[May 22/23, 2024]

বাংলাদেশের MP সাংসদকে কলকাতায় "খুন" করা হয়েছে তার প্রমাণ নেই - তবে আমার সন্দেহ হচ্ছে he is closely connected with goldsmith and with body melting acid and failed attempt to assassinate KSG by melting KSG with body melting acid kept in bathroom geyser T.N. (I believe that with the help of intra-mural videos of KSG bathr. in T.N. supplied by NASA and Russian Space Agency to CIA and FSB with approval of the White House and the Kremlin, respectively, CIA and FSB have identified and tracked down the brutal inhuman Nazi assassins in their latest transformations and the information has been passed on to Indian Army, CBI, Indian police, BSF, CRPF etc. for follow-up action. Inhuman network of Ramkrishna Mission SEWAK, Bharat Sevashram*, ISKCON etc. has been EXPOSED. The "late" BM FIL C.B. - cf. Ass. Bh. Haz./B. Amartya Sen - transformed into BM "baby" C.B. - masterminded the failed ass. attempt. - G)

CIA, FSB should closely study "open-air" and "intra-mural" satellite videos of PC/"MODI"/Bipin Rawat/Sanjay Raut supplied by NASA and Russian Space Agency and supply info to Indian counterparts for superfast identification & destruction of m/f NAZIS worldwide. CIA & FSB action vital for protection of White House and Kremlin. Air Forces NAZIS and NAZI Vatican PILOTS are ANTI human race.

কার্তিক "বাবু" না বলে কার্তিক "গুণ্ডা" বলা উচিত ! সঞ্জয় "শাস্ত্রী" গুণ্ডা !

বহুরূপী শয়তান transgender "মমতা ব্যানার্জি" নিজেই একটা Nazi রাক্ষসী সে আবার Nazi সন্ন্যাসীদের বিরুদ্ধে action নেবে? অসম্ভব! Nazi শয়তানরা মিথ্যে কথা বলছে ... INTERNATIONAL ARMED FORCES ARE TAKING VIOLENT ACTION AGAINST FAKE NAZI "SADHUS" WHO ARE SEX TRAFFICKERS AND TORTURERS AND BODY ORGANS SUPPLIERS.

ময়ূখ = আলো Light LUCIFER

ভয়ে আর্তনাদ করছে বহুরূপী "ময়ূখরঞ্জন ঘোষ" একটা বহুরূপী NAZI রাক্ষস

জনতা বুঝে গেছে, সব Nazi fake news TV channels male and female staff and guests সবাই অর্থহীন চেঁচামেচি করে - এদের অর্থহীন চেঁচামেচি জনতা বিশ্বাস করে না - Nazis are finished চেঁচামেচি করে কোন লাভ নেই ।

"SEMANTICS is ONE of the MOST IMPORTANT, if not THE MOST important, of all sciences." - Norman Lewis: WORD POWER MADE EASY

আমি লক্ষ্য করেছি যে রামকৃষ্ণ মঠ ইত্যাদি Nazi সংগঠনগুলোর self-styled virtual (not virtuous) "স্বামী"দের নামে সব সময় "আনন্দ" শব্দটা থাকবেই following the pattern set by "স্বামী" বিবেকানন্দ (বিবেক + আনন্দ) who delivered 9/11 speech in Chicago and started "কুমারী পুজো virgin puja" (শয়তান ভণ্ড "স্বামী"দের মাথায় দিনরাত কেবল pure পবিত্র virgin, impure অপবিত্র non-virgin, rape বলাৎকার gang rape সমূহ বলাৎকার এসব বাজে চিন্তা কুচিন্তা নোংরা চিন্তা কিলবিল করতে থাকে - ভাল চিন্তা নেই মাথায়?) - "স্বামী" অক্ষয়ানন্দ (অক্ষয় + আনন্দ), "স্বামী" সুবীরানন্দ (সুবীর + আনন্দ), আনন্দ বসু ("স্বামী" উহ্য), ইত্যাদি ... affectionate consensual sex আর rape বলাৎকার - আকাশ পাতাল পার্থক্য - স্বর্গ নরক পার্থক্য ... by the way, আমার মনে হয় না এই পৃথিবীতে কোন married guy (husband) বিবাহিত স্বামী খুব আনন্দে থাকে - home snake সামলানো আনন্দদায়ক না !

Why was a sitting BANGLADESH MP murdered in KOLKATA? Very fishy. What went on behind the scenes? Was he KIDNAPPED from BANGLADESH? India has become an international arena for killing Nazis. (New Town - compare Newton - SAT. Khushwant Singh etc.)

"Arnab Goswami" you now see on REPUBLIC TV is not the former Arnab Goswami but a clever lookalike substitute who has learned the mannerisms of former Arnab Goswami: screaming at the top of his voice, browbeating, bad manners, not letting others talk, etc. But where is Arnab Goswami now? T.N.? "Cl. 5 stud." HKV Bhang. GASS.? "Little" "s/o" tall Bih. "milkman" with white pigmented skin (vitiligo?) on bank of R. Bharal., T.N., GASS., India? (BM KirS Himm. - Ass. J. M. Bar. L5 T.N. GASS. - Ruskin Bond: "Room on the Roof" -Benjamin Netanyahu: ICC-convicted for crimes against humanity.)
ICC: International Criminal Court (Cf. BBC WORLD NEWS)

NORMAN LEWIS: The Honoured Society: The Sicilian Mafia Observed (ELAND)

Cover photo: Salvatore Giuliano (the bandit) - BM KaMoSin BELT.?
Cf. Ruskin Bond (his young photo) - ASS. J. M. BAR. L5 T.N. GASS.
Restless Satan never stays in one place in one form for very long.

"... the man [cf. KSG] who had mastered all the intricate moves in the eternal chess game with the mafia." (p. 257; the last sentence in NORMAN LEWIS: THE HONOURED SOCIETY - sarcastic term for Mafia goons).


[The entire Mafia gang of Nazis can be burned alive by LASER. - G]


Incarnations: A History of India in Fifty Lives #SHORTS / LegalEdge CLAT Coaching by Toprankers (YouTube)

Sunil Khilnani, "Incarnations" (49:12) / Politics and Prose (YouTube)

*BBC Radio 4 

[A blunt and accurate title would have been "REINCARNATIONS"].

My favourite/favorite lines in the book are Periyar's angry words (p. 268) quoted below - Periyar looks like SAT. Khushwant Singh - I don't mind the content, being totally unaffected by laloo panjoos:

There is no God. There is no God.
There is no God at all.
He who invented God is a fool.
He who propagates God is a scoundrel.
He who worships God is a barbarian.

'India in 50 Lives' with Dr. Sunil Khilnani of Ashoka University (57:34) / The Eastern Report (YouTube)

The portraits in colour and colorful miniature paintings look funny.

[I am shocked that treacherous snake BM SLS T.N./cl. looks rather like SAT. INDIRA GANDHI. Home snakes keep getting exchanged. Cf. Rabble rouser " Professor" Nandita Narain, with no knowledge of mathematics but made "Head of Mathematics Department", St. Stephen's College, Delhi, shouting slogans with f. JNU Nazis (YT).]


[May 21, 2024]

I-PAC searched "rest house"* of Suvendu Adhikari - রহস্যময় I-PAC কি? (*"Rest house" means gang rap. house of Suvendu Adhikari?)
Saurav Sinha কি BM নাম না BONG নাম? alias of Suvendu Adhikari?

সত্যি মাথা খারাপ transgender Nazi শয়তানরা পাগলের মতো জনতাকে আর পুলিশকে অনেক বছর অত্যাচার করেছে - পুলিশ কেন বদলা নেবে না ?

Where is "YOGI ADITYANATH" now? T.N.? HKV Cl. 5 stud. cowboy?

"TURBULENCE" or remote control "TREATMENT" by ET scientists?

Nazi বেশ্যাদের অভিযোগ তাদের "শ্লীলতাহানি" করা হয়েছে ! কি হাস্যকর !

স্বামী বিবকানন্দ - বিচারপতি - মাথা খারাপের দল !
(পত্নী অবিবেকানন্দা - বিচারপত্নী - শুনিনি - তাই বলে মাথা ঠিক আছে কি?)

শয়তান Nazi boss transgender Mamata কালী এখন কার্তিক শয়তানের বিরুদ্ধে হুংকার দিচ্ছে - রাক্ষসীটা নাটক করছে - অনেক বছর ধরে রামকৃষ্ণের "মা" (কালীঘাটের নরসংহারী কালী "মমতা") রামকৃষ্ণ মিশন, ভারত সেবাশ্রম, ISKCON support করেছে - মুসলমান leaders দেরকেও support করেছে!
"মমতা" ওরফে কালীর পুত্র কি রামকৃষ্ণ ওরফে মোদী? এদের ঝগড়া নাটক!
Shuvendu Adhikari / Sheikh Shahjahan = Mamata Banerjee (m)?
Fake religious "missions" in India are 100% Nazi mass murderers.
"কার্তিক মহারাজ" দেখতে "ঠাকুর" "পরমহংস" "শ্রীশ্রী" রামকৃষ্ণের মত লাগে !

[May 22, 2024: রামকৃষ্ণ মিশন, ভারত সেবাশ্রম, ISKCON ইত্যাদির ভুয়ো "সন্ন্যাসী" Nazi গুণ্ডারা সবাই ভীষণ আতঙ্কে আছে  - জনতা ক্ষেপে গেছে ... Siliguri রামকৃষ্ণ মিশনের নামের তলায় SEWAK দেখলাম - সঙ্গে সঙ্গে মনে পড়ে গেল MODI নিজেকে "SEWAK" বলা - আবার RSS full form হচ্ছে ত Rashtriya Swayam SEWAK - আচ্ছা, ব্যাপার কি? - any connections?]

তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস TMC/BJP বহুরূপী Shuvendu Adhikari শুভেন্দু অধিকারী ওরফে "গুণ্ডা" "শেখ শাহজাহান" একটা চোর ঠগ ছোটলোক f. Nazi শয়তান 

All big temples in South India and other parts of India - in Puri and Kashi and Haridwar and Majuli etc. - have underground TUNNELS.

In India, DGPs and Police Commissioners with fake "IPS" seem to be constantly shifting from state to state with fresh new aliases.

DEVENDRA FADNAVIS (BJP Deputy Chief Minister, Maharashtra) - who has been elected 5 times consecutively to the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (1999-2004, 2004-2009, 2009-2014, 2014-2019, 2019- ; Chief Minister 2014-2019; Leader of Opposition 2019-2022; Deputy Chief Minister 2022-) - seems to have been intimately involved in 26/11 f***ing "terror attacks" in Bombay.

The public can easily LYNCH all male and female Nazi criminals.

How is AMIT SHAH so sure that SWATI MALIWAL was "assaulted" by BIBHAV KUMAR? A VERY IRRESPONSIBLE statement by AMIT SHAH because there is NOT A SCRAP OF EVIDENCE to prove that SHAMELESS liar SWATI MALIWAL was "ASSAULTED" inside the drawing room of Delhi CM's official residence. On the contrary, CCTV footage of May 13, 2024 clearly shows extremely arrogant LIAR trans. SWATI MALIAL calling BIBHAV KUMAR ganja mother-f***er sister-f***er. BIBHAV KUMAR should FILE CRIMINAL SUIT against AMIT SHAH for his INSULTING and baseless allegations. 

Jails are temporary safe places for Nazi criminals, being protected from the possibiliy of lynching by angry mobs if the Nazi criminals were seen in public places; after some time, LOOK-ALIKE identical-voiced CLONES replace the JAILED criminals - who transform their bodies and come out of jail and roam freely in new male or female incarnations with new ALIASES, and live with other NAZI families.
All male and female Nazis on and inside Earth, in all of their body transformations, are being continuously watched and recorded by ET scientists, however. Not a single male/female Nazi can escape.

Transgender SATAN PRAJWAL REVANNA (m) / SWATI MALIWAL (f) / PRIYANKA GANDHI VADRA (f) may have transformed into IRANIAN President EBRAHIM RAISI* whose helicopter was shot down and "he" was taken captive. (My speculation). *[RAISI - cf. ALEENA RAIS (YouTube) who looks EXACTLY like the young girl INDIRA GANDHI on the cover of ghost-written LETTERS FROM A FATHER TO HIS DAUGHTER by putative author Jawaharlal Nehru.]
*[RAIS रईस = rich अमीर cf. अमीर खान AAMIR KHAN (fatal mistake).]
All male and female Nazi mass murderers have clones. EBRAHIM RAISI has clones for deception, much-used by all m/f Nazi cheats.

Sudhanshu Trivedi (BJP) ने देखा था क्या - did he see SWATI MALIWAL getting "ASSAULTED" by BIBHAV KUMAR? CCTV video footage of May 13, 2024 give the OPPOSITE PICTURE - SWATI MALIWAL is a shameless liar. BIBHAV KUMAR should file criminal proceedings against SUDHANSHU TRIVEDI (BJP) and others who are making totally baseless unfounded allegations against BIBHAV KUMAR.

I think drastic action is being taken by very powerful national and international authorities against male and female NAZI criminals wearing fake "police" uniform who blindly supported shocking liar SWATI MALIWAL who made baseless accusations of "ASSAULT" by BIBHAV KUMAR. All male and female TRAITORS will be purged.

All fake Indian "sadhus/MONKS" are reborn Nazi mass murderers.
"YOGI" ADITYANATH (alias AJAY MOHAN SINGH BISHT) involved in crimes against humanity - now a "Yogi" - a "sadhu" - a "monk"?


The ORIGINAL ARVIND KEJRIWAL may be SWATI MALIWAL. I am sure CIA and FSB etc. are continuously tracking SWATI MALIWAL.



The public can easily LYNCH all male and female Nazi criminals.

Very lengthy delaying tactics adopted by Nazi criminals disguised as FAKE "JUDGES" to protect Nazi criminals involved in shocking crimes can be bypassed by PUBLIC LYNCHING of Nazi criminals.

Jails are temporary safe places for Nazi criminals, being protected from the possibiliy of lynching by angry mobs if the Nazi criminals were seen in public places; after some time, LOOK-ALIKE identical-voiced CLONES replace the JAILED criminals - who transform their bodies and come out of jail and roam freely in new male or female incarnations with new ALIASES, and live with other NAZI families.
All male and female Nazis on and inside Earth, in all of their body transformations, are being continuously watched and recorded by ET scientists, however. Not a single male/female Nazi can escape.


The entire public - all cheated citizens - are AGAINST all Nazi fake news TV channels staff, the world's most evil CHEATS and LIARS.

It seems that "ATISHI" (AAP), "J.P. NADDA" (BJP) (MEHUL CHOKSI lookalike), "SWATI MALIWAL" (AAP) etc. will be in TIHAR JAIL very soon, if not already in jail.

If ED says that a Nazi politician got "7 crore rupees" illegally, this should be taken as understatement for 7 LAKH CRORE RUPEES.

It seems that NAVIKA KUMAR is getting violent life threats from the public. TIMES have changed. These are bad times for Nazis.

[May 20, 2024]

Transgender male/female Nazi cheats have dominated the human race for billions of years because powerless but unethical cunning Nazis have tried to suppress widespread knowledge of the simple cures for aging and death and all diseases and simple methods of making clones and body transformations. Soon the entire human race will become eternally young and immortal, and all male and female humans will live in peace and harmony and happiness for ever and there will be NO CHAOS because the human race will be under continuous protection by very powerful extremely advanced benevolent watchful Extra Terrestrial (ET) scientists team of God.

ICC (International Criminal Court) prosecutor on brutal Nazi mass murderer SATAN "BENJAMIN NETANYAHU" (BBC WORLD NEWS).


Up-to-date details of all financial transactions of AAP-turned-BJP "SHAZIA ILMI", "ARVIND KEJRIWAL" (AAP), "ATISHI"'(AAP), "SANJU VERMA" (BJP), "SMRITI [ZUBIN] IRANI" (BJP), "SONIA GANDHI" (Congress), "RAHUL GANDHI" (Congress), "PRIYANKA GANDHI [VADRA]" (Congress), "SWATI MALIWAL" (AAP), "SANJAY SINGH" (AAP), "HARDEEP SINGH PURI" (BJP), "MAMATA BANERJEE" (TMC), "MAHUA MOITRA" (TMC), "J.P. NADDA" (BJP), "AMIT SHAH" (BJP), "MODI" (BJP), "HIMANTA BISWA SARMA" (Congress turned BJP), "RAJDEEP SARDESAI" (TV news anchor), "ANAND NARASIMHAN" (TV news anchor), "SNEHA MORDANI" (TV news anchor), "RAHUL KANWAL" (TV news anchor), "SWARNALI SARKAR" (TV news anchor), "ARNAB GOSWAMI" (TV news anchor), "MUKESH AMBANI", "MAHESH JETHMALANI", "ZAKKA JACOB" (TV news anchor), "NAVIKA KUMAR" (TV news anchor) etc. are available with and constantly scrutinized by CIA / FBI / FSB / Interpol / Europol / CBI / Indian police / Indian Army / ED / NIA / ISI etc. etc.

Nazi fake news TV channels in India led by ARNAB/HIMMLER get trillions of dollars from Nazis to spread Nazi lies like corona virus.

What is PCR? - as in police PCR vans? - I confused PCR with CPR - Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) - coordinated thumping on the chest of a suddenly dying patient in Nazi PCUs seen in movies - PCR has a very high-level scientific full form - Polymerase Chain Reaction - I will not go into that mind-numbing stuff - in police PCR vans, PCR has the humble full form Police Control Room (PCR) but this humble meaning of PCR does have very close connection with CPR in Nazi ICU - I SEE YOU (nak. fem. pat.) - Police Control Room (PCR) has to deal with DISTRESS CALLS (esp. from Nazi females). Peter Safar (late Director of International Resuscitation Research Center - IRRC - renamed Safar Center for Resuscitation Research - University of Pittsburgh, USA) is considered the father of CPR - but Academician Vladimir A. Negovsky, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR, is also a pioneer in the field of resuscitation. Both were nominated for the Nobel prize for Medicine or Physiology. I sent letters to and received letters from both of them in the past. (I have the feeling that what I have written may sound sarcastic.)

