjoblom, UIC, who taught us Laplace Transforms.) I scored 100% on Laplace Transforms, but a few months after that I silently decided that I was wasting My time in America because I had solved everything in a flash ten years before in Bombay and I quietly decided to return to India. I remember that I intentionally did not take My pen to class because I had quietly decided that I was going to attend My last class at UIC that day. I had always sat with male classmates near the door of the UIC classroom where a smart young soft-spoken "black" professor taught us Weierstrass function etc. (he had taught us PDE/Partial Differential Equations in another UIC classroom) - I was a bit late and saw that all seats near the door - except one seat - were occupied by girl classmates who, on other days, used to sit on other rows away from the door; I had never spoken with any girl classmates before but I reluctantly sat on the vacant seat next to a girl classmate whose name was probably Maria Ann or Mary Ann or something similar - it would look odd if I just sat and listened to the lecture but did not make any notes, so I asked the girl Maria (or whatever her name might be): "Could you give me a pen?" She did, with a faint smile, and I returned the pen to her when class was over, saying: "Thanks." I stopped going to UIC from the next day, and returned to India soon after, to carry out My sensational bizarre fight to wipe out f***ing Nazis. Before I attended UIC math classes, I was a Ph.D. student ("graduate student") in the dept. of Physiology & Biophysics, UIUC (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), on a UIUC graduate scholarship as a Teaching Assistant with tuition and fee waiver awarded by UIUC. (I particularly remember Professor Govindjee, who was Director of Graduate Admissions, Dept. of Physiology & Biophysics, UIUC, and My research guide Dr. Howard S. Ducoff, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics and of Bioengineering.) My desire was to do research on aging and death, but I realized that I had solved everything ten years before in Bombay, and I left UIUC despite the very kind and friendly atmosphere at UIUC, a top-ranking U.S. university. At My request, Professor Ducoff sent to UIC math dept. a letter of recommendation, which, Dr. Neil Berger told Me, was a strong letter of recommendation, on the basis of which I got tuition and fee waiver from UIC, very kind like UIUC. (I did not attend UIUC and UIC to pursue "romantic" relationships.)

I have posted My real-life short story "CYNTHIA" on My blog - it is a true story based on a mysterious one-way "romantic" experience I had at UIUC - it was originally published in The Sentinel Sunday magazine melange, published from Guwahati. (I now realise that mysterious "Cynthia" at UIUC could have been a Nazi honeytrap.)

I have a habit of taking it personally as an insult if I find negative LIES in a novel which seem to have some connection with Me. In the novel ELEVEN MINUTES, the ghost writer says that the central character "Maria" (who is 11 years old when the novel begins, but may have been a honeytrap public prostitute for billions of years) and the "boy" (who is imagined by prostitute Maria to be a "lover" who is head over heels in love with her) go to SCHOOL - not to an American university like, say, UIC. All prostitutes probably regard all males as potential "customers". It seems that many prostitutes believe or are made to believe by their innumerable flatterers that they are very "sexy" and irresistible whereas the blunt truth is that all females have the same f***ing v. and are equally "sexy" thanks to v. The face and racial features and skin color white brown black and "vital statistics" and height weight etc. and "beautiful" or "ugly" or "plain" looks are changeable in new body transformations, BUT this truth has been suppressed for billions of years by the gang of f***ing transgender male/female Nazi cheats who are born LIARS.

She fell in love for the first time when she was eleven, en route from her house to school. On the first day of term, she discovered that she was not alone on her way to school: making the same journey was a boy who lived in her neighbourhood and who shared the same timetable. They never exchanged a single word... This scene was repeated month after month; Maria, who hated studying and whose only other distraction in life was television [not BFs?], began to wish ... she suffered greatly because [the days] allowed her only ten minutes to be with the love of her life and thousands of hours to spend thinking about him, imagining how good it would be if they could talk. Then it happened. One morning, on the way to school, the boy came up to her and asked if he could borrow a pencil. Maria didn't reply; in fact, she seemed rather irritated [?!!!] by this unexpected approach and even quickened her step... For the rest of the day, she couldn't concentrate on her lessons, tormented by her own absurd behaviour, but, at the same time, relieved, because she knew that the boy had noticed her too, and that the pencil had been an excuse [?!!] to start a conversation, because when he came over to her, she had noticed [?!!] that he already had a pen [?!!] in his pocket [?!!]... But there was no next time, he never said another word to her... she found out, through some schoolfriends, that he had left town. 'He's gone somewhere far away,' someone said. At that moment, Maria learned that certain things are lost forever. She learned too that there was a place called 'somewhere far away', and that, in the end, the most interesting people always leave... she decided that one day she would follow in the boy's footsteps. She grieved for a while too and tried vainly to find out where the boy had gone, but no one knew where his parents had moved to. It began to seem to Maria that love was something very dangerous and that the Virgin was a saint who inhabited a distant heaven and didn't listen to the prayers of children. (p. 1-5)

Anurag Mathur: THE INSCRUTABLE AMERICANS (RUPA) seems to be a comically exaggerated parody of My stay at U.S. universities.

