I don't know why PM Modi had decided to deliver his 15th August Independence Day speech last year (2023) from KALAPANI cellular jail premises in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar islands, India, according to a CNN NEWS18 female reporter (if I remember correctly), though his decision was cancelled at the last minute. - G 

Imagine a space-time traveller, returning after 30 years of our earthly years. For Dr Winkle van Rip [cf. Washington Irving short story: RIP VAN WINKLE], it seems only a few months since she hurtled off at nearly the velocity of light in a secret biotest of General Relativity. Now she has come back to her job as lecturer in astrophysics at Loamshire University... What features of contemporary science might catch her innocent eye? What account would she give of scientific life and work in Great Britain today?

At first she would be delighted and overwhelmed ...

(p. 1)


রবিবার [রবি RaT] সন্ধেবেলায় অমিতাভ গাড়িতে চেপে বসেছিল । তারপর রবিবার গেল, সোমবার গেল - গাড়ি [rocket?] চলার বিরাম নেই । মঙ্গলবারে গাড়ি [রকেট?] পালটিয়েছে অমিতাভ । স্টেশনের ওয়েটিং রুমে ঘন্টাখানেক কাটিয়ে আবার এই নতুন ট্রেনটায় [রকেটে?] উঠে বসেছে । আগেকার গাড়িতে কুপে পেয়েছিল অমিতাভ । ঠিক যেন সেলের [in a cell] বন্দী [prisoner] হয়ে ছিল সে । একটা স্টেশন ছেড়ে আর একটা স্টেশনের পথে - মনে হয় পৃথিবীর সঙ্গে সব যোগাযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন হয়ে গেছে - একটা ক্যাপসুলের ভিতর অবরুদ্ধ অমিতাভ [Amitabh imprisoned inside a capsule in a rocket] পৃথিবী থেকে দূরে সরে যাচ্ছে ।

(p. ৩৫৭)

নিবেদিতা রিসার্চ ল্যাবরেটরি [Nibedita research laboratory] (p. ৩৫৩-৫১১) in শংকর অমনিবাস [omnibus] (দে'জ পাবলিশিং, কলকাতা ৭০০০৭৩; 511 pages; Rs. 100/-)

Many years ago I saw a video on YouTube showing a male wearing bell bottom pants being thrown out of a rocket moving in empty space. (Bollywood angry young "man" [f***ing Nazi sw. Amitabh Bachchan] wore bell bottom pants. - G]

Amitabh Bachchan was sent in a rocket on a long endless journey in space ... ?

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] 
April 1/2, 2024 (I don't know why April 1 is called April Fool's Day)

TRANSGENDER MALE/FEMALE Nazi শয়তান "শুভেন্দু অধিকারী" কেমন করে "বিরোধী" হল? - শয়তানটা ex মমতা সরকার তৃণমূল Transport & Water Resource Minister মন্ত্রী

বহুরূপী পুরুষ/নারী নাজি নেতা/নেত্রীদেরকে ভোট দেওয়া হচ্ছে নাজি শয়তান গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডীদের সবচেয়ে বড় চালাকি কারণ নানা নামের পার্টিগুলো আসলে একই পার্টি - নাজি NAZI পার্টি ।

July 4 (American Independence Day) birthday of BM KINKINI (Stephenie Meyer look-alike) Nazi torturer Bong. Refinery ASS. d/o SATAN BM KuS BELT "Snake goddess" Manasa/SHITAMA/Tessy Thomas who has DESTROYED humans on Earth again and again by dropping atom bombs on humans for billions of years. Cf. XENU (YouTube shorts and videos on Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard) 

বহুরূপী নাজি শয়তান কংগ্রেস/তৃণমূল/বিজেপি শুভেন্দু অধিকারী = "শেখ শাহজাহান"? - বহুরূপী অত্যাচারী বলাৎকারী পুরুষ/নারী নাজি শয়তান দুজনের চেহারা তো একই !!! - সন্দেশখালির যেসব পুরুষরা আর নারীরা শেখ শাহজাহান শয়তানটাকে প্রণাম করছে, ঘন্টা বাজাচ্ছে, প্রশংসা করছে, তারা সবাই নাজি চোর গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডী খুনী নারী পাচারকারী (R. বাংলা পুরোনো ভিডিও old videos দেখিয়েছে নাকি? Nazi TV staff are LIARS) - এই মুহূর্তে বহুরূপী নাজি শয়তান M/F "মমতা বেনার্জী/স্বর্ণালী সরকার" কোথায় আছে? (A clone has the same voice as the original. A clone may look the same as, or may look different from, the original. A male transformation has a male voice. A female transformation has a female voice... Consider Mamata Banerjee (f) and Swarnali Sarkar (f) and Suvendu Adhikari (m) in the light of these facts. BODY TRANSFORMATIONS including SEX CHANGE can be DONE VERY FAST. NASA, Russian Space Agency, CIA, FBI, FSB can watch Nazi transformations. LASER can instantly vaporize all male and female Nazis on and inside Earth. - চোখের সামনে হঠাৎ কেউ বা কিছু যদি নাই হয়ে যায়, বুঝবে যে এর কারণ: LASER.)

R. বাংলা TV চেনেল এখন মে আলোচনা দেখাচ্ছে সেটা কি LIVE ("জীবন্ত") না আগেই রেকর্ডিং করা pre-recorded discussion যা এখন telecast/প্রচার করা হচ্ছে as if it is a "live" telecast - মাতে স্বর্ণালী সরকার can be replaced by শুভেন্দু অধিকারী soon. জাদুকর P.C. Sarkar বা অন্য যে কোন সরকারের magic জাদু হচ্ছে ধোঁকা cheating.

Nazis use identical-looking CLONES for deception. Every top male / female Nazi has many identical-looking clones to be used as substitutes if necessary. When a male or female top Nazi criminal is convicted and jailed, the top Nazi criminal ESCAPES from jail and assumes a NEW IDENTITY. An identical-looking male or female CLONE goes into jail as substitute for the convicted Nazi criminal, after getting paid and properly trained and informed about the original criminal to act as his/her substitute in jail. (As a notorious example, convicted and jailed very big Nazi thief MEHEL CHOKSI escaped from London jail and became NADDA.)

YouTube podcasts (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha-dk4ph)

February 18, 2024
G-108 নীরব পুলিশ (4:54) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
মানিক দাস : "অপহৃতের পুনর্গমন" in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (মনফকিরা), ১৭৫-১৭৬

G-109 বামন অবতার - 1 (5:43) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
মানিক দাস : "লোকটা" in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (মনফকিরা), ৫৪-৫৬

February 19, 2024
G-110 বামন অবতার - 2 (1:59) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
মানিক দাস : "লোকটা" in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (মনফকিরা), ৫৬-৫৭

শিশু-মেয়ে-নারী-পাচারকারী বহুরূপী "বৃন্দা" খুনী অত্যাচারী পুরুষ/নারী NAZI নাজি শয়তান 

চাকরিতে নেই ঢাল নেই তরোয়াল নেই নিধিরাম সর্দার আনন্দ/৪২০ JU গণিত শিক্ষক বুদ্ধদেব

"গণতন্ত্রকে হত্যা করা হচ্ছে" বলে চিৎকার করছে সন্তু পান Nazi gas chambers ভুলে গেছে?

বহুরূপী BM Kirity (Arjun) T.N. ASS. Arnab GER. HIMM. অভিনেতা "উৎপল দত্ত"-like নাটকীয়ভাবে ভাঙা ভাঙা বাংলা বলে কেন ? এরকম 420 "নাটক" করে কোন লাভ হবে না ।

গতকাল রাতে সন্দেশখালির পুলিশ অফিসারের রিপোর্ট শুনে মনে হল, R. বাংলার/Republic বাংলার ভুয়ো সাংবাদিক বলাৎকারী rapist সন্তু পান সন্দেশখালির মেয়েলোকের বাসায় ঢুকে মেয়েলোকটিকে জবরদস্তি লেংটা করে বেচারীকে বলাৎকার করেছিল আর R. বাংলার গুণ্ডা সঙ্গী rape video বলাৎকার ভিডিও বানিয়েছিল - কাল রাতে নাজি বলাৎকারী Nazi rapist সন্তু পান লক-আপে ছিল was in police lockup - বলাৎকারী RAPIST সন্তু পান গুণ্ডার হাড় ভেঙে দেওয়া হয়েছে? R. বাংলা, REPUBLIC TV ইত্যাদিরা অদরকারী চিন্তা প্রকাশ করে লাভ নেই - পুলিশ জানে পুরুষ/নারী "শেখ শাহজাহান" কে, আর কোথায় আছে ! ... ছদ্মবেশী নাজি শয়তান ময়ূখ, স্বর্ণালী, সন্ময়, ভাষ্কর, আনন্দ, শুভেন্দু, বিচারপতি, বিচারপত্নী, শঙ্কুদেব ইত্যাদি f. দেবদেবীদের নাজি শয়তান সন্তু পানের মতোই ভয়ানক অবস্থা হবে ! - February 20, 2024

Arnab Goswami and স্বর্ণালী Swarnali Sarkar/মমতা Mamata Banerjee s. partners.

Stupidly arrogant Nazi media fake news TV channels owners staff are ZERO শূণ্য


নাজি শয়তান সন্তু পান বাঁদরের মতো লাফিয়ে লাফিয়ে দৌড়ে কেন? jumping running like a MONKEY - VERY FUNNY SCENE on R বাংলা and REPUBLIC TV - ভীষণ হাসি পায় 

সন্তু পান-কে সন্দেশখালির পুলিশ "ঝাল" লঙ্কা মরিচ না দিয়ে মিষ্টি "সন্দেশ" আর মিষ্টি সুপারি-পান বা পানীয় মদ দেবে তা আশা করা যায় না - বলাৎকারীটাকে পুলিশ ঝাল খাওয়াবে নিশ্চয়

নকল "বিরোধী দলনেতা" "BJP" শুভেন্দু অধিকারী মমতার তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস পার্টির মন্ত্রী ছিল

এবার বহুরূপী Nazi অত্যাচারী male/female মমতা বেনার্জী / m/f স্বর্ণালী সরকারের পালা

Arrogant Nazi "Arnab Goswami" was arrested by Mumbai police and was jailed.

Arrogant Nazi "Arnab Goswami" was arrested by Mumbai police and was jailed.

Like panic-stricken "Arnab Goswami", "ANURAG THAKUR" is in extreme PANIC.

Body transformer f***ing MAHESH JETHMALANI is in line for proper treatment.

নারী পাচারকারী নাজি শয়তান শশী পাঁজার মতো নারী পাচারকারী নাজি শয়তান উভয়-লিঙ্গ পুরুষ/নারী রেখা শর্মা Rekha Sharma দেখতে স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ/HBS/উত্তম কুমারের মতো - নারী পাচারকারী নিষ্ঠুর নাজিদেরকে পুলিশ আর জনতা পিটে পিটে পিটে মেরে ফেলা উচিত 

ঠক ৪২০ বলাৎকারী BM প্রদীপ Pradip T.N./B.B. ওরফে সন্দীপ মহেশ্বরী ওরফে সন্তু পান - ঠক ৪২০ বলাৎকারী ময়ূখ BM অসীম Asim - ঠক ৪২০ বলাৎকারী আনন্দ বসু BM বিদীপ Bidip "বাবুল" "Babul" - শিশু মেয়ে নারী পাচারকারী তিন নাজি বলাৎকারী Nazi rapists.

BM MM প্রায় ১০০% almost 100% reborn Nazi rapists torturers mass murderers.

পুরুষ/নারী "স্বর্ণালী সরকার" = নিষ্ঠুর অত্যাচারী বহুরূপী নাজি শয়তান পুরুষ/নারী "মমতা" !

BM SLS/clone T.N. same voice transformation of SATAN BM BIL4 SURAJ C.B.?


ভুয়ো আধার কার্ড

ভারতের প্রত্যেক রাজ্যের প্রত্যেক জেলায় প্রত্যেক শহরে প্রত্যেক টাউনে প্রত্যেক গ্রামে অনেক নাজি (মানুষের মত দেখতে) উভয় লিঙ্গের পুরুষ/নারী নাজি transgender NAZIS ধনী গরীব বিপিএল BPL ভুয়ো আধার AADHAR কার্ড বানিয়ে ভারতের নাগরিক সেজে লুকিয়ে আছে ।

Reborn পুনর্জন্ম নেওয়া বহুরূপী নাজি Nazi পুরুষ/নারী Satanic male/female CHEATS rapists torturers mass murderers chameleons শয়তানরা ভুয়ো "আধার কার্ড" FAKE "AADHAR cards" বানিয়ে ভারতের নাগরিক সেজে জনতার কোটি কোটি কোটি টাকা লুটছে 

আসামের মতো পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সরকার ভেঙে গেছে - Assam and West Bengal are under President's Rule - যেসব মিথ্যুকরা বেআইনীভাবে নিজেদেরকে "মুখ্যমন্ত্রী Chief Minister", "মন্ত্রী Minister", "এম এল এ MLA" বলছে, তাদেরকে জেলে ঢুকানো উচিত - PUT IN JAIL.

নরমুণ্ডমালা-ধারী কালীঘাটের কালী reborn Nazi mass murderer transgender মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় Mamata Banerjee = BM MIL সূর্যমুখী SURJYAMUKHI [SUNFLOWER] C.B. = TRANSGENDER LGBT BM স্নেহ (male)/স্নেহা Sneha (female) C.B. GASS. d


OWNER: SNEHA SINGHA CHOUDHURY [address not given; Mars মঙ্গল গ্রহ?]

Cf. SAURAV "SUNNY" SINGHA CHOUDHURY [North Korean Nazi torturer KIM JONG UN lookalike] C.B. younger bro. of MISS SNEHA SINGHA CHOUDHURY কুমারী স্নেহা সিংহ চৌধুরী, THE ONLY DAUGHTER OF BM BIL3 C.B. GAURI SANKAR SINGHA CHOUDHURY গৌরী শঙ্কর সিংহ চৌধুরী (SON OF "LATE" SURJYA KANTA SINGHA CHOUDHURY, Retd. Registrar, DGP Office, Guwahati - 781007, Assam), House No. 11, সমন্বয় পথ* [cf. Bhupen Hazarika song "মহাবাহু ব্রহ্মপুত্র ... সমন্বয়ৰ..."] SAMANNAY PATH, উদয়াচল UDAYACHAL, CHRISTIAN BASTI খ্রিস্টান বস্তী, গুয়াহাটী (গুৱাহাটী) ৭৮১০০৫ GUWAHATI 781005, আসাম (অসম) ASSAM, ভারত (ভাৰত) INDIA

*Bhupen Hazarika song - ভূপেন হাজৰিকাৰ বিখ্যাত গান - 

মহাবাহু ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ মহামিলনৰ তীৰ্থ (ভূপেন হাজৰিকা) (4:51) / অসম বিচিত্ৰা (AXOM BICHITRA) (YouTube)


It is not clear to Me if the winner of the latest Jnanpith award (the highest prize for literature awarded by Govt. of India) f***ing blind Indian "sadhu" Jagatguru Rambhadracharya (who has been BLIND from the age of two months) = Indian Urdu poet, lyricist, Bollywood film director Gulzar alias Sampooran Singh Kalra. [Jnanpith award reported by an Assamese TV news channel - PRAG NEWS? or প্ৰতিদিন TIME? or ? - I am not sure which channel I watched a few minutes ago.]


সন্দেশখালির "মা-মেয়েদের" জন্য সব পার্টির নাজি চোর গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডী অত্যাচারী শয়তানরা যারা এখন নকল চোখের জল ফেলছে, তারা সবাই মেয়ে/নারী পাচারকারী Nazi sex traffickers.

সব পার্টির নাজিদের বস NAZI BOSS নরমুণ্ড-মালাধারী বহুরূপী কালীঘাটের কালী / মমতা বেনার্জী / স্বর্ণালী সরকার / মালা / BM S.S. T.N. / BM MIL সূর্যমুখী C.B. / Sw. V. / RaT / JOSEPH STALIN / "ANGEL OF DEATH" JOSEF MENGELE / BM Adv. BISWADEB SIN. বিশ্বদেব "Nan." / শেখ শাহজাহান SHEIKH SHAHJAHAN / ASS. HBS / WEST BENGAL FAKE "DGP" "RAJEEV KUMAR" FAKE "IPS" পশ্চিমবঙ্গের ভুয়ো "ডিজিপি" "রাজীব কুমার" ভুয়ো "IPS" = পুরুষ/নারী নাজি শয়তান LGBT TRANSGENDER SATAN

লাথ মেরে বার করা হয়েছে বহুরূপী 420 "আনন্দ বসু" JU Nazi নাজি খলনায়ক নাটক করছে (ref. FAKE NEWS REPORT ON f. R. বাংলা/REPUBLIC বাংলা টিভি চেনেলের ভুয়ো খবর)

বহুরূপী "অরুণ হালদার Arun Haldar" - মেয়ে-নারী পাচারকারী নাজি Nazi sex trafficker - রাষ্ট্রপতি-শাসন আগেই হয়েছে - মিথ্যুক মেয়ে/নারী পাচারকারী নাজি Nazi SEX trafficker liar শয়তানটা নাম কামাতে চাইছে is trying to take FALSE credit for President's rule.

মিঠুন চক্রবর্তী ("বিজেপি BJP") vs কুণাল ঘোষ ("তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস Trinamool Congress") 
(R PLUS) - নাজি পার্টির দুই বহুরূপী শয়তান two body-changing devils of Nazi party.

"শিশু সুৰক্ষা সমিতি", "নাৰী সুৰক্ষা সমিতি" male and female MEMBERS are NAZI SEX TRAFFICKERS who KIDNAP girls and women and FORCE them into prostitution.
Nazi HQ: C.B. GASS.



"Ranoj Pegu", FAKE "Education Minister" of Assam, SOUNDS like SAT. "Himanta Biswa Sarma"/Sw. V./Jack Ma, fake "Chief Minister" of Assam. Transformation?
BM S.S. T.N. (f) = Nilanjana Sanyal (f) = Joseph Stalin (m) = Josef Mengele (m) 

অসমৰ ভুৱা "মন্ত্ৰী" 420 "জয়ন্ত মল্ল বৰুৱা" = অসমৰ ভুৱা "মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী" 420 "হিমন্ত বিশ্ব শৰ্মা"? = পশ্চিমবঙ্গের ভুয়ো "মুখ্যমন্ত্রী" নরমুণ্ডমালা-ধারী 420 "Mamata Banerjee মমতা বেনাৰ্জি"? = "শেখ শাহজাহান" (m)/PC পিসি মমতাজ (f)/BM S.S. T.N./BM Ranjan/RaT/STALIN = BM Anita C.B. (f) = BM Renu (f) = TRANSGENDER mass murderer XENU (m/f) LGBT TRANSGENDER SATAN INSANE Tirtha (male) Kumari (female) (YouTube)

The Oldest Game MORPHEUS VS LUCIFER (5:00) / Netflix Philippines (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 17/19, 2024

সন্দেশখালি Sandesh-khali নামটার মানে কি? মিষ্টি "সন্দেশ" মানে v. of বেশ্যা prostitute?

গুয়াহাটির কালাপানি এলাকার বেশ্যাদেরকে পাকা আম বলা হয় according to Satan PC.