HARDEEP SINGH PURI (wife: Lakshmi Puri), BJP Union Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas (cf. OIL = Oil India Limited; ONGC = Oil & Natural Gas Commission) looks like India's former CONGRESS PM MANMOHAN SINGH (he was Governor of RBI यानि Reserve Bank of India). Turbanned & bearded Sikh Punjabi "Sardarjis" look ALIKE!!! 

Do Nazi criminal cheats like ARVIND KEJRIWAL keep staggering amounts of stolen public money only in cash notes in their homes and offices? What about Swiss banks etc. and illegal properties? 

Some years ago, I found sensational details of huge amounts of black money kept in Swiss banks accounts of many Indians using fake names - with names of the Indians and the names of Swiss banks - published online by WikiLeaks founded by Julian Assange. I copied (in a notebook) details of several of these Indians. Sonia Gandhi ("Albino"): 7 LAKH CRORE RUPEES in just one Swiss bank account!; Rajiv Gandhi: 2 LAKH CRORE RUPEES! in one account; Rahul Gandhi ("da Vinci"): 3 LAKH CRORE RUPEES!; Barkha Dutt: 2 LAKH CRORE RUPEEES! etc. Weird. (I have quoted from memory.)

Nazis in India have received billions of dollars to assassinate KSG.


To identify topmost transgender male/female Nazis very fast and keep them under constant surveillance, CIA and FSB should be on high alert.

CIA gets selective surveillance feeds from NASA. (CIA should not be overwhelmed with too much surveillance data from archives of NASA.) CIA and U.S. Armed Forces HQ Pentagon both depend on NASA for specific satellite videos, which is OK. The White House should, however, ensure that both CIA and U.S. Armed Forces HQ Pentagon are given continuous open-air and intra-mural videos of KSG by NASA. This will not be an intrusion on the privacy of KSG but a necessity in view of the fact that India is the BIGGEST area of activity of the most brutal reborn male and female Nazi mass murderers BM SLS T.N. etc. (Indian Army, CBI, Indian police, BSF, CRPF etc. should be kept up-to-date for appropriate action.) - G

FSB gets selective surveillance feeds from Russian Space Agency. (FSB should not be overwhelmed with too much surveillance data from archives of Russian Space Agency.) FSB and Russian Armed Forces HQ both depend on the Russian Space Agency for specific satellite videos, which is OK. The Kremlin should, however, ensure that both FSB and Russian Armed Forces HQ are given continuous open-air and intra-mural videos of KSG by Russian Space Agency. This will not be an intrusion on the privacy of KSG but a necessity in view of the fact that India is the BIGGEST area of activity of the most brutal reborn male and female Nazi mass murderers BM SLS T.N. etc. (Indian Army, CBI, Indian police, BSF, CRPF etc. should be kept up-to-date for appropriate action.) - G


It seems that Iranian President EBRAHIM [=ABRAHAM] RAISI got KILLED in the helicopter "crash" [shot down by missile?]. (WION - acc cable tv channel 430; BBC WORLD NEWS acc channel 432)

f***ing EBRAHIM [ABRAHAM] RAISI - f***ing Nazi mass murderer


Any f***ing Nazi mass murderer in any country can be blown up by remote control.


Sunil Khilnani: INCARNATIONS (PENGUIN BOOKS/BBC Radio 4 / Penguin Random House India; Copyright © Sunil Khilnani 2016; ISBN 978-0-143-42933-3; paperback; 500 pages; ₹599)


Sunil Khilnani is the author of the acclaimed The Idea of India. He is currently the Avantha Professor and Director of the India Institute at King's College, London.

Sunil Khilnani may not have been aware that these 50 Indians are 50 extremely evil reincarnating transgender NAZI criminal cheats - INDIRA GANDHI ("The Centre of Everything"), DHIRUBHAI AMBANI ("Fins" - SHARK), LAKSHMI BAI, Rani [Queen] of Jhansi ("Bad-ass Queen") [BM KuS BELT. GASS.?], AMRITA SHER-GIL ("This is Me"), SUBHAS CHANDRA BOSE ("A Touch of the Abnormal"), JINNAH ("The Chess Player"), JYOTIRAO PHULE ("The Open Well") ['Phule' ফুল फूल means 'flower'] [BM SS T.N.? RACHEL?], SATYAJIT RAY ("India without Elephants"), M. F. HUSSAIN ('Hindustan is Free') etc. Publishers hire "ghost writers" (who are ONLY interested in money, not fame) to do the ACTUAL writing and request smart & talkative putative authors (preferably "sexy" females) who want to be FAMOUS CELEBRITIES (and get lots of money if luck permits!) to do ads for the books in return for (unearned) FAME and a (tiny) percentage on the books' sales - financially struggling publishers' pathetic secret! Amartya Sen is mentioned on pp. 166, 168. Anti-God atheist PERIYAR ("Sniper of Sacred Cows") screams (p. 268):

There is no God. There is no God.
There is no God at all.
He who invented God is a fool.
He who propagates God is a scoundrel.
He who worships God is a barbarian.

'A vivid picture of India ... you'll find a rich cast of characters - wandering saints, warriors, oddballs*, Bollywood stars and cut-throat tycoons' - The Times 

*[oddball: a strange or eccentric person (Google)]

'Khilnani's writing is easy to read, yet authoritative' - New York Times 

'Remarkably vivid and compelling ... a textbook classic of how the past can illumine the present and future' - Sunil Sethi 

'Though the prose is deceptively easy, you probably want to take your time as you savour the book ... I know I will be placing a copy with each of my children so that they may know, in these anxiety-inducing times, what it truly means to be an Indian' - Aditya Sinha, Mint ["what it truly means to be an Indian": sarcastic?]

'Figures that textbooks would have us remember in monochrome, historian Sunil Khilnani turns into real people. He allows them their flaws and contradictions and laces their lives together with cross-references while enlivening their stories with wit and humour. History was never so exciting' - Sunday Midday

'I enjoyed everything about this book' - Charles Allen, Literary Review

'Welcome and refreshing ... captures the vitality, diversity and uniqueness of India's civilisation in an original and stimulating format' - Andrew Robinson, BBC History Magazine 

'Khilnani is a rare blend of scholar and cracking travel writer ... This exceptional book serves as a further reminder of India's great strengths' - Sunday Times (UK)

'In INCARNATIONS Sunil Khilnani smites away the fuddy-duddiness of old history textbooks and stereotypical notions ... a work of staggering depth and scope' - Nandini Nair, Open

'The well-researched yet short chapters cover a lot of ground with ease, and Khilnani succeeds in achieving his goal of emphasizing the continued relevance of history' - Poornima Apte, Booklist 

'An enlightening, glorious tribute to 50 figures that have shaped India' - Pioneer ["glorious tribute"!!!]


India's history is a curiously unpeopled place. As usually told, it has dynasties, epochs, religions and castes - but not many individuals.

Beyond a few iconic names, most of the important historical figures recede into a haze. INCARNATIONS is an experiment in dispelling some of the fog by telling India's story through fifty remarkable lives.

The essays in this book move headlong across 2,500 years of history, from India's earliest historical personality, the Buddha, to the late twentieth-century capitalist imagination of the industrialist Dhirubhai Ambani. On the way, we meet kings, religious thinkers and freedom fighters, as well as poets, painters, mathematicians and radical social reformers.

To me, India's past is an arena of ferocious contest [cf. KSG vs Nazis in Bombay], its dead heroes continually springing back to life and dispatched to the frontlines of equally ferocious contemporary cultural and political battles. So this book is also concerned with the afterlives [!] of historical figures. 

The subcontinent [INDIA] on which these stories unfold is the only place where each of the world's four great religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam - has at different times ruled large areas. Through religious collisions and philosophical and ethical explorations, many of the individuals in this book were part of intense arguments [cf. KSG vs Z inside Ravi Hotel, Bombay] that have been kept going for millennia: about what kind of life is worth living, what kind of society is worth having, what role religion has and what kind of place India should be.

Such arguments have kept India in a permanent state of openness about what the country and its people are. A civilization able to produce a Mahavira ["Soldier of Non-violence"], a Mirabai ["I Go the Other Way"], a Malik Ambar ["The Dark-fated One"], a Periyar ["Sniper of Sacred Cows"], a Muhammad Iqbal ["Death for Falcons"] and a Mohandas Gandhi ['In the Palm of our Hands'] is a place open to radical experiments with self-definition [cf. KSG Self-creation]. 


Sir Jadunath Sarkar: An Unusual Historian | Swapan Dasgupta | Dr T.C.A. Raghavan | D.U. Lit. Fest. [Delhi University Literature Festival] (39:00) / Sangam Talks (YouTube)

[Scholarly academic articles and treatises by scholars in all fields are very boring because they don't take the trouble to learn how to write clearly and interestingly but continue to write BORING stuff.]

[May 21, 2024: Voice of SWAPAN DASGUPTA (BJP) = Voice of SHASHI THAROOR (CONGRESS) - transformations of the same individual can change appearance but cannot change voice OR clones of an individual have the same voice as the original ... Cf. the old Hindi movie song by Lata Mangeshkar: नाम गुम जाएगा, चेहरा ये बदल जाएगा, मेरी आवाज़ ही पहचान है ...]


[May 19/20, 2024]

Nazi followers of transgender Nazi boss SATAN SWATI MALIWAL don't want to admit that trans. SATAN SWATI MALIWAL is a LIAR.

Nazis also don't want to admit that all parties with many different names are actually different names for the same party: Nazi party.

Nazis are finished. THE END. Denials by Nazi LIARS are USELESS.


Ask ARVIND KEJRIWAL. My answer will shock the whole world.
Elderly ANNA HAZARE, who wears a Gandhi cap, was reportedly an Indian Army truck driver who got ijured in INDIA-PAKISTAN war, and since then ANNA HAZARE has reportedly lived a simple and austere life of minimum food and minimum needs, and sleeps on the floor of a mandir or temple reportedly in Gujarat. Anna Hazare started the ALL INDIA ANTI CORRUPTION MOVEMENT and first converts were (SATAN) ARVIND KEJRIWAL, (TIHAR JAIL CHIEF) (torturer) KIRAN BEDI "IPS", SHAZIA ILMI etc. etc. who formed the AAM AADMI PARTY (AAP) - SHAZIA ILMI shifted from AAP to BJP, KIRAN BEDI became Governor etc. "ANNA HAZARE" makes very rare public appearances from time to time, and issues weighty public statements such as the recent statement that "CULPRIT" (BIBHAV KUMAR) who "assaulted" SWATI MALIWAL should be "punished" - but how is ANNA HAZARE so confident that BIBHAV KUMAR "assaulted" SWATI MALIWAL? And why does Mr. ANNA HAZARE (m) have the female first name ANNA (f)? - of course one can argue that ANNA is the Indian word for food: अन्न অন্ন - but who is mysterious ANNA HAZARE and where does ANNA HAZARE live, according to (SATAN) ARVIND KEJRIWAL, chief follower of ANNA HAZARE? HINT: ALL TOP M/F NAZIS ARE TRANSGENDER (M/F). (My HINT is not a joke. ARVIND KEJRIWAL will not tell the truth.)
Trans. ANNA HAZARE is a very big cheat like ARVIND KEJRIWAL.


[P.A.M. Dirac / Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac : particle-antiparticle or matter-antimatter "annihilation" - metaphor: destruction by atom bombs - Cf. Dan Brown: ANGELS &"DEMONS - CERN, Vatican - Cf. Dr. Peter Higgs; John Piper; Professor Amartya Sen (Harvard and Cambridge universities): Nobel for 420 "Economics" - 3rd wife: Rothschild - BHARAT RATNA - author of THE ARGUMENTATIVE INDIAN - a very dry, boring book; was reported dead: hiding as "baby" in C.B.? - FALLEN ANGEL TALKS OF HELL'S TORMENT (18:20) / Prophets Among Us (YouTube); John Piper CHRIST: CORONA VIRUS audio (YouTube); সুরের আকাশে সূর্যের মতো একথা সত্য হোক - f. arrogance; Simon Dedalus & Stephen Dedalus (father & son) in James Joyce: A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN: made "labyrinth" in Bombay to trap KSG but got trapped by KSG instead by His surprise move - KSG contacted Matunga P.S.!]

Scientology believes a powerful being named XENU destroyed millions of beings [humans] on Earth using bombs [atom bombs] #SHORTS / @knowledge_7 (YouTube) 

How the U.S. Government Used Veterans as Atomic Guinea Pigs (14:43) / The New York Times (YouTube)

FIL BM C.B. 0:25-0:27, 2:25-2:55, 3:12-3:22, 4:10-4:17, 6:04-6:11, 7:12-7:23, 12:35-12:52

[Are these brutal Nazi mass murderers, who later shifted to India, telling the truth about their personal experiences? I don't think so.]

Woman who lived in Hiroshima when U.S. dropped atomic bomb #SHORTS / CBS Mornings (YouTube)

[Nazi mass murderer liar SHITAMA / BM KuS / TESSY THOMAS]


DVR = Digital Video Recorder

India is No. 1 in the world (closely competing with rival China) in the number of Internet users (positive side of big population) and many Indians from kids upwards are familiar with CD, DVD, pen drive, CCTV, video recording (including making porn videos) etc.

If Delhi police has accessed the CCTV DVR of Delhi CM's official residence, Delhi police must have been given permission to do so by Delhi Lt. Governor, or President of India, the highest authority.

As I see it, BIBHAV KUMAR carried the controversial CCTV video in a pen drive and showed the complete CCTV video footage to Delhi police who could have easily transferred the complete CCTV video from BIBHAV KUMAR'S pen drive to the computer in office of Delhi police, who then cross-checked the video in the pen drive with the video in DVR attached to CCTV in drawing room etc. of Delhi CM's official residence. This video can be easily FORWARDED to others!

MADHAVAN NARAYANAN looks like ASS. PC. Many look like PC. PC (personal computer) is known worldwide. I used PC a lot for many years before I began to use 3G, 4G smartphones and tablets

"Human chain" can be a misnomer for "humanoid Nazi chain". - G 

All parties are actually the same Nazi party with different names. 
Aam Aadmi Party "AAP" = "BJP" = "Congress" etc. Therefore, AAP "AGAINST" BJP is BULLSHIT drama invented by shameless cheat SATAN ARVIND KEJRIWAL whose cheating brain is full of bullshit.


I suspect that shameless cheat f. SWATI MALIWAL is now in JAIL. (NAZI m/f staff of India's NAZI fake news TV: "RADIO SILENCE".)

ARVIND KEJRIWAL is a dirty super cheat Nazi - shameless cheat.
Looking at the two photos on the wall behind ARVIND KEJRIWAL (newsX), the scoundrel ARVIND KEJRIWAL was BHAGAT SINGH and AMBEDKAR in two past incarnations! What a f. dirty CHEAT!


140 crore cheated Indian citizens are FED UP with 420 parties that are the same 420 Nazi party with many different names to fool the public. The small gang of reincarnating transgender m/f Nazis will be wiped out. Indians deserve a humanitarian brand new system.

TRANSGENDER SATANIC male/female NAZI TRINITY त्रिमूर्ति ত্রিমূর্তি



Being called to a police station does NOT mean that one has been "arrested". BIBHAV KUMAR has lodged a counter-complaint by e-mail to Delhi police in regard to allegations levelled against him by SWATI MALIWAL of "ASSAULT" by BIBHAV KUMAR. Police officers want to hear his version, too. Most police personnel may not have very high (phony) educational degrees, but they are very intelligent and can see through any criminals and can intuitively guess at the truth or falsity of allegations. Most police personnel (at the junior level), who form over 99% of the police force, are under constant threat by f. Nazi bosses, and are forced to lead miserable lives of overwork, with an insulting image of "bribery" floated by very big f. m/f Nazi thieves and their f. Nazi chamchas and chamchees. - G 

Short video clips of SWATI MALIWAL inside the drawing room of Delhi CM's official residence and outside, which are being shown on Indian TV news channels, clearly prove that trans. SAT. SWATI MALIWAL is an incredibly shameless liar who deserves lynching.

BIBHAV KUMAR's lawyers should submit to concerned authorities for inspection and scrutiny the entire CCTV video involving SWATI MALIWAL and BIBHAV KUMAR and male and female security staff of Delhi CM's official residence. There are higher authorities than any POLICE officials and JUDGES who make arbitrary judgements. India cannot tolerate traitors in "police" uniform and wearing false wigs of "judges" - the vast Indian public can lynch all Nazi traitors. BIBHAV KUMAR's lawyers should upload videos on social media.
Very scared Nazi TV channels continue to conduct trial by media.

[I have searched Google for a biography of BIBHAV KUMAR but it seems that no one knows anything about BIBHAV KUMAR. Weird.]

[May 19, 2024: Mr. BIBHAV KUMAR being escorted by Delhi police from Delhi CM's official residence to police station is not the same thing as being "arrested" by Delhi police - a hasty distotion of the truth by fake news TV channels. BIBHAV KUMAR should not trust any phony "lawyer" - fifth columnist - who offers to give him legal aid. Also, BIBHAV KUMAR should not trust ARVIND KEJRIWAL or any other Nazi male/female Indian politicians of any Indian party - all parties are the same Nazi party with different names; Nazis are in a state of extreme panic after the sensational exposure by KSG of the treachery of transgender male/female Nazi criminal cheats.
N.B. I am sure that BIBHAV KUMAR has given to Delhi police etc. a video copy of the entire CCTV video of SWATI MALIWAL inside the drawing room of Delhi CM's official residence during which time insane oversmart liar SWATI MALIWAL has alleged in a 7-page statement recorded before magistrate that SWATI MALIWAL was "ASSAULTED" by BIBHAV KUMAR - insane lie - nemesis of Nazis... It is weird that RAHUL GANDHI sounds like ARVIND KEJRIWAL!!! Delhi BJP Chief VIRENDRAA SACHDEVA looks like All India BJP chief J.P. NADDA who looks like big thief MEHUL CHOKSI - weird. Cf. ALI BABA AND FORTY THIEVES अली बाबा और चालीस चोर story!!!]