Eleven Minutes Review: Paulo Cohelo [Coelho] (5:30) / Papri Soren (YouTube) - 5 yr ago 

Andaman trip in 2022: Episode 1: Cellular Jail, Ross island, North Bay Island (9:39) / Papri Soren (YouTube) - 2 yr ago 

Andaman trip 2022: Teaser (0:47) / Papri Soren (YouTube) - 2 yr ago 

Mini Andaman vlog #SHORTS / Papri Soren (YouTube) 


Mother Teresa journey # Transformation #shorts / Asiam Edit Room (YouTube)

The Dark Side of Mother Teresa (8:46) / BuzzFeed Unsolved Network (YouTube)

"Mother Teresa" "passed away" ["died"] on September 5 (3:04) - Teacher's Day in INDIA - putative "birthday" of RADHA-KRISHNAN - "birthday" of SATAN BM KirS / ARNAB / AUSCHWITZ HIMMLER - TRANSGENDER SATAN?



Cf. Kitty (f) in ANNA KARENINA by Leo Tolstoy [BM KirS: "Kitty"]

See videos of "MODI" lookalike in KALAPANI cellular jail (YouTube)

PM Modi visits Cellular Jail in Port Blair in Andaman & Nicobar | PMO (46:46) / PMO India (YouTube) - 5 yr ago - 1,24,355 views - 20.4 lakh subscribers 

[Anyone's body can be transformed to look like someone else! - G]

गरीब जनता (VAST POOR CHEATED PUBLIC) will wipe out all male & female NAZIS

Nazis don't give a damn about गरीब जनता who will wipe out all f***ing m/f Nazis.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] June 4/5/6, 2024

Yogendra Yadav (PSEPHOLOGIST)*

Yogendra Yadav (Salim) - born September 5 (Teacher's Day - birthday of RADHA KRISHNAN - birthday of body transformer over-smart f***ing SATAN BM KirS / ASS. "ARNAB" / HIMMLER) - looks like body transformer SAT. RAHUL GANDHI.

*A psephologist studies how people vote in elections (Google) - a cheat, a 420.

Rajeev Chandrasekhar 

Rajeev Chandrasekhar sounds like Shashi Tharoor. (Looks can be the same or different, but the voice cannot be changed - "नाम गुम जाएगा, चेहरा ये बदल जाएगा, मेरी आवाज़ ही पहचान है" - voice of a transformed body remains the same as original - voice of all clones is the same as voice of original). Who is original, who is a clone? Swapan Dasgupta looks different from but sounds like Shashi Tharoor.

I cannot recall if Draupadi in the sarcastic novel THE GREAT INDIAN NOVEL by Shashi Tharoor - a parody of the Indian epic Mahabharata whose chief male and female characters are parodied as modern Indian male and female politicians (Mahatma Gandhi's historic Salt March is dubbed "Mango March" in the novel) - is parodied as "DEMOCRACY" or as INDIRA GANDHI - I will have to read it again.

Who is Modi now, and who are clones? (Sanjay Singh AAP sounds like Modi.)

Who is Sonia Gandhi, who are clones? (Atishi AAP sounds like Sonia Gandhi.)

Who is Rahul Gandhi, who are clones? (Jairam Ramesh sounds like him, I think.)

Tr. Arvind Kejriwal -> Sweta Maliwal -> Sunita Kejriwal -> Priyanka Gandhi Vadra 

Kali - Mamata Banerjee - Swarnali Sarkar - Sushma Swaraj - Bansuri Swaraj etc.

Nazi fake news TV channels are run by reborn transgender m/f Nazi criminals.

Tragic fate of evil trans. m/f Nazis may seem like comedy to billions of humans.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] June 5, 2024

Making GHEE & PANEER at Home || using Poland [?] dairy products || घर का बना घी और पनीर (6:16) / RAB TV (YouTube)

0:06-4:04 making ghee from butter

The easiest method of making ghee at home I discovered from YouTube.

Used 5 100g packets of AMUL butter. Showed video to sp. who made ghee in the kitchen a few minutes ago in My presence. Used LPG gas stove option (instead of induction stove).
God knows what the ghee will taste like! - "the proof of the pudding lies in the eating!" - I like eating boiled rice with boiled potato (and with maybe boiled egg too) and salt (rock salt).

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 27, 2024


I have been planning to make pure masala at home - pure haldi powder, pure mirch powder etc. - by buying a grinder to make masala. But without informing Me, sp. ordered a grinder last night after successful making of ghee from butter at home. I asked sp. this morning about details of the order - Was it Amazon? - "No" - Then? - "Naaptol" - Do you have Naaptol app installed on your smartphone? - "No" - Then how did you order? - "I saw ad on YouTube and ordered for Rs. 800" - I checked the YouTube videos sp. watched under "History" - no such video of Naaptol grinder appeared - "It was a limited time offer and so it disappeared" - I searched YouTube under Naaptol grinder and asked sp. to check and confirm which video:

Portable Electric Grinder EG1 (CODE 1196) (0:53) / Naaptol (YouTube)

I downloaded Naaptol app on sp.'s smartphone to track sp. order under Portable Electric Grinder EG1 - then sp. said she may have typed mobile number 8001... instead of 8011... If so, NAAPTOL may have regarded sp. as a CHEAT instead of vice versa. Why not use NAAPTOL or AMAZON apps installed on sp. smartphone to order masala grinder? Careless stupid sp.