চশমা পরা শয়তান সমুদ্র বসু SATAN SAMUDRA BOSE ওরফে বলাৎকারী অত্যাচারী ঠক খুনী BM SAURAV "Sunny" C.B. নাজি শয়তানটাকে বাংলা TV ন্যুজ-চেনেলগুলোর পর্দায় দেখা যাচ্ছে মনে হয় ... সমুদ্র বসু = আনন্দ বসু = হিমলার = অর্ণব = দীপু = শেখ শাহজাহান ? (about 3 PM - February 16, 2024)

"সাগর [Arnab/Himmler/Satan/Saurav/Sunny/Samudra] সঙ্গমে সাঁতার কেটেছি কত" 

আধুনিক ভাষায়, পাণ্ডর রক্ষিতা কুন্তীর উস্কানিতে তার জারজ পঞ্চপাণ্ডব সন্তানরা দ্রৌপদীকে কিডনেপ করেছিল গেংরেপ করতে, আর "অন্ধ" ধৃতরাষ্ট্র আর চোখ দুটো সব সময় ঢেকে রাখা গান্ধারীর ছেলে দুর্যোধন আর গুণ্ডা পার্টি দ্রৌপদীকে লেংটা করে তার লেংটা শরীর দেখছিল ।

ALL f***ing parties with MANY different names are the SAME f***ing Nazi party.

নাজি দিলীপ ঘোষ শয়তানটাকে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের জনতা খুন করেছিল; নাজিরা বাঁচিয়ে দিয়েছিল

"বিরোধী" "বিজেপি" নেতা বহুরূপী নাজি শয়তান "শুভেন্দু অধিকারী" ওরফে অত্যাচারী চোর গুণ্ডা "শেখ শাহজাহান" ইত্যাদি অনেক নামের অনেক চেহারার বলাৎকারীটা কংগ্রেস পার্টির সদস্য ছিল, তারপর নাজি রাক্ষসী কালী "মমতা" বেনার্জীর তৃণমূল পার্টির দুই বিভাগের মন্ত্রী হয়ে জনতার কোটি কোটি টাকা চুরি করল - কিন্তু এখন শয়তানটা ধোয়া তুলসী পাতা হয়েছে ।

সব পার্টির নাজি গুণ্ডা/গুণ্ডীরা অনেক কাপুরুষ পুলিশদেরকে আর মিথ্যে খবর প্রচার করা সব মিথ্যুক নাজি চেনেলগুলোর male staff পুরুষ কর্মচারীদেরকে তাদের চাকর বানিয়েছে আর female staff মহিলা কর্মচারীদেরকে নাজি গুণ্ডাদের বেশ্যা prostitutes হতে বাধ্য করেছে ।

"লোকতন্ত্র" সবচেয়ে বড় চালাকি - কারণ "শাষক" আর "বিরোধী" পার্টিরা একই নাজি পার্টি !

Nazi শয়তান অগ্নিমিত্রা, যার মুখ থেকে আগুন বেরোচ্ছে, খুব নাটক করতে জানে বলে ভাবে ।

LASER can vaporize and amputate all f***ing male/female Nazis on and inside Earth, but God wants the vast human population to do mass lynching of Nazis.

Sat. BM Ranju C.B. sex trafficker (sp. BM Sushma C.B.) = BM Ranjan R.N. = BM KaMoSin BELT = BM KrS = George G.B. = Swaraj (cf. Sushma Swaraj) = Gandhi = SURAJ BM BIL4 Suraj C.B. (transformed) insane sex trafficker with death-wish.
[-SMITA kidnapped & gang-raped in C.B. - to "WED" BM Debu/Deb* C.B. for porn - fake WhatsApp messages can be sent by f***ing Nazi gang rapists kidnappers - NAZI kidnapper-rapists keep changing their locations, names, and BODY forms (including sex change) but all m/f Nazis in all transformations are watched and audio video recorded by satellites. C.B. GASS is WORLD NAZI HEADQUARTERS.]
*BM Debu/Deb "unemployed" - Cf. Wireless Operator Nazi informer Beng. Deb in constant touch with SATAN Transgender BM Anita C.B./Indira Gos./Indra/Xenu.
*Sex trafficker chameleon BM নীলকান্ত (কৃষ্ণ Krishna)/নীলকণ্ঠ (শিব Shiv) ten. T.N. - his key ring has X and NL on it - inference: he is sworn enemy of Ms. X and NL

- এই বাক্যটা লেখার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে (এই বাক্যটা টাইপ করার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে) ভূমিকম্প হলো as soon as I wrote this sentence (as soon as I typed this sentence) earthquake was felt - তার মানে কি? what does this mean? - INDIRECT SYMBOLIC YES MESSSGE FROM ET SCIENTISTS! (Sp./cl./Na. sn. rushed out in panic from another room to see if local Assamese TV news channels were reporting the violent brief earthquake. I explained to sp. the coded message by ET scientists and told her to phone C.B.) - February 14, 2024 - the violent earthquake jolt occurred at about 7.40 p.m. IST.

OWNER: SNEHA [MAMATA] [male/female?] SINGHA CHOUDHURY [no address]
SON/DAUGHTER/WIFE [WHAT?!!!] of GAURI SANKAR CHOUDHURY ["SINGHA" missing - BM BIL3 C.B. is not GAURI SANKAR CHOUDHURY - car was kept in My compound by body transformer BM BIL3 GAURI SANKAR SINGHA CHOUDHURY ["CHOUDHURY" to indicate member of 420 "zamindar" family] #11, SAMANNAY PATH, UDAYACHAL, CHRISTIAN BASTI, GUWAHATI - 781005, ASSAM, INDIA; it was taken away from My premises after I informed Prime Minister/PMO, O/C Bhangagarh P.S., President/President's Secretariat, Chief of Indian Army, CBI Director, Governor of Assam, Chief Secretary to Government of Assam, and the Director General of Police (DGP), Assam. I suspect that the car (with definitely fake RC) was used by f***ing Nazi goons for kidnapping and brutal gang rape - Google/NASA/Russian Space Agency images/videos can confirm. Unemployed BIL3 Gauri Sankar Singha Choudhury C.B. looks like very rich billionaire SHISHIR BAJARIA BJP, 26/11 "terrorist" "RANA", BM RANJAN, AMITABH BACHCHAN, etc. - 3 bikes of f***ing BM Nazi BILs C.B. and a f***ing BM Nazi C.B. "disappeared" from C.B. one night last year, vaporized by LASER: Dispur P.S. police inspected CCTV footage but did not see any bike thieves running away with the bikes. - G]

There are MANY REBORN f***ing male/female NAZI CRIMINALS wearing FAKE "police" and "para-military" uniforms; these male/female reborn NAZI criminals who participate in CRIMINAL activities and support other NAZI criminals in C.B., T.N. etc. should be LYNCHED by the public on roads & at other public places. - G





Fallen Angel Talks Of Hell's Torment (18:20) / Prophets Among Us (YouTube)

Stephen Hawking Live From Hell (0:17) / david lee (YouTube)

YouTube podcast (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha-dk4ph)

February 18, 2024
G-108 নীরব পুলিশ (4:54) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
মানিক দাস : "অপহৃতের পুনর্গমন" in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (মনফকিরা), ১৭৫-১৭৬

G-109 বামন অবতার - 1 (5:43) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
মানিক দাস : "লোকটা" in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (মনফকিরা), ৫৪-৫৬

February 19, 2024
G-110 বামন অবতার - 2 (1:59) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
মানিক দাস : "লোকটা" in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (মনফকিরা), ৫৬-৫৭


সুরের আকাশে সূর্যের মতো 
একথা সত্য হোক 
গানের সভায় কখনো ছিলাম 
আমি তোমাদের লোক ...

INCOMPARABLE Bhupen Hazarika (m) = INCOMPARABLE Lata Mangeshkar (f)

শৈশৱতে ধেমালিতে তোমাৰে ওমলা মনত আছে
বহাগ মাহৰ লুইতখনিত দুয়ো সাঁতোৰা মনত আছে
যৌৱনতে দুয়োৰে দেহাৰ লাজুকী পৰশ মনত আছে
মোৰ অবিহনে চিপজৰী লবা বুলি কোৱা মোৰ মনত আছে

বহাগ মাহৰ লগতে এদিন আহিল বৰদৈচিলা
সেই ধুমুহাত কাৰোবাৰ স'তে তুমি দেখোঁ গুচি গ'লা
মনৰ গৰাকী এৰি তুমি ধনৰ গৰাকী বৰিলা
ধন ধন বুলি ধনৰ প্ৰেমেৰে 
স্বৰূপ প্ৰকাশ কৰিলা

বহুদিন গ'ল হঠাতে সিদিনা
তোমাক দেখা মনত আছে
আঁতৰৰ পৰা দেখিলোঁ তোমাৰ
স্বৰ্ণ গহনা জিলিকিছে

তোমাৰ অবিহনে চিপজৰী ল'ম
বুলি যদি তুমি ভাবিছা
ভুল কৰিছা সোণজনী মোৰ
অলীক সপোন দেখিছা

জীয়াই থাকিম ...
জীয়াই থাকি এখন সমাজ গঢ়িবৰ মোৰ মন আছে
অ' জীয়াই থাকি এখন সমাজ গঢ়িবৰ মোৰ পণ আছে
য'ত সোণতকৈও মানুহৰ দাম
সোণতকৈও মানুহৰ দাম
অলপ হলেও বেছি আছে
অলপ হলেও বেছি আছে
অলপ হলেও বেছি আছে ।



"সাগৰ সঙ্গমত কতনা সাঁতুৰিলো"  

"সাগর [Arnab/Himmler/Satan/Saurav/Sunny/Samudra] সঙ্গমে সাঁতার কেটেছি কত" 

"बोल राधा बोल संगम होगा कि नहीं ?" - "होगा, होगा, होगा !"

সাগর সাগৰ = Sea অর্ণব Arnab = AUSCHWITZ mass murderer HIMMLER = SATAN 

সঙ্গম संगम = s. int. / f***ing

I think I know where this great singer is at present located, in what body form, KIDNAPPED and tortured and transformed by f***ing male and female NAZIS.

... "under house arrest" as "baby son" of SATAN BM BIL4 Suraj in Nazi HQ C.B.?

नाम गुम जाएगा, चेहरा ये बदल जाएगा
मेरी आवाज़ ही पहचान है 
[but clones have same voice; male & female forms have male & female voices]


O, Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who turn to you. Amen.

(p. v)


For I am the first and the last
I am the venerated and the despised
I am the prostitute and the saint
I am the wife and the virgin 
I am the mother and the daughter 
I am the arms of my mother
I am barren and my children are many
I am the married woman and the spinster
I am the woman who gives birth and she who never procreated
I am the consolation for the pain of birth
I am the wife and the husband
And it was my man who created me 
I am the mother of my father
I am the sister of my husband
And he is my rejected son
Always respect me
For I am the shameful and the magnificent one

Hymn to Isis, third or fourth century BC, discovered in Nag Hammadi

(p. xi)



LGBT Transgender SATAN BM S.S. T.N. (f) = Sw. V. (m) = RaT (m) = BM Ranjan (m) R.N. = Joseph Stalin = "ANGEL OF DEATH" Josef Mengele = Devil's Adv. BM Biswa. Sin. "Nan." = Nilanjana Sanyal (f) = Jack Ma (m) = Ambani (m) = HBS (m)

Claire Boiko / K.A. Abbas: THE BOOK* THAT SAVED THE EARTH (English play)

*God KSG 

John Updike: SHOULD WIZARD HIT MOMMY? (HS English)

Jo = Joanne = Joseph = Josef = Joe (Joe Biden/Osama bin Laden)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 14/15/16/18/19, 2024 

Sat. BM Ranju C.B. sex trafficker (sp. BM Sushma C.B.) = BM Ranjan R.N. = BM KaMoSin BELT = BM KrS = George G.B. = Swaraj (cf. Sushma Swaraj) = Gandhi = SURAJ BM BIL4 Suraj C.B. (transformed) insane sex trafficker with death-wish.
[-SMITA kidnapped & gang-raped in C.B. - to "WED" BM Debu/Deb C.B. for porn - NAZI kidnapper-rapists keep changing their locations, names, and BODY forms (including sex change) but all m/f Nazis in all transformations are watched and audio video recorded by satellites. C.B. GASS is WORLD NAZI HEADQUARTERS.]

- এই বাক্যটা লেখার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে (এই বাক্যটা টাইপ করার সঙ্গে সঙ্গে) ভূমিকম্প হলো as soon as I wrote this sentence (as soon as I typed this sentence) earthquake was felt - তার মানে কি? what does this mean? - INDIRECT SYMBOLIC YES MESSSGE FROM ET SCIENTISTS! (Sp./cl./Na. sn. rushed out in panic from another room to see if local Assamese TV news channels were reporting the violent brief earthquake. I explained to sp. the coded message by ET scientists and told her to phone C.B.)
- February 14, 2024 - the violent earthquake jolt occurred at about 7.40 p.m. IST.

যারা ইংরেজি বুঝো না, Google Translate app ব্যবহার করো ... those who don't know English, translate into a language you know by using the Google Translate app.

GOOGLE TRANSLATE (HINDI): जो लोग अंग्रेजी नहीं जानते हैं, उनके लिए Google Translate ऐप का उपयोग करके उस भाषा में अनुवाद करें जिसे आप जानते हैं।

GOOGLE TRANSLATE (ASSAMESE): যিসকলে ইংৰাজী নাজানে, তেওঁলোকে Google Translate app ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি জনা ভাষালৈ অনুবাদ কৰক।

এখন "বিজেপি" নেতা "শুভেন্দু অধিকারী" নাজি শয়তানটা মমতার তৃণমূল কংগ্রেস মন্ত্রী ছিল 

Nazi ঠকদের cheating creations 420 "goddess" pr. Saraswati বে. "দেবী" সরস্বতীর ওপর ভরসা করে সরস্বতীর 420 মন্ত্র জপে ছাত্র ছাত্রীদের পড়াশোনা আর পরীক্ষা ভাল হয়? Nazi 420 "goddess" pr. Lakshmi বে. "দেবী" লক্ষ্মীকে পূজা করে যথেষ্ট incomeআয় হয়?

আমার সন্দেহ হচ্ছে নাজি শয়তান "সুকান্ত মজুমদার" কাল রাতেই মারা গেছে (মারা হয়েছে?) - না হতেও পারে যদি আজ দিনে শয়তানটাকে public দেখেছে - তবে এক রকম দেখতে clone হতে পারে - নির্লজ্জ মিথ্যুক Nazi fake NEWS TV চেনেলগুলো মিথ্যে খবর দেয়, সত্য খবর লুকিয়ে রাখে, পুরোনো ভিডিও বারবার দেখাতে থাকে, নকল FAKE videos দেখায় like FAKE VIDEOS of fake Mars mission and Moon missions shown by ISRO Nazi CHEATS.

Nazi fake news TV channels male & female staff সবাই বহুরূপী নাজি Nazi শয়তান 

জাতীয় আর রাজ্যিক মহিলা কমিশনের Nazi সদস্যারা শশী পাঁজার মতো নারী-পাচারকারী ।

I think West Bengal Governor f***ing SAT. C.V. Ananda Bose has been removed.

"ঢাল নেই তরোয়াল নেই নিধিরাম সর্দার" 420 "আনন্দ বসু" ওরফে SATAN BM BIDIP SIN. SILP. GASS. / N.J. - মাঝে মাঝে "শেখ শাহজাহান"?

[নির্লজ্জ মিথ্যাচারী female Nazi cheats and liars "স্বর্ণালী" ইত্যাদিরা বেশ্যা prostitutes.]

["মা-রা", "মেয়ে-রা", "বোনে-রা", "দিদি-রা", "শালী-রা", "বউ-রা", "বৌদি-রা" ইত্যাদি অর্থহীন 420 শব্দগুলি শুনে শুনে বিরক্তি লাগছে - নাজি শয়তানরা সোজাসুজি এদেরকে পর্ণ বেশ্যা বলে না]

It seems that Ananda Bose's car was HIT by a CAR in DELHI yesterday (Feb 13).

Automatic computer translations by Google Translate robot app:


আমি মনে করি পশ্চিমবঙ্গের গভর্নর SAT-এ  সিভি.  আনন্দ বোসকে সরিয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে।

[f***ing SAT. = SAT-এ ?!!]

[f***ing অনুবাদ করতে পারে না রবট বেচারা কারণ রবট বেচারা জানে না f***ing মানে কি]

গতকাল (১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি) দিল্লিতে একটি গাড়ির সঙ্গে ধাক্কা লেগেছিল আনন্দ বোসের গাড়ি।


मुझे लगता है कि पश्चिम बंगाल के राज्यपाल सैट को धोखा दे रहे हैं।  सीवी।  आनंद बोस को हटा दिया गया है.

[SAT. = सैट ?!!]

[f***ing अनुवाद नहीं कर सकता रबट बेचारा क्योंकि रबट बेचारा नहीं जानता f***ing क्या होता है]

आनंद बोस की कार को कल (13 फरवरी) दिल्ली में एक कार ने टक्कर मार दी।

Na. sw. SAT. H.M. CHIEF OF CRPF, BSF etc. AMIT SHAH অমিত শাহের বেশি দিন নেই

বহুরূপী ছদ্মবেশী পাপিষ্ঠ NAZI শয়তান চোর খুনী গুণ্ডা "সুকান্ত মজুমদার" মরে গেছে নাকি ?

Nazi শয়তান অগ্নিমিত্রা, যার মুখ থেকে আগুন বেরোচ্ছে, খুব নাটক করতে জানে বলে ভাবে

সুকান্ত, সুজন, সুজয়, সুদীপ্ত, শুভেন্দু, বিজয়কৃষ্ণ, শেখ শাহজাহান, মমতা/স্বর্ণালী etc. পাপী !

কোটি কোটি জনতা আর পুলিশের সামনে f***ing Nazi গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডীরা একেবারে শূণ্য - ZERO.

NAZI গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডীরা "সাধারণ মানুষ" না মানুষের মতো দেখতে অমানুষ নরকের পোকার দল ??

সন্দেশখালির "ধর্ষিতা" "মা মেয়েদের" জন্য হঠাৎ কেন এতো অদ্ভুত নকল FAKE "সহানুভূতি" "SYMPATHY" দেখাচ্ছে সব পার্টির শয়তান নাজি Nazi male and female POLITICIANS আর সব FAKE NEWS TV চেনেলগুলোর শয়তান Nazi male and female staff মিথ্যুকরা? - কারণ নাজি চোর গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডীরা সবাই আতঙ্কে আছে afraid of mass lynching of Nazis.

"ধর্ষণ" শুনলে "ঘর্ষণ" মনে আসে ।

পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মমতা-সরকার ভেঙে গেছে - তাই পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সব পার্টির f. NAZI গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডীরা যারা নিজেদেরকে "মুখ্যমন্ত্রী", "মন্ত্রী", "বিধায়ক" বলছে তাদের সবাইকে জেলে ঢুকানো উচিত ।

সাগর Sea অর্ণব Arnab HIMMLER Satan

আমি শুনেছি সেদিন তুমি sad song:

Ami Shunechi Sedin Tumi (3:56) / Shirin Soraiya (YouTube)

Ami shunechi sedin tumi | আমি শুনেছি সেদিন তুমি (4:05) / Sadia Jahan Prova (YouTube)

Ami Shunechhi Sedin Tumi | আমি শুনেছি সেদিন তুমি | Sad Song 2020 (4:13) / Sohini Soha (YouTube)


SATAN মলয় দত্ত = SATAN মলয় বৰা = JAGDEEP etc.