SWATI MALIWAL may have become PRIYANKA GANDHI BHADRA भद्र ভদ্র (अभद्र "भद्र" অভদ্র "ভদ্র") [INDIRA GANDHI / INDRA GANDHI  / MAHATMA GANDHI / NEHRU] - but not a single Nazi can escape.




I am glad that BIBHAV KUMAR has filed a counter complaint by e-mail (to Delhi police) against trans SWATI MALIWAL - I strongly suggest that BIBHAV KUMAR should also inform (by e-mail and by Speed Post) President of India (President's Secretariat, New Delhi 110004) and Prime Minister of India (Prime Minister's Office/PMO, New Delhi 110011) and Chief of Indian Army (Indian Army HQ, New Delhi 110011) and CBI Director (Plot No. 5-B, 6th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium Marg, New Delhi 110003) and Delhi High Court / Supreme Court of India. The hyper dramatic "ASSAULT" allegations by SATAN trans. SWATI MALIWAL should be dealt with firmly by BIBHAV KUMAR with the powerful assistance of high dignitaries in positions of authority whose duty is to protect Indian citizens against CRIMINAL INTIMIDATION and BASELESS ALLEGATIONS by male and female CRIMINAL cheats. This case is of tremendous national and international importance - here KSG has exposed the treachery of transgender m/f Nazis.


The complete CCTV video of SWATI MALIWAL on May 13, 2024 inside Delhi CM's official residence can be "leaked" on YouTube, Facebook and other social media by CIA/FSB etc. Crush Nazis!
(CM Security staff insulted by trans SWATI MALIWAL can leak!)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] May 18, 2024


BIBHAV KUMAR or his family members or lawyers or human rights activists should give full details about ARVIND KEJRIWAL / SWATI MALIWAL by email and/or mail to President of India who is the ex officio CHIEF OF ARMED FORCES and controller of all f. JUDGES.

Did liar body-transformer "Arnab Goswami" - chief spreader of evil NAZI LIES like fake "COVID-19 CORONA VIRUS'" etc. - see SWATI MALIWAL beaten up inside Arvind Kejriwal's official residence?

AAP/BJP "SHAZIA ILMI" can expect very bad luck coming soon. It is obvious to Me that AAP/BJP "SHAZIA ILMI" has not read the 7-page statement made by SWATI MALIWAL in front of magistrate.

MADHAB confirms without proof "ASSAULT" of SWATI MALIWAL. 



Ex-DELHI CP [Commissioner of Police] T.R. KAKKAR (on MIRROR NOW) looks like SATAN chameleon ASS. Phukan Choudhury PC. 

AIIMS is full of reborn Nazi criminal cheats disguised as Indians.

All chiefs of DCW etc. are brutal Nazi transgender sex traffickers.


The short video clip that has gone viral - which exposes the lies of transgender liar SATAN ARVIND KEJRIWAL (m) / SWATI MALIWAL (f) - may have been circulated worldwide by disgusted CIA / FSB.
All on/off CCTV cameras* are linked to CIA, FSB, NSA, GCHQ etc.
*[CCTV cameras - in both ON and OFF conditions - in all homes and offices and factories and manufacturing of foods (genuine and adulterated) and drugs (genuine and poisonous) and vaccines (poisonous) and official residences and schools and colleges and universities and Indian and foreign banks (including Swiss banks) and ICUs and OTs of all hospitals and all private nursing homes including MAYO CLINIC, CMCH (Vellore), AIIMS, Apollo Hospitals, W.HO., UN, World Trade Center Twin Towers, Noida Twin Towers, Young India offices and hundreds of hotel resorts in Kerala run by Rahul Gandhi, Radisson Blu hotels, 27-story ANTILIA TOWER of Mukesh Ambani etc. are continuously connected to CIA, FSB etc. All male and female humans and all human-looking transgender Nazis on and inside Earth are under continuous surveillance. All buildings including the Pentagon, White House, US Congress & US Senate on Capitol Hill, Vatican, the Kremlin, all Parliaments and Legislative Assemblies, royal palaces Buckingham Palace etc. and all Kings and Queens and Emperors and Empresses and Tsars and Tsarinas and Sheikhs and Prime Ministers and Presidents and Armies Navies and Air Forces and missile sites and "Bollywood" etc. can be blown up and powdered by remote control. Anyone or billions can be blown up, burned alive, or vaporized by LASER. - G]


All male & female Nazi staff of all Nazi fake news TV channels are desperately trying to suppress two Nazi deceptions sensationally exposed by KSG: (1) All "ruling" and fake "opposition" parties are in fact the SAME party - NAZI party - with many different names. (2) All transgender male/female Nazis keep changing body & gender. (These shocking Nazi secrets exposed by KSG have gone "viral".)

If "BIBHAV KUMAR" has been falsely accused by SWATI MALIWAL of having "assaulted" SWATI MALIWAL, without any proof, BIBHAV KUMAR and/or his family members and/or LAWYERS on behalf of falsely maligned BIBHAV KUMAR should immediately go to court and FILE DEFAMATION SUIT AGAINST SWATI MALIWAL AND ALL POLICE OFFICIALS WHO HAVE FILED NONBAILABLE CHARGES AGAINST BIBHAV KUMAR WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST EVIDENCE.

Brutal male & female Nazi torturers & mass murderers in disguise.

BIBHAV KUMAR should also file defamation suit against MAHESH JETHMALANI etc. and seek their immediate ARREST & JAILING.


I am very glad that BIBHAV KUMAR has filed a complaint against SWATI MALIWAL - BIBHAV KUMAR should ALSO immediately file criminal defamation suit against ALL males and females in police uniform who have participated in threatening BIBHAV KUMAR with arrest under nonbailable charges without first checking the truth or FALSITY of very biased and one-sided "ASSAULT" accusations made by f. chameleon SWATI MALIWAL against BIBHAV KUMAR. 

BIBHAV KUMAR should also file defamation charges against ALL maligning male and female staff of Indian fake news TV channels.


Top Nazi secret: ARVIND KEJRIWAL (m) = SWATI MALIWAL (f)

I suspect that SWATI MALIWAL (f) = SUNITA KEJRIWAL (f). If so:

I see terrifying days ahead for all male/female owners/staff of all Nazi fake news TV channels. (My ESP has never failed so far. - G)





Transgender SATAN ARVIND KEJRIWAL (m) / SWATI MALIWAL (f) has carried out endless kidnapping and gang rape and torture and murder and forced prostitution of billions of married & unmarried Indian and foreign women and girls for billions & billions of years.

It seems that except over-confident SWATI MALIWAL, all the other publicly known transformations of ARVIND KEJRIWAL have proxy clones. SWATI MALIWAL made the fatal mistake of not having a proxy clone. ARVIND KEJRIWAL had planned to send a lookalike "ARVIND KEJRIWAL" to jail and roam freely as "SWATI MALIWAL". The hyperdramatic "ASSAULT" story has become his/her nemesis.

No evidence that "BIBHAV KUMAR" "assaulted" SWATI MALIWAL.

Topmost secret ARVIND KEJRIWAL = SWATI MALIWAL known to very few, certainly not known to laloo panjoos like security staff!!! (ARVIND KEJRIWAL= SWATI MALIWAL exposed recently by KSG!) Arrogant SATAN DIRTY गंदी GANDHI/ARVIND KEJRIWAL/SWATI MALIWAL called the bald security staff mother-choo_ behn choo_?

Transgender male/female Nazi criminals like ARVIND KEJRIWAL (m) / SWATI MALIWAL (f)  consider their male/female clones as proxies who are very unimportant insignificant disposable slaves.

I am surprised that nonbailable charges have been framed against "BIBHAV KUMAR" merely on the basis of the imaginary "ASSAULT" story told by top liar SATAN ARVIND KEJRIWAL/SWATI MALIWAL.

Medical reports by unethical/scared doctors can be false reports.

If "BIBHAV KUMAR" has been falsely accused by SWATI MALIWAL of having "assaulted" SWATI MALIWAL without any proof, BIBHAV KUMAR and/or his family members and/or LAWYERS on behalf of falsely maligned BIBHAV KUMAR should immediately go to court and FILE DEFAMATION SUIT AGAINST SWATI MALIWAL AND ALL POLICE OFFICIALS WHO HAVE FILED NONBAILABLE CHARGES AGAINST BIBHAV KUMAR WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST EVIDENCE.



transgender SATAN NIRMALA निर्मल নির্মল (m) निर्मला নির্মলা (f) SITA / SITHA सीता সীতা (f) RAMAN / RAM राम রাম (m) - transgender DEVIL

बारत का बारतीय जनता पार्टि (ভাড়াটিয়া জনতা পার্টি) BJP, AAP आम आदमी पार्टि AAM AADMI PARTY, CONGRESS PARTY etc. शैतान Nazi party का अलग अलग नाम बारत में ! transgender SITA (f) RAM (m) गर में बैटा/बैटी

Constantly body-transforming SATAN CHANDRA CHUD who keeps moving very fast from any place on Earth's surface to other places on surface of Earth at thousands mph or thousands kmph through underground tunnels, endlessly changing face and body and alias and age and gender and location (SATAN RISHI SUNAK, SATAN BM KIR. SIN., SATAN ASS. ARNAB/GER. HIMMLER, SATAN AAMIR KHAN, SATAN ASS. PC SATAN BM KISHOR SIN. (CHANAKYA P. & HC GASS.), SATAN ARVIND KEJRIWAL, SATAN SWATI MALIWAL, SATAN PRIYANKA GANDHI etc.), should be TORTURED violently.

YouTube podcast (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha-dk4ph - search under Videos)

G-108 নীরব পুলিশ (4:54) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

Emon Swapno Kakhono Dekhini | এমন স্বপ্ন কখনো দেখিনি | Sheuli jana (4:01) / Sheuli Jana Official (YouTube)

SATAN transgender ANITA m/f Sheikh Shahjahan শেখ শাহজাহান POLAR WARRIORS Robert Whittaker and f. gang of satanic Nazi body transformers (incl. SATAN BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B. alias PRAJWAL REVANNA AYUSH. 12F HKV GASS.) [Anita Studio] HN27 (P) off L6 T.N. GASS. Cf. AS01 KC4917 on mini van number plate! Drunk driver - name? Montu Boro. Address? ABC. ABC where? GMC. GMC where? Behind GMC. House number? Ganeshguri. ABC, BHANGAGARH, GANESHGURI same ? Crazy. Mobile number? Gave 8-digit mobile number. Mad. Mini van owner's name? Ranjit CHOUDHURY. (BM BILs C.B. all write "CHOUDHURY".) Address? GMC. House No.? House No. 27. Cf. HN27 (P) off L6 T.N. GASS.


Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] May 17/18, 2024

Body-transforming NAZI FAKE "JUDGES" protecting & facilitating the escape of hardened NAZI criminals (getting released from jail on bail to allow transformation of the convict into another male or female form with a different alias and letting a lookalike clone go back to jail as substitute for the convict) will be violently tortured. [BM KISHOR SIN. can transform body to become a fake "judge". It is quite possible that SATAN KISHORE SIN./AAMIR KHAN/ARVIND KEJRIWAL/MAHATMA GANDHI/NEHRU/"MODI"/ASS. PC (male) will be transformed into female form SWATI MALIWAL by force. Or ... BM KISHOR SIN./AAMIR KHAN/PC/ARVIND KEJRIWAL/SWATI MALIWAL (f)/PRIYANKA GANDHI (f) etc. can be changed by force to become Nazi serial rapist BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B./PRAJWAL REVANNA. Perhaps BM KISHOR SIN. (m) was changed into SWATI MALIWAL (f) by force and violently beaten up today for 4.5 hours. Police can ALSO use underground tunnels to transport male and female NAZI criminals very fast from place to place at fantastic high speeds of thousands of miles per hour driven by gravity!!!... I can anticipate that when checked by Delhi police, CCTV cameras inside ARVIND KEJRIWAL's DRAWING ROOM will be found by Delhi police to have been SWITCHED OFF during the entire period of the alleged "assault" of SWATI MALIWAL by ARVIND KEJRIWAL's PA BIBHAV KUMAR in presence of & ordered by ARVIND KEJRIWAL.]





[I think Delhi police will not find transgender SWATI MALIWAL at RAJYA SABHA MP SWATI MALIWAL's official residence because I think SWATI MALIWAL (f) fled at very high speed from DELHI by underground tunnels to GASS. and transformed into BM KISHOR SIN. (m) CHANAKYA P. HC GASS. - if Delhi police officers do find "SWATI MALIWAL" at the official residence of the Rajya Sabha MP SWATI MALIWAL, this "SWATI MALIWAL" is likely to be a lookalike clone of SWATI MALIWAL. The changing locations and changing body forms of SWATI MALIWAL can be easily found from satellite videos. All m/f Nazis are finished. RIP. THE END. - G May 16, 2024]
[There may be underground tunnels beneath residences of NAZIS.]
[A visitor going into the residence of the missing Rajya Sabha MP ostensibly to "meet" the missing MP - who may have fled already - can transform his or her body inside the missing MP's residence to look like "SWATI MALIWAL" and then act publicly as a PROXY! Detailed study of satellite videos to check number and features of incoming and outgoing vistors will detect the deception, if any. BM KISHOR SIN. may speed back from GASS. to DELHI at thousands of mph via underground tunnels and become SWATI MALIWAL - if so, BM KISHOR SIN. will be absent from CHANAKYA P. HC GASS. - If SWATI MALIWAL is not inside official residence, then why this false drama for almost two hours by males and females in police uniform pretending to be interviewing absent "SWATI MALIWAL"? Indian Army and CBI should check the authenticity of the males and females masquerading as police officers in police uniform... It is NOW being reported by Indian FAKE news TV that Delhi police officers have recorded the complaint lodged by "SWATI MALIWAL" - has any Indian TV news reporter SEEN "SWATI MALIWAL" today? - transgender liar Satan ARVIND KEJRIWAL (m) /SWATI MALIWAL (f) tried to escape jail by fooling the world with a cunning lie but he/she is now caught in his/her own trap. If egregious liar ARVIND KEJRIWAL (m) / SWATI MALIWAL (f) thought he/she is "smart", Delhi police is much smarter. Police is now liberated from Nazis.]

Look-alike clones of ARVIND KEJRIWAL / MAHATMA GANDHI / BIBHAV KUMAR / SANJAY SINGH / NEHRU / MODI / PC / AAMIR KHAN etc. are shown on Nazi-run Indian fake news TV channels for deception [KAPIL MISHRA (BJP) looks like AAMIR KHAN] but can't fool BSF, CRPF, CBI, Indian police, Indian Army, CIA, FSB etc.

Nazi-run Indian fake news TV channels liars NEVER tell the direct truth but always try to suppress and distort the actual truth. CAA certificates may have been issued to very nasty male and female Nazi criminals who have been identified and brought to India for grilling and proper "treatment". (By the way, I think Lok Sabha was dissolved by the President's special constitutional powers, and if so, Narendra Modi, Amit Shah etc. etc. are no longer sitting MPs.) One of the CAA recipients shown on TV looks like Anurag Thakur.

Very scared SATAN "ARVIND KEJRIWAL" and other satanic Nazis seem to be saying that INDIA is under military rule (like all other countries) and male and female NAZIS will be violently tortured.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] May 15/16, 2024


Screaming liar Sanju Verma has many transformations, I am sure.

NONEXISTENT মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰীক "মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী" বুলি কোৱাবোৰ চব Nazi criminals. 


All educational institutes are full of reborn male and female Nazi mass murderers who will be identified & grilled and slaughtered.


GUWAHATI is NAZI HQ and full of transgender male/female Nazis.

How can "SWATI MALIWAL" (a female form of transgender ARVIND KEJRIWAL) appear in public in the same female form?!!! - "SWATI MALIWAL" changed back to Nazi chameleon ARVIND KEJRIWAL etc.

NAZI mass murderer SATAN "Yogi" "Adityanath" - Nazi chameleon.

Manish Sisodia is not in TIHAR jail - Manish Sisodia is roaming freely (in T.N., GASS.?) - a clone of Manish Sisodia is in Tihar jail.

TRANSFORMATIONS: Shouting and screaming by panic-stricken Nazis ARNAB/HIMMLER etc. cannot hide the TRUTH. There is not an iota of evidence that "SWATI MALIWAL" was "assaulted" inside the Delhi C.M.'s (no longer C.M.) residence by a goon at the instigation of ARVIND KEJRIWAL. I believe this is what actually happened (to understand the sequence of events, you should remember that all male/female transgender Nazis constantly transform their bodies for DECEPTION, including changing their sex!): ARVIND KEJRIWAL went inside C.M. residence and transformed into the female form "SWATI MALIWAL" and made phone calls in FEMALE voice to a Delhi police station and met police officers at the police station and left, promising to return to the police station but got scared when KSG exposed the deception of ARVIND KEJRIWAL/"SWATI MALIWAL" and has since not appeared in public as "SWATI MALIWAL" - Why? - I think "SWATI MALIWAL" changed back to ARVIND KEJRIWAL and left the C.M. residence and re-transformed into "PRIYANKA GANDHI" etc. NAZI cheats are waiting for an already existing - or to create in the lab and speeding up growth and training - a look-alike sound-alike CLONE of "SWATI MALIWAL". Hence the DELAY in the appearance of another "SWATI MALIWAL". Nazis never thought their transformation cheating game would be exposed by KSG! Unlike "SWATI MALIWAL", ARVIND KEJRIWAL, NARENDRA MODI etc. have many clones. - G 

How does SANJAY SINGH (AAP) / NARENDRA MODI (BJP) know that "SWATI MALIWAL" was "assaulted" at the official residence of Delhi C.M. (no longer C.M.)? How does ABHISHEK know? How does BANSHI SWARAJ / SUSHMA SWARAJ know this? (TIMES NOW). Were all of these liars EYE-WITNESSES to the "assault"?!!!


NAVEEN JAIHIND - what a ridiculous alias of a Nazi scoundrel !!!