I have learned recently from Google that there are three types of mustard seeds from which mustard oil can be made by (cold press) grinding - YELLOW mustard seeds (for the usual mustard oil), BLACK mustard seeds (for sharp strong ঝাঁঝ), and BROWN mustard seeds (for mild mustard oil). Packets of mustard seeds are available in India. It seems from Google sources and YouTube videos that oil press machines for home use are available in India (for example, NILSAN oil press machine seems to be marketed by Amazon for about Rs. 7000; another oil press machine is sold for about Rs. 9000 - #6 in one YouTube video) - for business purposes, oil press machines can be bought in India for prices up to Rs. 18000 or Rs. 20000. For our personal needs for pure mustard oil (about 4 liters per month according to sp.), there is no urgent need to invest Rs. 7000 or Rs. 9000 to buy an oil press machine for home use, although it is possible and affordable and worthwhile to buy one such oil press machine for home use - for the present, I can buy packets of mustard seeds and then get pure mustard oil by getting the mustard seeds ground at some nearby masala grinding shop in Guwahati (such as on Rajgarh Road near Bharalu River near a nursing home and near Smart Bazaar at Bhangagarh; there is another in Ganeshguri, I have heard).

Nilsan | Oil Press Machine सरसों तेल का मिल (1:13) / NILSAN PRIME INDIA PVT LTD (YouTube)

Make Your Own Oil with Nilsan Mini Press शुद्ध सरसों तेल खाइए और स्वस्थ रहिए (1:58) / NILSAN PRIME INDIA PVT LTD (YouTube)

Top 6: Best Cold Press Oil Machines in India With Price | Detail Review (3:00) / Top Picks (YouTube)

Amazon Oil Machine | Amazon seeds press machine | Oil Machine | Oil Maker Machine (8:06) / Link with Samia (YouTube) 

[India has the technology and a huge customer base for making low-cost oil press machines for home use to enable the making of pure mustard oil etc. at home from mustard seeds etc. available in readymade packets or bought from villagers. This will give a big boost to agriculture. The vast number of Indian villagers who are tillers of the soil - কৃষক कृषक খেতিয়ক - who produce and harvest mustard oil seeds etc. - can buy affordable oil press machines to make mustard oil in their own homes to produce and market pure mustard oil etc. on a very large scale. India has the technological know-how and manpower to make and market low-cost affordable cold press oil machines. I believe there are inexpensive machines for home use for making pure ATTA at home too - perhaps a home grinder can be used to make ATTA from atta seeds! - ATTA seeds should be available - owners of shops with grinding machines for making pure masala etc. also stock seeds for selling and grinding, I have heard - though getting good ATTA in readymade packets from local shops is not a problem. But villagers of SITA JAKHALA (which is located near Jagiroad / Sonapur in Assam) do not have to be the only villagers in Assam to produce and sell home-made ghee and mustard oil. Frankly, I don't like the idea of turning from A Great Intellectual to an ordinary "home food producer" which does not require much intellect but can be done by a kid, nor do I like the idea of trying to transform a stubborn & lethargic sp. - G]


Debmalya Chattopadhyay দেবমাল্য চট্টোপাধ্যায় - the male Bong (Bengali) singer on DD Bangla LIVE - looks like f. Mehul Choksi/f. J. P. Nadda SAT.

IPC (Cr) SECTION 144 (R. বাংলা/REPUBLIC বাংলা etc.)

"Modi" was to make campaign speeches and hold a BJP rally in Kolkata today (May 28, 2024) - but IPC (Cr) Section144 has been imposed in selected parts of Kolkata from today May 28, 2024 for 60 days - body transformer SAT. f. "Modi" may have decided to use his time in Kolkata as a f. singer of Bengali songs, etc.

R. বাংলা চেনেলে জনতার ভিড় দেখে মনে হয় 144 ধারা বাতিল করা হয়েছে - তাহলে কলকাতায় 144 জারী করা হয়েছে খবরটা as reported by some Indian TV news channels (English and Bengali) কি মিথ্যে খবর fake news? তবে ENTIRE Kolkata under 144 বলা হয়নি - SOME locations in Kolkata will be under Section 144 বলতে শুনেছি from today May 28 for 60 days - but from exactly what time today? Modi's speech at Ashok Nagar to start at 6 p.m. today - compare fine print in ads!

মোদীর রোড শো বাতিল ! (8:10) / आज तक Aaj Tak Bangla (YouTube)

কি হাস্যকর দাবা খেলা চলছে রে ভাই ! অশোক নগর সভায় মোদীর ভাষণ কি দেওয়া হবে? না হঠাৎ ১৪৪ ধারা জারী করা হবে just before 6 p.m. today? - সব কিছুর জন্য powerless "police minister" Mamata Banerjee দায়ী !

মোদীর ভাষণ শুরু হয়ে গেছে from 3 p.m - হওয়ার কথা ছিল from 6 p.m.?

Fake "meteorology" is stupid Nazi bullshit invented by Nazi cheats.

সব cheating পার্টি আসলে একই শয়তান Nazi পার্টির আলাদা আলাদা নাম

Transgender male/female Nazi torturers of humans will get HELL.

Road shows by Indian politicians and their followers remind Me of Mahatma Gandhi's "MANGO MARCH" (sarcastic for "salt march" of Mahatma Gandhi!) in Shashi Tharoor: THE GREAT INDIAN NOVEL - a sarcastic novel on Indian politics parodying the Mahabharata!!!

Brutal Nazi serial rapist PRAJWAL REVANNA has announced his decision to surrender before "S.I.T." on May 31, 2024 (not before May 31) - Nazi S.I.T.s are notorious for sitting and doing nothing against NAZI criminals. It is reported that NARENDRA MODI will visit KANYA KUMARI কন্যা কুমারী कन्या कुमारी কন্যা কুমাৰী on May 30 and will sit in silent "meditation" for 24 hours / 48:hours /:3 days on Vivekananda Rock - the exact spot where Swami Vivekananda alias NARENDRA NATH DATTA meditated for 3 days before going to America to attend World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 where he delivered his f. 9/11 speech: "Sisters and Brothers of America" ["भाइयों और बहनों ..."]. I firmly believe that for billions of years "NORMAN LEWIS" / "DR. WILFRED FUNK" has watched body transforming f***ing SAT. NARENDRA MODI in all transformations.