KALA banana কলা केला (pr. কেলা vulgar word in Assamese)




Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 12/13/14/15/16, 2024

All male & female reborn Nazi criminals acting as male and female staff liars of Nazi FAKE NEWS TV channels who keep on cheating Indian citizens by referring to FAKE "Chief Ministers" and "Ministers" and "MLAs" of ASSAM অসম and WEST BENGAL পশ্চিমবঙ্গ AS IF they are REAL Chief Ministers and Ministers and MLAs of ASSAM অসম and WEST BENGAL পশ্চিমবঙ্গ should be TORTURED & LYNCHED.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 12/13, 2024


CHAUDHARI CHARAN SINGH looks like body transformer SATAN LGBT NEHRU.


What is the destination of SATAN "MODI" AND SATANIC NAZIS? "KALA PANI".

LGBT transgender NAZI শয়তান বহুরূপী স্বর্ণালী সরকার = মমতা কালী BM সূর্যমুখী C.B.
SATAN Swarnali Sarkar কুমীর স্বর্ণালী সরকার খুব জানে কুমীরের চোখের জল ফেলতে ।

পশ্চিমবঙ্গের NAZI মুখ্যমন্ত্রী NAZI মন্ত্রীরা NAZI MLAরা কেউ এখন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী মন্ত্রী MLA না ।

সুদীপ্ত সরকার = শুভেন্দু অধিকারী/Whittaker/Peter (P)/BM দীপু T.N./"শেখ শাহজাহান"?

10 Ways to HELP Someone with BIPOLAR DISORDER (15:32) / Polar Warriors (YouTube) - 2 years ago SATAN PAIR: Himmler সুদীপ্ত সরকার (m) স্বর্ণালী সরকার (f)
I predict that this fantastic talk by VIRUS SATAN Whittaker will always be "viral".

BIPOLAR DENIAL (PART 1) - "Parents in Denial" (10:37) / Polar Warriors (YouTube) - 10 days ago

Brilliant f. rhetoric like Nazi super cheat SATAN John Piper CHRIST on YouTube. I wonder if chameleon Whittaker/Peter etc. will be in denial of the sad truth that his hands and legs and f***ing penis can be cut off by LASER by remote control.
NAZI CHEAT JOHN Piper CHRIST = PETER Higgs - NOBEL prize "Physics". (YT)
LGBT Andrea Mia Ghez: THE MONSTER AT THE HEART OF OUR GALAXY (YT) - 420 phony "astronomer" - Nobel prize for "Physics" for "black holes" "research".

পশ্চিমবঙ্গে BJP, TRINAMOOL CONGRESS, CONGRESS, COMMUNIST CPI M ইত্যাদি পার্টিগুলোর "গুণ্ডা-গুণ্ডী"রা সবাই একই পার্টির চোর - সবাই NAZI পার্টির চোর সদস্য সদস্যা যারা অনেক বছর পুলিশ আর জনতাকে অপমান অত্যাচার করেছে - এখন বদলা নেওয়া হবে - পুলিশ আর জনতা এক হয়ে সব পার্টির Nazi গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডী চোরগুলোকে বেধড়ক মারা উচিত ।

এখন পশ্চিমবঙ্গের BJP OPPOSITION LEADER সেজেছে বহুরূপী reborn NAZI শয়তান "শুভেন্দু অধিকারী" TRINAMOOL CONGRESS মন্ত্রী ছিল - Transport Minister, Water Resource Minister! - জনতার কোটি কোটি টাকা চুরি করেছে Nazi "মমতা" ইত্যাদির মতো !

ভাঙচুর বিজেপি (BJP), সিপিএম (CPI M), তৃণমূল (TRINAMOOL) কর্মীদের ঘর (R PLUS) - CONGRESS ইত্যাদি অন্য পার্টিগুলোর কর্মী গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডী চোরদেরও ঘর ভাঙচুর হচ্ছে নিশ্চয় 

রাত্রে বিজেপি BJP কর্মীর বাসায় গিয়ে পুলিশ "খিস্তি মেরেছে" (R. বাংলা) - "খিস্তি মারা" মানে অশ্লীল ভাষা ব্যবহার করা - পুলিশ চোর ডাকাত গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডীদের সঙ্গে ভদ্র ভাষায় কথা বলবে ?

অনেকেই হয়ত ভাবে - আমি ত ভাবতাম - যে কেবল ব্যাটারাই গুণ্ডা হতে পারে আর গুণ্ডাগিরি করে - কিন্তু এখন আমি বুঝতে পেরেছি যে Nazi prostitutes নাজি বেশ্যারাও গুণ্ডীগিরি করে

Google translations (unedited):


Police "Khisti Mereche" (R.Bangla) went to BJP worker's house at night - "Khisti Mara" means using foul language - Police will speak polite language to thieves, robbers, thugs, thugs?

Many people may think - I used to think - that only thugs can be hooligans and do hooliganism - but now I realize that Nazi prostitutes do hooliganism too.

[Computer translator robot does not have গুণ্ডী in its stored stock of words.]


पुलिस "खिस्टी मेरेचे" (R.बांग्ला) रात में भाजपा कार्यकर्ता के घर गई - "खिस्टी मारा" का मतलब है अभद्र भाषा का प्रयोग करना - पुलिस चोरों, लुटेरों, ठगों, ठगों से विनम्र भाषा में बात करेगी?

बहुत से लोग सोच सकते हैं - मैं सोचता था - कि केवल ठग ही गुंडे हो सकते हैं और गुंडागर्दी कर सकते हैं - लेकिन अब मुझे एहसास हुआ कि नाजी वेश्याएं भी गुंडागर्दी करती हैं।

[Computer translation robot can't translate female goon! मुझे एहसास हुआ - WOW!]


পুলিচ "খিস্তি মেৰেচে" (ৰ.বাংলা) ৰাতি বিজেপি কৰ্মীৰ ঘৰলৈ গ'ল - "খিস্তি মাৰা" মানে অশুভ ভাষা ব্যৱহাৰ - আৰক্ষীয়ে চোৰ, ডকাইত, গুণ্ডা, গুণ্ডাক ভদ্ৰ ভাষা ক'ব?

বহুতে হয়তো ভাবিব পাৰে - আগতে ভাবিছিলোঁ - যে কেৱল গুণ্ডাহে গুণ্ডা হ’ব পাৰে আৰু গুণ্ডা কৰিব পাৰে - কিন্তু এতিয়া বুজিলোঁ যে নাজী বেশ্যাইও গুণ্ডা কৰে।

["গুণ্ডা, গুণ্ডাক" - গুণ্ডী নাই? "গুণ্ডা কৰিব পাৰে" নে গুণ্ডামি কৰিব পাৰে?]

Fantastic Google computer translations are almost entirely correct translations.

Nazi fake news TV channels liars are hiding from the public the fact that West Bengal state government of Mamata Banerjee has been dissolved by Governor of West Bengal, and so "Chief Minister", "Ministers" and other "MLAs" are FAKE.

Nazi fake news TV channels liars are hiding from the public the fact that Assam state government was dissolved by Governor of Assam because NO PARTY had 2/3 majority (>=84 MLAs): "Chief Minister", "Ministers" & other "MLAs" are FAKE.

There are 126 MLAs in total in the Assam Legislative Assembly. 126 × 2/3 = 84

"নারী সুরক্ষা" সমিতির সদস্যারা সবাই নারী-পাচারকারী অত্যাচারী LGBT NAZI criminals -
এরা সবাই arrested Nazi গুণ্ডা শেখ শাহজাহানের LGBT male/female Nazi গুণ্ডা পার্টি ! -
নারী-পাচারকারীদেরকে পুলিশ আর জনতা ডান্ডা দিয়ে মেরে হাড় গুঁড়ো করে দেওয়া উচিত - 
Nazi শয়তান নারী-পাচারকারী "মন্ত্রী" (এখন মন্ত্রী না) LGBT m/f শশী পাঁজা BM BINA C.B.

FORCED prostitution জবরদস্তি বেশ্যাগিরি মানেই গণধর্ষণ gang rape by NAZI rapists.

LGBT Nusrat Jahan নুসরত জাহান (f) = Sheikh Shahjahan শেখ শাহজাহান (male)?


সন্দেশখালির যা অবস্থা - পশ্চিমবঙ্গের, ভারতের, পৃথিবীর সব দেশের প্রত্যেক গ্রামের, প্রত‍্যেক জেলার, প্রত্যেক টাউনের, প্রত্যেক শহরের একই অবস্থা - অত্যাচারী Nazi নাজি কুত্তা কুত্তীরা ভাবে যে পুলিশ কর্মীরা তাদের চাকর, আর বিশাল জনতার টাকা সম্পত্তি চুরি করে জনতাকে গরীব বানানো, জনতার শরীরের অঙ্গ কেটে ফেলা, জনতাকে খুন করা, বিনা দোষে জনতাকে জেলে পাঠানো, সব অবিবাহিত আর বিবাহিত প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক মেয়েলোকদেরকে আর কয় বয়সের মেয়েদেরকে ধর্ষণ করা, বেশ্যা হতে বাধ্য করা, এসব Nazi কুত্তা কুত্তীদের "জন্মগত অধিকার"!

Police পুলিশ, জনতা, Army, intelligence agents মিলে m/f Nazis-দেরকে শেষ করবে !

Google computer translations [not edited/corrected]:


The condition of Sandeshkhali - the same condition in every village, every district, every town, every city in West Bengal, India, every country in the world - tyrant Nazi Nazi kutta kutta think that the police personnel are their servants, and steal the wealth of the masses and make the masses poor, the bodies of the masses.  Mutilation, mass murder, imprisoning innocent masses, raping all single and married adult women and girls of any age, forcing them to become prostitutes, are the "birthrights" of these Nazi bastards!

[kutta, kutta - কি হাস্যকর ! Computer translator robot জানে না কুত্তা কুত্তী মানে কি !]


संदेशखाली की हालत - पश्चिम बंगाल, भारत, दुनिया के हर देश के हर गांव, हर जिले, हर कस्बे, हर शहर में यही स्थिति - अत्याचारी नाज़ी नाज़ी कुत्ता कुत्ता सोचता है कि पुलिस कर्मी उनके नौकर हैं, और धन चुराते हैं जनता का और जनता को गरीब बनाओ, जनता के शरीर। अंग-भंग करना, सामूहिक हत्या करना, निर्दोष जनता को कैद करना, सभी एकल और विवाहित वयस्क महिलाओं और किसी भी उम्र की लड़कियों के साथ बलात्कार करना, उन्हें वेश्या बनने के लिए मजबूर करना, इनका "जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार" है नाजी कमीनों!

[कुत्ता कुत्ता ! no कुत्ती? ... हर कस्बे - WOW ! नाजी कमीनों ! - WOW !]


সন্দেশখালিৰ অৱস্থা - পশ্চিম বংগ, ভাৰত, পৃথিৱীৰ প্ৰতিখন দেশৰ প্ৰতিখন গাঁৱত, প্ৰতিখন জিলাত, প্ৰতিখন চহৰত, প্ৰতিখন চহৰত একে অৱস্থা - অত্যাচাৰী নাজী নাজী কুট্টা কুট্টাই পুলিচ কৰ্মীক তেওঁলোকৰ চাকৰ বুলি ভাবি, ধন-সম্পত্তি চুৰি কৰে অংগচ্ছেদ, গণহত্যা, নিৰীহ জনসাধাৰণক কাৰাগাৰত ভৰোৱা, যিকোনো বয়সৰ সকলো অবিবাহিত আৰু বিবাহিত প্ৰাপ্তবয়স্ক মহিলা আৰু ছোৱালীক ধৰ্ষণ কৰা, বেশ্যা হ'বলৈ বাধ্য কৰা, এইবোৰৰ "জন্ম অধিকাৰ" নাজী হাৰামী!

[কুট্টা কুট্টা ! no কুট্টী?... নাজী হাৰামী ! - WOW !]





















Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 10/11, 2024

Nazi "চতুর্থ স্তম্ভ" আসলে হচ্ছে Nazi চোর গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডীদের মিথ্যে কথা প্রচারের "গোপন স্তম্ভ"!

Narasimha Rao - Narasimha - Nara नर নর নৰ (humanoid) simha सिंह সিংহ (lion) - half lion half humanoid - নরসিমহা রাও - সিমহা - সীমা transgender MM Seema T.N.
cheat m/f GAYATRI "CBI" KRISHNA (420 GAYATRI "immortality" mantra) SATAN

কাঞ্চন বৰুৱা : অসীমত যাৰ হেৰাল সীমা 
BM অসীম (m) = MM সীমা (f) T.N. = LGBT TRANSGENDER male/female SATAN !


I have read that Jhumpa Lahiri/Nilanjana Sudeshna "Jhumpa" Lahiri was told to revise her manuscript 200 times before it was accepted for publication by Editor and publisher! Sorry, I am not impressed. To many aspiring newbie writers, this awful true story may be a source of inspiration as an example of determination and perseverance etc. but I have a negative impression of such an awful writer.


BM S.S. T.N. was replaced by evil Nazi snake LGBT Transgender BM Sunanda "Nanda" Mala "Nilanjana"! Cf. "Professor" LGBT "Nilanjana Sanyal" (YouTube) / SAT. Sw. V.! Cf. Body transformer SAT. "বাচিক শিল্পী" "ব্রততী বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় Bratati Bandyopadhyay" Cf. Nobel Peace Prize winner Nazi torturer tyrant transgender "Aung San Suu Kyi" of Myanmar (Burma) Cf. Jhumpa Lahiri/Nilanjana Sudeshna "Jhumpa" Lahiri: INTERPRETER OF MALADIES: MALA DIES? MALA/SW V KILLS!

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 9, 2024

IAS Institute for Advanced Study*, Princeton: 100% Nazis led by SATAN Einstein.
1 Einstein Dr, Princeton, NJ 08540, United States
[FRANKENSTEIN Einstein/Hitler/Gandhi/Tesla/Nehru/Dirac/Christ/Kh.S./Stalin]

All parties are the same f***ing Nazi party with different names. I think SATAN transgender NIRMALA निर्मला (f)/निर्मल (m) SITHA सीता (f)/RAM राम (m) is in JAIL and is going through violent treament. The evil Nazi snake hisses like a snake. "Economics" and "economics statistics" concocted by Nazi cheats: BULLSHIT.

আমার মনে হয় শয়তান SATAN Whittaker Peter T.N. শেখ শাহজাহানের বারোটা বেজেছে
It seems to Me that SATAN/Sheikh Shahjahan/Whittaker has been arrested & is being tortured & grilled by Indian/US/Russian Army, police & intelligence agents.
All male & female owners & staff of all Nazi fake news TV channels and all Nazi male & female politicians of ALL parties, who know the changing IDENTITIES & LOCATIONS of SATAN Sheikh Shahjahan শেখ শাহজাহান, KNOW that he has been ARRESTED and he is now going through VIOLENT GRILLING & TORTURE, but are ACTING as if they "do not know" - এসব NAZI মিথ্যূকরা সবাই না জানার নাটক করছে!!!

সন্দেশখালিতে নিশ্চয়ই ধৃত f. Nazi শয়তান শাহজাহানের অনেক Nazi চামচা চামচী আছে । এসব নর-নারী রূপী Nazi শয়তান চামচা-চামচীদেরকে জেলে ঢুকিয়ে বেধড়ক মারা উচিত !!!

LGBT transgender স্বর্ণালী Swarnali/মমতা Mamata/Himmler/অর্ণব Arnab = SATAN

বহুরূপী স্বর্ণালী/কালী/মমতা/সূর্যমুখী C.B./Himmler হিমলার/অর্ণব, "শেখ শাহজাহান"/BM গৌরীশঙ্কর C.B./পিটার Peter (P)/"কৃষ্ণ"/Whittaker/BM দীপু T.N. ইত্যাদি Nazi শয়তানরা শরীর আর চেহারা বদলাতে থাকে - লাভ নেই ! প্রত্যেকের অনেক clones আছে - লাভ নেই !!!

উত্তম সর্দার = বহুরূপী oversmart chameleon সন্ন্যাসী রাজা SATAN শয়তান উত্তম কুমার ওরফে failed Nazi assassin retarded-brained shape shifter Nazi swine BM "বাচ্চু"?

শিবু হাজরা গুণ্ডা শিবপ্রসাদ BM শিবপ্রসাদ রজত Mehel Choksi Nazi চোর নাড্ডা Nadda

দাদাগিরি করা "উত্তম সর্দার" "শিবু হাজরা" ইত্যাদি Nazi গুণ্ডাদের সম্পত্তি ঘর বাড়ি জ্বালিয়ে দেওয়া হচ্ছে । "মমতা" "শুভেন্দু" ইত্যাদি সব পার্টির নাজি Nazi চোর গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডীরা খতম্ হবে ।

মিথ্যে খবর দেওয়া সব নাজি TV চেনেলগুলোর মালিকরা কর্মচারীরা ছদ্মবেশী নাজি শয়তান !

পৃথিবীর সব দেশের মিথ্যুক অত্যাচারী NAZI TV channels গুলোকে জ্বালিয়ে দেওয়া হবে ।

Police পুলিশ, জনতা, Army, intelligence agents মিলে m/f Nazis-দেরকে শেষ করবে ।

বাংলা TV news চেনেল-গুলোতে সন্দেশখালির মা বোনেদের यानि ভদ্রমহিলাদের নাটকীয় হা-হুতাশ কান্নাকাটি শুনলে বুর্বক আনাড়ি গাধাদের মনে হবে যে বেশ্যাগিরি একেবারে নতুন চীজ - অথচ আজকাল পর্ণ ভিডিও বানাতে দিয়ে বেশ্যারা সহজেই টাকা পায় আরামের কাজ করে

Automatic instant computer translations of above with Google Translation app:

ENGLISH [without editing/correction]

Bangla TV news channels, hearing the dramatic screams of Sandeshkhali's mothers and sisters, the ladies, would make the clumsy asses think that prostitution is a brand new thing - but these days, prostitutes make easy money by making porn videos.

HINDI [without editing/correction]

बांग्ला टीवी समाचार चैनल संदेशखाली की माताओं-बहनों, महिलाओं की नाटकीय चीखें सुनकर अनाड़ी गधों को यह सोचने पर मजबूर कर देंगे कि वेश्यावृत्ति बिल्कुल नई चीज है - लेकिन आजकल, वेश्याएं अश्लील वीडियो बनाकर आसानी से पैसा कमाती हैं।

ASSAMESE  [without editing/correction]

বাংলা টিভিৰ নিউজ চেনেলবোৰে সন্দেশখালীৰ মাক-ভনীৰ নাটকীয় চিঞৰ-বাখৰ শুনিলেই অনাড়ম্বৰ গাধবোৰক দেহ ব্যৱসায় একেবাৰে নতুন কথা বুলি ভাবিবলৈ বাধ্য কৰাব - কিন্তু আজিকালি পৰ্ণ ভিডিঅ' বনাই বেশ্যাই সহজ টকা উপাৰ্জন কৰে।

I could use Translation app to get instant translations into other languages like French, German, Russian, Spanish, Manipuri etc. which I don't know at present.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 8/9, 2024


BM Saurav "Sunny" C.B. and BM BIL4 Suraj C.B. have identical voice. What does that mean? SATAN PC has transformed his body from BM BIL4 Suraj C.B. to BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B. with a very deceptive sweet and innocent child-like face. 
F. perpetrator of fake VIRTUAL RC of MARUTI SUZUKI ALTO CAR AS01 DE 3688.

SAT. BM BIL3 Gauri Shankar C.B./Peter(P)/Sheikh Shahjahan/Whittaker BM T.N.