NAVEEN JAIHIND (!) has photo of NETAJI SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE on the wall behind him! (TIMES NOW interview) - पर्दाफाश ?!!! NAVEEN JAIHIND = NETAJI SUBHASH CHANDRA BOSE reborn?!!!

NAZI DECEPTION: I suspect that "BIBHAV KUMAR" (who looks like MAHATMA GANDHI), "PA"/"aide" to ARVIND KEJRIWAL, is ARVIND KEJRIWAL himself!!! ARVIND KEJRIWAL (former AAP CM of Delhi; hung on the wall of his C.M.'s office a photo of "patriot" BHAGAT SINGH - who was reportedly "HANGED" by British rulers but whose "dead body" was never handed over by the British to his family!) = BHAGAT SINGH = MAHATMA GANDHI = JAWAHARLAL NEHRU = SAT. BM "Dr." BANI K. SINHA "PROF." "OPERATIONS" "RESEARCH" IIM JOKER, FLAT DHAKURIA NEAR SAT. "JADAVPUR" UNIVERSITY = BIBHAV KUMAR = SWATI MALIWAL (f) = PRIYANKA GANDHI (f) etc.


How can Delhi police or anyone else find "SWATI MALIWAL" who has become "ARVIND KEJRIWAL" or "PRIYANKA GANDHI ভদ্র भद्र" etc.?

CIA (USA) and FSB (RUSSIA) can track down "SWATI MALIWAL" in all body transformations from continuous satellite videos of "SWATI MALIWAL" in the archives of NASA and of RUSSIAN SPACE AGENCY. [There is the SCARY possibility that SATANIC "SWATI MALIWAL" has been kidnapped & is being violently tortured in India/USA/Russia. Or roaming in Nazi world HQ GUWAHATI - safest Nazi "haven"? Is SAT. NARENDRA MODI (BJP)/PC visible to anyone now? (May 15, 2024). My strong feeling is that chameleon Sat. MODI is missing. MODI/PC has many clones for deception. But no use. Game up.]

Exposed to the whole world by KSG, all panic-stricken transgender human-looking reborn male and female NAZI mass murderers are desperately trying to suppress the TRUTH that all male and female NAZI mass murderers keep tansforming their bodies and gender!!!

[May 16, 2024: I was embarrassed to notice that in above posts I kept unintentionally mis-spelling the name "SWATI MALIWAL" as "SWATI MALIA"!!! - I have replaced all MALIA, MALIA, MALIA by MALIWAL, MALIWAL, MALIWAL - I hope there is no MALIA left in the above texts - वैसे तो क्या आता जाता spelling MALIWAL हो या MALIA - transgender m/f शैतान तो शैतान ही होता है/होती है - चाहे नाम कुछ भी हो !!!]


Old videos of SATAN "S. JAISHANKAR" are shown on India's Nazi fake news TV channels to try to fool Indian viewers. I suspect that very scared SATAN "S. JAISHANKAR" changed sex and became a young "girl" stud. SHR./"RAI" GURUKUL GASS. hiding in T.N. GASS.




Cf. Tr. Captain Lakshmi Sehgal (Laxmi Sahgal) SAT. Tr. Gandh. = f. hd. AZAD HIND FORCE of SAT. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (YT) [SAT. Tr. MODI/PC/GANDHI/NEHRU & SAT. Tr. ARNAB/HIMMLER]

Agatha Christie - BM SLS T.N. - is constantly hatching evil plans to assassinate KSG. What a poisonous evil Snake! SATAN-IN-CHIEF LAKSHMI (f) - devilish partner of SATAN-IN-CHIEF NARAYAN (m)!
Specialty: food poisoning, germ poisoning, malting body with acid.

Cf. "NANDITA NARAIN", "Maths HOD", St. Stephen's College. (YT)


Where is AMARTYA SEN now, at this moment? (By the way, being awarded the phony "Nobel prize" for phony "Economics", which is complete nonsense, does not prove that Amartya Sen is a cheat; and his third wife being a Rothschild does not prove that Amartya Sen is a criminal banker; these may be devilish NAZI attempts to malign his image. Also, the fact is that not only are all m/f Nazis transgender, Nazis also try to change the sex of top humans who rebel against Nazis. Amartya Sen was afflicted with cancer of the jaw, and his jaw was removed by SURGERY by Nazi "oncologists".) Amartya Sen may now be a "baby boy" "under house arrest" by BM BILs etc. as "s/o" SAT. BM BIL4 "Suraj" and SAT. BM "Sonali" in C.B.

Looking at f. Nazi bastards and bitches on TV, I feel like vomiting.

Congress, BJP etc. Nazi party का ही अलग अलग नाम - सबसे बड़ा धोखा ।


SATELLITES are watching all LGBTQ Nazis in all transformations.

I think Nazi staff in INCOME TAX OFFICE (ITO) building opposite Delhi police HQ were burned alive today (by LASER?). How many? (REPUBLIC भारत, REPUBLIC TV) - May 14, 2024 

Nazi "AMIT SHAH" can get burned alive by LASER at any moment.

INCOME TAX and ED buildings and ANTILIA TOWER will be blown up LIKE World Trade Center Twin Towers and NOIDA Twin Towers.

ভারতের নির্লজ্জ narrow-minded NAZI politicians CHEATS শয়তানরা পৃথিবীর চোখে ভারতকে ছোট করে দিয়েছে - লজ্জা লাগে আমাদের দেশে এত communal-minded Nazi cheats আছে who act as if they represent India - they don't - অচিরেই entire gang of transgender male/female Nazis on and inside Earth will get wiped out - কিন্তু ধ্বংস হয়ে যাবে জেনেও very scared transgender Nazi শয়তানদের ছোটলোকামি কমছে না বরং Nazi শয়তানদের ছোটালোকামি বেড়েই যাচ্ছে - false public show of defiance by Nazis who are scared of mass extinction of Nazis - public জানে যে সব পার্টি আসলে একই Nazi পার্টির আলাদা আলাদা নাম !

I see endless mass torture of transgender male/female Nazis. - G

Incredibly advanced ET scientists now control the world, I believe.

I don't see how Kashi is "भारत की आत्मा" - nonsensical Nazi bullshit. Kashi: secret entry into underground f***ing Nazi hell inside Earth where Nazis have tortured humans for billions of years. Game up.


I was SHOCKED to learn recently from Google that TARRY BLACK STOOL (melena) appears only after internal bleeding of 500 ml of blood. In every crisis, One must keep cool and think logically and use One's store of knowledge and past experience and solve the crisis calmly and not rush about madly for help. The world is full of treacherous m/f Nazi snakes who should not be trusted blindly. Every crisis One has overcome exposes male/female Nazi snakes.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] 
May 14/15/16, 2024


"Nobel Not A Way To Judge Students": Amartya Sen Tells NDTV 's Prannoy Roy (3:46) / NDTV (YouTube)

Prannoy Roy Interviews Amartya Sen on Nobel Laureate's Memoir (57:05) / NDTV (YouTube)

[In his will, Alfred Nobel did not include "Economics" as one of the subjects for which the international Nobel prize, named after him, was to be awarded annually; Nazi bankers - Nazi cheats - started the fake "Nobel prize" for "Economics" - a false deceptive subject invented by Nazi cheats. Philosopher-writer-scholar Amartya Sen was awarded the "Nobel prize" for "Economics" to insult him and or give respectability to phony "Economics" by including Amartya Sen (who was named Amartya অমর্ত্ত্য - "not of this world" - by SAT. Rabindranath Tagore) among winners of the phony "Nobel prize" for phony "Economics" which is just as phony as the international FIELDS MEDAL for "Mathematics" - which is considered to be the equivalent of the Nobel Prize - awarded every four years to phony "mathematicians" who are shameless unethical cheats who use nonsensical mathematical symbols and equations to impress and fool the general lay public scared of (420) "higher mathematics". London School of Economics, founded by George Bernard Shaw*, is an international gang of 100% Nazi financial cheats posing as teaching faculty and students whose aim is to fool and confuse the public with meaningless "economics" jargon. Forcing MIT etc. to include phony "Economics" department is intended to give the public the FALSE impression that "Economics" is a "respectable" science - it is not - it is full of meaningless terms to fool the world. The use of Lagrangian multipliers etc. in theoretical "economics" is a cunning attempt by Nazi cheats to give the impression that "economics" is an exact mathematical science like Lagrangian dynamics. Nazi cheats have devilish brains constantly inventing cheating schemes like "economics" and "religions" and "elections by voting" (all parties are the same party with different names!) to keep fooling the human race - Nazis are habitual cheats and liars. THE ONLY TRUTH ABOUT THE WORLD'S FINANCIAL CONDITION IS NEVER EVER STATED IN ANY "ECONOMICS" TEXTBOOK NOR EVER STATED BY ANY PROFESSOR OF "ECONOMICS": THE ONE AND ONLY REASON FOR SHOCKING WORLDWIDE POVERTY AND UNEMPLOYMENT IS MASSIVE CORRUPTION AND STEALING OF HUGE PUBLIC FUNDS BY TRANSGENDER M/F NAZI CHEATS!!!

*George Bernard Shaw / Bernard Shaw / G.B. Shaw (won Nobel prize for literature - putative author targeted by ET scientists?) - Cf. G. B. Road in Delhi, full of brothels or houses of prostitution.


G: I want to find out why people grow old and why people die.
Z: You think You could solve this problem?
G: We could try.

GOPAL [parody of KSG]

YouTube podcast (Kishalay Sinha - handle @kishalaysinha) 

G-38 WHAT ARE INDIAN GIRLS LIKE? (2:51) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-39 AVOIDING AMERICAN WOMEN (1:08) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-40 अमरीकी लड़कियों से दूर रहता हूं (1:35) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-41 AIR HOSTESS LADIES (4:17) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-42 AIR HOSTESS औरतन (6:24) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-43 FAR OUT, MAN, FAR OUT! (1:51) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-44 LUGGAGE BOUNCING ON PYTHON (0:57) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-45 TOTALLY, TOTALLY NUTS! (1:50) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-46 WATCH YOUR ASS! (1:34) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-47 CIA (0:58) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-48 CLASSIC AMERICAN BEAUTY (4:53) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-49 THE INSCRUTABLE AMERICANS - 1 (1:29) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-50 THE INSCRUTABLE AMERICANS - 2 (2:22) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-51 दो शब्द - 1 (0:51) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-52 दो शब्द - 2 (0:58) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-53 दो शब्द - 3 (1:09) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-54 दो शब्द - 4 (1:48) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-55 दो शब्द - 5 (2:11) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-56 BASKET (1:20) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-57 DATING AMERICAN GIRLS (7:50) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-58 DEEP THROAT (7:18) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-59 GOPAL MAKES HISTORY (9:31) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-60 RED HAIR (3:12) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-61 A RIDICULOUS STORY (6:42) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-62 FINEST GUIDE TO SURIVING IN AMERICA (2:30) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)


Educational institutes are full of reborn Nazi mass murderers.

BM ICON RAJ. RD. GASS. 10+ ["s/o" (1) BM NK T.N.] = BM KANAD "KON." ["s/o" SAT. BM KaMoSin T.N. / BELT. and SAT. BM KuS T.N. / BELT.] = SATAN "black" BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA HIDING IN T.N.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] May 15, 2024


Anchor podcast (podcastksinha) / Spotify (Spotify for Podcasters)

#244 (Feb 14, 2022): ETERNAL DAMNATION

RAMJI LALL: A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN (A Critical Study) (RAMA BROTHERS, 2629/4, Bank Street, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005; 1st Edition: 1974, 23rd Edition: 2002; paperback; 136 pages; Price: Rs. 60.00), p. 96-97

YouTube podcast (Kishalay Sinha - handle @kishalaysinha) 

April 4, 2024 

G-126 A NATIONALIST ON TRIAL - 2 (6:49) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

ALAN WARNER: A SHORT GUIDE TO ENGLISH STYLE (English Language Book Society/ELBS and Oxford University Press; 198 pages), p. 60-62

The text of this speech attributed to "Jawaharlal Nehru" seems to be an imaginative exercise in rhetorical writing by a highly skilled ghost writer simulating grand public oratory. Substitute the bogus name SAT. "Jawaharlal Nehru"/SAT. "Mahatma Gandhi" by G- KSG.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] May 14, 2024


If so, the plan is clear: a clone looking like "ARVIND KEJRIWAL" will act as substitute of ARVIND KEJRIWAL and go inside TIHAR JAIL, and ARVIND KEJRIWAL will roam freely as SWATI MALIWAL: long- used NAZI DECEPTION e.g. MEHUL CHOKSI became NADDA etc.

SUSHMA SWARAJ keeps transformig into "daughter" BANSURI SWARAJ alias SWARNALI SARKAR alias PRIYANKA GANDHI etc.

ALL male/female transgender Nazis are inborn cheats and liars.

OWNER: SNEHA [m/f?] SINGHA CHOUDHURY [Address not given]

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] May 13, 2024

জনতাকে vote ভোট দিতে বলা NAZI cheats ঠকদের সবচেয়ে বড় চালাকি - কারণ সব পার্টি একই Nazi পার্টির আলাদা আলাদা নাম - শাসক আর নকল "বিরোধী" party গুলো আসলে একই party! যাকেই ভোট দেওয়া হোক, একই পার্টিকে ভোট vote দেওয়া হয় !! নির্লজ্জ Nazi শয়তানদের নির্লজ্জ চালাকি !!

নির্লজ্জ NAZI ঠকদের আরেকটা বড় চালাকি - মানব জাতিকে ভাগ করবার জন্য হিন্দু, মুসলমান, খৃষ্টান ইত্যাদি fake religions বানিয়ে এক সম্প্রদায়ের বিরুদ্ধে অন্য সম্প্রদায়কে উস্কানি - DIVIDE AND RULE Nazi ছোটলোকামি !!

আমার মনে হয় বহুরূপী Nazi শয়তান Arnab Goswami is in JAIL - আমার মনে হয় বহুরূপী Nazi শয়তান "MODI" will also be in JAIL with ARNAB.
সব পার্টির বহুরূপী m/f Nazi শয়তানের দল আতঙ্কে পাগল হয়ে গেছে - Nazi male/female bosses of all Nazi parties সবাই জেলে - আতঙ্ক স্বাভাবিক
- KSG has exposed অত্যাচারী Nazi শয়তানদের চালাকি: THE END নাটক

F***ing Arvind Kejriwal souds like f***ing SATAN Mahatma Gandhi (newsX)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] May 12, 2024

SANDESHKHALI সন্দেশখালি is full of Nazi body transformer SATAN শেখ শাহজাহান Sheikh Shahjahan's evil gang of f. reborn m/f NAZIS.

Educational institutes are full of reborn m/f Nazi mass murderers.

Body transforming Nazi criminal cheat "Arvind Kejriwal" (shouting dramatically against other body transforming Nazi criminal cheats who are secret partners belonging to the SAME Nazi party) knows that the entire gang of male & female Nazis on & inside Earth in all body forms will soon go through violent torture & mass extinction.


NAZI cheats know that interviews with NAZI cheats interviewed by Nazi cheats on Nazi fake news TV channels can no longer fool the VAST public who will wipe out the gang of male and female Nazis.
F***ing liar ARNAB/HIMMLER is the BIGGEST Nazi criminal cheat.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] May 11, 2024

Body transforming f***ing Nazi mass murderer Rishi Sunak (BBC).
Nazis travel thousands of miles per hour via underground tunnels.

Nazi mass murderers HITLER, STALIN etc. have kept transforming interchangeably. E.g. HITLER becomes STALIN and vice versa. All m/f Nazi mass murderers have look-alike identical-voiced clones.

It is not as if ATOM BOMBS can ONLY be dropped from Air Forces fighter jets. ATOM BOMBS can also be dropped from PASSENGER planes without causing public suspicion. Countless ATOM BOMBS have been DROPPED on poor helpless civilian populations of Syria and Afghanistan and Pakistan etc. from passenger planes loaded with ATOM BOMBS.

Not only have AIR FORCE planes and PASSENGER planes of Great Britan and USA and Russia and Germany and France etc. dropped ATOM BOMBS but Vatican planes have dropped ATOM BOMBS for thousands of years if not for billions of years - a top NAZI SECRET.

You will understand the hidden meaning of secret "ANTIMATTER" liquid (ANTIMATTER annihilates matter upon contact with matter) in a Vatican lab in DAN BROWN: ANGELS & DEMONS (Washinton Square Press / Simon & Schuster / W) if you replace ANTIMATTER by ATOM BOMBS!!! Symbologist Robert Langdon is based on KSG.
(I don't know who Vittoria Vetra is based on - "V.V." suggests a pr.)

ATOM BOMBS ("ANTIMATTER") are stored inside Earth by Vatican NAZIS and dropped on Earth's surface by Vatican planes, NAZI Air Forces planes and Nazi passenger planes carrying ATOM BOMBS.

SAT. Isaac Newton/PAM Dirac/GANDHI/Nehru/Khushwant Singh 



BOOK REVIEW: Angels & Demons By Dan Brown Spoiler Free Book Review (9:54) / AwaniSharmaOfficial (YouTube)



Angels & Demons | Book Summary in Hindi | Dan Brown (13:05) / The StoryTeller (YouTube)

BOOK REVIEW - ANGELS AND DEMONS [best thriller for beginner?] (8:02) / HeyAnushka (YouTube)

Angels and Demons Book Review (2:44) / Shaurya Bansal (YouTube)

[ডেন ব্রাউন:] এঞ্জেলস এন্ড ডেমনস বুক রিভিউ || Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (6:21) / Bookish View (YouTube)

Bengali translation অনুবাদ published by অন্বেষা [অন্বেষা, ঢাকা? - who published "সায়েন্স ফিকশন সমগ্র" - a book of very enjoyable science fiction stories in Bengali by late হুমায়ূন আহমেদ Humayun Ahmed]

[CERN Switzerland 100% reborn Nazi mass murderers Peter Higgs / John Piper / Muhammad Yunus etc.  who make atom bombs in underground labs with uranium supplied to CERN by Nazis on the ground; atom bombs made inside Earth are supplied to Nazis on Earth via underground tunnels with exits all over Earth's surface.]