It is surprising that "RAHUL GANDHI" started his "BHARAT JODO" MARCH भारत जोड़ो यात्रा on September 7, 2022 from KANYA KUMARI কন্যা কুমারী कन्या कुमारी কন্যা কুমাৰী ! "NARENDRA MODI" and "RAHUL GANDHI" both like SWAMI VIVEKANANDA's favourite spot Kanya Kumari! We can come to a bizarre conclusion (which will not seem bizarre if we accept the reality of repeated body transformations): 


Nothing is impossible. Napoleon said: "The word IMPOSSIBLE is to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Or something like that.


I believe that the story of VISHAL AGARWAL'S speeding Porsche car (without number plate) hitting from behind a bike carrying Anis and ASHWINI at 3 AM in Pune - which supposedly resulted in the instant death of ASHWINI and supposed "injury" of Anis who was supposedly taken to hospital for treatment - is concocted fiction. I believe that the unregistered Porsche car (without a number plate) and the bike were mechanically crushed by a crusher and then the dead body of previously murdered ASHWINI was brought near the previously crushed Porsche and bike at 3 AM and her father was informed of her death in the FAKE "road accident" - videos were made of fake eye-witnesses beating up an under-age boy to give the impression that the under-age boy had driven the Porsche car at high speed and killed the bike riders (which is a lie - I believe that ANIS is involved in the murder of ASHWINI and he is hiding somewhere) - the under-age boy may not be VISHAL AGARWAL's "son" but may be a lookalike clone - I don't know why REPUBLIC TV chief super brat f***ing ARNAB GOSWAMI and his REPUBLIC TV staff and staff of other Indian TV news channels keep calling the under-age boy "super brat" without evidence - not a single word spoken by the boy is heard on REPUBLIC TV and other Indian TV news channels to PROVE that the accused boy is a "super brat".
SAT. ARNAB GOSWAMI & his gang keep chattering about "blood samples" and "eye witnesses" and "super brat" (?) boy but not a word about Pune roadside CCTV videos, forget satellite videos. ARNAB GOSWAMI the mastermind behind MURDER of ASHWINI? I am sure that thousands of policemen and CIDs in plain clothes in Pune must have informed higher authorities about the fake crash.



I think "Joseph Conrad" (fake name) = "Christopher Marlowe" (fake name) = TOP ghost writer NL/WF, and "KURTZ" is a parody of KSG.

[I deeply sympathize with and pity poor teachers and professors of literature and literary critics and book reviewers who have zero comprehension of the subtle story HEART OF DARKNESS because they have no knowledge of the activities of KSG, Ms. X, Y, Z, Ms. Z etc. inside & outside RAVI HOTEL in Bombay many years ago! - G]

My advice to ALL terrestrials: DON'T trust anyone except yourself.

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 28/29, 2024


It should be very easy to track the location of PRAJWAL REVANNA at the moment of his online video about his intention to surrender and also track all of his previous and subsequent hiding locations.


BJP candidate KARAN BHUSHAN SINGH ("son of" BRIJ BHUSHAN SHARAN SINGH) looks like rapist BRIJ BHUSHAN SHARAN SINGH / rapist PRAJWAL REVANNA - stupid antics of over-smart f. Nazis!

बड़ी बड़ी बातें 

"DNA analysis" etc. - बड़ी बड़ी बातें by 420 Nazi cheats - disgusting!


CLINCHER: Pune streets' CCTV videos of fake "car crash" at 3 AM (!) and placing of murdered body of ASHWINI near the site of fake "crash" - not fake "eye-witnesses" nor 420 story made up by f. SAT. ARNAB GOSWAMI and his evil gang of f. fake news TV journalists.


It is clear from the extreme tension of REPUBLIC TV "legal expert" RHYTHM BHARDWAJ (RHYTHM ANAND BHARDWAJ), extremely upset REPUBLIC TV boss ARNAB GOSWAMI and other tense staff of REPUBLIC TV etc. that powerful Indian Army, CBI, Indian police (with the cooperation of CIA, NASA, FSB, Russian Space Agency) have closely studied CCTV videos installed throughout Pune etc. and have identified all male and female criminals jointly involved in the brutal murder of ASHWINI which has exposed the elaborate lie spread by SAT. ARNAB GOSWAMI and his FAKE news TV gang.


Badly exposed delusional SAT. ARNAB GOSWAMI is very scared but putting on a brave face and acting as if he controls India and the world, and pretends to have forgotten getting arrested and put in jail in Mumbai for two weeks - his period of incarceration can be extended indefinitely with addition of violent PHYSICAL TORTURE.

It is possible that ASHWINI has been REVIVED and transformed. 



Kishalay Sinha [G] May 29, 2024


"Economics" is 100% bullshit invented by Nazi cheats. 