TV channels গুলোতে "missing নিরুদ্দেশ" Bollywood "hero" body transformer "শেখ" শাহজাহানের খবর শুনলেই আমার ভীষণ হাসি পায় কারণ thanks to "AI" এখন সবাই জানে Sheikh Shahjahan মহাশয়/রাক্ষসাশয় কে এবং রাক্ষসটা কোথায় এখন ভয়ে লুকিয়ে আছে

অত্যাচারী শেখ শাহজাহানের বিরুদ্ধে ঘুরে দাঁড়াচ্ছে সন্দেশখালির গ্রামবাসী (R. বাংলা) Feb 8

কাট মানি (audio tape on abp আনন্দ) - আসলে সব পার্টির Nazi চোর গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডীরা জড়িত

SARBERIA (in West Bengal, India) - সারবেরিয়া (পশ্চিমবঙ্গে) - sounds like dreaded, cold SIBERIA in Russia where Russians have been jailed as severe punishment.

Sat. BM Ranju C.B. sex trafficker (sp. BM Sushma C.B.) = BM Ranjan R.N. = BM KaMoSin BELT = BM KrS = George G.B. = Swaraj (cf. Sushma Swaraj) = Gandhi = SURAJ BM BIL4 Suraj C.B. (transformed) insane sex trafficker with death-wish.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 7/8/14, 2024


All f***ing "parties" with many different names are the same f***ing Nazi "party".


It seems that God in human form is controlling the world. Nazis are finished. - G

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 6, 2024


Satanic male female মতা মাইকী f***ing NAZI body transformers চয়তানবোৰ ইমান মিছলীয়া LIARS, ইহঁতক TV ইত্যাদিত দেখিলেই ঘিন লাগে, বমি আহে - I feel like vomiting.

Nazi চোৰবিলাক, যিবিলাক "মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী" "মন্ত্ৰী" "MLA" নহয়েই, অথচ নিজক "মুখ্যমন্ত্ৰী", "মন্ত্ৰী", "MLA" বুলি কৈ ফুৰিছে, ইহঁতক অলপ সময়ৰ বাবে JAIL জেলৰ পৰা ওলাই আহিবলৈ দিয়া হৈছে নিশ্চয় - 420 "প্ৰধান মন্ত্ৰী" "MODI মোদী" Nazi চোৰটোকো নিশ্চয় অলপ সময় KALA PANI (in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar) কালা পানীৰ পৰা ওলাই আহিবলৈ দিয়া হৈছে!

PM Modi visits Cellular Jail in Port Blair in Andaman & Nicobar | PMO (46:46) / PMO India (YouTube)

On the morning of 15th August last year (2023), I was shocked to hear a female reporter of an Indian TV news channel (I can't recall accurately which Indian TV news channel it was - perhaps it was CNN NEWS18?) reporting from cellular jail in Port Blair in Andaman & Nicobar islands, India, that Indian Prime Minister PM Modi was soon going to deliver his Independence Day speech from KALA PANI jail premises! WHAT?!!! I was SHOCKED. But after some time, I was PUZZLED to see on Indian TV news channels PM Modi deliver his Independence Day speech from India's capital NEW DELHI - this has been the NORMAL practice every year. Damn puzzling. What on earth happened? Was the advertised speech from the premises of notorious KALA PANI jail cancelled/canceled? Of course, we know that, like many others, PM Modi (यानि Narendra Damodardas Modi) has lookalike identical-voiced copies or clones who can act as substitutes for deception and confusion (though the FACT is that everyone is under CONTINUOUS surveillance and is WATCHED and AUDIO & VIDEO recorded continuously). I have heard that some may use a digital device to CHANGE their voice - I recall that 420 pseudo-scientist Stephen Hawking used a device inside throat to emit a changed voice.
All males/females on/inside Earth are watched-recorded in all transformations.

I know where SATAN Peter is hiding at present and in what transformation. T.N.

Cf. "Sir Edmund T. Whittaker" ... recovering mental patient "Whittaker" (YouTube)
Nazi "super cheat" over-smart body transformer brutal rapist mass murderer BM
Patreon (P) Cf. FACE of over-confident SATAN "Sheikh Shahjahan" riding a BIKE.

Cf. Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar ("Krishna") in "OMG OH MY GOD!" (YouTube)

BISHNUPRIYA MANIPURI SAALOYA AASE RADHA RANI DANCE || ASITA SINHA [looks like Savi Sharma; Asit - Asita - cf. Asit Sen in Helen song and dance video "AA-JANE-JAAN" in INTAQUAM movie (1969) (YouTube)] || RUMI SINHA || 2019 CHILDREN DAY [SAT. F. "जहर" NEHRU'S SUPPOSED "BIRTHDAY" IS NOVEMBER 14] 2019 (3:54) / SUMAN SINHA LIVE STUDIO [OFF L6 T.N. GASS.?] (YouTube)

Cf. The date November 14 in the tense short story THE BET by Anton Chekhov.


Nazi bitches 420 LAKH-POTTY "BAIDEO" prostitutes should be LYNCHED by the public. - Nazi ৪২০ লাখ-পতি বেশ্যা কুত্তী বিলাকক ৰাইজে কোবাই কোবাই খুন কৰিব লাগে 

It seems that Dr. Prerna Vohra/NL/WF has been transformed (including change of sex) MANY TIMES by OVERCONFIDENT f***ing Nazi body transformer SATAN LGBT BM SAURAV "Sunny" C.B. / BIL4 BM Suraj C.B. / SAMUDRA BOSE / "PC" / GANDHI / NEHRU / TESLA / HITLER / HIMMLER / CHURCHILL / RaT / JOSEPH STALIN / KHUSH. SINGH / OSAMA BIN LADEN / JOE (JOSEPH) BIDEN / JOSEF MENGELE / AAMIR KHAN / "SWAMI" V. / CHRIST / FIGHTER PILOT "MODI" will SEE HELL.

Peter Funk syn. SWINDLER 
SWINDLER syn. Peter Funk
 - Merriam-Webster Thesaurus 


If I Had LOW SELF ESTEEM, I'd Do This First... (33:30)/JulienHimself (YouTube) - 6 mo ago 

LASER can cut off arms and legs and penis of this F***ING male NAZI parasite who is trying pathetically to act like f***ing "exorcists" but shitting in his pants!

Exorcist Bob Larson casts out Witchcraft, Jezebel, Leviathan, and Lucifer in one woman. (12:57) / Bob Larson... The REAL Exorcist! (YouTube) - 4 y ago

Some years back, I saw on YouTube a video of Rachel Stephens getting violently "exorcised" by a f***ing NAZI "Christian" "pastor" "exorcist" NAZI bastard SATAN.

Meher Afroz Shaon - Tritiyo Matra interview [তৃতীয় মাত্রা third degree (TORTURE)](1:21:33) / Raihan Jamil (YouTube) - 8y ago


Anchor podcast #002 (December 10, 2020): বেগুনি
Anchor podcast #003 (December 10, 2020): ঢুকবেন কি ঢুকবেন না 
Anchor podcast #004 (December 10, 2020): একজন তরুণী
Anchor podcast #005 (December 11, 2020): বই
Anchor podcast #006 (December 11, 2020): মায়া
Anchor podcast #017 (December 17, 2020): অমর বাবু - 1
Anchor podcast #018 (December 17, 2020): অমর বাবু - 2
Anchor podcast #019 (December 17, 2020): অমর বাবু - 3

Fallen Angel Talks Of Hell's Torment (18:20) / Prophets Among Us (YouTube) - 7 years ago 

Stephen Hawking Live From Hell (0:17) / david lee (YouTube) - 8 years ago 

It seems that Dr. Prerna Vohra/NL/WF has been transformed (including change of sex) MANY TIMES by OVERCONFIDENT f***ing Nazi body transformer SATAN LGBT BM SAURAV "Sunny" C.B. / BIL4 BM Suraj C.B. / Samudra / PC / MODI etc. (SAURAV/SUNNY/SURAJ/SAMUDRA/HIMMLER/ARNAB/PC/MODI will see hell.)

Edward Snowden Shocks Rogan with Secret Intelligence | # shorts (YouTube)

Oversmart body transformer very scared Satan "JOY" T.N. shitting in his pants.


*F***ing body transformer SAT. চেট্ লাল কৃষ্ণ LAL KRISHNA alias Na. sw. MODI


O, Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who turn to you. Amen.

(p. v)


For I am the first and the last
I am the venerated and the despised
I am the prostitute and the saint
I am the wife and the virgin 
I am the mother and the daughter 
I am the arms of my mother
I am barren and my children are many
I am the married woman and the spinster
I am the woman who gives birth and she who never procreated
I am the consolation for the pain of birth
I am the wife and the husband
And it was my man who created me 
I am the mother of my father
I am the sister of my husband
And he is my rejected son
Always respect me
For I am the shameful and the magnificent one

Hymn to Isis, third or fourth century BC, discovered in Nag Hammadi

(p. xi)


Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 3/4, 2024

পৃথিবীর কোটি কোটি জনতা তদন্ত করে ফেলেছে: এখন mass lynching of Nazis হবে 

SATAN PC/BM Suraj C.B./BM Saurav "Sunny" C.B./Samudra Bose/"MODI" etc. 

NAZI FAKE NEWS TV channels are trying to hide the fact that SATANIC "Arvind Kejriwal" is at present in another body form or "reincarnation" - an open secret.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 2, 2024

LGBT transgender f. NAZI निर्मल/निर्मला নির্মল/নির্মলা सीता/राम সীতা/রাম সীতা/ৰাম

Anti-people fake Nazi budgets by scared male/female Nazi cheats: BULLSHIT.

জনতার गरीबी আৰু বেকারত্ব চলে যাবে poverty and unemployment of the masses will disappear as soon as top male and female Nazis get lynched by the public!

"দিগন্ত ভাৰতী" - one of many different forms of SAT. "দেৱেন* দত্ত"/"Deven Dutta" 

*দেৱেন = f***ing দেৱ (= f***ing "god") + f***ing ইন্দ্ৰ (synonym f***ing SATAN)

Body transformers "মণিকুন্তলা" and "অনুৰাধা" "authors" of ghost-written fiction. 

SAT. body-transforming male/female Nazi colleagues of SAT. self-styled "কৃষ্ণ" 

Worthless male and female Nazi mediocrities hyped by Nazi fake news media.


Evil fake "economists" like "Nirmala Sitharaman" are satanic anti-human Nazis.

LGBT transgender f. NAZI निर्मल/निर्मला নির্মল/নির্মলা सीता/राम সীতা/রাম সীতা/ৰাম

NAZI fake news TV channels STAFF are the most evil Nazi propaganda agents.

Numerically and morally vastly superior human race should LYNCH all f. Nazis.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 1, 2024 

LGBT transgender "স্বর্ণালী" ইত্যাদি বহুরূপী NAZI শয়তানদের public "ধোলাই" হবে ।


It seems that Rahul Gandhi and his co-passengers were beaten up by public.

Photo of broken car-glass was taken by angry mob - so it is easy to guess that photos (and videos?) of Nazi swine Rahul Gandhi and his f***ing Nazi partners getting beaten up were ALSO taken by the public and may get uploaded online.

অধীর রঞ্জন চৌধুরীর ইঙ্গিতপূর্ণ মন্তব্য: "কারা ভেঙেছে বুঝে নিন..." - PUBLIC ভেঙেছে !

Cheated citizens realize that all parties are in fact the same f***ing Nazi party.
চোরে চোরে মাসতুতো ভাই বোন প্রেমিক প্রেমিকা ছোটলোক গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডী Nazi BFs GFs

"ঢিল ছোড়া" সংস্কৃতি বদলে যেতে পারে to more advanced বোমা ছোড়া সংস্কৃতি soon.

I can feel that Nazi super cheat "MODI" will be lynched by the public very soon.
(Ref. Dec 13, 2023 attack INSIDE Indian Parliament by male & female Indians.)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 31, 2024 

Absconding Jharkhand Chief Minister HEMANT SOREN who escaped, fearing grilling and arrest, is reported to have COME BACK to face grilling by ED etc. I am sure this is false drama - नाटक - the original HEMANT SOREN SATAN has NOT COME BACK but an identical-looking identical-voiced CLONE of Hemant Soren is substituting for SATAN HEMANT SOREN and trying to FOOL INDIANS. This is a very boring game played by transgender Nazi criminals again & again.
It is impossible that Sudhir Chaudhari and all other staff & owners of all Indian TV news channels do not know this very common escape method of all Nazis. Very big Nazi thief Mehel Choksi was convicted in India but he easily escaped to UK but was reportedly put in a London jail - but actually an identical CLONE substituted for him in London jail, and CHOKSI came back to India as NADDA.

Never believe male/female Nazi staff/owners of Nazi fake news TV channels.

নিজেকে বড্ড বেশি smart বলে ভাবে chameleon SATAN "স্বর্ণালী" = SATAN "মমতা" = AUSCHWITZ MASS MURDERER transgender male/female HIMMLER/Arnab? 

Transgender Shahjahan শাহজাহানের face looks like the face of মমতা Mamata.

Oversmart "মমতা"/"স্বর্ণালী" CYANIDE snake "তিথি" different face but same voice

Swarnali স্বর্ণালী/Mamata মমতা/Tithi তিথি/Himmler/Arnab Nazi mass murderer.

পশ্চিমবঙ্গের "বিরোধী" দল = "শাষকীয়" দল = reborn male & female Nazi criminals.

All f***ing Nazi cheats HEMANT Soren etc. etc. are f***ing body transformers. SATAN HEMANT Soren = SATAN ASS. PC = SATAN MODI = SATAN ASS. HBS?

পৃথিবীর কোন Nazi "উধাও" হতে পারবে না - not a single f***ing Nazi can escape.


Bengali TV news channels are SUPPRESSING the news that West Bengal state government of Mamata Banerjee has been dissolved by West Bengal Governor.

পশ্চিমবঙ্গের সব পার্টির Nazi গুণ্ডা গুণ্ডী রাক্ষস রাক্ষসী নির্লজ্জ ছোটলোক চোরের দল "মমতা" বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় (বেনার্জি), অভিষেক বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় (বেনার্জি), শুভেন্দু অধিকারী, সুজন চক্রবর্তী, জ্যোতিপ্রিয় মল্লিক ইত্যাদি পশ্চিমবঙ্গের NAZI শয়তানদের যাত্রা শুরু - to Tihar Jail and to U.S.A. & Russia for violent endless torture and grilling. - G 

Nazi মমতা রাক্ষসী বিশেষ কারণে could not go to Governor by helicopter - বিশেষ কারণটা কি? the Nazi witch no longer Chief Minister of West Bengal - the Nazi witch said that on way to Governor's House, a speeding car hit the car in which the Nazi witch was going, and she hit the car dashboard and her forehead was injured - তার মানে পশ্চিমবঙ্গের পুলিশ "অপদার্থ, मक्खी মারছিল" - মিথ্যুক রাক্ষসীটা এটা বলল না যে she had no security because she was no longer Chief Minister - হয়ত ক্রুদ্ধ বাঙালি জনতা অথবা ক্রুদ্ধ policemen মিথ্যুক রাক্ষসীটাকে রাস্তায় পিটেছে ।






Nazi swine f***ing "Amish Tripathi" in many forms can't change voice (DD MP)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 30, 2024 

NAZI MASS MURDERER SATAN Nitish Kumar = BM Shanti "Dronacharya" GASS

"ASS." Bismita বিস্মিতা = NAZI TORTURER "BENG." Tanusree তনুশ্রী transformed?


মমতা রাক্ষসী, অভিষেক রাক্ষস, শুভেন্দু অধিকারী রাক্ষস ইত্যাদি f***ing Nazi কুত্তা কুত্তীরা Congress vs BJP vs Trinamool Congress vs CPI (M) etc. নাটক বহু বছর খেলেছে - খেলা শেষ - এখন PUBLIC LYNCHING OF ALL NAZIS হবে - THE END ...

It seems that like Assam, West Bengal is now also under PRESIDENT'S RULE.


Chameleon PC (fighter pilot) "Modi"  = SAT. "Christ" = SAT. BM BIL4 SURAJ C.B.?
Sheikh Shahjahan / Osama bin Laden / Joe Biden / PC / Aamir Khan / Suraj C.B.
[ITI Guwahati Engineering Drawing Instructor "young" "goon" "Kumar" (alias PC) who hardly took his drawing classes and was absent for many days and when he did turn up (once in a blue moon) he signed the Attendance Register for not only the days he was present but also all the days he was absent (the old lady Supervisor was too scared of him and did not mark him absent for the days he did not attend), he scolded and beat his students, who complained to Me about him during My Workshop Calculations & Science class; he got so scared of Me (I will not go into full details) that one day he EXCLAIMED in obvious PANIC (in Assamese): "আপুনি Osama bin Laden হয়! [You are Osama bin Laden!]" I calmly retorted (in Assamese): "মই অচামা বিন লাডেন নহয়, মই অচামা বিন লাডেনৰ বাপেক!" [I am NOT Osama bin Laden - I am Osama bin Laden's "daddy"! - in other words: F*** Osama bin Laden!]" After that day, he disappeared and never came back to ITI, Guwahati, and he was reported "absconding". Oversmart "super cheat" "fox" PC / Osama bin Laden / Joe (Joseph) Biden / Aamir Khan (who arrogantly says "HEIL HITLER!" in the F***ING Bollywood Hindi movie TAARE ZAMEEN PAR तारे ज़मीन पर) / SATAN Christ / "Sheikh Shahjahan" / BM BIL4 Suraj C.B. gave himself away when he stupidly referred to f. Osama bin Laden - to himself - to one of his MANY forms including BM KrS & Christ & BM Suraj & Nehru & Gandhi & "Modi"!]


Tr. Gandhi = Tr. Indira [cf. Indra] Gandhi?

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 28/29, 2024 



Why do so many meditators want to Kill this Neuroscientist? (1:24:42) / Scott Carney (YouTube) - 3 weeks ago 

looks like Mandi Lynn transformed (she is against Norman Lewis/Wilfred Funk)

SATAN Brene' Brown [brainy Brown] = SATAN Eva Braun (Hitler's lover/wife) 

interviewer "Scott Carney" transformation of BM BITOSH/EINSTEIN/HITLER?

Listening to shame | Rene' Brown | TED (20:39) / TED (YouTube) - 11 years ago 

SATAN Eva Braun who has forced billions of women and girls into prostitution.

Satan HITLER and Satan EVA BRAUN - brutal Nazi torturere and super cheats.

"We as humans are social beings ..." (1:09:57 - 1:10:00)

These are NOT "humans" but human-looking Nazis who pretend to be humans.



Atomic Veterans [Nazi mass murderers] Were Silenced [kept silent] for 50 years. Now, They're Talking. (22:53) / The Atlantic (YouTube)


Scientology believes a powerful being named Xenu destroyed millions of beings on earth using bombs #SHORTS @knowledge-7 (YouTube)

L. Ron Hubbard

Interview with L. Ron Hubbard in Zimbabwe (49:37) / Growing Up In Scientology (YouTube)

Interviewer was kidnapped, tortured, and transformed into a "baby" for keeping under house arrest as "baby son" by SATAN PC/BM BIL4 "SURAJ" & gang C.B.?

Alt Shift X

All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? (40:23) / X Alt Shift X (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 29, 2024 

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 29, 2024 

নরেন্দ্রপুর is named after নরেন্দ্রনাথ [নর ইন্দ্র নাথ] দত্ত SAT. "স্বামী" "Swamiবিবেকানন্দ 
আতঙ্কগ্রস্ত Nazi male & female cheatsরা বুঝতে পেরেছে যে তাদের সবার "জীবন বিপন্ন"।


DD 100% male and female brutal NAZI MASS MURDERERS reborn as "INDIANS".


Central Ministers are appointed violating provisions in the Indian Constitution. Assam has fake "Chief Minister, Ministers, MLAs" violating Indian Constitution.