THE ILLUMINATI ARE REAL? | Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (17:23) / Ash Porter (YouTube)

BEST THRILLER FOR BEGINNERS? Angels and Demons by Dan Brown | Book review (spoiler free) (4:03) / Literally Sam (YouTube)

[It seems to Me that "Victoria" is spelled "VITTORIA" in Italian. - G]

Plot summary, "Angels & Demons" by Dan Brown in 5 Minutes - Book Review (5:25) / Cliff Notes (YouTube) 

Dan Brown's Angels & Demons - A Book that I liked Very Much.. (3:21) / CrubbleEye (YouTube)

"Dan Brown আমাকে paid promotion দিবে না" - কি আর করা যায় ! - বই পড়া আর বই আলোচনা করা খুব interesting - আমার কাছে writing about books I have bought and read (or skimmed) is an enjoyable hobby.

[Crubble in CrubbleEye মানে কি? Crubble: Crab and Bubble combo?]

Angels and Demons || Book Review || Kanika Khetan (4:05) / Unboxing Perspectives (YouTube) 

ANGELS AND DEMONS Book Review || Filipino Booktuber (11:12) / Arvin Paculaba (YouTube)

[KSG has single-handedly exposed and crushed with ET scientists the gang of f. Nazis who planned to wipe out the human race. - G]


The title ("DIGITAL FORTRESS") of the Dan Brown thriller DIGITAL FORTRESS is a subtle reference to the mysterious KSG T.N. res. (It helps to have a double agent home snake who is not very literate.)

KSG supercomputer mind works on Extra Sensory Perception ESP.

(I have bought and read or skimmed all thrillers by Dan Brown. - G)

Digital Fortress By Dan Brown (7:24) / RJ Manjula (YouTube)


Digital Fortress Book Review (6:46) / Kyle Hine (YouTube)

[NSA and similar spy organizations of ALL governments are given the passwords of everyone and so anybody's emails can be read.]

WORST BOOK EVER: EW [expresses disgust or distaste (Google)] or Review of 'Digital Fortress' by Dan Brown (20:16) / Matylda Hej | EveryCraft & dog (YouTube)

Digital Fortress - Dan Brown book review (5:15) / Priyamm Deka (YouTube)

Digital Fortress Book review | Dan Brown | Techno thriller (5:14) / Catchy Tales (YouTube)

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown - Summary, Analysis, Plot, Themes, Characters, Audiobook Explanation (5:54) / A to Z Summary (Books, Stories & Poems) (YouTube)

DIGITAL FORTRESS BY DAN BROWN - Animated Book Review | Human Mind is the Greatest Supercomputer! (13:35) / Neha's Notebook (YouTube)


DECEPTION POINT BY DAN BROWN (6:33) / RJ Manjula (YouTube)

Deception Point by Dan Brown - Summary, Analysis, Plot, Themes, Characters, Audiobook Explanation (6:13) / A to Z Summary (Books, Stories & Poems) (YouTube)

Book Review - DECEPTION POINT BY DAN BROWN (6:58) / Neha's Notebook (YouTube)

Deception Point by Dan Brown (5:03) / Bookmarked (YouTube)

Anti-Google/YouTube Rachel Stephens (f) looks like Bill Gates (m)

[Extra Terrestrial "METEOR" discovered by NASA: code for KSG. Cf. "experimental discovery" of "God particle" by international team of physicists at CERN: confirmation of KSG's "Theory of Everything".]

[Many years ago, KSG sent details of His sensational discoveries about secret underground HQ of Nazis and underground tunnels and body transformations and clones etc. to NASA, Cavendish Lab (Cambridge University), MIT Radiation Lab (MIT), USSR Academy of Sciences, HISTORY CHANNEL, BBC, President of Royal Society (London), The Assam Tribune, etc. Lookalike highly trained Nazi ass. & spies kept coming and escaping and getting replaced as treacherous home snakes but without success with extremely cautious tight-lipped KSG Who didn't want to jeopardize the lives of any home snakes who might get tortured by Nazis for info. if KSG gave home snakes any crucial info. about His discoveries.]

Deception Point Trailer (2:02) / Lapsce Productions (YouTube)

[Repeatedly BODY-transforming AGE-changing SEX-changing SAT. "Black" BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - "of unknown origin" - SAT. BM Kanad s/o SAT. BM KuS T.N., S.N., T.N., BELT. & SAT. BM KaMoSin S.N., T.N., BELT.; Cf. giveaway name: River BARAK, Cachar, Assam]

YouTube podcasts (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha):

October 11, 2023 

G-25 BLUE TORCH - 1 (5:55) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
वेद प्रकाश शर्मा : भगवान नम्बर दो (तुलसी पेपर बुक्स, मेरठ), p. 218-221

G-26 BLUE TORCH - 2 (3:26) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
वेद प्रकाश शर्मा : भगवान नम्बर दो (तुलसी पेपर बुक्स, मेरठ), p. 153-155

G-27 BLUE TORCH - 3 (6:31) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
वेद प्रकाश शर्मा : भगवान नम्बर दो (तुलसी पेपर बुक्स, मेरठ), p. 155-158

October 13, 2023

G-28 BLUE TORCH - 4 (3:02) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
वेद प्रकाश शर्मा : भगवान नम्बर दो (तुलसी पेपर बुक्स, मेरठ), p. 102-103

G-30 BLUE TORCH - 5 (8:15) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
वेद प्रकाश शर्मा : भगवान नम्बर दो (तुलसी पेपर बुक्स, मेरठ), p. 102-105


The Truth About the Holy Grail | The Da Vinci Code (Tom Hanks, Ian McKellen) (8:36) / CRIME CITY (YouTube)

If Jesus is a historical figure, I think Jesus, too, like satanic NAZI adversaries Peter etc., transform into male or female forms. (TOM HANKS looks like over-smart Bollywood "star" SAT. "AAMIR KHAN" who exclaims "HEIL HITLER!" in the Bollywood Hindi movie TAARE ZAMEEN PAR तारे जमीन पर, passed by the Indian Film Censor Board Chief SHARMILA TAGORE alias BEGUM Ayesha SULTANA KHAN.) 



U.S. Atomic Soldiers [400,000 were wiped out as guinea pigs by atom bombs dropped on them by Nazi mass murderers in USA]

How the U.S. Government [Nazi mass murderers] Used Veterans as Atomic Guinea Pigs (14:43) / The New York Times (YouTube)

[All story-tellers look like Indians I have seen: reborn as Indians?]

XENU (m/f) 

Scientology believes a powerful being named Xenu destroyed millions of beings on earh using bombs [atom bombs / nuclear bombs / hydrogen bombs] @knowledge_7 # SHORTS / Knowledge (YouTube)


Boeing 737 carrying many passengers CAUGHT FIRE at Senegal's main airport near DAKAR, capital of Senegal. - BBC interview with U.S. Transportation Secretary PETE Buttigieg. (YouTube videos)
PETE [PETER] Buttigieg looks like a Nazi mass murderer reborn.


I bought the detective thriller Keigo Higashino: JOURNEY UNDER THE MIDNIGHT SUN (Little, Brown) long ago (October 31, 2015), and glancing through it gave Me the impression that the tension-filled detective novel is about a mother and her daughter who are both very scared and are on the run. (I will have to read it again.)

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 10/11/12, 2024

পশ্চিমবঙ্গে BJP কর্মী খুন হচ্ছে, TRINAMOOL তৃণমূল কর্মী খুন হচ্ছে, দেব ইত্যাদি সব পার্টির তুচ্ছ নেতাদেরকে খুন করা ত খুবই মামুলী ব্যাপার, স্বয়ং প্রধান মন্ত্রী PM MODI narrowly escaped getting MURDERED inside Indian Parliament last year on December 13, 2023 (because he was absent on that day, I think) when several angry Indians had ENTERED Visitor's Gallery with BOMBS to blow up MODI (I think). F***ing Arnab Goswami, whose theatrical angry screaming on TV is always OVERDONE, was kept in a Mumbai JAIL for several days.
সব fake news TV channels গুলোর শয়তান male female staff দেরকে সহজেই সবাইকে একদিনেই খুন করা যায় নৃশংস ভাবে - জনতা ধৈর্য ধরছে ।
বহুরূপী "শশী পাঁজা" নারী-পাচারকারী Nazi শয়তানকে জনতা খুন করবেই । ক্ষমতাচ্যুত Nazi rapist C. V. Raman/আনন্দ বসু খুন হবে যে কোন মুহূর্তে - বিবাহিতা শিক্ষয়িত্রী পায়েলকে police uniform পরিয়ে "পুলিশ" বানিয়েছিল?
Nazi rapist C.V. Raman আনন্দ বসু ওরফে "ঠোঁট কাটা" "না বললেই নয়" । MMCH "ঠোঁট কাটা" Nazi surgeons WILL SCREAM IN VIOLENT PAIN.

Nazi criminals disguised as police officers and junior police staff, with fake designations and fake IDs, wearing fake police uniform, are pathetically ill-equipped to deal with VIOLENT crowds who can easily wipe out the entire gang of NAZI cowards in police uniform.

সাগর / অর্ণব / HIMMLER (m) - সাগরিকা (f) INDIRA (f) / INDRA (m)

SWARNALI SARKAR স্বর্ণালী সরকার = SAGARIKA GHOSE সাগরিকা ঘোষ = INDIRA GANDHI ইন্দিরা গান্ধী = PRIYANKA GANDHI = EVA BRAUN (lover and wife of HITLER) Nazi mass murderer reborn (BM SHR. SIL. "RINKI" "D/O" "BM KirS" & Suchitra Sin. SIL - SP. BM KirS /BM KK SIN. "RAJA" T.N./SALMAN KHAN/ARNAB/HIMMLER) = HEMA MALINI হেমা মালিনী (multi lingual বহুরূপী chameleon) SAT.

"Bollywood" chameleons: 100% reborn m/f Nazi mass murderers.

SMRITI "religious book" introduced "Brahmin by birth" 420 theory.

"Brahmin" SAT. Rabindranath Tagore's ancestors were "Muslims". (see YouTube)

God killed demon Sanghkhasur শঙ্খাসুর (শঙ্খ অসুর)* and threw the dead demon into the Indian Ocean, but REVIVED the demon at the entreaties of the KILLED demon's WIDOW তুলসী TULSI (YouTube).
*Cf. শঙ্খ conch is blown by Sat. Krishna to start Kurukshetra war. Married "Hindu" Bengali females wear শাঁখা - conch bangles - as a sign of "marriage" [pr. of Sat. Sanghkhasur শঙ্খাসুর alias Krishna; Krishna is transgender spelling: Krishna কৃষ্ণ (m) Krishna কৃষ্ণা (f)]
SAT. Sharmila Tagore ("Hindu")/Begum Ayesha Sultana ("Muslim")

It is obvious that administrative staff of male/female Nazi cheats acting as rulers are male/female Nazi cheats with close links. IAS is international NAZI criminal organization "Institute for Advanced Study" (IAS), Princeton, New Jersey, USA, under SATAN EINSTEIN.

"QUOTAS" are LIES spread by NAZI criminal cheats hiding in India.

F***ing Nazi bastards & bitches reborn Nazi mass murderers, your HINDU-MUSLIM INDIA-PAKISTAN RELIGIOUS INCITEMENT GAME OVER. NAZIS ARE FINISHED. MASS EXTINCTION OF NAZIS soon. Nazi cheats invented religions to divide the human race. Game up.
TIMES NOW "Principal Correspondent" "MOHIT BHATT" ("HINDU" name) looks like Bollywood scoundrel chameleon "AAMIR KHAN" ("MUSLIM" name). All m/f owners and staff of all Nazi fake news TV channels are REBORN male and female Nazi mass murderers.

As before, HS results are very doubtful like all other exams results.
Practically 100% HS Science ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰী বোৰে sc subjects বুজি নাপায় - তলে তলে দুই নম্বৰি কাম চলি থাকে - buying and selling of question papers, copying, bribing, threatening, using influence - Nazi cheats have ruined students' lives. পৰীক্ষাত কম নম্বৰ অথবা failing marks পাবলগীয়া ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰীয়ে যদি দেখে যে Board পৰীক্ষাৰ mark sheet খনত পাবলগীয়া নম্বৰতকৈ বেছি নম্বৰ পাইছে, তেতিয়া লৰাজনে বা ছোৱালীজনীয়ে বহী আকৌ check কৰাব খুজিব জানোঁ? বুৰ্বক নহ'লে,  মনে মনে থাকিব ।

SAM PITRODA = Satyanarayan Gangadhar Pitroda [Peter/Gandhi?]

BEN [BENJAMIN/HIMM.] Kingsley played GANDHI in film GANDHI

"RAHUL GANDHI" may be a body transformation of warring "MODI"


All passenger pilots & air forces fighter pilots are reborn NAZI air forces fighter pilots Nazi atom bombs droppers mass murderers.


There is widespread panic among male/female transgender Nazis all over the world because satanic Nazi bosses - SATAN KRISHNA and SATAN ARJUN - "MODI"/"Mahatma" GANDHI/NEHRU/HITLER and "ARNAB"/HIMMLER - have been identified & exposed by KSG.

(1) ass. S. Jaishankar (m) / ass. BM BIL3 GOURI SANKAR (m) C.B. / AMIT. BACH. (m) hiding in T.N. as sex-changed girl SHR. (f) "girl" "student" of GURU. GASS. (2) ass. BM Anita C.B. hiding in T.N. as "mo." of S. Jaishankar (m)/SHR. (f) (3) ass. BM S.S. T.N./ass. BM Surjyamukhi C.B./KALI Mamata Banerjee hiding in T.N. as "gr-mo." of S. Jaishankar (m)/SHR. (f): 3 ass. tried to melt KSG with b.m.a.

GURU. m/f staff, m/f students 100% Nazi mass murderers reborn.

"MODI" has the same poor illegible English handwriting in visitor's comments notebook kept in KALA PANI Cellular Jail (at Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India) as the English handwriting of "Mahatma" Gandhi / Jawaharlal Nehru / Khushwant Singh / Prof. B K Mishra... SAT. "MODI" = "Mahatma" Gandhi = Jawaharlal Nehru = Khushwant Singh = Prof. B K Mishra?

Bengali handwriting of "late" BM Ranjan Sin. Rup Nag. GASS. (sp. "late" BM ছবি Sin. Rup Nag. - Malavika Banerjee lookalike) / "late" Merchant Navy Captain BM Radha Kishore Sin. Cal./Kol. looks like Bengali handwriting of SAT. Rabindranath Tagore রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর...
BM Ranjan Sin. Rup Nag. GASS. = Capt. BM Radha Kishor Sin. Cal. = SAT. Rabindranath Tagore রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর?

English signature of BM Kallol Kirity Sinha (BM "RAJA") SIL/T.N. ("son of" "late" BM Kirity Sinha T.N./SIL; Kirity = ARJUN = Arnab = SAT. HIMM.) very similar to English signature of "late" BM Kirity Sinha SIL ("father of" BM Kallol Kirity Sinha "RAJA" SIL / T.N.)... BM Kirity Sinha SIL "father" reborn as BM Kallol Kirity Sinha BM "RAJA" ("son of" BM Kirity Sinha SIL lookalike). Cf. father-son story VICE VERSA in SCHOOL TIMES ed. by Ruskin Bond.

English handwriting in letter from CRPF Major (Retd.) Gian Singh (49-D, Model Town, Karnal, Haryana, India) very similar to English handwriting of "late" Krishna Sinha T.N... BM Krishna Sinha T.N. = CRPF Maj (Retd.) Gian Singh?

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] May 8/9/10, 2024


Nazi chameleon "MODI" = Nazi chameleon "Mahatma Gandhi"?!!!




Nazi chameleons move very fast from place to place by tunnels.

If "MODI" = P. Revanna, arresting P. Revanna = "MODI" vanishing!

ALL male and female NAZIS are liars by nature. Powerless satanic Nazis have survived only by constant lying and cheating. So, never expect NAZI fake news TV channels' male and female staff to tell you the honest TRUTH. Cancellations of international flights from India means in plain language that scared NAZI criminals hiding in INDIA who hoped to ESCAPE from India BY AIR cannot leave India.

F***ing satanic NAZI CHEATS have long assumed that the human population is POWERLESS against them, and cunning NAZI BOSS "MAHATMA" GANDHI/JAWAHARLAL NEHRU recommended 420 "fasting" and "non-violence" and "voting" at elections (ALL parties are actually the SAME f***ing Nazi party with DIFFERENT names - how CUNNING satanic Mahatma Gandhi/Jawaharlal Nehru/Sam Pitroda has been!) as the ONLY options available to the "helpless" public! KSG and ET scientists have completely overthrown Nazis!

Gandhi गांधी sounds like गंदी DIRTY. Jawahar sounds like Jahar जहर which means POISON; in Bengali, his first name is জহর (जहर) লাল; Vishnu विष्णु contains VISH विष (poison); SHIV is NIL KANTH (blue throat due to swallowing poison); arrogant "upper caste" Brahmins are followers of SAT. BRAHMA/ABRAHAM (420 Abraham Lincoln) who SUPPRESS the fact that skin color, racial features etc. can be changed; with "fair skin", Nazi CHEATS act as if they are "superior". The chief weapons of cowardly powerless Nazi cheats have been constant spying on humans and dropping f***ing atom bombs on humans and making women & girls murder humans with POISON.