অমর্ত্য সেন নোবেল প্রাইজ পাননি: বিদ্যুৎ চক্রবর্তী | Amartya Sen | Nobel Prize | Aaj Tak Bangla # SHORTS @AajTak Bangla / आज तक বাংলা Aaj Tak Bangla (YouTube)

Amartya Sen : অর্থনীতিতে নোবেল পুরস্কার দেওয়া হয় না, অমর্ত্য নোবেল পাননি দাবি বিদ্যুৎ চক্রবর্তীর (3:05) / NEWS18 Bangla (YouTube)

অর্থনীতির 'নোবেল' কি সত্যিকারের 'নোবেল' নয় ? Amartya Sen Nobel Controversy Explained (7:22) / Sujit Debnath (YouTube)

[Like fake Nobel prize in "economics" (bullshit), the Nobel physics prize given for "particle physics" and for "black holes" bullshit too. Body transforming chameleon Muhammad Yunus, of Bangladesh, awarded 420 "Nobel prize" for 420 "ECONOMICS", is a f. CHEAT.]

DEVIL FIL BM SURJYA KANTA S.C. C.B. DGPOFFASS GASS. alias SAT. Ass. Bh. Haz. alias SAT. Amartya Sen - reported to be "dead" -transformed into a male "baby" and hiding in C.B. as "s/o" f. body transformers SAT. BM BIL4 SURAJ & SAT. BM SONALI C.B. GASS.?

How the U.S. Government Used Veterans as Atomic Guinea Pigs (14:43) / The New York Times (YouTube)

[SATAN BM FIL 0:22-0:26, 2:23-2:53 etc.]

Woman who lived in Hiroshima when U.S. dropped atomic bomb recalls finding city destroyed #SHORTS / CBS Mornings (YouTube)

Bullshit story by SATAN SHITAMA [SITA MA সীতা মা सीता मां] / BM KuS BELT. / "Dr." TESSY THOMAS - brutal satanic Nazi repeated mass destroyer of humans by atom bombs for billions of years.

Scientology believes a powerful being named XENU [transgender] destroyed millions [billions] of beings on earth using bombs [atom bombs, hydrogen bombs] #SHORTS @knowledge_7 (YouTube)


Burning PRAJWAL REVANNA by LASER would be much too quick.


I believe that, as in many other "holy" towns throughout India and other countries of the world, KANYA KUMARI (in southern Indian state TAMIL NADU, ruled by Chief Minister STALIN) is connected to interior of Earth by underground tunnels - ALL entries and exits on Earth's surface and ALL activities of ALL m/f Nazis inside Earth are watched and recorded continuously by thousands of satellites operated by NASA, Russian Space Agency etc. and ET scientists.

It seems there are no reliable records of how Swami Vivekananda actually went from India to America to attend World's Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893 - I think it is possible that Swami Vivekananda went from Kanya Kumari to America (Chicago) free of cost at thousands of miles per hour via underground tunnels.
(This is not comedy but scientific possibility - S.H.M. in Physics.)

The White House, the Vatican, the Kremlin, Buckingham Palace, Red Fort, Taj Mahal, Majuli and other islands like Andaman and Nicobar islands, big temples in Odisha/Orissa and in South India etc. are connected to the inside of Earth via underground tunnels.

Around January 1 this year, SAT. BM BIL4 reached Puri (in Odisha, India) by car with SAT. BM sp. and SAT. "kids" plus BM SLS in the car, with the very secret intention (I suspect) of disappearing into the INSIDE of Earth through an underground tunnel via (covered) HOLE on the floor of some temple in Puri, and send back to GASS. look-alike clones for deception or perhaps arrange fake reports of their "deaths" in a fake car accident, but the secret plan to escape into interior of Earth, used by Satanic f. Nazis for billions of years, FAILED because ALL temples in PURI were overflowing with plain-clothed personnel of Indian ARMY, CBI, police, CID, foreign agents, and so the planned escape INTO Earth was made impossible. - G 


Like MANY other male and female politicians in every country of the world, NARENDRA MODI and PRAJWAL REVANNA and BRIJ BHUSHAN SHARAN SINGH etc. have LOOKALIKE identical-voiced CLONES for personal security and substitution and deception. - G 


Powerless but ধূর্ত transgender male/female satanic NAZI cheats invented "religions" TO DIVIDE THE HUMAN RACE and deceptive "elections by voting" (ALL parties are the SAME f***ing Nazi party with many different names!) to FOOL the human race. GAME UP!

Trans. Nazi SWARNALI SARKAR স্বর্ণালী সরকার: humanoid SATAN

Mamata Banerjee/মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়=Swarnali Sarkar/স্বর্ণালী সরকার
(body transformations)


Burning PRAJWAL REVANNA by LASER would be much too quick.


Like MANY other male and female politicians in every country of the world, NARENDRA MODI and PRAJWAL REVANNA and BRIJ BHUSHAN SHARAN SINGH etc. have LOOKALIKE identical-voiced CLONES for personal security and substitution and deception. - G

The ORIGINAL f***ing male/female EVIL SATANIC NAZIS and their f***ing male/female Nazi clones are EQUALLY EVIL AND SATANIC.

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 30/31, 2024




One gets FED UP with f***ing meditations by f***ing NAZI cheats.


V.K. is a symbol for Nazi cheats, e.g. Peter V. K. Funk [Peter Funk].

Peter Funk syn. SWINDLER 
SWINDLER syn. Peter Funk 
 - Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus

PRAJWAL REVANNA S.I.T. CHIEF - KARNATAKA CID "Additional Director General of Police" ADGP V.K. Singh (B.K. Singh)* [Cf. body transformer f***ing NAZI chameleon HITLER "MM" B.K. Singh T.N. GASS. res. opp. res. KSG T.N.] - should be GRILLED by Indian Army & CBI.