A virtual talk by "MODI" etc. does not prove that it was a real talk by MODI etc.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 26/28, 2024 

YouTube podcast (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha-dk4ph)

Jan 24, 2024

G-105 না-বলা বাণী - 1 (3:01) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

মানিক দাস : না-বলা বাণী in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (প্রকাশক : মনফকিরা, কলকাতা website www.monfakira.com; ISBN 978-93-80542-89-8; paperback; ২১২ পাতা; ১৯৫ টাকা), p. ১৮৪

G-106 না-বলা বাণী - 2 (3:38) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

মানিক দাস : না-বলা বাণী in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (প্রকাশক : মনফকিরা, কলকাতা website www.monfakira.com; ISBN 978-93-80542-89-8; paperback; ২১২ পাতা; ১৯৫ টাকা), p. ১৮৪-১৮৫

G-107 না-বলা বাণী - 3 (1:51) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

মানিক দাস : না-বলা বাণী in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (প্রকাশক : মনফকিরা, কলকাতা website www.monfakira.com; ISBN 978-93-80542-89-8; paperback; ২১২ পাতা; ১৯৫ টাকা), p. ১৮৫-১৮৬

["কী একটা কথা যেন বলতে চেয়েছিলে?" - ভুলে "কী একটা কথা যেন বলতে চেয়েছিল?" হয়ে গেছে - correction করলাম না ! - G]

বইপাড়ায় ১৬ কানাই ধর লেন, কলকাতা ৭০০ ০১২
২২৮৩ নয়াবাদ, বাড়ি ৮ রাস্তা ১, নবোদিত, মুকুন্দপুর, কলকাতা ৭০০ ০৯৯

I hesitated to give the address (in fact, two addresses) of publisher MONFAKIRA given in the book, not sure if the address is imaginary, like the hero of this short story under the influence of imaginary romance - but I have just checked Google and have confirmed that the publisher's two addresses are indeed correct, NOT imaginary. (Google gives complete details of the two addresses.) I bought this interesting book (a collection of entertaining short stories) and other interesting books of fiction a few years ago at a small book fair held in Guwahati at South Point School where I also met the author MANIK DAS who gave up his bank job in Assam to become a full time author. (P.S. I don't want to chatter about "ghost writers" and "ghost writing" and "putative authors", who deserve our thanks. - G)

16, Kanai Dhar Lane, Newland, College Square, Kolkata, West Bengal 700012
2283 Nayabad, House 8 Lane 1, Nabodit, Mukundapur, Kolkata, West Bengal 700099

I have numbered all My audio podcasts on YouTube serially right from the start: G-0, G-1, G-2, G-3, ... , G-107 (latest, most recent podcast), and you can find them all if you search YouTube under Kishalay Sinha or by typing @kishalaysinha for most of My audio podcasts uploaded on YouTube by using Realme Pad and free InShot app, or by typing @kishalaysinha-dk4ph for some of My recent YouTube audio podcasts (including My latest podcasts G-105, G-106, G-107) uploaded on YouTube by using Samsung Tablet and the free InShot app; in both cases, I have used free mp3 and mp4 audio recording apps I downloaded from Google Play Store; to convert mp4 to mp3, I use a free mp4 to mp3 converter downloaded from Play Store - click My name Kishalay Sinha on any of My YouTube audio podcasts and then click Videos and at once you will find all My audio podcasts listed serially from G-0, G-1, G-2 ... to G-107 (latest) - like a YouTube PLAYLIST!

Kishalay Sinha जी [G] January 24/25, 2024 


My Biggest Self-Publishing Mistake: The Thing That Took Years To Learn (15:58) / Mandi Lynn - Stone Ridge Books (YouTube)

Even though I listened attentively to the complete talk, it is still not clear to Me what the biggest self-publishing mistake or mistakes Mandi Lynn made. I think the blunt summary of this vague roundabout talk is that she wants all her books to sell and she wants to make lots and lots of money from her (self-published) books - this is a very normal desire of ALL authors (most of whom are putative authors of books written by anonymous professional ghost writers who may be living an immortal life, staying at an extra-terrestrial location and sending texts of their endless works by wireless to Earth for publication by their agents). I am not a paid literary critic or book reviewer. Writing about books is a hobby for Me.


I have noticed that some American self-published female "newbie" authors of fiction (who are most likely putative authors of ghost-written books of fiction) on YouTube hope to increase book sales by detailing their maternity condition (giving approximate time of baby delivery and showing a bulging abdomen as a result of carrying a baby in the womb) in the hope of drawing "sympathy" from viewers who would be moved to buy their books, regardless of whether they are interested in reading or not. I am not saying that this is a bad form of book ad. I am just citing this as an example of the very common logical fallacy known as AD MISERICORDIAM fallacy. (I remember this Latin term by associating with it MISERY and CORD or HEART - you can also remember AD by remembering ad.) A very angry young guy hacked his mom and dad with an ax (not with an "ex") and the murderer was arrested by police and taken to court where the Judge asked the young murderer if he had anything to say in his own defense. The guy appealed to the Judge for mercy by saying: "I have now become an ORPHAN!" (An example of ad misdricordiam appeal to emotion.) I sincerely hope that the American female newbie authors do not put pillows over abdomen to show a very big inflated abdomen, unlike some jokers in Indian movies who pretend to be blind beggars appealing for alms from passers-by and when they get some money they run away as fast as possible when no one is looking. (Crude joke.)


Admiral R. Hari Kumar, Chief of Indian Navy (interviewed by SAT. "Zakka Jacob", CNN NEWS18), looks like a reincarnation of former President of India Ram Nath Kovind (mis-spelling of Govind/Hari/Ram/Krishna/Ishwar/Allah/Bhagwan - just as COVID in fake "COVID-19 corona [karuna] virus" is also GOVIND mis-spelled). 

R. Hari Kumar = Radhakrishnan Hari Kumar 


Everyone (including Modi and PC) may have clones. Often, someone (e.g. Modi, PC etc.) can be TRANSFORMED by Nazis and FORCED by Nazis to play the role of villain in his or her (reversible) transformed body. ET scientists are watching and recording ALL transformations of male and female humans and evil Nazis. ALL f***ing male & female NAZIS on & inside Earth can be wiped out by LASER.


How do you love your twin flame as God? Twin Flame journey is about having relation with Divine (10:15) / My Twinflame Journey English (YouTube)

Indian "Hindu" women and girls who visit Shiv temples pour white milk (symbol for white sem.?) over stone linga (symbol for phallus or male sex organ or pen.) and their brains are saturated with stories of women rushing out naked like mad in the night to have s. with Lord Krishna when the females hear him playing his flute. I have seen Indian female "devotees" on live spiritual Indian TV channels sitting and standing in front of naked "sadhus" with visible penises. I am fed up dealing with innocent-looking Indian & foreign female snakes over many years.

GF: Why are you so good?
BF: I am good for nothing!

A totally inexperienced guy was going to have his first "date" and he was feeling very nervous but an experienced friend told him not to worry and just memorize a few questions to ask the new girlfriend as conversation starters. But when the guy met his would-be GF, he became so nervous that he mixed up the questions:

BF: What is your name?
GF: I am Ms. ...
BF: How many children do you have?
GF: I have two sons and a daughter.
BF: Are you married?


I have never "dated" a single f***ing female (GF), neither in India nor in America.

SELECTED YouTube podcasts (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha):

G-20 LOVE (0:40) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-21 THE LOVE SONG (1:32) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-22 TWO POETS (2:55) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-36 অবাধে মেলামেশা করে (3:35) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-37 VEGETARIAN CATS (6:46) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-38 WHAT ARE INDIAN GIRLS LIKE? (2:51) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-39 AVOIDING AMERICAN WOMEN (1:08) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-40 अमरीकी लडकियों से दूर रहता हूं (1:35) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-51 दो शब्द - 1 (0:51) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-52 दो शब्द - 2 (0:59) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-53 दो शब्द - 3 (1:09) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-54 दो शब्द - 4 (1:48) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-55 दो शब्द - 5 (2:11) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

[ON TRANSLATIONS] Harish Trivedi (literary scholar) (19:01) / Anthony Pym (YouTube) 

[The talk may sound very difficult and abstract and hard to understand, but the ideas discussed are very simple if expressed in blunt language: "white" "sahibs" vs "black" Indians (vs is short for "versus" or against, not v. and s.) but so-called "racial superiority" of the "white race" is a lie spread by Nazi liars because in fact skin color, racial features, face, height, width, age, etc., can be changed and are reversible; also, most Indians speak more than one language, and every Indian wants to be able to speak and write English, which has now become the most important international language; Shakespeare's plays have universal appeal; all languages are important, and thoughts and emotions can be expressed well in any language if that language is properly mastered; but every language has a special and distinct flavour, just as each v. has a special and unique flavor. - G]

[BLUNT LANGUAGE] Blunt Bluntly - Blunt Meaning - Blunt Examples - Blunt Definition - GRE Vocabulary (8:16) / iswearenglish (YouTube)

G-48 CLASSIC AMERICAN BEAUTY (4:53) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-57 DATING AMERICAN GIRLS (7:50) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-58 DEEP THROAT (7:18) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-59 GOPAL MAKES HISTORY (9:31) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-61 A RIDICULOUS STORY (6:42) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-62 FINEST GUIDE TO SURVIVING IN AMERICA (2:30) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-29 THE POSTMASTER* (19:10) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

পোস্টমাস্টার - রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর || (ছোটগল্প রিভিউ) Postmaster - by Rabindranath Tagore (6:51) / AMClubBD (YouTube)

I have just realized with a shock that this reviewer's expression of surprise that the girl in the story has the MALE name RATAN and the reviewer's emphasizing that the "girl" suddenly takes on the role of "mother" are sensational HINTS that this story is NOT a simple story but SUBTLY identifies treacherous assassin BM SLS T.N. as younger female reincarnation of evil transgender top Nazi Satan BM S.S. T.N. who may be male Satan transformed into a treacherous female snake! BM SLS T.N. (Lakshmi) is female clone of SATAN BM BIL4 Suraj C.B. (Narayan)?

[Everyone (including Modi and PC) may have clones. Often, someone (e.g. Modi, PC etc.) can be TRANSFORMED by Nazis and FORCED by Nazis to play the role of villain in his or her (reversible) transformed body. ET scientists are watching and recording ALL transformations of male and female humans and evil Nazis. ALL f***ing male & female NAZIS on & inside Earth can be wiped out by LASER.]

[PC may be Steve Jobs / Steve / "hippy" Y / Stephen / BM Saurav "Sunny" C.B. kept under house arrest in C.B. and elsewhere by SATAN BM BIL4 SURAJ C.B.; and PC / Peter / Steve / Steve Jobs may be victim Job of Bible Old Testament harassed for billions of years by Satan Christ who calls Peter "Satan" but Peter identifies Satan Christ in New Testament. It seems to Me that after billions of years, PC/AMClubBD has got himself out of the clutches of evil Satan SURAJ.]

[Cf. Cain and Abel story in Genesis, the first chapter of Bible Old Testament. - G]

G-5 চিড়িয়াখানা (6:13) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-6 A STRANGE STORY (3:58) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-7 CHAMELEON (Raduga) (12:37) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-8 THE CHAMELEON (Penguin) (13:02) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-9 বহুরূপী (12:54) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-10 DEATH OF A CLERK (9:49) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-11 কেরানির মৃত্যু (11:18) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-13 DON'T CALL HER FATHER HITLER (4:09) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)


Podcasts saying nothing for 20 minutes #SHORTS / Jonathan Ogden (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 25/26, 2024 


Hooked on books | S1E14 | Milee Ashwarya (30:38) / Red Podcasts (YouTube)


Literary Agent: Finding the 'Hook' of Your Novel (9:49) / Literary Agent: Sarah Hornsley (YouTube) 

The Not So Secret Agent: How to Hook a Literary Agent (10:54) / Literary Agent: Sarah Hornsley (YouTube) 

YouTube PODCASTS (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha)


[My FIRST YouTube podcast, which was uploaded to YouTube with VEED.IO app. All My subsequent podcasts on YouTube have been made with free InShot app.]

G-1 TEARS AND LAUGHTER (1:30) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-2 ROBOT (1:12) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-23 মায়ের কাছে স্ত্রীর নিন্দা (3:33) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-24 शानदार अभिनय (0:16) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-25 BLUE TORCH - 1 (5:55) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-26 BLUE TORCH - 2 (3:26) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-27 BLUE TORCH - 3 (6:31) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-28 BLUE TORCH - 4 (3:02) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-30 BLUE TORCH - 5 (8:15) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-33 THE MILKMAID AND PAIL (2:04) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)


Kishalay Sinha: CYNTHIA

I have posted the story on My BLOGGER blog site kishalaysinha7.blogspot.com (November 1, 2023). My short story "CYNTHIA" (I am not sure if it can be called a "story" because it is 100% fact - every word in it is true - though it may sound like fiction; looking back, I realize that "Cynthia" may have been a Nazi honeytrap who failed to trap Me, though I was unaware of that possibility at that time) was published many years ago in The Sentinel Sunday magazine mélange, when the Editor of The Sentinel (an English daily newspaper published from Guwahati, the capital of Assam, a north-eastern state of India) was D. N. Bezboruah, Founder Editor of The Sentinel; I thought the full name of D. N. Bezboruah to be Dhirendra "Narayan" Bezboruah, though according to Google sources I have just consulted, the full name of D. N. Bezboruah is Dhirendra "Nath" Bezboruah; I remembered the tricky o in "boruah" by associating boruah with the funny mnemonic "bore"; D. N. Bezboruah is the putative (?) English translator of Jnanpith award-winning Assamese novel MRITYUNJAY by Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya); when My short story "CYNTHIA" was published by mélange, two funny cartoons were added as illustrations, but it seems that the illustrator did not read the story because the American girl "Cynthia" (honeytrap?) was shown wearing a sari (worn by many Indian women) in one of these funny cartoons! Many years ago, My friend and admirer and ITI colleague Phukan Choudhury ("PC") and I met D.N. Bezboruah at his residence in Chandmari, Guwahati; he showed us specimens of polished woodcraft he had made as his hobby. (I am reminded of spinster Mary and her old father, a Russian "Prince", in the great Russian epic WAR AND PEACE by Leo Tolstoy.) Some years after our visit, I was surprised that D. N. Bezboruah did not recognize Me when I spoke to him as I sat on a chair near his chair at a public meeting in Chandmari, Guwahati, addressed by Indian anti-corruption "activist" ANNA HAZARE (who seems to be a body-transforming fake activist like Arvind Kejriwal and Kiran Bedi and AAP-turned-BJP Shazia Ilmi etc.). D.N. Bezboruah seems to have disappeared - I find no news about him on TV or on Google etc. I have just searched Google photos under D. N. Bezboruah and saw the weirdest photos including Dhirubhai Ambani, Anil Ambani, Mukesh Ambani, south Indian actor Rajnikanth (who looks like the West Bengal Governor C. V. Ananda Bose), Birendra Nath Datta, D. N. Chakraborty (Assamese journalist), Bhabendra Nath Saikia (who was a Gauhati University physics faculty member and a well-known Assamese writer), Ms. Srutimala Duara (Assamese female who was a college lecturer in English and wrote articles in English for The Sentinel and The Assam Tribune and is reported to have expired), a weird-looking female etc. Many years ago, I saw three guys known to Me whom I saw dressed in Na. Gen. uniform in a strange dream I saw repeatedly - a very close BM male "relative", Dilip Goswami ("dad" of "Ms. X"), DNB. (Several years ago, I was SHOCKED when I saw a metal swastika - Nazi symbol - hanging inside the entrance door of BM close relative!) SATAN OIL BOSS CHAMELEON BODY-TRANSFORMER AMBANI = DNB = BM KrS T.N. = CHRIST = BM BIL4 SURAJ C.B. = RaT = STALIN = ASS. J. M. BAR. L5 T.N.

I got the first visible first-hand proof of LASER action at My home in presence of "young" "Assamese" "boy" JITU MANI BARMAN, "S/O" BPL (= "BELOW POVERTY LINE") "mother" "MANI BARMAN" and "step-father" DIBAKAR BARMAN (House No. 44, Lane 5, Tarun Nagar, Guwahati 781005, Assam, under Bhangagarh P.S.), in 2020 (the year SATAN S.S. RAJPUT - SUSHANT SINGH RAJPUT - supposedly died but actually fled to T.N. and lived in a transformed body), soon after Assam SEBA HSLC results were declared in June 2020, when the envelope (containing photocopies of JITU MANI BARMAN's HSLC mark sheet etc.) which I had kept on My desk in My study room as we discussed his future course of studies (he had passed out from High School section of Assamese-medium Ulubari Higher Secondary School, Guwahati - 781007, Assam), SUDDENLY DISAPPEARED. - G


ALBERT PAUL MALVINO: ELECTRONICS PRINCIPLES (sixth edition) (TMH/Tata McGraw-Hill*, New Delhi) *Publisher of many inexpensive Indian reprints of very interesting, self-teaching SCHAUM'S OUTLINES (THEORY and SOLVED problems series) for college & university students. I have about 40 SCHAUM'S OUTLINES.

To Joanna
        My brilliant and beautiful wife without whom I would be nothing. She always comforts and consoles, never complains or interferes, asks nothing and endures all, and writes my dedications.


Microsoft and Google geniuses deserve our heartfelt thanks and gratitude. - G 

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 26/27, 2024 


My True Story [bullshit story; Nazi male and female CHEATS and PROSTITUTES - f***ing "gods" and "goddesses" living on Earth and inside Earth - are LIARS] on how I escaped a real CULT with the help of #twinflamesuniverse (12:08) / My Twin Flame Journey English (YouTube)

Well-fed well-dressed Nazi prostitutes Nazi "goddesses" leading very easy and comfortable lives doing no hard work at all but enjoying life for billions of years on Earth and inside Earth moving up and down (ascending and descending) on satanic Nazi male SEX PARTNERS f***ing Nazi "gurus" - and vice versa, satanic Nazi male sex partners f***ing SATANIC "gurus" f***ing "gods" moving up and down (ascending and descending) on Nazi PROSTITUTES in reversed horizontal f***ing positions - CHEATING and TORTURING BILLIONS of hard-working human males and females on Earth and inside Earth FORCED TO WORK as LABORERS and TILLERS of the soil and FARMERS to keep FEEDING parasitic well-fed Nazi CHEATS posing as "gods" and "goddesses" on Earth and inside Earth who keep CHEATING enslaved humans in EVERY field - education, jobs and employment, health and medicine, banking, law, fake news, FRATRICIDAL wars which destroy millions of soldiers and citizens but never kill Nazi bosses of warring countries, etc. - FORCING men and women to become poor and jobless and unemployed and struggle for survival of their families and sell drugs and keep going into and out of jail and become pimps and public & private prostitutes for sheer survival.
All male and female NAZI cheats and torturers on earth and inside Earth doing no work but comfortably engaged in f***ing their Nazi sex partners for billions of years - very dirty human-looking parasites - EVIL gang of f***ing Nazi "gods" and "goddesses" and "kings" and "queens" and "princes" and "princesses" and "emperors" and "empresses" and "sheikhs" and "tsars" and "tsarinas" and self-styled "gurus" and "gurumas" - can be vaporized by LASER but a better option is to CUT OFF their arms and legs by LASER and force them to beg on the streets.