"Mahatma" Gandhi and all other transgender male/female Nazi cheats keep changing their skin color (black, brown, white) and their racial features (Negro, Caucasian, Mongolian etc.) for the purpose of DECEPTION and also keep changing their height and weight and vital statistics and age and even their sex and their "mother tongue" and level of linguistic ability and their "religion" and name or alias and family and location and educational level from illiterate to semi-literate to average education to "scholars" and "professors" (many with fake degrees) and nature of their job and financial level from beggar to "BPL/Below Poverty Line" and unemployed to very poor to poor to middle-income to rich to very rich billionaires and trillionaires - cheating and acting innocent are universal traits of all Nazis, or Nazi "USP" (Unique Selling Product), to use a cliche. Retarded Nazis who are afraid of God will call God "backward" by saying He is of "OBC"/Other Backward Community! God never cheats and He never ACTS innocent - genuineness and innocence are natural to Him - but He cannot be fooled by anyone. (I am reminded of ingenuous Prince Myshkin in the great Russian novel THE IDIOT by Fyodor Dostoevsky; Prince Myshkin can see through everybody despite his inborn ingenuousness and weird frankness; but unlike Prince Myshkin, God is not moved by any pr.)


I was surprised to find from Google sources that the real name of SAM PITRODA, whose name sounds like he is a British/American Christian guy, is SATYANARAYAN GANGHADHAR PITRODA! This super cheat was adviser to "economist" super cheat RBI Governor and ex PM "Dr." Manmohan Singh - "economics" is 100% bullshit. S&P/STANDARD AND POOR'S - 100% oversmart unethical Nazi super cheats. SAM PITRODA / SATYANARAYAN GANGHADHAR PITRODA may be super cheat Mahatma Gandhi/Jawaharlal Nehru. (Skin color and racial features are changeable: a top Nazi secret.) Bangladeshi "economist" "Dr." "Muhammad Yunus" is a top "420".

Nazi chameleon "MODI" = Nazi chameleon "Mahatma Gandhi"?!!!

প্রাক্তন পুলিশকর্তা সলিল ভট্টাচার্য (ABP আনন্দ) দেখতে প্রয়াত গায়ক মাঁন্না দের মত (মান্না দে Manna Dey is pronounced मन्ना डे not दे by AIR Hindi speakers, which I find very odd; I have read that Manna Dey was a wrestler; LIKE ghost writers, there are ghost singers) - আমি শুনেছি, মান্না দের সলিল সমাধি হয়েছিল (he died) কয়েক বছর আগে একটা নার্সিং হোমে - টাকার অভাবে নাকি his dead body could not be released from the nursing home by his family - জানি না এটা সত্যি না গাঁজাখুরি কাহিনী - top Nazis (and top humans, too) keep transforming their bodies, reincarnating in NEW forms (including SEX-changed forms); look-alike clones can die on their behalf. Police and paramilitary forces have TREACHEROUS STAFF who are REBORN male/female NAZI mass murderers wearing FAKE police and paramilitary UNIFORMS, with false IPS and other false designations from highest to lowest - of course, all are under continuous surveillance and all are audio and video recorded continuously in all male/female forms on and inside Earth. I firmly believe that RABINDRANATH Tagore রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর, 'Mahatma' GANDHI/Jawaharlal NEHRU/SAROJINI Naidu (f), STALIN, Mussolini, HITLER, HIMMLER, JOSEF MENGELE, 'Swami' Vivekananda (NB 9/11 speech at World Congress of Religions in Chicago) etc. have been reincarnating in endless new forms with endless male/female aliases. VERY tiresome and BORING to Me.

R. বাংলার (REPUBLIC বাংলার) male anchor ময়ূখ looks like প্রয়াত গায়ক late Bollywood singer KISHOR KUMAR কিশোর কুমার (who had several wives after divorces) - পুনর্জন্ম হয়েছে নাকি? হতেও পারে - যা দেখছি পুনর্জন্ম ত অনেকের কাছে "ডাল ভাত" यानि খুবই মামুলি ব্যাপার ।

আমার নামের ("কিশলয়") কেউ কেউ থাকতে পারে which does not mean that that he has the same nature as Me - he may have completely opposite nature - নকল হইতে সাবধান - anyone connected with Arnab HIMMLER SATAN must be a reborn Nazi m/f mass murderer LIAR.

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 8, 2023


অধিকাৰ সাব্যস্ত কৰিব লাগে? - হয় নে? কিহৰ ঘেণ্টা অধিকাৰ 420 cheats?
ক'লা আঙুলিডাল পোক-ত ভৰাই দে কে-! ক'লা আঙুলিডাল নে আঙুলিটো?!!
ক'লা আঙুলিবোৰ পোক-ত ভৰালে 420 Nazi "सफाई अभियान" সফল হ'ব নে?
सफाई अभियान inventor Mahatma Gandhi/Nehru f***ing super cheat!
F. 'Mahatma' Gandhi/Jawaharlal Nehru/PAM Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac ("bra" "ket")/INDIRA GANDHI (f)/INDRA GANDHI (m)/Tesla/ KHUSHWANT SINGH/"Prof. B K Mishra"/"MODI"/P.C. vs WORLD SCIENTISTS & WORLD PUBLIC. (ET scientists can burn to ashes and vaporize the f***ing Nazi swine/bitch trans. SATAN by LASER)

दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा गण धोखा by Nazi mass murderers - পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বড় গণ প্রতারণা by Nazi mass murderers - পৃথিৱীৰ আটাইতকৈ ডাঙৰ গণ প্ৰতাৰণা by Nazi mass murderers - the world's BIGGEST mass cheating by Nazi mass murderers dirty body transforming cheats

"অধিকাৰ সাব্যস্ত কৰা" আচল অৰ্থ = মতা মাইকী Nazi চয়তানবোৰে ৰাইজক ঠগি থকা continue কৰা but cheating days are over, F***ING NAZIS! 

নতুন প্ৰজন্ম m/f Nazi চয়তানবোৰ = Nazi m/f mass murderers reborn

"MODI" and "ARNAB"/HIMMLER = SAT. "Krishna" and SAT. "Arjun"?


COVID VACCINES blood-clotting poisons are certified by W.H.O. criminal organization 100% male/female Nazi mass murderers.

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 7, 2023

It seems to Me that F***ING ARNAB = F***ING SAT. "RAM"/HIMM. mass murderer who super spread fake news about fake "COVID-19 CORONA VIRUS" along with his Nazi m/f fake news TV gang including DD gang of male & female reborn Nazi mass murderers.

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 6/7, 2023


I have heard India's two topmost politicians - PM "Modi" and Rahul Gandhi - making public statements which make Me come to a very strange and surprising conclusion. Mr. Rahul Gandhi keeps talking about an attempt to ALTER the Indian Constitution, while PM Modi talks very confidently about BJP getting more than 400 Lok Sabha seats after this year's Lok Sabha General election by public voting. Reading between the lines, I come to the shocking conclusion that Extra Terrestrial scientists now control the world including INDIA!!! ET scientists are watching & recording everyone on & inside Earth: George Orwell's scary dystopian novel 1984 infinitely magnified!!! Incredibly advanced ET scientists can vaporize anyone by LASER.


SHOCKING if TRUE. Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible.

সৌৰভ কুমাৰ চলিহা : এহাত ডাবা [chess] (লয়াৰ্ছ বুক ষ্ট'ল Lawyer's Book Stall, Panbazar, Guwahati-781001, Assam, India; 105 pages; ₹ 70)

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 6/7, 2023


SALMAN RUSHDIE* [MILAN]: LUKA [KSG] AND THE FIRE OF LIFE [IMMORTALITY] (VINTAGE BOOKS, London 2011 / U.K. RANDOM HOUSE / JONATHAN CAPE Great Britain 2010; © Salman Rushdie 2010; ISBN 978-0-099-55532-2; paperback; 216 pages; Rupa & Co (Calcutta) sticker price Rs. 299 APR 13; I bought on July 9, 2015) - 3 Main characters: Luka [KSG], Rashid Khalifa, Soraya [anti-KSG].

KSG spending Nazi-shattering days in Bombay & returning home.

The subtle name "Rashid [m] Khalifa [f]" seems to Me a subtle hint by the ghost writer that SATAN ANGEL OF DEATH Nobodaddy (m) escaped in extreme fear of KSG and Nobodaddy was replaced by Rashid Khalifa, a powerful female supporter of KSG, who changed her body and her gender to look and sound like Nobodaddy (m)!!!

Ratshit - SATAN RaT 

M agic lands lie all around,
I nside, outside, underground.
L ooking-glass worlds still abound.
A ll their tales this truth reveal:
N aught but love makes magic real.

MILAN: top aide of KSG in crushing satanic Nazis crushed by KSG.

Book Review: Luka and the Fire of Life by Salman Rushdie (6:19) / Culture Hybrid (YouTube)

Salman Rushdie - Luka and the Fire of Life (1:04:39) / GBH Forum Network [Harvard Book Store] (YouTube)

Rushdie - Luka and the Fire of Life (21:23) / Jim Foster Conversation (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 7, 2023

সব পার্টি আসলে একই ছোটলোক পার্টির আলাদা আলাদা নাম - তবু প্রত্যেক পার্টির Nazi শয়তানরা অন্য পার্টির Nazi শয়তানদের বিরুদ্ধে "চিৎকার" করা থামছে না - অন্য সব বিভাগের মত শিক্ষাও গোল্লায় গেছে - Nazi CHEATSরা কেবল cheating করতে শেখাচ্ছে, কাড়াকাড়ি করতে শেখাচ্ছে - ভালো বেতন কেবল Nazi cheatsরাই পাচ্ছে - Nazi শয়তানরা ইচ্ছে করে জনতাকে গরীব বানিয়ে রেখেছে, বাঁচার তাড়নায় pimps হতে বাধ্য করছে, বেশ্যাগিরি করতে বাধ্য করছে - Nazi gang of cheats জনতার কোটি কোটি কোটি টাকা চুরি করে লুকিয়ে রাখছে in Indian & foreign banks and in illegal property - এখন পশ্চিমবঙ্গের "BJP নেতা" সেজেছে SHUVENDU ADHIKARI শুভেন্দু অধিকারী BJP নেতা হওয়ার আগে বহুরূপী NAZI শয়তান TRANS মমতার TRINAMOOL CONGRESS তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস পার্টির মন্ত্রী ছিল!!! - NAZIদের অন্যায় অত্যাচার জনতা সহজেই বন্ধ করতে পারে by LYNCHING f. NAZIS.


Deaf and dumb phony sign language interpreters: shameless male & female cheats of evil DD NEWS: very repulsive dirty Nazi cheats.

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 6/7, 2023

জীবন বদলে দেওয়া কিছু কথা | some Motivational Speeches That Teach You the Most [REALLY?] - Dr Nilanjana Sanyal [fake phony doctorate fake professor বহুরূপী body-transforming নির্লজ্জ Nazi super cheat BM SS T.N. Sw. V. SATAN ] (15:21) / Health Inside (YouTube)

Psychology Meets Spirituality Dr. (fake) Nilanjana Sanyal [BM SS TN] & Bodhi [বুদ্ধদেব নাকি?] Shuddhaananda শুদ্ধানন্দ [কি দারুণ নাম রেখেছে!] #mental health (1:26:57) / Bodhi Bangla Talks (YouTube)

Nazi super cheats. Bodhi Shuddhaananda looks like Rahul Gandhi.

ধৈর্য নেই দুই মহা ঠক pair of super cheats শয়তানদের 420 ভাষণ শোনার


I think all female staff of all Nazi-owned fake news TV channels প্রত্যেককেই রোজ সমূহ-বলাৎকার করছে Nazi gang-rapists যারা এসব নির্যাতিতাদেরকে বাধ্য করছে দিনের পর দিন মিথ্যে খবর পরিবেশন করতে ।

I cannot understand the insane obsession with mythical character "Ram" displayed by India's "Hindu" politicians with ZERO interest in improving the lives of long-cheated Indian public. (All "Hindu" and "Muslim" etc. politicians of ALL parties in fact belong to the SAME f***ing party: the biggest cheating in India and all other countries.)

I remember reading somewhere that when King Ram returned to Ayodhya after his 420 "war" with his admirer RAVAN King of Lanka (after very carefully planned kidnapping and possible RAPE of Sita by RAVAN), on seeing Ram, women of Ayodhya exclaimed: "Satan has come back!" (Evil LGBTQ transgender Nazi cheats ruling India and all other countries have always engaged in fratricidal wars of mass destruction of humans but these transgender evil alien Nazi cheats have NEVER wanted to improve the lives of poor citizens.)

Modi bowing to a phony idol of "Ram" does not mean Modi = Ram.

Who will have the last laugh?

F***ing Bollywood "hero" Akshay Kumar - who plays "Lord" Krishna in Bollywood Hindi movie "OMG Oh My God" and looks like f***ing chameleon "Sheikh Shahjahan" "শেখ শাহজাহান" POLAR WARRIORS Robert Whittaker (see YouTube) is an oversmart f***ing scoundrel.

Ex PM has been protecting Nazi serial rapist PRAJWAL REVANNA.


I suspect that SATAN PRAJWAL REVANNA / BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B. has been under protection in NAZI "VIRTUAL" HQ GUWAHATI.

I have not heard a single statement made on Indian TV by Indian Army, CBI, Indian police saying that dirty serial rapist PRAJWAL REVANNA is "in Germany", concocted news spread by f. Nazi-run fake news TV channels of India. I am sure that many Indians know the up-to-date locations of dirty PRAJWAL REVANNA in up-to-date transformations, besides Google, NASA & Russian Space Agency. Supari killers should blow up PRAJWAL REVANNA without mercy. Invisible LASER vaporizing or burning alive PRAJWAL REVANNA in public view would cause worlwide panic and permanent madness.

SHIV and NAGARJUN of INDIA TODAY TV news channel claim to have documents to show that serial rapist PRAJWAL REVANNA LEFT India for Germany by Lufthansa flight at 2:00 AM on April 27, 2024, from Bengaluru international airport and landed at Frankfurt airport in Germany. ARE THERE VIDEOS OF PRAJWAL REVANNA in BENGALURU AIRPORT BEFORE boarding the airplane and DURING flight inside Lufthansa AND in Frankfurt airport AFTER LANDING?

Prajwal Revanna Left India on 27 April | Prajwal Took Bengaluru-Germany Flight At 2:10 | India Today (5:46) / India Today (YouTube)

Do airport authorities at Bengaluru airport in India and at Frankfurt airport in Germany HAVE VIDEOS OF PRAJWAL REVANNA inside Bengaluru airport and inside Frankfurt airport to PROVE the public claims made by SHIV and NAGARJUN in the above-cited YouTube video? Forged, false documents are made all the time by CHEATS. Forgery is a CRIMINAL activity incurring serious legal punishment.

[MEA Confirms: "Prajwal Travelled On Diplomatic Passport"] Prajwal Revanna Travelled To Germany on Diplomatic Passport: MEA [Ministry of Extrenal Affairs, India] | Prajwal Revanna Video (1:26) / The Indian Express (YouTube)

Vague statement by MEA spokesperson RANDHIR Jaiswal saying that VISA note was not issued by MEA. VISA not required? Really?

India's MEA Minister/External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, Rajya Sabha MP, should be JAILED for illegally claiming to be a "Central Minister" of Indian government, WHO MUST BE A LOK SABHA MP.

Prajwal Revanna case | PM Modi helped "mass rapist" fly to Germany, alleges Rahul Gandhi (1:18) / Deccan Herald (YouTube)

I am not convinced that PRAJWAL REVANNA has fled to Germany. Does Rahul Gandhi have real proof that PRAJWAL REVANNA left India? (When India's Congress Party Vice President Rahul Gandhi was arrested by FBI for carrying illegal drugs in America, he was released at the request of the then India's BJP Prime Minister Atal Bihari/Behari Vajpayee. Rahul Gandhi is notorious for rape videos made in Young India offices and in hundreds of hotel "resorts" in KERALA owned by him, like Mukesh Ambani's 600 staff in 27-story ANTILIA TOWER in Mumbai making millions of brutal rape videos of kidnapped tortured gang-raped Indian & foreign girls & women.)

International gang-rape and torture centers "World Trade Center" Twin Towers in New York, blown up on 9/11 (coinciding with the anniversary of f***ing speech by trans. Swami Vivekananda who introduced Kumari Puja - "worship of virgins"), and Noida Super Tech Twin Towers with more than 900 flats, blown up on Sunday August 28, 2022, f***ing towers built by insanely arrogant retarded gang of anti-God Nazis, where married and unmarried women and girls from all countries, kidnapped and tortured and brutally gang-raped by arrogant Nazi rapists who made rape videos of the rape victims and sold them as porn videos, were blown up by REMOTE CONTROL, not by a plane crashing into and blowing up the World Trade Center Twin Towers (a childish theory floated by very scared Nazi liars), and not by sticks of dynamite packed into Noida Twin Towers (a last-minute theory proposed by very scared Nazi liars of India's Nazi-owned fake news TV channels) - powerless Nazis are congenital cheats and liars who have ruled over superior humans by constant spying and constant lying and endless cheating. The 27-story ANTILIA TOWER in Mumbai (ANTILIA is a re-spelling of anti-God Nazi kingdom ATLALNTIS which was destroyed by God) will be blown up by remote control by ET scientists, destroying the entire 600 staff of ANTILIA TOWER and the entire Ambani family. Pentagon, arrogant U.S. military HQ, was badly damaged on 9/11.

LIVE | Prajwal Revanna Arrest..? Live (2K watching Started 1 hr ago) / Vistara News (YouTube)

A few minutes ago, I saw an announcement made on YouTube by narcissistic Vistara News about PRAJWAL REVANNA ARRESTED to be broadcast LIVE from about 7 p.m. onwards today 5-5-2024. I wish news readers & reporters of Vistara News spoke in ENGLISH.
(I find from Google that Vistara News is a Tata TV news channel.)


Genuine pride and tremendous self-respect are NOT signs of a so-called NARCISSIST Who shows "NPD" syndrome यानि "Narcissistic Personality Disorder", term used by cowards with no self-respect.


All parties are the SAME f***ing party with many different names.

RAJYA SABHA M.P. S. Jaishankar is an unconstitutional Central Minister who must be a LOK SABHA M.P., not RAJYA SABHA M.P. Similarly, Sarbananda Sonowal is also an illegal Central Minister.

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 5/6, 2024


It is weird that the REPUBLIC TV male reporter, REPORTING LIVE from BENGALURU about Nazi serial rapist "PRAJWAL REVANNA", is named PRAJWAL and looks like fugitive PRAJWAL REVANNA!!!