*Some Indians pronounce V भ ভ as B ब ব: 
भारत -> बारत / বারত / বাৰত
महाभारत  -> महाबारत / মহাবারত / মহাবাৰত

Karnataka SIT announces helpline for sexual assault survivors in Prajwal Revanna case (1:47) / TNIE Videos (YouTube)

[Is arrested "PRAJWAL REVANNA" original or a lookalike clone? A long-used Nazi deception to protect Nazi criminals. But... all Nazis are under continuous surveillance by satellites. - G - June 2, 2024]


All political parties are the SAME party but with DIFFERENT names to fool the public. So the "political angle" of all parties is the same angle: UNITED ANGLE - all parties shouting AGAINST other parties in public but SECRETLY UNITED and trying to protect one another!


The relentless efforts of all Nazi-run Indian fake news TV channels tirelessly trying to spread the make-believe patently false story of VISHAL AGARWAL'S speeding unregistered Porsche car (without a number plate!) "crashing" against ANEESH's bike at 3 AM in PUNE seem directed at covering up the VITAL role of REPUBLIC TV chief f. chameleon SAT. ARNAB GOSWAMI in the MURDER of ASHWINI.

It is worth investigating if SURESH KOSHTA is really the "FATHER" of murdered ASHWINI - or if she had been kidnapped by SURESH KOSHTA (fake name?) and was kept under house arrest and rap.

It is worth finding out if SAVITA AWADHIYA is really the "MOTHER" of "techie" ANEESH AWADHIYA (who, I suspect, is involved in the brutal MURDER of ASHWINI and is hiding somewhere!) - ANEESH AWADHIYA shown on REPUBLIC TV etc. looks like book reviewer KAPIL GANGWANI (YouTube) who may have NO connection with "techie" ANEESH whose appearance may be different. [June 2, '24]

Is the under-age "super brat" boy (I don't know why this silent boy is called "super brat") VISHAL AGARWAL'S "son"? I don't think so.


I am fed up with REPUBLIC TV scoundrels repeatedly saying WITH REGARDS TO, WITH REGARDS TO, WITH REGARDS TO on and on...


REALTY and REALITY are different English words.


Repeatedly body-tansforming NAZI criminals like "Ashok Singhal" IMAGINE that they can FOOL the world by letting a lookalike clone die - e.g. BM Moirang L5/6 T.N. dying on behalf of "Ashok Singhal".

SUVENDU ADHIKARI শুভেন্দু অধিকারী 

শুভেন্দু অধিকারী = তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস Trinamool Congress মন্ত্রী/BJP নেতা 

জনতা বুঝে গেছে যে সব পার্টি আসলে f. Nazi পার্টির আলাদা আলাদা নাম !

All parties are the SAME Nazi party with many DIFFERENT names.

ছোটলোক Nazi চোরদের নির্লজ্জ নাটক - 420 নাটক - ৪২০:নাটক - ছিঃ ছিঃ


GDP - nonsense.


OPEN AI = cheat Michael / BM Birendra Kr. Sin. SILP. GASS./OP IL

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 31, 2024


SAT. BM KuS T.N./BELT. = SAT. "MM" BIM. (sp. SAT. "MM" BK) T.N.?
SAT. BM সুচিত্রা SIL (m/o SAT. BM "RAJA") = SAT. B. DEB "CBI" T.N.?




I remember that one day, many years ago, I was telling My young "bro" (I have discovered since then that male & female terrestrials keep on getting replaced by look-alikes) in our Assam-type rented house in Rehabari, Guwahati (the owner of the house was Abhay Das) some invented stories, and I named one of these stories THE BIRDS ARE FLYING IN THE SKY - what shocked Me was that I read on the English movies ad page in The Assam Tribune next Sunday that an English movie was to be shown that Sunday morning - in a cinema in Gauhati (Guwahati), if I remember correctly - which had the title THE BIRDS ARE FLYING IN THE SKY!!! I never told anyone about it - I could not explain this weird coincidence for many years until recently when the solution occurred to Me in a flash! I know that My solution must be right. It was NOT a spooky coincidence.
My solution is NOT stupid Nazi bullshit like f***ing "EXIT POLLS".
My solution will cause extreme panic in all male & female Nazis.

So what could be the correct explanation? I want My readers to guess - before I give My sensational solution. Truly sensational.

MY SENSATIONAL SOLUTION: The weird coincidence mentioned above happened after the Soviet Union's Russian space scientists launched Sputnik 1, the world's first artificial satellite, which went into orbit around Earth on October 4, 1957 - it is now clear to Me that Russian space scientists and NASA space scientists have been continuously watching and audio video recording Me (and everybody else on and inside Earth) - as ET scientists have been doing for billions of years. LASER can wipe out all f***ing Nazis.

The Sputnik 1 Launch: The First Artificial Satellite To Enter Earth's Orbit (2:05) / NBC News (YouTube) - 6 yr ago 

Launch of Sputnik 1 - October 4, 1957 (1:28) / WidmannJan (YouTube) - 15 yr ago 

Sputnik, the world's first satellite launched 60 years ago today (1:05) / The Telegraph (YouTube) - 6 yr ago 

Sputnik - 60 years on from the Start of the Space Race (9:44) / Curious Droid (YouTube) - 6 yr ago 

নীরব পুলিশ 

YouTube podcast (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha-dk4ph)

G-108 নীরব পুলিশ (4:54) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)


John Galsworthy*: QUALITY [a moving short story]

*mnemonic: John Gals-worthy 

Quality by john Galsworthy Animation Short Stories Echoes ISC (11:31) / The Education Valley (YouTube)

QUALITY - Short Fim | Hindi | Ali Abbas | Summary | John GALSWORTHY (6:18) / Ali Abbas (YouTube)

[I associate GESSLER BROTHERS in the short story QUALITY with GAS CHAMBERS of Nazi mass murderers HITLER and HIMMLER.] 