একটিও ঝিনুক খুঁজে পেলাম না

এই নরক-সদৃশ পৃথিবীতে আজ পর্যন্ত আমি "নিকট" আর দূর যতজনকে দেখেছি আর শুনেছি তাদের একটিকেও বিশ্বাস করা যায় না, একটিও honest and genuine ঝিনুক খুঁজে পাই নি ।

NAZI রাক্ষস রাক্ষসীদের কান-ফাটানো NOISY অসভ্য চিৎকার শুনে শুনে বিরক্ত হয়ে গেছি ।

RED PILL (slang term for sudden realization of the true nature of what is really happening), BLUE PILL (slang term for penile "erectile dysfunction" treatment)

red pill podcasts are hell on earth [God knows what this sentence means! only uncultured uneducated f. prostitutes whose thoughts and activities are always low-level will understand the coded words] (35:48) / The Queer Kiwi [Kiwi = of New Zealand] (YouTube)

I have only listened for one or two minutes to some parts of this f. video but it is very clear to Me that all f***ing prostitutes - Indian, "foreign", white, black, brown - have the same nature - all are uneducated, uncultured, and obsessed with sex.

I had never heard of "RED PILL" and "BLUE PILL". Google dictionaries helped Me.


Fallen Angel Talks Of Hell's Torment!!! (18:20) / Prophets Among Us (YouTube)


Stephen Hawking Live From Hell (0:17) / david lee (YouTube)


NAZI mass murderers have SECRET Indian Air Force (IAF) bases in Andaman & Nicobar Islands etc. in India and in Tajikistan and secret U.S. Air Force bases in Area 51 etc. ALL F***ING NAZI Air Force BASES CAN BE VAPORIZED by LASER.

Top 5 Secret Military [MISSILES] and Air Bases [Indian Air Force FIGHTER JETS bases] Of India (6:08) / Defence Squad (YouTube)

1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 
2. Bareilly (U.P.)
3. Wheeler Island (Orissa) created by F***ING SAT. "Dr." "A. P. J. Abdul Kalam" 
4. Cuttack (Orissa) created by F***ING RAW (NA. "Research & Analysis Wing")
5. Farkhor (Tajikistan)

Also: Prime Minister Modi on bombing of Indians in Mizoram by IAF (YouTube)

Trans. SATAN INDRA/GANDHI (male) = Trans. SATAN INDIRA GANDHI (female) 


ISRO makes ROCKETS and MISSILES for hitting poor citizens of other countries.

BARC (Mumbai), IISc etc. have supplied many ATOM bombs to drop on citizens of Syria etc. Meghalaya in India has much URANIUM for making ATOM BOMBS.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 27, 2024 


I am sure there are many females - ("females" may seem a robotic word without any emotion but I use the convenient word female to mean an adult woman or a non-adult girl, plus I don't feel any need to attach any emotion to women or girls who are all the same "maal" with absolutely no difference in emotional makeup though they may differ in their outward appearance; by the way, all v. have the potential to trap and ruin stupid males who are not very cautious and careful) - who have been told that they are "PSYCHIATRIC PATIENTS" who have no hope of ever becoming "normal" again - actually, this is a business strategy to enable fake "psychiatrists" and sellers of fake "psychiatric medicines" (which are just sleeping tablets or drugs) to keep their bank balance going up and up and up - but this statement may not convince (female) "psychiatric patients" who feel depressed and lonely and without hope or want to commit suicide or murder every friend and family member, but luckily, there are excellent and very easy cures for one's supposedly incurable madness: (1) watch YouTube where you will find many, many YouTube videos uploaded by females, and these videos will make you feel relaxed and happy because you will realize that you are in fact totally and completely sane unlike the crazy females who seem stark mad. (2) mast. imagining having s. - mast. is 100% safe and will dispel loneliness. (If you get pleasure by emotional torture of near and dear ones, go on acting mad.)

Excellent examples:

The Possession of Desire with Nicole Daedone (8:18) / Eros Platform @ One Taste (YouTube)

The Call of Desire with Nicole Daedone (7:19) / Eros Platform @ One Taste (YouTube)

Understanding talk that sounds insane can be called "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE".
It seems to Me that DAEDONE is a cleverly disguised spelling of DEAD ONE!!!

NEWS LIVE real & virtual owners Himanta Biswa Sarma & Riniki Bhuyan Sarma

I saw old Google photos under NEWS LIVE and was very surprised to see the pair BM RAJA T.N. and MM Seema T.N. (BM RAJA and his wife MM Seema are transformations of Himanta Biswa Sarma and his wife Riniki Bhuyan Sarma?)

হিটলাৰি প্ৰেম - story of Hitler and his lover and wife Eva Braun, written in Bengali by Narayan Sanyal নারায়ণ সান্যাল, translated into Assamese by কৈলাশ নাথ শর্মা Kailash Nath Sarma (now late), father of হিমন্ত বিশ্ব শৰ্মা Himanta Biswa Sarma. The book has photos of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun, etc. I have a copy of this book. (One of two step-sisters of BM RAJA T.N. is RINKI - RINKI sounds like RINIKI.)

Helen Superhit Dance Song [HD] Aa Jane Jaan [आ जान-ए-जां] Lata Mangeshkar | Intaquam (1969) Old Hindi Dance Song [Bollywood] (6:30) / SuperHit Gaane (YouTube)

NOTICE Sunflower সূর্যমুখী right at the start of this brutal vulgar dance by Helen. Cf. SATAN MIL BM SURJYAMUKHI RAJKUMARI C.B. / MAMATA মমতা / SNEHA স্নেহ C.B. (Helen: mother of mother-f***er मादारचो_ মাদারচু_ মাদাৰচু_ Salman Khan)

Cf. Uttam Kumar - Suchitra Sen pair (Tollywood) - cf. BM Suchitra "MONO" SIL
Cf. Sanjeev Kumar - Mala Sinha pair (Bollywood) - cf. Sunanda/Nanda/Bratati

Aa Jane Jaan - Helen, Lata Mangeshkar, Intaquam song (6:21) / Ultra Bollywood (YouTube)

Ananya Kashyap || as muhini [cf. মোহিনী मोहिनी in amrit manthan অমৃত মন্থন अमृत मंथन] (5:03) / Khanjan Borah (YouTube)

Again NOTICE the presence of Sunflower সূর্যমুখী in this song & dance video. - G

["India is our mother land" - FAKE patriotic song and dance video; composed by a veteran Bollywood music director/BM Chandrashekhar/ f***ing SAT. Gandhi] Tribute To The Nation | BHARAT AMAAR JONOM MAATI | (A Bishnupriya Manipuri Flag-waving (Patriotic) Song) (5:06) / Tirthakumari Sinha (YouTube)


অনুৰাধা শৰ্মা পূজাৰী : জলছবি (বনলতা) [psychological detective novel of disguise]
Cf. স্বৰ্ণজ্যোতি in the novel [MIL BM Surjyamukhi সূৰ্যমুখী C.B. transformed herself to replace kidnapped BM সুখজ্যোতি Sukhajyoti T.N. to drive out G-KSG T.N. from home by fake will but failed; she transformed her body to replace kidnapped BM স্বৰ্ণলক্ষ্মী Swarnalakshmi T.N. to "assassinate" G-KSG but failed again and again; compare SAT. Draupadi, her five husbands (SAT. Pandavas), and SAT. Krishna]

Body transformation is the cleverest deception used for billions of years by 666 top male and female satanic oversmart overconfident LGBT Transgender Nazi chameleons, but all body transformations including sex transformations of all top male and female Nazis and their clones, living on and inside Earth, moving into and coming out of the interior of Earth again and again, have been audio video recorded for billions of years & continue to be recorded by ET scientists. 


MM Seema - Nicole Daedone - B. Paromita - ASS. Gayatri (CBI) - Rachel - Queer Kiwi - BM "Dhimi" [cf. Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh DHAMI (male)]

"red pill podcasts [blog posts by G-KSG] are hell on earth [hell for satanic Nazis]" - The Queer Kiwi [SCARED "Rachel Stephens" (YouTube) etc./SATAN] (YouTube)

"Rachel Stephens" uses YouTube as "Bible preacher" but keeps calling Google and YouTube nothing but "SATAN". I suspect that "Rachel Stephens" alias Miss Universe Philippines Rachel Peters was Nazi mass murderer "black" "Mary" who gunned down from a high floor of MGM Time-Warner hotel in LAS VEGAS many American men, women, and children watching a musical show down below. - G


Richa Lakhera: ITEM GIRL (RUPA)


কাঞ্চন বৰুৱা : অসীমত যাৰ হেৰাল সীমা 




N. Jamir: THE RELUCTANT DAUGHTER: THE COMING OF AGE OF A SEXUALLY ABUSED GIRL (it was a self-published novel when I bought it some years ago; it is now available on Amazon)


MAXIM GORKY: CHILDHOOD, MY APPRENTICESHIP,  MY UNIVERSITIES (trilogy; autobiography of "Maxim Gorky" that reads like a very interesting, warm STORY)

LEO TOLSTOY: ANNA KARENINA (very interesting English translation, lIke ALL translations of Russian literary classics into English done by Margaret Wettlin)



An entertaining novel with references to Jesus and Hitler and Stalin (?) and God.


Richard Connell: THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME (terrifying, scary short story)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 27/28, 2024 


Prof. Nandita Narain*, without any knowledge of mathematics, was appointed Head of the Department of Mathematics at St. Stephen's College (under Delhi University), and so her videos on YouTube mainly show her joining f. Nazi male and female "students" (fake students) of the f***ing NAZI organization "JNU" (Jawaharlal Nehru University named after SAT. Jawaharlal Nehru) SHOUTING idiotic slogans in front of JNU gate. A most ridiculous academic appointment.

*BM SLS T.N. kidnapped to Delhi by car by BM BIL4 F. SATAN SURAJ C.B. etc.?

DUTA [= Delhi University Teachers' Association] President [body transformer] Nandita Narain On Violence In DU [Delhi University] (3:57) / The Indian Express (YouTube) 

& other ridiculous YT videos of phony "mathematics professor" Nandita Narain - one YT video on math/maths (vector algebra) supposedly by her is a fake video.

*But BM SLS T.N. never speaks English. How can BM SLS be Nandita Narain???

Cf. (compare) 80-year-old 3-foot DWARF elf LEP (under-ground Lower Elements Police) Captain HOLLY SHORT held hostage by the young "criminal mastermind" Artemis Fowl in the YA Artemis Fowl series by Eoin (pronounced Owen) Colfer.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 28, 2024 


How To Make A Live Stream Movie - Sheila Houlahan (21:48) / Film Courage (YouTube)

I don't know if I will have the patience to watch and listen to the entire obviously phony discussion. Despite incessant deceptively holy spiritual chatter by many pr. on YouTube, I don't believe c.c. business has suddenly stopped in America or any other country. Pr. is the ONLY business in the world that requires no capital investment (thanks to free v.) and is total pleasure, requiring no labor/labour. Is "a live stream movie" a newly coined term for "A LIVE ONLINE PORN VIDEO?" - G

I have never seen a "strip tease" show. As a "strip tease dancer" keeps shedding her clothes in front of a LIVE AUDIENCE (only MALES?) watching her with rising excitement, does she finally become TOTALLY NAKED in front of her audience?

I am sure "Sheila Houlahan" is a fake name. I suspected that "Sheila Houlahan" makes PORN videos and My suspicion has been confirmed by Google sources saying that porn star Sheila Houlahan or Marie with "big tits" etc. "likes to make homemade porn flicks". Of course, "Sheila Houlahan or Marie" in XXX porn site etc. may not be the "Sheila Houlahan" in this Film Courage interview, or she may TRANSFORM her body when she makes (homemade) porn films to sell to online porn sites. Nazis AND also many male & female humans can change their body.

In fact, not only male and female Nazis (followers of the evil gang of 666 f***ing Nazi "gods" and "goddesses" - f***ing Nazi cheats - collectively called "SATAN") but also MILLIONS of MALE AND FEMALE HUMANS throughout the world know HOW to transform the body into any other form, make clones, cure all diseases, speed up or reverse aging (eternal youth in practical terms), and revive the dead (which is practical immortality) by very simple means. (Several years ago, I saw on two Indian TV news channels, ZEE NEWS* and another channel whose name I cannot recall at the moment - hundreds of boys and girls - identical clones - in two separate Indian villages.) All f***ing male and female Nazis take the NAZI "HIPPOCRATIC OATH" - hypocritic or hypocritical oath - TO ENSURE that these "secrets" are NOT made publicly available to the entire human race by male and female humans who know the simple secrets, by threatening them not to reveal these secrets. BUT the world HAS CHANGED DRAMATICALLY thanks to God & ET scientists who can instantly BURN to ashes and vaporize and paralyze and AMPUTATE by LASER the entire gang of 666 SATANIC "gods" and "goddesses" and their evil gang of male and female Nazis on and inside Earth - as a matter of fact, the latest up-to-date identities and locations of ALL 666 f***ing "gods" and "goddesses" and their f***ing male and female Nazi followers are always known to millions of humans who can EASILY LYNCH the SATANIC "gods" and "goddesses" and their EVIL gang of male and female Nazis, and thus make the world (long polluted by male & female Nazi cheats) pollution-free. ALL male and female humans - ETERNALLY YOUNG & IMMORTAL - will live in eternal bliss. - G

*Mr. SUDHIR CHAUDHARY was the Editor-in-Chief of ZEE NEWS TV at that time. I remember that ZEE NEWS showed sensational videos of policemen watching a cyclist (carrying bombs to the site of HYDERABAD where BOMB BLASTS then occurred) and VIDEOS showing Hyderabad Police Commissioner Mr. ANURAG SHARMA inside a temple in Hyderabad very near Hyderabad bomb blasts site.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 29/30, 2024 


I don't know who invented the term "MISSIONARY POSITION" for s. int. nor do I know if the inventive guy (male or female) held missionaries in high respect or hated missionaries or thought of all missionaries as very boring and tiresome.

Kishalay Sinha जी [G] January 28, 2024 


[REVOLUTIONISE YOUR LEARNING] How to Make Your Reading More Effective. Power of SQRRR [SQ3R] TECHNIQUE (9:41) / Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission Mangaluru (YouTube)

I learned the SQ3R METHOD of reading many years ago from books I bought. I am suspicious of all "swamis" and "sadhus" including Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. (All "swamis" and "sadhus" are reborn Nazi rapists.) I recommend this very easy explanation of SQ3R method of reading because it is a practical talk that will be useful to students in ALL fields of study - it is NOT the USUAL 420 phony spiritual or religious lecture by a fake "swami" or "sadhu". ("Swami Sarvapriyananda" is HEAD of the NEW YORK branch of "Ramakrishna Mission". CIA, FBI, FSB, INTERPOL, EUROPOL, CBI etc. know his entire past and present activities. I repeat that this talk is not the usual deceptive spiritual talk but a simple & easy explanation of SQ3R method for improving reading ability.)

SHRADDHA শ্রদ্ধা श्रद्धा ? শ্রাদ্ধ श्राद्ध (FUNERAL rites PLUS FOOD for invited guests)?

I Can't Maintain My Cool React Sarvapriyananda (10:33) / Spirituality Religion (YouTube)

SATAN "Buddha" and satanic Nazi cheats and liars have denied and continue to deny that all diseases, aging, death can be EASILY CURED by simple medicines!


4 excellent books for enjoying reading & improving reading comprehension: 

1. FASTER READING SELF-TAUGHT by Harry Shefter (Simon & Schuster)

(I have all these books and have studied them. I don't bluff like some YT girls.)

We should enjoy reading books. Enjoying books we read should be our goal, not how many books we have read per month or per year, nor how fast we can read at how many W.P.M. (words per minute) - doing well in exams should not be the primary aim. Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy resding. I remember the thrill and joy I felt when I first read HOW TO GET MORE OUT OF YOUR READING by Norman Lewis, which I borrowed from the Delhi University Library when I was B.Sc. Physics Honours student at nearby St. Stephen's College (it was an all-male college, not coed, at that time) on Delhi University campus. (B. Sc. Physics Honours and subsidiary Chemistry were taught in CO-ED classes at Delhi University by Delhi University faculty; we had English and subsidiary Mathematics classes in our own college; I never spoke to the few girls in our Physics Honours and Chemistry Subsidiary (Pass) co-ed classes at Delhi University, though the girls seemed to admire Me.)

FASTER READING SELF-TAUGHT by Harry Shefter is a very interesting and easy-to-read book that can be understood even by high school students. (I have 4 or 5 books by Prof. Harry Shefter.) READING IMPROVEMENT FOR ADULTS by Paul D. Leedy is also a very interesting book. I woukd suggest that you read the book HOW TO READ BETTER AND FASTER by Norman Lewis after you have studied the best-selling word power book WORD POWER MADE EASY by Norman Lewis, described by the New York publisher Simon & Schuster as "the Number One teacher of vocabulary building in the United States!). WORD POWER MADE EASY by Norman Lewis is reprinted in India by Goyal Publishers & Distributors, 86 U.B. (University Block), Jawahar Nagar (Kamla Nagar), DELHI-110007, India.

I remember that one day, when I was attending a B.Sc. Physics Honours class 
(a co-ed class of St. Stephen's College boys with boys & girls of Hindu College)
by Mr. Chandra, who taught us Electricity & Magnetism, he suddenly announced that a Class Captain for Physics Library was to be elected out of two candidates by voting (by the raising of hands to show support of either of the two proposed candidates) - someone proposed the name of My college friend Kishen Chand Verma (a top swimmer in Delhi University inter college swimming competition), and Kumaramangalam, another of My college friends, stood up and announced My name, much to My embarrassment (Kumaramangalam did so without prior warning, without taking My permission) - looking back over the years, it seems that it was a deliberate public test perhaps in order to publicly humiliate Me if possible. (Again, looking over the years, I realize that I have been subjected to test after test after test to test innocent Me, without My realizing this for many years.) Anyway, hands were raised to show support for one or the other of two St. Stephen's College friends suddenly turned into public rivals, and counting of hands made Me the winner. But what surprised Me very much was the pleasing but strange fact that all the three or four teenage girls in chooridar kameez who sat on the first bench near the front entrance door of the classroom raised their hands to support Me. I had never spoken with them before, nor afterwards. The girls did not behave like Nazi honeytraps wanting to TRAP Me, but perhaps they would have if they had known about My burning desire to make the human race eternally young and immortal, DEFYING f***ing human-looking NAZI "gods" and "goddesses" who DON'T want humans to be eternally young and immortal, and enabling human pr. to have UNLIMITED s. with H. (all terrestrial human females are pr.). I have seen over many years of personal experience that innocent and friendly-looking smiling terrestrial females can suddenly turn into treacherous Nazi spies & assassins working secretly for the cowardly gang of anti-human anti-God satanic gang of f***ing Nazi cheats and liars who arrogantly describe themselves as "superior" "Brahman" "gods" & "goddesses" (Nazi prostitutes). - G

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] 
January 30/31/February 1, 2024 


I am extremely suspicious of innocent-looking body-transformer BM SLS T.N. who is a brutal Nazi assassin and is definitely one of the topmost Nazi bosses and deserves intense grilling with violent physical torture if necessary. I have absolutely no sympathy for anti-human anti-God poisonous snake BM SLS T.N.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 31, 2024 


How to Read Don Quixote (10 Tips) (18:47) / Benjamin McEvoy (YouTube)

I have some interesting English translations of Don Quixote by Cervantes. (It is worth noting that the tragically funny pathetic hero Don Quixote, who has gone crazy by reading too many romantic stories of chivalrous knights on a mission to rescue damsels in distress, is pronounced DONKEY-ho-tay! Cervantes sounds like SERVANTS!) I believe that the plays of SHAKESPEARE and "Don Quixote" by CERVANTES and other great works of fiction by TOLSTOY and TURGENEV and CHEKHOV and DOSTOEVSKY etc. are ghost-written recent 20th-century fiction written as clever parodies of ingenuous-seeming KSG with penetrating insight. (Ingenuous Prince Myshkin, who can see through people despite his innocence, who is the hero of the novel THE IDIOT by Dostoevsky, is a very clear example.) Nowadays, guide books and YouTube tutorials are available to make it easy to understand Shakespeare or Cervantes or any other top writer in any language.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] January 31, 2024 


How to Read Dostoevsky (Tips from Experience) (10:42) / Christy Luis - Dostoevsky in Space (YouTube)


Do Audiobooks count as Reading? (17:11) / Benjamin McEvoy (YouTube)

[In this case, I concentrated on the words and did not allow Myself to be put off and distracted by the speaker's British accent, whether genuine or artificial. - G]

[LIBRIVOX app - downloadable from Play Store - offers many free audiobooks.]