But the REPUBLIC TV male REPORTER having NAME "PRAJWAL" and looking like "PRAJWAL REVANNA" are childish coincidences  which make one suspect that REPUBLIC TV reporter PRAJWAL is a lookalike clone of PRAJWAL REVANNA, intended to be a decoy!

There are Nazi TRAITORS in every department including Nazis in police and paramilitary forces and armed forces of every country.

ARNAB/HIMMLER and his f***ing NAZI gang are the biggest liars.

GUWAHATI, capital of Assam, is the world capital of f***ing Nazis.

Nazi serial rapist PRAJWAL REVANNA is a son of H.D. REVANNA and grandson of former Indian Prime Minister H.D. DEVE GOWDA.

H.D. REVANNA, son of former Prime Minister of India H.D. DEVE GOWDA, is married to BHAVANI REVANNA and they have 2 sons: SURAJ and PRAJWAL (compare the two arrogant brutal F***ING Nazi rapists BM BIL4 SURAJ C.B. GASS. and BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B. GASS. who looks like Nazi serial rapist PRAJWAL REVANNA).

REVANNA sounds like RAVANA
H.D., H.D.:
H.D. REVANNA is ex Indian PM H.D. DEVE GOWDA transformed?!!!

I don't want to influence thorough investigation, but I suspect that, like H.D. REVANNA, brutal Nazi kidnapper rapist torturer PRAJWAL REVANNA has been hiding in ex Indian Prime Minister H.D. DEVE GOWDA's house in a transformed body, maybe as a BJP politician.



Kishalay Sinha [G] May 4, 2024


GUWAHATI (where I live), capital of the Indian state Assam and de facto Nazi world capital - to which f***ing male and female NAZIS are attracted like moths to Fire God - is considered by Nazis to be the safest haven for evil Nazis. All male and female Nazis on and inside Earth in all body transformations are continuously watched and recorded by ET scientists via satellites in the sky and by other methods. ALL male and female Nazis can be vaporized by LASER.

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 4, 2024


I have seen on Indian news TV a photo of Nazi serial rapist Prajwal Revanna with Modi shown by Ms. Supriya Shrinate/Supriya Srinet (the photo is also circulating online). God knows how many look-alike and/or sound-alike "Modi" exist! - fighter jet pilot "Modi", Port Blair Kala Pani Cellular Jail (Andaman & Nicobar islands) visitor "Modi", sound-alike Nadda, sound-alike Amit Shah, sound-alike AAP politician etc. just as Sonia Gandhi and AAP Atishi sound alike, Rahul Gandhi and Jairam Ramesh sound alike, Nazi serial rapist Prajwal Revanna and BM Saurav "Sunny" C.B. and Anurag Thakur and wrestler-serial rapist Brij Bhushan look alike etc. etc.! Such chameleons remind me of ALI BABA AND FORTY THIEVES.


I never heard of F***ING term "SANATAN DHARMA" until recently. The term "Hindu" does not exist in the great Sanskrit philosophical classic Gita. In an all-night trance I had in My university graduate dormitory room at UIUC, I felt that I had solved the universe (I had solved everything) and that I WAS GOING TO BEAT SAT. KRISHNA.


THE GREAT INDIAN NOVEL by Shashi Tharoor (PENGUIN BOOKS) is a sarcastic novel parodying leading characters Dhritarashtra and Pandu and Yudhishthir and Arjun and Krishna and Gandhari and Kunti etc. in the Indian epic Mahabharata, comparing them sarcastically with Gandhi, Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, Jinnah, Indira Gandhi etc. There are many summaries and reviews of this SARCASTIC well-written novel on YouTube. (I don't want to keep talking about ghost writing, which is the done thing in publishing.) One does not have to agree with everything in the sarcastic story told in this novel. For example, I don't think Mahatma Gandhi was murdered. I also believe now that Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi and Khushwant Singh and Wilfred Funk are different forms of an outstanding genius, perhaps Jesus (NOT antagonist Christ). A summary of the novel on YouTube refers to INDIRA as INDRA!!!

SHASHI THAROOR: THE GREAT INDIAN NOVEL (PENGUIN BOOKS INDIA 1989 / VIKING 1989 Copyright © Shashi Tharoor 1989; ISBN 978-0-140-12049-3; 417 pages of text, AFTERWORD, A NOTE ON DHARMA, GLOSSARY, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; paperback; ₹ 450)

Many reviews quoted on the back cover, including this first quote:

'Perhaps the best work of fiction written by an Indian' - Khushwant Singh, All Asia Review of Books 


Words of praise printed on the back cover of SHASHI THAROOR: THE GREAT INDIAN NOVEL (PENGUIN BOOKS INDIA):

Shashi Tharoor reinvents India with a dazzling marriage of Hindu myth and modern history

'Perhaps the best work of fiction written by an Indian' - Khushwant Singh, All Asia Review of Books 

'This is [a] fascinating novel. It made me sit up' - P. Lal, Telegraph

'The Great Indian Novel is a masterpiece of Indian writing' - Sunday Observer

'Shashi Tharoor's brilliantly written book...merits to be called a classic' - The Hindu

'Every sane Indian should buy a copy of this book' - Indian Express

'A brilliant concept, well executed and something in it for everyone' - The Book Review 

'The Great Indian Novel might upset a few people, but more than that it will entertain and amuse' - Bombay 

'Certainly a Great Indian novel...An almost reckless sense of humour, mixed with considerable wisdom' - Sunday Herald

'A real tour de force only an Indian could write' - Financial Times

'Eminently readable' - Debonair 

The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor (6:02) / Novel Notes (YouTube)

[Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is portrayed in the novel as Duryodhana, Jinnah portrayed as Shakuni, Indira Gandhi portrayed as Draupadi]

Book Club Discussion - The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor (1:16:33) / Read Write Inspire (YouTube)

The Great Indian Novel by Shashi THAROOR | BOOK REVIEW (3:16) / Books&Dirty Hands (YouTube)

The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor (Part 1) | M.A. English (13:37) / Read with Aradhana (YouTube)

The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor / Part-2 (11:19) / Read with Aradhana (YouTube)

The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor | Part-3 (28:16) / Read with Aradhana (YouTube)

The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor | Part-4 (14:32) / Read with Aradhana (YouTube)

The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor | Part-5 (31:48) / Read with Aradhana (YouTube)

[Non-violence and fasting have been pathetic methods of dealing with arrogant Nazis who have bombed humans with atom bombs countless times for billions of years. Just 666 body-transforming f***ing male/female Nazi aliens have dominated the human race for billions of years by threatening to use and using atom bombs, by constant spying on everyone, and by using honey-traps to trap and spy on and murder strong male humans who challenge Nazi rulers. But KSG solved everything on His own without any spoken suggestion to Him by anyone, and LASER can vaporize all Nazis.]

Excerpts from the novel:

He [Pandu] was in bed one day with both his consorts, attempting something quite unspeakably imaginative, when an indescribable pain shot through his chest and upper arm. He fell back, unable to mouth the words to convey his torture, and for a brief moment his companions thought their ministrations had brought him to a height of ecstasy they had never seen before. But a quick look lower down convinced them something different was the matter. They frantically screamed for help. 

'Massive coronary thrombosis,' said Dr. Kimindama, as Pandu lay paler than ever under the oxygen tent. 'Or in plain Hindustani, a whopping great heart attack. He's lucky to be alive. If it weren't for the prompt call,' he added, looking with appreciation at the two not-quite-shevelled ladies [ladies with dishevelled clothes] beside the bed, 'I'm not sure we could have saved him.'

Pandu recovered; his big heart rode the blow and knit itself together. But when he was ready to resume a normal life the doctor took him aside and gave him the terrible news.

'I'm afraid,' Dr. Kimindama said, 'that in your case there is one prohibition I must absolutely enjoin upon you... completely, and I mean completely, give up the pleasures of the flesh.'

'You mean I have to stop eating meat?' Pandu asked.

The doctor sighed at the failure of his euphemism. 'I mean you have to stop having sex,' he translated bluntly. 'Your heart is simply no longer able to withstand the strain of sexual intercourse. If you want to live, Your Highness, you must abstain from any kind of erotic activity.'

Pandu sat heavily back on his bed. 'That's how bad it is, doctor?' he asked hollowly.

'That's how bad it is,' the doctor confirmed. 'Your next orgasm will be your last.'

Think of it, Ganapathi! To be married to two of the most delightful companions that could have been conjured from Adam's rib, and yet to be denied, like an over-cautious chess-player, the pleasures of mating! Such was the lot of my pale son Pandu, and it could have been the ruin of a lesser man. But the blood of Ved Vyas ran in his veins, don't you forget that, Ganapathi, and he resolutely turned his back on his misfortune, and his wives. His putative father had died of his lust, and Pandu had no desire to conform to the pattern. 

'This is a signal,' he explained to his grief-stricken spouses. 'I must pull up my socks, turn over a new leaf and make something of my life, if I am ever to acquire salvation. Sex and worldly desires only tie a man down. I am determined to roll up my sleeves and put my nose to the grindstone, not forgetting to gird my loins while I am about it. I shall practise self-restraint and yoga, and devote myself to good causes. Oh, yes, and I shall be sleeping alone from now on.'

(p. 66-67)


It was a time of great grief and much sorrow
When Pandu rose up from the dead;
For starting today (not tomorrow)
He must renounce the joys of the bed.

(p. 67)

[I wonder if the sarcastic story is a parody of KSG, Ms. X, Ms. Z. It is possible that Mahatma Gandhi / Jawaharlal Nehru / Khushwant Singh / Wilfred Funk stayed with KSG for a period of time, looking like "dad" of KSG, to support KSG's tremendous mission to liberate the human race from the satanic gang of male and female Nazis. But maybe not. Also, Dr. Wilfred Funk may not be identical with Mahatma Gandhi/Jawaharlal Nehru/Khushwant Singh/Sarojini Naidu who may be different forms of insanely arrogant HITLER.]


784. The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor (6:02) / Prof. B K Mishra (YouTube)

This seems to be Lecture No. 784 by Prof. B K Mishra (probably a phony name). Prof. B K Mishra concludes his bitter remarks with a terrific one-liner: "The great writers have the image of a saint, not joker." Prof. B K Mishra says that THE GREAT INDIAN NOVEL has 648 pages and costs Rs. 744 - I don't know which edition of the novel by which publisher he is talking about - My copy published by PENGUIN BOOKS INDIA has 417 pages and cost Me Rs. 450.

I wonder if Prof. B K Mishra, whose voice sounds like the voice of Mahatma Gandhi, is a pen name used by writer Mahatma Gandhi himself, who cracks a joke at himself by sarcastially calling Salt March by a different name - "Mango March"! I infer this from the quotation of self-critical comment by T.S. Eliot who describes his notes on his own poem THE WASTELAND as "bogus scholarship". 

Prof. B K Mishra has a poor English handwriting like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru and Khushwant Singh. Prof. B K Mishra spells Lincoln as Lincon (which is a phonetic re-spelling!).

Prof. B K Mishra issues an implied threat: "The Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Koran and the Bible are religious books. A wise man knows that these books are beyond the jurisdiction of satire. An artist or writer who violates this jurisdiction does so at his own peril." I am reminded of life threats issued to Salman Rushdie by religious bigots for his book THE SATANIC VERSES. (I wonder if the hyped "threat" to Salman Rushdie was a publicity gimmick to make his book sell. All well-written interesting novels are written by anonymous ghost writers anyway; how can a ghost be killed? By the way, if I remember correctly, one wife of Salman Rushdie, attracted to him by his celebrity status, is/was a "Hindu" female
named Lakshmi, much taller than him; which was not to belittle him - a pun.) I have not heard that Salman Rushdie has got killed - I think he CHANGED his body to look like someone else to avoid getting murdered; some unimportant disposable look-alike clones, whose lives are not very important either to themselves or to their families and friends and who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of Salman Rushdie, may appear in public for deception. (All phony religions are Nazi inventions to divide the human race, to prevent the human race uniting against powerless Nazi cheats.) I have interesting translations of the Gita, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Bible, Koran, which I bought for their very interesting translations, not because I am really interested in any religion; unlike the other books, the Koran has detailed descriptions of HELL; yes, there is a shocking story in the Mahabharata about an Indian king slicing his body in HALF in front of his queen to show his obedience to Lord Krishna - I find this horrifying story of brutality extremely satanic.

Prof. B K Mishra is angry that Gandhi is called Ganga in the novel, but "Gangadhar" is a deceptive simpleton version of "Shaktimaan" (Indian version of Superman) in the popular Shaktimaan TV series.


I suspect that Mahatma Gandhi / Jawaharlal Nehru / Khushwant Singh /Satan transformed BM Kr T.N. to look like PM Modi and put him in KALA PANI Cellular Jail in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar islands, India. Nazi bastard SATAN IAF fighter pilot PC Phukan Choudhury. (See YouTube videos of "Modi" inside KALA PANI jail.) F***ING NAZI bastard SATAN HIMMLER/ARNAB and NAZI bitch BM KuS BELT imprisoned BM Kr T.N. in KALA PANI in Port Blair.


The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor • Audiobook preview (13:24) / Google Play Books (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 2/3/4/6, 2024


It seems from Punjabi NAMES that Punjabis recognised long ago the fact of transgender existence (a male changing into a female, or a female changing into a male, perhaps by the intake of doses of appropriate sex hormones) by using names like NIRMAL for a male AND for a female (married?) by ADDING KAUR to her name.

BIGG BOSS Amitabh Bachchan (male), in one of many roles, can change into a female DGP with fake IPS with alias NIRMAL KAUR.


I believe that anyone can be reversibly transformed into any other forms - animal, plant, microbe, stone - ঘোঁৰা horse etc. Nazis have tried to BLOCK this fact known to many male and female humans.


E-mail threats can come from any place, including outside Earth.

Buildings can be blown up by placing bombs or TNT powder inside buildings (UP Legislative Assembly building and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and his Ministers and all ruling and fake opposion MLAs narrowly escaped getting blown up because police found in the nick of time highly explosive TNT powder that had been kept inside the UP Legislative Assembly; very angry male and female Indians entered Indian Parliament building with bombs probably wanting to blow up PM Modi on December 13, 2023 - surprisingly coinciding with the anniversary of fake "death" of brutal Nazi mass murderer transgender body-transformer BM SS T.N. - alias BM SLS T.N.?) OR buildings can be blown up by bombs dropped by fighter jets or by rocket missiles OR by getting hit by supersonic WAVES.

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 1, 2024


I believe that all NAZI FAKE NEWS TV channels of INDIA suppress the news that the state governments of Assam, West Bengal, Delhi were constitutionally DISSOLVED, and are continuing to give FAKE NEWS about FAKE 'Chief Ministers' and FAKE 'Ministers' and FAKE 'MLAs', and are suppressing the news that India is at present in a state of Emergency (under President's Rule); all news about public voting and elections throughout India are totally false misleading reports by all Nazi-run unethical fake news TV channels of India, which are notorious for shocking dishonesty and spreading EVIL Nazi lies like fake 'COVID-19 CORONA VIRUS' etc. Future events will show IF My speculations that I have stated here are correct.

I think President of India, using powers of the President granted by the Indian Constitution, has dissolved Lok Sabha of India including Prime Minister MODI and his Council of Ministers AMIT SHAH etc.

President of India is the Constitutional HEAD of the Indian Armed forces - INDIAN ARMY, Indian Navy, Indian Air Force/IAF. President of India APPOINTS State Governors, Chief Justices, RTI heads etc.

All top male & female HUMANS and NAZIS have look-alike clones. 

F***ing transgender m/f DD NAZI LIARS - बुरी नजरवाले तेरा मुंह काला !

Nazi fake news TV channels led by f***ing HIMMLER/ARNAB have tried to run a parallel Nazi world government through endless lies.


It will shock many to learn that inoculation with fake "COVID virus vaccine" can cause blood clotting (newsX). I was shocked to learn from Google sources that FAKE "COVID virus vaccines" have been MADE BY "Dr. Reddy's Laboratories", which I used to think of as a reliable drugs manufacturer: companies keep getting taken over.

I don't want to personally blame Dr. Reddy's without proof - I took STAMLO BETA tablet once a day for many years to keep BP under control without any side-effect but of late I am getting very black stool which definitely suggests stool getting coated with clotted blood which looks very black - of course this may be due to food poisoning by home snake BM SLS/clone T.N. supplied poison by NAZI bastards & bitches - innocent-looking BM BILs etc. C.B. etc. Powdered glass mixed with powdered sugar, if eaten, can cause internal bleeding in intestines due to FRICTION of tiny particles of powdered glass with the walls of the attacked person's large and small intestines. Retarded male/female Nazis show very strange brightness in devising MURDER methods, including putting body melting acid in a targeted person's bathroom GEYSER e.g. in T.N. [which, if it fails due to acid and water mixing to produce very hot steam that makes connecting metal pipe and metal tap very hot to the touch but NO HOT WATER to come out from hot metal tap and melt the targeted person's body, then retarded Nazis suddenly get the bright alternative idea of secretly putting body melting acid in RCC water tank - with no water in it - and the pipe (which should not be plastic but acid-resistant pipe) which is connected to metal tap in bathroom can pour out body melting acid to targeted Guy's body - but there is a snag - a plastic mug and a plastic bucket in the bathroom will melt before the targeted Guy can bathe in body melting acid and the Guy will get warned! keeping a metal bucket and a metal mug in the bathroom will make the Guy suspicious!* - so what to do? - NAZI BILs C.B. etc. disguised as "plumbers" can block the tap and ensure that bathroom metal shower can spray body melting acid to the targeted Guy's body! - this could be a plan in the making "secretly" discussed by f***ing Nazis BM BILS etc. C.B. with home snake BM SLS/clone T.N.! Retarded Nazis refuse to realise that NASA, Russian Space Agency, ET scientists (extra terrestrial scientists on / inside the Moon etc.) are continuously watching and audio video recording all male and female humans and all male/female humanoid Nazis on and inside Earth, and all RETARDED TRANSGENDER OVERSMART MALE/FEMALE NAZI bastards and bitches (F***ING "ASSASSINS") in all LGBTQ forms can be burned to ashes and vaporized by LASER by ET scientists].