Kishalay Sinha [G] June 1, 2024 

জ্যোতি বসু (পশ্চিমবঙ্গের "communist" মুখ্যমন্ত্রী)


CPI (M) পশ্চিমবঙ্গের জনতাকে অত্যাচার করেছে from 1977 to 2011 - 1977-2000 under CM JYOTI BASU জ্যোতি বসু (5 times West Bengal Chief Minister পশ্চিম বঙ্গের মূখ্যমন্ত্রী), 2000-2011 under CM বুদ্ধদেব ভট্টাচার্য BUDDHADEB BHATTACHARYA (twice পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী).

CM BUDDHADEB BHATTACHARYA বুদ্ধদেব ভট্টাচার্য may have been transformation of CM JYOTI BASU জ্যোতি বসু so as to continue to remain Chief Minister, with lookalike clones for further deception. Same deception used by Mahatma Gandhi/Jawaharlal Nehru, etc.

সিদ্ধার্থ শঙ্কর রায় (পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী ইত্যাদি, ছদ্মবেশী 420 "গায়ক")

Nazi criminals keep getting reborn in new reincarnations and think they are FOOLING the world and CANNOT BE DETECTED... NYET!!!

Nazi deception by repeated body transformations and by clones has crossed the limit - f. Nazis should be wiped out by LASER. - G

पुनर्जन्म REBIRTH 

I KNOW WHO IS MY KILLER! He was Reborn To Catch His Killers! Real or Fake? | Titu Singh Reincarnation | Hindi | Wronged (17:21) / Wronged (YouTube)

[If revived, murdered ASHWIN can identify WHO murdered her. Of course, CCTV videos and satellite videos make the statements of untrustworthy and unreliable eye-witnesses unnecessary and will paralyze the activities of all criminals; there will be zero crime. - G]


Dilroz Kaur Case: How this became "Rarest of Rare" Case | Ludhiana | Hindi | Wronged (11:45) / Wronged (YouTube)

[Was murderer paid or forced by others to commit the murder? - G]


Astrology, exit polls are inventions of mad पागल পাগল Nazi cheats.

Kishalay Sinha [G] June 2, 2024

CHAMELEON SUVENDU ADHIKARI বহুরূপী শুভেন্দু অধিকারী 

WEST BENGAL পশ্চিমবঙ্গ

Congress party: 1995 - 1998

Trinamool Congress তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস party: 1998 - 2020
MINISTER of Transport: 2016 - 2020
MINISTER of Irrigation and Water Resource: 2018 - 2020 

BJP party: from December 19, 2020
BJP Leader of Opposition: from 2021 


Joseph Conrad: THE SECRET AGENT *

Mrs. Verloc calls her husband Mr. Verloc ADOLF [ADOLF HITLER?].

The comic quasi-romantic scenes of Mrs. Winnie Verlac, widow of Mr. Verlac (who has been stabbed to death by her) with her silent extramarital "lover" and her supposed "saviour" "Doctor" Comrade Alexander Ossipon, who becomes very cautious after he learns of her murderous nature, described humorously in Chapter XII of the novel, are the funniest scenes in the novel. "The Professor", who is struggling financially but is incorruptible, is a very funny character in the novel like "saviour" and "lover" Comrade Alexander Ossipon. (What I find very funny may not be funny to othes. Tastes differ.)

Chief Inspector Heat - what a very funny and meaningful name!

*My copy of Joseph Conrad: THE SECRET AGENT (ISBN: 81-7573-934-7) is a reprint published in 2004 by TINY TOT PUBLICATIONS, 235, Jagriti Enclave, Vikas Marg, Delhi-110092 (paperback; 258 pages: INTRODUCTION: p. 5-18, NOVEL: p. 19-258; Price: Rs. 50)

The comic scenes of Adolf Verlac's widow Mrs. Verlac (Winnie) with her "saviour" and extramarital "lover" (?) "Doctor" Alexander Ossipon occurs on pages 223-250 (Chapter XII) of this edition.

The Secret Agent Free Summary (6:50) / Lisanssiz Muzikler (YouTube)

Plot summary, "The Secret Agent" by Joseph Conrad in 5 Minutes (4:54) / Cliff Notes (YouTube)

Richard Connell: THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME (grim short story) - KSG vs Gen Z & his deaf and dumb bodyguard Ivan (Y) (YouTube)


How the U.S. Government Used Veterans as Atomic Guinea Pigs (14:43) / The New York Times (YouTube)

[SATAN BM FIL 0:22-0:26, 2:23-2:53 etc.]

Woman who lived in Hiroshima when U.S. dropped atomic bomb recalls finding city destroyed #SHORTS / CBS Mornings (YouTube)

Bullshit story by SATAN SHITAMA [SITA MA সীতা মা सीता मां] / BM KuS BELT. / "Dr." TESSY THOMAS - brutal satanic Nazi repeated mass destroyer of humans by atom bombs for billions of years.