[Besides many YouTube tutorials, many excellent guidebooks on literature are published by Indian and American/British publishers which make great works of literature easily understandable and therefore enjoyable. No need to make lots of notes and make the reading of novels and plays seem like very tedious work. Good literature is for everybody, not just for stuffy "professors" and "scholars".]


5 Best Most Hardest Books to Read | Challenging and Difficult Literature Recommendations (7:06) / Bookish Way of Life (YouTube)

BECOME A MONSTER by Jordan Peterson

A Harmless Man is NOT a good man - Jordan Peterson (8:56) / After Skool


25 Short Classic Books You Can Read in One Day (28:43) / English Nerd (YouTube) 

[It seems unlikely that the title of this video was meant to be a joke. Ms. English Nerd looks like a serious nerd and doesn't sound like a comedienne. But did she really finish the FAT BOOK by Sherlock Holmes in just one day? "I strike you, you strike me" - with an ax or with an ex? I have the impression that many struggling publishers request YT girls to advertise their books by reading synopses of the books and making short book trailers to attract book-lovers to buy their books.]

THE LITTLE PRINCE is a very delightful warm story written in beautiful English.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 1, 2024 


All young male humans should read the poem LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCI by John Keats (pen name of a ghost writer?) to become aware of Nazi honey traps. There are interesting recitations and tutorials on YouTube explaining this poem.


X [Class X] English - The Voice of God [poem] (9:05) / Begin Then (YouTube)

The poet's name Louis I. Newman seems to be one of the many pen names of a top ghost writer who has been reincarnating for billions of years. I don't think "I." stands for "Israel". "Cardinal Newman", whose English prose is a model of clear English, may be one of the numerous pen names of this indefatigable top ghost writer. Louis sounds like Lewis, and Newman sounds like Norman. I believe that "Louis I. Newman" = "I am Norman Lewis"! "Louis I. Newman" = "Norman Lewis"!

The Voice of God || By Khushwant Singh || English Honours || Tejas Gurukul (16:00) / Tejas Gurukul (YouTube)

The key to understanding short stories and novels by Khushwant Singh/Gandhi /Nehru (etc.) is to realize that works of fiction by F***ING body transformer Na. sw. SAT. Khushwant Singh are ghost-written fiction by a top ghost writer who is disgusted with the SATANIC gang of shape-shifting f***ing male/female Nazis. The three "Sikhs" in the 420 election are SATAN Gandhi in three different forms.


O, Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who turn to you. Amen.

(p. v)


For I am the first and the last
I am the venerated and the despised
I am the prostitute and the saint
I am the wife and the virgin 
I am the mother and the daughter 
I am the arms of my mother
I am barren and my children are many
I am the married woman and the spinster
I am the woman who gives birth and she who never procreated
I am the consolation for the pain of birth
I am the wife and the husband
And it was my man who created me 
I am the mother of my father
I am the sister of my husband
And he is my rejected son
Always respect me
For I am the shameful and the magnificent one

Hymn to Isis, third or fourth century BC, discovered in Nag Hammadi

(p. xi)


YOU NEED TO SEE THAT IF You want a write a book about me...

I wondered who this stupidly arrogant terrestrial pr. might be, who thinks she is so important that her biography is worth writing by some author. I looked at the complete title of her YouTube video:

! YOU NEED TO SEE THAT IF You want a write a book about meditation, the law of attraction ! (4:30) / Elisa Rocher (YouTube)

How clever! One might say unkindly: "How cheap!" 

Ms. Elisa Rocher [fake name, I am pretty sure; Rocher is mis-spelling of Richer?] speaks English like a NON-"NATIVE" speaker of English. Maybe she is ACTING?


Becoming a best-selling author is EASY! Just follow those [these?] simple steps! # SHORTS / Elisa Rocher (YouTube)

That one thing that's standing on your way ! PROCRASTINATION !! (1:49) / Elisa Rocher (YouTube)

"Standing on your way" is a LITERAL illustration of the English idiom "standing in your way" (idiom) which means "blocking your way" or "blocking your progress". 

In shirshasana, the acrobat's inverted body (with legs up) rests on his/her head. (I don't know how the acrobat does shirshasana without breaking his/her neck.)


3 Ways to INSTANTLY Elevate Your Writing (11:54) / Alyssa Matesic (YouTube)

1. Make every word matter
2. Show small, authentic experiences
3. Use figurative language strategically

Whenever sunflowers are mentioned by a writer or speaker, or shown in a video, I am at once reminded of LGBT Transgender body transformer m/f SAT. BM MIL "সূর্যমুখী Surjyamookhee" C.B. (treacherous Nazi assassin SAT. BM SLS/cl. T.N.?).

Anchor podcasts (podcastksinha)

Anchor, which waa a free app, has been taken over by Spotify. 

Anchor podcast #061 (March 28, 2021): WOMEN - 1
Anchor podcast #062 (March 29, 2021): WOMEN - 2
Anchor podcast #063 (March 29, 2021): WOMEN - 3

Anchor podcast #064 (March 29, 2021): LECTURER AND STUDENTS
Anchor podcast #068 (March 30, 2021): FALLEN IN LOVE

THE BOOK OF JOB (Bible: Old Testament)
Anchor podcast (May 12, 2020): Job (Hindi)
Anchor podcast (May 13, 2020): Job (Bengali)
Anchor podcast (May 13, 2020): Job (Assamese)
Anchor podcast #059 (March 27, 2021): BIBLE - 1a
Anchor podcast #060 (March 28, 2021): BIBLE - 2a
Anchor podcast #065 (March 27, 2021): JOB - 1b
Anchor podcast #066 (March 30, 2021): JOB - 2b
Anchor podcast #067 (March 30, 2021): BIBLE FOR THE DEAF
Anchor podcast #070 (March 31, 2021): Bible - 1c
Anchor podcast #071 (March 31, 2021): Bible - 2c
Anchor podcast #072 (March 31, 2021): Bible - 1d
Anchor podcast #073 (March 31, 2021): Bible - 2d
Anchor podcast #074 (April 1, 2021): BIBLE - 1e
Anchor podcast #075 (April 1, 2021): BIBLE - 2e
Anchor podcast #076 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 1f
Anchor podcast #077 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 2f
Anchor podcast #078 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 1g
Anchor podcast #079 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 2g
Anchor podcast #080 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 1h
Anchor podcast #081 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 2h
Anchor podcast #082 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 1 (Bengali)
Anchor podcast #083 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 2 (Bengali)
Anchor podcast #084 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 1 (1) (Hindi)
Anchor podcast #085 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 1 (2) (Hindi)
Anchor podcast #086 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 1i
Anchor podcast #087 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 2i 

b - Easy-to-Read Bible 
c - Good News Bible / Today's English Version 
d - NIV (New International Version) Bible
e - RSV (Revised Standard Version) Bible 
f - NKJV (New King James Version) Bible
g - KJV (King James Version) Bible 
h - IISB - NAS (International Inductive Study Bible - New American Standard)
i - NWT (New World Translation)

Artificial Intelligence [AI] making everyone look like a Biblically accurate angel #shorts (1:01) / Rachel Stephens (YouTube)

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Anchor podcast #048 (March 16, 2021): PTSD 1
Anchor podcast #049 (March 16, 2021): PTSD 2
Anchor podcast #050 (March 16, 2021): PTSD 3
Anchor podcast #051 (March 16, 2021): PTSD 4
Anchor podcast #052 (March 16, 2021): PTSD 5
Anchor podcast #053 (March 17, 2021): PTSD 6
Anchor podcast #054 (March 18, 2021): PTSD 7
Anchor podcast #055 (March 25, 2021): PTSD 8
Anchor podcast #056 (March 26, 2021): PTSD 9
Anchor podcast #057 (March 26, 2021): PTSD 10
Anchor podcast #058 (March 27, 2021): PTSD 11

Anchor podcast #088 (April 10, 2021): ADULTERY
Anchor podcast #089 (April 11, 2021): MAD
Anchor podcast #090 (April 12, 2021): I'll be there
Anchor podcast #091 (April 12, 2021): HELL
Anchor podcast #092 (April 13, 2021): The Wages of Sin
Anchor podcast #093 (April 14, 2021): WHISTLING
Anchor podcast #094 (April 14, 2021): THE OTHER WOMAN
Anchor podcast #203 (Nov 14, 2021): God in heaven, take me away......

Anchor podcast #098 (April 29, 2021): ASTRONOMY
Anchor podcast #099 (April 29, 2021): BEAUTIFUL
Anchor podcast #100 (April 29, 2021): I LIKE HER

Anchor podcast #131 (May 27, 2021): SEX, SEX, SEX
Anchor podcast #132 (May 27, 2021): LESBIANS

Anchor podcast #133 (May 30, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 1
Anchor podcast #134 (May 30, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 2
Anchor podcast #135 (May 31, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 3
Anchor podcast #136 (May 31, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 4
Anchor podcast #137 (May 31, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 5
Anchor podcast #138 (June 1, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 6
Anchor podcast #139 (June 1, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 7
Anchor podcast #140 (June 4, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 8
Anchor podcast #141 (June 4, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 9
Anchor podcast #142 (June 5, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 10
Anchor podcast #143 (June 5, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 11
Anchor podcast #144 (June 5, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 12
Anchor podcast #145 (June 5, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 13
Anchor podcast #146 (June 6, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 14
Anchor podcast #147 (June 6, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 15
Anchor podcast #148 (June 6, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 16
Anchor podcast #149 (June 7, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 17
Anchor podcast #150 (June 7, 2021): CRIME AND CRIMINALS - 18

Anchor podcast #232 (Jan 1, 2022): PROFESSOR
Anchor podcast #236 (Jan 3, 2022): THE FEMALE MIND

Anchor podcast #237 (Jan 4, 2022): गुरुजी - 1

Anchor podcast #238 (Jan 4, 2022): Desdemona 
[Desdemona - Des demona]

Anchor podcast #239 (Jan 5, 2022): ডেচডিম'না 
[Desdemona - Des demona - Mona - Suchitra Sin. SIL]

Anchor podcast #240 (Jan 5, 2022): ভগৱান সকলোতে থাকে

Anchor podcast #244 (Feb 1 4, 2022): ETERNAL DAMNATION

Anchor podcast #245 (Feb 14, 2022): [ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর:] স্ত্রীজাতির ব্যভিচার 

Anchor podcast #247 (March 4, 2022): VERY GOOD BOOK

Anchor podcast #249 (March 9, 2022): THE SHOW: THE HIDEWAY - 1
Anchor podcast #249 (March 9, 2022): THE SHOW: THE HIDEWAY - 2
Anchor podcast #249 (March 9, 2022): THE SHOW: THE HIDEWAY - 3
Anchor podcast #249 (March 9, 2022): THE SHOW: THE HIDEWAY - 4

Anchor podcast #257 (March 12, 2022): Sherlock Holmes
Anchor podcast #258 (March 12, 2022): OLD WORLD POET
Anchor podcast #259 (March 12, 2022): Serpent & de la Fuentes
Anchor podcast #260 (March 12, 2022): Barnaby
Anchor podcast #262 (March 12, 2022): ANDROGYNOUS NAMES [e.g. Bobby]
Anchor podcast #257 (March 12, 2022): Daniel Beach 

Sibi [cf. C.B.]
Anchor podcast #253 (March 10, 2022): Sibi
Anchor podcast #254 (March 10, 2022): Sibi cont'd. - 1 
Anchor podcast #255 (March 10, 2022): Sibi cont'd. - 2 
Anchor podcast #256 (March 10, 2022): Sibi cont'd. - 3

Anchor podcast #264 (April 4, 2022): কবিতা

Anchor podcast #001 (December 7, 2020): কেউ মন দিয়ে শোনে না 

Anchor podcast #002 (December 10, 2020): বেগুনি
Anchor podcast #003 (December 10, 2020): ঢুকবেন কি ঢুকবেন না 
Anchor podcast #004 (December 10, 2020): একজন তরুণী
Anchor podcast #005 (December 11, 2020): বই
Anchor podcast #006 (December 11, 2020): মায়া
Anchor podcast #017 (December 17, 2020): অমর বাবু - 1
Anchor podcast #018 (December 17, 2020): অমর বাবু - 2
Anchor podcast #019 (December 17, 2020): অমর বাবু - 3

Anchor podcast #020 (December 18, 2020): শ্রীভগবান - 1
Anchor podcast #021 (December 18, 2020): শ্রীভগবান - 2
Anchor podcast #022 (December 18, 2020): শ্রীভগবান - 3
Anchor podcast #023 (December 18, 2020): শ্রীভগবান - 4
Anchor podcast #024 (December 18, 2020): শ্রীভগবান - 5

Anchor podcast #026 (December 24, 2020): প্রতিমা - 1
Anchor podcast #027 (December 24, 2020): প্রতিমা - 2
Anchor podcast #028 (December 24, 2020): প্রতিমা - 3
Anchor podcast #030 (December 26, 2020): প্রতিমা - 4

Anchor podcast #029 (December 25, 2020): ক খ গ ঘ [poem]

Anchor podcast #035 (December 27, 2020): ব্রাটা 

Anchor podcast #041 (December 28, 2020): POET [poem]
Anchor podcast #042 (December 29, 2020): GENDER DISCRIMINATION [poem]
Anchor podcast #043 (December 29, 2020): KISS [poem]
Anchor podcast #044 (December 30, 2020): BAD WORDS [poem]
Anchor podcast #045 (December 31, 2020): THE "HAPPY" FISH [poem]
Anchor podcast #046 (January 1, 2021): LOVE [poem]

Anchor podcast #265 (April 16, 2022): COWARDS AND FOOLS [poem]
Anchor podcast #266 (April 16, 2022): THE SECRET [poem]
Anchor podcast #267 (April 17, 2022): ASTONISHED [poem]

Anchor podcast #270 (July 21, 2022): SUICIDE - 1
Anchor podcast #271 (July 21, 2022): SUICIDE - 2
Anchor podcast #272 (July 21, 2022): SUICIDE - 3
Anchor podcast #273 (July 22, 2022): SUICIDE - 4
Anchor podcast #274 (July 22, 2022): SUICIDE - 5
Anchor podcast #275 (July 22, 2022): SUICIDE - 6
Anchor podcast #276 (July 22, 2022): SUICIDE - 7
Anchor podcast #277 (July 23, 2022): A 911 CALL

Anchor podcast #069 (March 30, 2021): ROCK (petro)
JOHN MASON: Imitation is Limitation (Orient Paperbacks), p. 185-187

Anchor podcast #101 (May 3, 2021): সামলানো মুশকিল হবে 
Anchor podcast #102 (May 3, 2021): স্বামী পালটানো 
Anchor podcast #103 (May 3, 2021): প্রেম করতে শুরু করেছে
Anchor podcast #104 (May 3, 2021): পরনিন্দা আর পরচর্চা
Anchor podcast #105 (May 3, 2021): অইন মতাৰ প্ৰেমত পৰা
Anchor podcast #106 (May 3, 2021): ছেলেধরা
Anchor podcast #107 (May 3, 2021): LOVER
Anchor podcast #108 (May 4, 2021): LOVE AFFAIR
Anchor podcast #109 (May 5, 2021): प्रेमी - 1
Anchor podcast #110 (May 5, 2021): CRIME AND PUNISHMENT

Anchor podcast #241 (January 5, 2022): প্ৰেম [Assamese tr. of Bacon: ON LOVE]

Anchor podcast #111 (May 7, 2021): TURGENEV - 1
Anchor podcast #112 (May 8, 2021): TURGENEV - 2
Anchor podcast #113 (May 9, 2021): Bazarov - 1 (Raduga tr.)
Anchor podcast #114 (May 10, 2021): Bazarov - 1 (Everyman tr.)
Anchor podcast #115 (May 10, 2021): Bazarov - 2 (Raduga tr.)
Anchor podcast #116 (May 10, 2021): Bazarov - 2 (Everyman tr.)
Anchor podcast #117 (May 10, 2021): Bazarov - 3 (Everyman tr.)
Anchor podcast #118 (May 11, 2021): Bazarov - 3 (Raduga tr.)
Anchor podcast #130 (May 27, 2021): THE FATAL SHOT

Anchor podcast #119 (May 12, 2021): HAPPY FOR EVER!
Anchor podcast #231 (December 29, 2021): DEATH WILL BE CURED

Anchor podcast #120 (May 19, 2021): HUMAN COMMUNICATIONS
Anchor podcast #121 (May 19, 2021): NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION
Anchor podcast #122 (May 20, 2021): Bobby is a bad boy? 

Anchor podcast #123 (May 24, 2021): BITCH - 1
Anchor podcast #124 (May 24, 2021): BITCH - 2
Anchor podcast #125 (May 25, 2021): BITCH - 3
Anchor podcast #126 (May 25, 2021): BITCH - 4
Anchor podcast #127 (May 26, 2021): BITCH - 5
Anchor podcast #128 (May 26, 2021): HOW MEN AND WOMEN COMMUNICATE

Anchor podcast #129 (May 26, 2021): ভগবান
নিগূঢ়ানন্দ : "বিজ্ঞান ও দেবদেবী" (করুণা প্রকাশনী, টেমার লেন, কলিকাতা), ৯-১৩

Anchor podcast #220 (Dec 4, 2021): Dog chases rabbit - Rabbit chases dog

Richard P. Feynman: SURELY YOU'RE JOKING, MR. FEYNMAN! (Random House):
Anchor podcast #221 (Dec 17, 2021): Chinese
Anchor podcast #222 (Dec 18, 2021): BURGLAR ALARM
Anchor podcast #223 (Dec 18, 2021): FIXING RADIOS BY THINKING!
Anchor podcast #224 (Dec 19, 2021): 13 TIMES
Anchor podcast #225 (Dec 19, 2021): IT SOUNDS GREEK TO ME!
Anchor podcast #226 (Dec 19, 2021): RADIO CIRCUITS
Anchor podcast #227 (Dec 23, 2021): MOVIES ABOUT PSYCHIATRISTS
Anchor podcast #228 (Dec 23, 2021): INTERVIEWS WITH PSYCHIATRISTS - 1

P.M. Morse: VIBRATION AND SOUND (McGraw-Hill):
Anchor podcast #229 (Dec 25, 2021): VIBRATION AND SOUND - 1
Anchor podcast #230 (Dec 25, 2021): VIBRATION AND SOUND - 2

Anchor podcast #007 (Dec 12, 2020): A: aback, abandon, abortion
Chetananand Singh: ENGLISH IS EASY (BSC Publishing, Ganesh Nagar, DELHI)

Anchor podcast #279 (September 27, 2022): DEPRESSION 
Anchor podcast #280 (September 27, 2022): RABBIT vs FOX, RABBIT vs WOLF
Anchor podcast #281 (September 28, 2022): ENGLISH MOVIES
Anchor podcast #282 (September 28, 2022): TWO BOOKS
Anchor podcast #284 (September 30, 2022): Romeo and Juliet
Anchor podcast #285 (September 30, 2022): FUNNY POEMS 

Anchor podcast #286 (December 17, 2022): টক শো
সঞ্জীব চট্টোপাধ্যায় : সুখ দাও ভগবান (দে'জ), p. ১৭৬

Anchor podcast #287 (Dec 26, 2022): Archangel Michael
Anchor podcast #288 (Jan 27, 2023): ALIENS 

Anchor podcast #289 (April 7, 2023): YOU 
Savi Sharma: EVERYONE HAS A STORY (W) Prologue
Anchor podcast #290 (April 8, 2023): FATE 
Savi Sharma: EVERYONE HAS A STORY - 2 (W) Prologue 

[I don't want to spoil the fun by chattering about ghost-writing by ghost writers.]