When a fake medicinal tablet produced by retarded-brained Nazis (who get very bright murdering ideas from time to time, however) is swallowed with water, the tablet can produce a very strong acid in the intestinal tract and cause severe intestinal bleeding. WOW!!!

*As predicted, VERY innocent-looking treacherous NAZI snake BM SLS T.N. - Supreme Snake - recommends use of a METAL bucket!! A method has been thought of to counteract this retarded-brained THREAT. "To be fore-warned is to be fore-armed." Anti-human race NAZI bastards and bitches have realized after dismal failures that it is impossible to ass. KSG; their only hope is a treacherous home snake, taking CUNNING advantage of the fact that there are moral and ethical dilemmas involved in direct removal or "elimination" of a treacherous HOME SNAKE; a suitable SOLUTION has been found out: I feel NO emotional attachment to a treacherous home snake, who may be SATAN-IN-CHIEF, who constantly thinks and ACTS on behalf of f***ing Nazis AGAINST the human race; "invitations" and intense grilling and violent torture to extract confessions of LINKS with NAZIS and warnings by external agencies would be welcome.

DR. BHABHA (newsX)

There is NO PROOF that atom bomb expert Dr. Homi J. (Jehangir) Bhabha, "father of nuclear bombs in independent India", "died" in a "plane crash", just as there is no proof that Indian "patriot" "Netaji" Subhas Chandra Bose died in a plane crash in Japan or whatever, or that Sanjay Gandhi died in a helicopter crash. I think top Nazis escape into Earth through underground tunnels and then come up with transformed bodies. (Dr. Homi J. Bhabha - Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha - looks like Mukesh Ambani. There are many in the world looking like others: there are Indians who look like MODI, Indians who look like P. (PRAJWAL) REVANNA / BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B. / Anurag Thakur etc. There may guys who look like Me too.)


India's Nazi fake news TV channels are spreading the fake news that dirty Nazi rapist body-transformer chameleon P. REVANNA (PRAJWAL REVANNA) / BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B. / ANURAG MATHUR etc. has "fled to Germany"? How do the Indian Nazi fake news TV channels know that Nazi rapist P. REVANNA has fled to Germany? Why don't OMNISCIENT Nazi fake news TV channels of India give the address of the "escaped" Nazi rapist P. REVANNA who is reportedly hiding in GERMANY?!!! This is IMPOSSIBLE. An absolute lie. Nazi rapist P. REVANNA is in INDIA and is restlessly keeping on transforming into many different forms including Nazi rapist SAT. BM BIL4 SURAJ C.B. etc. etc. SHIVAKUMAR / very poor BM BIL3 GOURI C.B. / BILLIONAIRE SHISHIR BAJORIA BJP / BIGG BOSS AMITABH BACHCHAN / "28/11" RANA has been restlessly transforming into BM RUDRA SILIGURI (camp GASS.) etc. etc. etc.  বহুরূপী SAT. BM MAMONI/MONA LISA orig./clone in "NABADWIP"? SATANIC mother-daughter pair BM Mamoni/BM KuS transformed? SATAN f. "Angel of Death" JOSEF MENGELE / (BM SS T.N. DEVIL'S ADVOCATE) BM BISWADEV / Sw. V. / BM BISWAJIT "SILIGURI"?!!!

SATAN HIMMLER/ARNAB-LED NAZI FAKE NEWS TV CHANNELS' NAZI STAFF AND NAZI GUESTS keep saying glibly that Nazi rapist MP P. REVANNA ("PRAJWAL REVANNA") / BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B. / ANURAG THAKUR / BJP MP BRIJ BHUSHAN* (PRESIDENT OF WRESTLING FEDERATION OF INDIA) is in "Germany/Europe"! It is very clear that f. SATAN HIMMLER/ARNAB-led Indian fake news TV channels claim to have "BEATEN" CIA / FSB / INTERPOL / CBI / EUROPOL / NASA / RUSSIAN SPACE AGENCY!*(Cf. Bhusan Store L5 T.N. GASS. Almost DUMB guy looks like wrestler "Brij Bhushan". "Bhubaneshwar" looks like top IAF officer of North-East India. - G)




KOTA: hiding place of REBORN Nazi mass murderers transformed into "young boys and girls" like thousands of other hiding places in INDIA like IITs, IISc, IISER, NITs, AIIMS, CMCH VELL., HKV BHANG GASS, GURUKUL GASS for BODY-TRANSFORMED (including SEX TRANSFORMED) Nazi mass murderers REBORN as "boys & girls".

THOUSANDS of ISRO "rocket scientists" and "nuclear physicists" (makers of atom bombs) [reborn Nazi mass murderers disguised as "INDIAN CITIZENS]" HAVE BEEN MURDERED. (Google sources).

Cf. MIRROR NOW interviews with anchor NEHA (f) - cf. SNEHA (f)


I think formerly tasty biscuits etc. have been made TASTELESS by replacing sugar with saccharine by orders of f***ing Nazi GOONS who have ALSO ensured that formerly tasty potato chips etc. are made tasteless by reducing amount of salt, though sugar and salt are both extremely essential for the human body. TRANSGENDER SATANIC LGBTQ m/f Nazis cannot tolerate goodness in any form. 

Kishalay Sinha [G] April 30/May 1/2, 2024

SASTHI BRATA ষষ্ঠী ব্রত 

SASTHI BRATA: MY GOD DIED YOUNG (PENGUIN BOOKS INDIA 2006; paperback; 284 pages; ₹250)

recent monsters Napoleon and Hitler (p. 28)

We attended the same lectures, worked in the same laboratory; she even came to some of my debates. But she remained as distant as ever. Other boys tried and failed. Politely but firmly she turned them all down. She was a Goddess, beyond the reach of mere mortals. Our adolescent dreams were turning grey; hope was running out. Trapped like prisoners, we chafed at [resented] our bonds. Furious with our impotence, we cursed her for throwing us away. 'It needn't be me,' each of us said to her in our prayers. 'Choose anyone, but please, please, end this agony.' We wondered, would she ever? Then we heard rumours that she was engaged. Like the final thud of earth on a coffin, our hopes died. She was the mother of Christ, holy, beautiful*, but for ever unattainable, save in our prayers. The future was as taunting and chaste as Elizabeth I. (p. 187) *["beautiful", "ugly", "plain" are changeable. - G]

I often saw her in the arts library. This was unusual for a science scholar. For apart from two scenes from JULIUS CAESAR, which we read for our ISc, Shakespeare was virgin territory. Science undergraduates read a little Wordsworth and Shelley, Byron and Conan Doyle. But modern literature was for the unsuccessful - the arts students. There was little intercourse between the two main faculties. There was scarcely anyone in my physics honours class who had 'heard of Eliot'. And these were the most brilliant students of the college. (p. 187-188)


'Rimbaud stopped writing poetry at nineteen...Jesus was crucified at thirty-three; Jack Kennedy wasshot...at forty-six. I am twenty-nine years old. What have I done? What am I capable of doing? Who am I?'

Sasthi Brata burst on the literary scene in the late 1960s with MY GOD DIED YOUNG, an autobiography. Its unassuming style and youthful angst spoke to a whole generation and the book was an instant publishing success.

In this explicit and irreverent autobiography, Sasthi Brata tells his life story. Alternately tender and brutal, he lays bare the shams of tradition-bound society in India as well as in the West with his no-holds-barred honesty and astonishing insight and understanding.

This new edition, with a new introduction by the author, brings this cult classic to a new generation of readers.

'He has an undeniable literary gift' - The Times Literary Supplement

'Brata's description of the mating game...is one of the book's highlights' - The New York Times Book Review 

'The appealing autobiography of a bumptious, troubled, talented, likeable young man' - The New Yorker 

[MY GOD DIED YOUNG has nude pencil sketches on the cover, to reflect erotic content of the novel and also to increase sales. - G]


'I read his Confessions at one ten-hour session because I could not put it down' - Khushwant Singh 

पर्दाफाश ! - পর্দফাস ! No, the review by Khushwant Singh is too false to be genuine. Does anyone read a book at one ten-hour session? Definitely not. Khushwant Singh is not "Sasthi Brata". Chameleon Khushwant Singh is scared of Sasthi Brata who can transform too.

Summary and book reviews printed on back cover of the novel:

'I now realize that leaving home was a gesture, like goodbye notes from failed suicides.'

Amit Roy leaves his upper-class home in India with nine books in his bag and seventy rupees in his pocket, beginning his journey into 'Life'. His story runs a hectic course, from Calcutta to New Delhi and, after a poignant and disastrous Italian interlude, on to London whores, Paris, Copenhagen and back to London. In-between he works variously as a cub reporter, engineer and writer. The twentieth-century Odysseus, Amit is obsessed with that contraband comestible [food] - Woman. Adam-and-Eve confrontations lead the hero into situations which are in turn lurid, erotic, pathetic, tender and sometimes outrageously hilarious.

Like a beaver, Amit noses his way into that elusive conclave, the 'Hampstead intellectual circuit', and learns of the hostilities of fellow humans [human-looking Nazis] who would feign to know all the answers. And like the proverbial cork, he bobs up and down but never sinks. At the end of the story we find him packing his bags to revisit the land of his birth. There is a hint of thirst quenched. BUT IF WE HAVE COME TO KNOW THE HERO [G-KSG] AT ALL, WE MUST ASSUME THAT IT IS ONLY A CALM BEFORE ANOTHER STORM [WIPING OUT ALL F* MALE & FEMALE NAZIS].

[Amit. Bach. SATAN; authors often write Sat./Amit in place of God]

[KSG had no GF and KSG didn't have pre-m. s. in India or America. YouTube podcasts (Kishalay Sinha @kishalaysinha) - G-59: GOPAL MAKES HISTORY (9:30) and G-61: A RIDICULOUS STORY (6:42)]

[CONFESSIONS OF AN INDIAN WOMAN EATER has naked pencil sketches on the cover, to reflect erotic content of the novel and to try to increase sales by mild appeal to sex instinct of buyers. - G]


[It is very difficult to understand James Joyce's novels without the help of summaries and notes and YouTube tutorials and lectures in literature classes. I believe that "William Shakespeare", James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Samuel Beckett, T.S. Eliot, Aldous Huxley, O. Henry, Saki, George Eliot, George Orwell, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gorky, Maupassant, Cervantes, Oscar Wilde, Bernard Shaw, Homer, etc., are pen names of "Wilfred Funk", who has kept on getting reborn numerous times, endlessly fighting the F***ING gang of SATANIC NAZIS for billions of years, waiting patiently for God to eventually arrive on Earth to permanently destroy the gang of F***ING NAZIS, as promised by Him BILLIONS of years ago. - G]

533. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce (7:52) / Prof. B K Mishra (YouTube) [I don't know if T.B. patient is genuine; I find it SHOCKING that a supposed "professor" can stoop so low.]

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Novel by James Joyce in Hindi summary & Explanation (8:17) / Study Lovers Kapil Gangwani (YouTube)

James Joyce (22:19) / Vallath by Dr. Kalyani Vallath (YouTube)


Before you Read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce Book Summary, Analysis, Review (32:35) / The CodeX Cantina (YouTube)

"I can't print what I can't understand" - W. K. Magee (publisher), Publisher at Irish Lit magazine Dana (1:51-1:54)

 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce - Book Summary, Review, Analysis (39:20) / The CodeX Cantina (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 3/4, 2024


An Autobiography by Nehru (Content and Prose Style) (15:17) / Prof. B K Mishra (YouTube)

Prof. B K Mishra is an excellent teacher of English literature, and his hand-written notes in English are very simple and very easy to understand. I have all four books by Jawaharlal Nehru mentioned by Prof. B K Mishra in this talk: AUTOBIOGRAPHY, DISCOVERY OF INDIA, LETTERS FROM A FATHER TO HIS DAUGHTER, GLIMPSES OF WORLD HISTORY. Now I know the tremendous value of these books, written by someone (perhaps Jesus, only-begotten son of God) who has personally WITNESSED the history of the world for billions of years. I plan to read these books thoroughly. I wonder if Prof. B K Mishra knows of any books written by one kept in KALA PANI Cellular Jail in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar islands, India. All four books may be ghost-written, not by "Jawaharlal Nehru".

YouTube podcast (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha):

G-126 A NATIONALIST ON TRIAL - 2 (6:28) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-125 A NATIONALIST ON TRIAL - 1 (1:47) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

Comments on style of the 1940 patriotic speech by Jawaharlal Nehru above: G-126 (read aloud from the text in My voice, not in Jawaharlal Nehru's voice; audio recording was not done in 1940).

I suspect that Mahatma Gandhi / Jawaharlal Nehru / Khushwant Singh / PC transformed BM Kr T.N. to look like Modi and put him under threat in KALA PANI Cellular Jail in Port Blair in Andaman & Nicobar islands, India. Nazi bastard SATAN is IAF fighter pilot PC JAL JEEVAN MISSION TEZ SUPER CHEAT ASS Phukan Choudhury. (See YouTube videos of "Modi" inside KALA PANI jail.) F***ING NAZI bastard SATAN HIMMLER/ARNAB imprisoned BM Kr T.N.

Nazi bastard chameleon f***ing SATAN IAF fighter pilot ASS. PC PHUKAN CHOUDHURY was very upset about My podcast G-126, recording in My voice of a text which may be a fictitious text. - G 

YouTube podcasts (Kishalay Sinha - handle @kishalaysinha) 

April 3, 2024

G-125 A NATIONALIST ON TRIAL - 1 (1:46) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

ALAN WARNER: A SHORT GUIDE TO ENGLISH STYLE (English Language Book Society/ELBS and Oxford University Press; 198 pages), p. 62

"... He [Jawaharlal Nehru] speaks simply and clearly and with dignity..."

Comments on Jawaharlal Nehru's statement at his trial in 1940 quoted on p. 60-62 of ALAN WARNER: A SHORT GUIDE TO ENGLISH STYLE (ELBS/OUP).

April 4, 2024 

G-126 A NATIONALIST ON TRIAL - 2 (6:49) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

ALAN WARNER: A SHORT GUIDE TO ENGLISH STYLE (English Language Book Society/ELBS and Oxford University Press; 198 pages), p. 60-62

Was it a SPOKEN ("I stand before you, sir") OR written statement by Jawaharlal Nehru at his 1940 court trial by British rulers of pre-indepedence India? A brilliantly written fictitious text which made the oversmart chameleon Satan Nehru/Gandhi/PC very angry?

It seems that scared Indians who were forced by the British rulers to act as their "chamchas" and spied on highly educated Indian nationalists like Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru (who thought and felt and spoke and wrote on a high level) lacked proper comprehension skills to comprehend his sophisticated speeches and writings!

In sharp contrast, consider the following dialogue in independent India between KSG [G] and a brilliant Indian police officer in smart "khaki" uniform at Matunga Police Station [P.S.] many years ago; this SHORT dialog/dialogue turned out to be Earth-transforming:

G: I think I have offended Dr. Gos.'s "daughter" [Ms. X].
P.S.: Why, what have you done? Fucked her?
G: No.
P.S.: Then? Listen. You are an educated man. India is an independent country. Fight back!
G: Thank you.


James Joyce reading from Ulysses (4:13) / Dor Shilton (YouTube)

Tryst with Destiny | Jawaharlal Nehru (4:56) / Xplorer India (YouTube)

Tryst with Destiny | Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Independence Day Speech | 1947 (4:47) / Indian National Congress (YouTube)

Sarojini Naidu Greeting Americans In 1928 (1:49) / Brut India (YouTube)

ADOLF HITLER SPEECH (1935) (0:27) / British Pathe' (YouTube)

Mahatma Gandhi's Speech | Gandhi On God and Truth | Eclectic (6:23) / Eclectic (YouTube)

I am SHOCKED that the VOICES and up-and-down INTONATIONS of James Joyce, Jawaharlal Nehru, trans. Sarojini Naidu, HITLER, and Mahatma Gandhi are very similar. SATAN in different forms? Jawaharlal Nehru and Sarojini Naidu etc. with Mahatma Gandhi in the same photograph can be explained by m/f CLONES of SATAN.

Body transformations of SATAN HITLER as Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru EXPLAINS why India's Election Office symbol is SWASTIKA which is also HITLER'S Nazi party symbol SWASTIKA.

BODY-TRANSFORMING NAZI CHAMELEON SATAN / MAHATMA GANDHI / JAWAHARLAL NEHRU / JAMES JOYCE / HITLER / SAROJINI NAIDU (trans.) / KHUSH. SINGH / PC / "SWARAJ" / BM BIL4 SURAJ C.B. (who keeps transforming body form and keeps absconding and keeps getting replaced by look-alike sound-alike clones)

My identifying Wilfred Funk with Nehru and Gandhi may be wrong.

I have noticed that summaries and reviews and discussions of A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN by James Joyce on YouTube miss the implied connection between Stephen and HELL.

SIMON is a synonym of SATAN. In the novel A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN by James Joyce, father Simon Dedalus and son Stephen Dedalus are SATAN and Satan's SON Stephen.

Daedalus and his son Icarus built a labyrinth trap for "King Minos" [Simon Dedalus and his son Stephen Dedalus tried to trap G-KSG in Bombay by cutting off His communication with home, but the satanic pair SATAN Simon and Steve, son of SATAN, got trapped themselves; this is the untold real story of satanic Dedalus pair].

Richard Connell: THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME (a scary story)

Books by NORMAN LEWIS and WILFRED FUNK may be of female authorship. Cf. GEORGE ELIOT is pen name of MARY ANN EVANS.

Satanic gang of f***ing male/female NAZIS don't have a copyright on body transformations including sex change. Jesus (tortured by Peter), too, like many male & female humans, can change sex. - G 

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 4/5/6, 2024


Narcissism Joke Pt 1 #SHORTS /JC DEZMEN (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha [G] May 5, 2024


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8; KALPANA CHAWLA; YouTube podcasts: G-82 - G-90