Scientology believes a powerful being named XENU [transgender] destroyed millions [billions] of beings on earth using bombs [atom bombs, hydrogen bombs] #SHORTS @knowledge_7 (YouTube)


The "freedom fighters" / semi-romantic historical Assamese novel MRITYUNJAY মৃত্যুঞ্জয় by Jnanpith Award Winner Birendra Kumar Bhattacharyaa বীৰেন্দ্ৰ কুমাৰ ভট্টাচাৰ্য (English translation from the Assamese by D. N. Bezboruah; I will NOT talk about "ghost writers" and "ghost translators" which are nothing new but the done thing in the publishing world; I have both Assamese & English versions) seems to revolve around Dhanpur (Rupnarayan) - Dimi (Subhadra) pair; the novel is full of anti-military, anti-police, anti-CID passages, overlooking the fact that powerless but cunning NAZIS have used the military, police, and CID as helpless slaves of Nazis to protect NAZIS against the human race - setting humans against humans. 


All parties with many different names are the same Nazi party and so all transgender m/f Nazis of all parties are secret partners who share with one another with utmost speed scary threats to NAZIS.


SENSEX, STANDARD & POOR'S/S&P, MOODY ratings: Nazi bullshit.

F***ing Nazi cheats operate in every field - CRUSH F***ING NAZIS!


Nazi cheats keep reincarnating to keep fooling the cheated public.

F***ing Rajiv Kumar may be reincarnation of f***ing Rajiv Gandhi.


Nazi bullshit "elections" invented by Nazi cheats to fool the public.


It seems clear from sketchy reports unwillingly given out by India's top Nazi fake news TV channels that the boy "super brat" (?) is not connected with fake Porsche-bike "crash" and murder of ASHWINI. I think that by studying CCTV videos and satellite videos of Pune, etc., Indian Army, CBI, Indian police have full details of her murder.


Fallen Angel Talks Of Hell's Torment! (18:20) / Prophets Among Us (YouTube)

[The shrieking girl tormented by evil Nazi "priest" inside Nazi Hell?]


Stephen Hawking Live From Hell (0:17) / david lee (YouTube)

[Hell built for the special treatment of all male and female Nazis?]

Kishalay Sinha [G] June 3, 2024

MODI in KALAPANI prison, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar, India? 

MODI - lookalike twin - kept imprisoned in KALAPANI cellular Jail, in PORT BLAIR, the capital of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, INDIA?


BIZARRE: boat captain Yves (m) [symbol for Y (m)?] = transgender? = Eve (f)? ... but much more likely: Yves (m) = hippie Y (m)/"Steve" = "lover" (torturer) of Eve.

Satanic m/f Nazis have changed women & girls into males etc. as punishment.

Bastille prison in this "historical novel": compare KALAPANI JAIL.
The current King and his twin brother imprisoned in "Bastille": born on September 5 (compare "Teacher's Day" 5th September, which is also the "birthday" of Nazi bastard body-transforming chameleon f***ing NAZI swine SATAN BM KirS/ASS. ARNAB/GER. HIMMLER).

See videos of "MODI" lookalike in KALAPANI cellular jail (YouTube)

PM Modi visits Cellular Jail in Port Blair in Andaman & Nicobar | PMO (46:46) / PMO India (YouTube) - 5 yr ago - 1,24,355 views - 20.4 lakh subscribers 

[Anyone's body can be transformed to look like someone else! - G]

Insane Nazi scoundrels led by Nazi bastard SATAN BM KirS / ASS. ARNAB / GER. HIMMLER & Nazi bitch SATAN BM KuS BELT. GASS.


As I see it, Nazi politicians of all parties and their evil gang of Nazi fake news TV owners and staff and all other equally evil male and female satanic Nazi criminals on and inside Earth in all their body transformations will remain very scared pupppets in the hands of ET scientists until MASS extinction of NAZIS after violent torture.


Temporarily assuming that fake Nazi elections conducted by very scared Nazis are not a joke, a state government or central government in India must have 2/3 majority - otherwise, the state government or central government is DISSOLVED.

543 × 2/3 = 362

over 50% is "SIMPLE majority" - NOT "2/3 MAJORITY" reqd. to form government.

50% of 543 = 543 × 1/2 = 272.5 - 273 gives simple majority. 
To form government, 2/3 majority (ie 362 or more) required.

Rajya Sabha MPs CANNOT be made "Central Ministers". ILLEGAL. 
Prime Minister cannot arbitrarily make anyone (who is not a Lok Sabha MP) a "Central Minister". ILLEGAL. Examples: S. Jaishankar, Sarbananda Sonowal. Prime Minister of India submits the list of Central Ministers to President of India for approval - both Prime Minister of India and President of India must act according to the Indian Constitution and cannot violate the rules laid down in the Indian Constitution by illegal appointments of Central Ministers.

All male & female Nazi scoundrels should be guillotined or hanged or lynched.

It seems that Modi has lost. It makes no difference, anyway. I see "THE END".

I am fed up with f***ing acting of body transforming Nazi bastards and bitches.

ALL parties are the SAME f***ing NAZI party with DIFFERENT names. GAME UP.

Nazis don't give a damn about गरीब जनता who will wipe out all f***ing m/f Nazis.

Kishalay Sinha [G] June 4/5/6, 2024


All f***ing "royal" empresses, queens, tsarinas, princesses etc. are prostitutes repeatedly and endlessly raped by f***ing NAZI rapists.

Kishalay Sinha [G] June 6, 2024


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8; KALPANA CHAWLA; YouTube podcasts: G-82 - G-90