SCHOOL TIMES, Edited by Ruskin Bond (RUPA)
Anchor podcast #291 (April 26, 2023): VICE VERSA
Anchor podcast #292 (April 27, 2023): FATHER BECOMES SON - 1
Anchor podcast #293 (April 27, 2023): FATHER BECOMES SON - 2
Anchor podcast #294 (April 28, 2023): FATHER BECOMES SON - 3
Anchor podcast #295 (April 28, 2023): FATHER BECOMES SON - 4
Anchor podcast #296 (April 29, 2023): FATHER BECOMES SON - 5
Anchor podcast #297 (April 29, 2023): FATHER BECOMES SON - 6
Anchor podcast #298 (April 29, 2023): FATHER BECOMES SON - 7
Anchor podcast #299 (April 29, 2023): FATHER BECOMES SON - 8
Anchor podcast #300 (April 30, 2023): FATHER BECOMES SON - 9


Ruskin Bond replies to his fans' intriguing questions | Penguin India (9:06) / Penguin India (YouTube)

I don't think the bandage tied around the right arm of very popular Anglo-Indian writer Ruskin Bond, whose fictional writings in English seem to be very popular with Indian children who go to English-medium schools, is a gimmick to attract viewers to this interview - I don't think Ruskin Bond would descend to a cheap low level. All (female) interviewers want to know how many GFs a male Author has or had and how many exes He has axed, but asking abstract "Nature"-lover Ruskin Bond (a fake name) would be a waste of time and energy. I think many (female) interviewers and readers wonder if an Author is "A Lollipop Dangler".

Khushwant Singh/Humra Quraishi: ABSOLUTE KHUSHWANT (PENGUIN BOOKS)
Anchor podcast #301 (April 30, 2023): MY FIRST LOVE
Anchor podcast #302 (April 30, 2023): ON WORK
Anchor podcast #303 (May 1, 2023): ON HAPPINESS

Anchor podcast #304 (June 15, 2023): A KGB SPY
Anchor podcast #305 (June 15, 2023): A KGB SPY - 1
Anchor podcast #306 (June 15, 2023): A KGB SPY - 2

Anchor podcast #307 (June 18, 2023): HOLDEN - 1
Anchor podcast #308 (June 18, 2023): HOLDEN - 2
Anchor podcast #309 (June 18, 2023): HOLDEN - 3
Anchor podcast #310 (June 19, 2023): HOLDEN - 4
Anchor podcast #311 (June 19, 2023): HOLDEN - 5
Anchor podcast #312 (June 22, 2023): HOLDEN - 6
Anchor podcast #313 (June 23, 2023): HOLDEN - 7
Anchor podcast #314 (June 23, 2023): HOLDEN - 8
Anchor podcast #315 (June 24, 2023): HOLDEN - 9
Anchor podcast #316 (June 25, 2023): HOLDEN - 10

Anchor podcast #013 (Dec 14, 2020): MASLOVA - 1
Anchor podcast #014 (Dec 14, 2020): মাসলভা - 1
Anchor podcast #015 (Dec 15, 2020): मास्लोवा - 1

Anchor podcast #016 (Dec 15, 2020): WAR AND PEACE [Assamese tr.]
লিও টলষ্টয় : যুদ্ধ আৰু শান্তি (সাহিত্য অকাদেমি)

Anchor podcast #166 (June 12, 2021): GOPAL - 1
Anchor podcast #167 (June 13, 2021): GOPAL - 2
Anchor podcast #168 (June 13, 2021): GOPAL - 3
Anchor podcast #169 (June 14, 2021): GOPAL - 4
Anchor podcast #170 (June 16, 2021): GOPAL - 5
Anchor podcast #171 (June 17, 2021): GOPAL - 6
Anchor podcast #172 (June 17, 2021): GOPAL - 7
Anchor podcast #173 (June 18, 2021): GOPAL - 8
Anchor podcast #174 (June 18, 2021): GOPAL - 9
Anchor podcast #175 (June 18, 2021): GOPAL - 10
Anchor podcast #176 (June 18, 2021): GOPAL - 11
Anchor podcast #177 (June 19, 2021): GOPAL - 12
Anchor podcast #178 (June 19, 2021): GOPAL - 13
Anchor podcast #179 (June 20, 2021): GOPAL - 14
Anchor podcast #180 (June 20, 2021): GOPAL - 15
Anchor podcast #181 (July 28, 2021):  GOPAL - 16
Anchor podcast #182 (July 28, 2021):  GOPAL - 17
Anchor podcast #183 (July 30, 2021):  GOPAL - 18
Anchor podcast #184 (July 31, 2021):  GOPAL - 19
Anchor podcast #185 (Aug 2, 2021):     GOPAL - 20
Anchor podcast #186 (Aug 2, 2021):     GOPAL - 21
Anchor podcast #187 (Aug 6, 2021):     GOPAL - 22
अनुराग माथुर: उफ़फ़! ये अमरीकी [Hindi translation] (Penguin Books): 
YouTube podcast (see below)

Anchor podcast #195 (Oct 22, 2021): THE "HAPPY" FISH (poem)
Anchor podcast #196 (Oct 23, 2021): CAN A MAN FALL IN LOVE? [poem]
Anchor podcast #197 (Oct 23, 2021): MY PAIN AND SORROW NONE CAN DISPEL (poem)
Anchor podcast #198 (Oct 23, 2021): Rubaiyat (poem)
Anchor podcast #199 (Oct 23, 2021): STONE (poem)

Ashwin Sanghi: THE KRISHNA KEY (W/Westland)
Anchor podcast #202 (Oct 23, 2021): Radhika

YouTube podcasts (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha)

G-20 LOVE (0:40) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-21 THE LOVE SONG (1:32) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-22 TWO POETS (2:55) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-37 VEGETARIAN CATS (6:46) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-38 WHAT ARE INDIAN GIRLS LIKE? (2:51) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-39 AVOIDING AMERICAN WOMEN (1:08) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-41 AIR HOSTESS LADIES (4:17) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-43 FAR OUT, MAN, FAR OUT! (1:51) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-44 LUGGAGE BOUNCING ON PYTHON (0:57) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-45 TOTALLY, TOTALLY NUTS! (1:50) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-46 WATCH YOUR ASS! (1:34) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-47 CIA (0:58) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-48 CLASSIC AMERICAN BEAUTY / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-49 THE INSCRUTABLE AMERICANS - 1 / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-50 THE INSCRUTABLE AMERICANS - 2 / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-56 BASKET (1:20) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-57 DATING AMERICAN GIRLS (7:50) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-58 DEEP THROAT (7:18) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-59 GOPAL MAKES HISTORY (9:31) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-60 RED HAIR (3:12) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-61 A RIDICULOUS STORY (6:42) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-62 FINEST GUIDE TO SURVIVING IN AMERICA (2:30) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
[Hindi translation] अनुराग माथुर: उफ़फ़! ये अमरीकी (PENGUIN BOOKS):
G-40 [cf. G-39] अमरीकी लड़कियों से दूर रहता हूं (1:35) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-42 [cf. G-41] AIR HOSTESS औरतन (6:24) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-51 दो शब्द - 1 (0:51) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-52 दो शब्द - 2 (0:59) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-53 दो शब्द - 3 (1:09) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-54 दो शब्द - 4 (1:48) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-55 दो शब्द - 5 (2:11) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

THE IDIOT by Fyodor Dostoevsky

In it, a saintly man, Prince Myshkin, is thrust into the heart of a society more concerned with wealth, power, and sexual conquest than with the ideals of Christianity. Myshkin soon finds himself at the center of a violent love triangle in which a notorious woman and a beautiful young girl become rivals for his affections.

Extortion, scandal, and murder follow, testing Myshkin's moral feelings. "They call me a psychologist," wrote Dostoevsky. "That is not true. I'm only a realist in the higher sense; that is, I portray all the depths of the human soul."

(On the back cover)

FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY: THE IDIOT (Translated by Constance Garnett) (BANTAM CLASSICS / Bantam Dell / Random House); paperback; RANDOM HOUSE INDIA sticker price Rs. 225 when I bought it some years ago from UNIQUE BOOKS, Panbazar, Guwahati-1.

Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from an asylum in Switzerland... he becomes embroiled in the frantic amatory and financial intrigues which centre around a cast of brilliantly realised characters ... His serene selflessness is contrasted with the worldly qualities of every other character in the novel.

(On the back cover)

FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY: THE IDIOT (WORDSWORTH CLASSICS) (Translated by Constance Garnett; the same translation as above); paperback. I bought it some years ago from WESTERN BOOK DEPOT, Panbazar, Guwahati-781001, Assam.

All paperbacks I have bought over many years have lasted for years till today.

FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY: THE IDIOT (A Novel in Two Books; translated from the Russian by Julius Katzer; PROGRESS PUBLISHERS, Moscow); hardbound. 

'The Idiot' by Fyodor Dostoevsky || Summary and analysis of 'The Idiot' (9:56) / Bhavya Atal (YouTube)

A fast summary of the novel, in Hindi, by a female Indian speaker. (Not only its plot but also the delightful LANGUAGE of a literary classic should be relished.)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 2/3/4/5/6/9, 2024

रोज का Drama

ये है तेरा रोज का Drama || पहली बार Alakh sir का रौद्र रूप || डांट नहीं खावोगे तो सुधरोगे नहीं तुम (5:20) / PW Samvaad (YouTube)

Students are not at fault. The fault lies with the educational system devised and implemented by f***ing NAZI CHEATS who have corrupted every field of activity.

Practically all IAS, IPS, ACS, WBCS, etc. are Nazi cheats with fake appointments.

Practically all doctors and surgeons etc. are reborn Nazi mass murderers.

IIT, AIIMS students etc. are male & female Nazi criminal cheats who get fake IIT, AIIMS degrees etc. 

DD 100% reborn Nazi criminal cheats Nazi mass murderers reborn as "Indians".

IIT JEE, NEET exams etc. are fake examinations to fool lakhs of Indian students and guardians. For example, 15-20 lakh candidates appear for NEET; only a few thousand are selected: reborn f. Nazi cheats "selected" by reborn f. Nazi cheats!

Teachers are not to blame. It is impossible for a teacher to make every student in a class of 10 or 20 or 30 or more students understand him or her completely. It is also impossible for a teacher at a coaching centre to make the entire group of students follow him or her. Just impossible. ALSO, merely attending classes will not enable a student to do well on exams. (I am not considering cheating on exams - buying question papers before examinations, bribing/threatening board officials etc.) A student must practise at home or in hostel. ALLEN girls' hostels of ALLEN run by f***ing Nazi aliens and other fake Nazi educational institutions like Jadavpur University, JNU, Sandip University etc. are Nazi rape centers in disguise. Online coaching (e.g. BYJU's?) can be a deceptive innocent-looking method for online porn. Any student can get a good self-education and score high marks on tests and exams if the student buys and studies inexpensive study guide books like SCHAUM'S OUTLINES, OSWAAL, ARIHANT, TOGETHER WITH, FULL MARKS, VIDYA, GOLDEN (LAXMI PUBLICATIONS), ND (Nand Lal Daya Ram, 4159, Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006), PHI/Prentice-Hall India (e.g. Rietz & Pollard: solved Problems in Organic Chemistry), ORIENT LONGMAN (e.g. FINAR: PROBLEMS AND THEIR SOLUTION IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY), SULTAN CHAND, TMH, S. CHAND etc. and watches FREE YouTube tutorials - ALL EXCELLENT. (I have heard that YouTube tutors are paid by YouTube according to the number of threr viewers or subscribers, I am not sure which). The huge number of Indians (thanks to population explosion; its positive side) watching YouTube contribute a vast amount of money to fantastic YouTube and "Net" providers - a wonderful symbiotic relationship. No wonder YouTube CEO (is he real or VIRTUAL?) is now an Indo-American Mr. Neel Mohan holding dual Indo-U.S. citizenship. Many well-known publishers of Meerut & Delhi sell graduate & post-graduate guide books.

Some local publishers (Panbazar, Guwahati - 781001, Assam) of helpful guide books in English and Assamese medium (for high school, HS, college courses): BLJ Publications (Saraswati Market), NILAKANTHA BOOK HOUSES, JAIRAM PRAKASHAN (Assam Book Depot), STAR BOOKS PUBLICATION (M. L. Nehru Road, Opp. Ghar Furniture, Nakkata Pukhuri), GREAT BOOKS DISTRIBUTORS (Saraswati Market; GBD books also sold by BOOKS AND GIFTS, S.C. Goswami Road); Answer Banks ASSAM ACADEMIC CENTRE (location Dispur, Guwahati?). There are many used books (second-hand books) shops in Panbazar, Guwahati.

(I have bought guide books published by all of the above publishers. I don't like empty talk to show off & impress others. I DON'T NEED to impress anyone. - G)

I stopped subscribing long ago - so I don't know how some YouTube channels (though very good) got subscribed by Me recently though I don't remember that I subscribed. Also, it appears that one YouTube channel (perhaps a few more) I subscribed long ago has got unsubscribed, though I never "unsubscribe", which I consider an act of unkindness. I "subscribed" to very few (hardly more than 5 or 6 maybe; though even that was a mistake, I now feel; subscribing may show that I prefer some channels to other channels - I have absolutely no preference; I have the feeling that terrestrial females perhaps feel needlessly competitive). As for My own case, I have started uploading audio podcasts* on YouTube but I don't want any subscribers or viewers or comments. I regard audio podcasting as a hobby, not as a source of extra income. I don't want to join the rat race. (I am not saying that earning from YouTube videos or podcasts is bad or wrong. YT tutorials are welcome and YT tutors deserve thanks and also monetary help if possible. It is just that I like to upload audio podcasts as a "time pass" hobby.)

*YouTube podcasts: Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha and @kishalaysinha-dk4ph
G-0, G-1, G-2, G-3, ... , G-105, G-106, G-107 (My most recent podcast on YouTube)

It is OK for Me if YouTube and Anchor/Spotify share all My audio podcasts with each other and with other Indian, foreign & international online audio platforms. I don't want to waste My time uploading My audio podcasts simultaneously on many platforms via "RSS" (awful term) etc. Of course, I don't want a paisa/cent for My podcasts. YouTube & Spotify can decide on financial terms with others.

It seems that Dr. Prerna Vohra/NL/WF has been transformed (including change of sex) MANY TIMES by OVERCONFIDENT f***ing Nazi body transformer SATAN LGBT BM SAURAV "Sunny" C.B. / BIL4 BM Suraj C.B. / Samudra / PC / MODI etc. (SAURAV/SUNNY/SURAJ/SAMUDRA/HIMMLER/ARNAB/PC/MODI will see hell.)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 3, 2024


Artificial Intelligence [AI] making everyone look like a Biblically accurate angel #shorts (1:01) / Rachel Stephens (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 4, 2024



Nazarene ... Nazi

Anchor podcast [podcastksinha] #069 (March 30, 2021): ROCK (petro)
JOHN MASON: Imitation is Limitation (Orient Paperbacks), p. 185-187

I know where SATAN Peter is hiding at present and in what transformation. T.N.

Cf. "Sir Edmund T. Whittaker" ... recovering mental patient "Whittaker" (YouTube)
Nazi "super cheat" over-smart body transformer brutal rapist mass murderer BM Patreon (P) Cf. FACE of over-confident SATAN "Sheikh Shahjahan" riding a BIKE.

Cf. Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar ("Krishna") in "OMG OH MY GOD!" (YouTube)

BISHNUPRIYA MANIPURI SAALOYA AASE RADHA RANI DANCE || ASITA SINHA [looks like Savi Sharma; Asit - Asita - cf. Asit Sen in Helen song and dance video "AA-JANE-JAAN" in INTAQUAM movie (1969) (YouTube)] || RUMI SINHA || 2019 CHILDREN DAY [SAT. F. "जहर" NEHRU'S SUPPOSED "BIRTHDAY" IS NOVEMBER 14] 2019 (3:54) / SUMAN SINHA LIVE STUDIO [OFF L6 T.N. GASS.?] (YouTube)

Cf. The date November 14 in the tense short story THE BET by Anton Chekhov.



Lamb - Christ - Christian Basti - lame BM BIL1 SAT. All Nazis are afraid of Derry.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 5, 2024


I have heard guys on YouTube (a "guy" can be a male or a female, according to a dictionary I looked up) recommending several podcasting platforms but they do not seem to consider YouTube a possible podcasting platform. The reason may be that an audio recording to be uploaded on YouTube should be in mp3 format and a special app should be used to upload the audio recording on YouTube to publish it as an AUDIO podcast on You Tube. Sounds rather complicated, and I had no idea how to do it until an impecunious but very friendly Assamese youth (Sabin/Sobin Deka, who lives with his poor widowed mom) taught Me how to do it just a few months ago. Before starting audio podcasting on YouTube recently, I published over 300 audio podcasts on free Anchor app, which is very simple to use for podcasting. (Anchor has been taken over by Spotify, I hear.) I decided to use YouTube platform for audio podcasting because YouTube has international reach and YouTube podcasts can be accessed by ANYONE in the world without having to pay anything extra. I have already published 108 audio podcasts* on YouTube. (I have no interest in number of viewers or subscribers - I welcome 0 viewer, 0 subscriber - because I don't want to join the rat race and I don't want to make money from My podcasting, which is just an enjoyable "time pass" HOBBY for Me. I block comments because I don't want to waste My time reading them, and I don't want to increase My "popularity" by the childish method of "trolling" by viewers and subscribers. I have no desire to become a fake "Celebrity". - G)

*G-0, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, ... , G-105, G-106, G-107 (latest, most recent podcast)


It seems that God in human form is controlling the world. Nazis are finished. - G

Milee Ashwarya

It is clear to Me that "Milee Ashwarya" transforms herself into other forms like Karthika V.K. ("V.K." always reminds Me of Peter V.K. Funk, s/o Dr. Wilfred Funk, Reader's Digest, Pleasantville, New York, USA. Reader's Digest went BANKRUPT some years back, according to CNN. Peter Funk is entered in Merriam-Webster Thesaurus as a synonym for SWINDLER, though I don't know why Peter Funk is described as a SWINDLER. Also, I do not know if Peter V. K. Funk is the same as Peter Funk or different. I do not know if "Peter Funk" is a pen name/fake name. If "Peter Funk" is a FAKE name, so can "Dr. Wilfred Funk" be a FAKE name. "V.K." also reminds Me of body transformer V.K. Krishna Menon. V.K.: Peter/Krishna?)

It is well-known that body transformer Peter/Krishna/Whittaker/Patreon (P) T.N. Sheikh Shahjahan has rescued 16,108 body-transforming prostitutes and turned them into 16,108 Queens in his harem, which seems to be the WORLD RECORD.

I would expect God to have an infinite or in-finite or endless number of Queens.

Many years ago, I had an intense all-night TRANCE experience in USA inside My room in UIUC dormitory in which I felt that I had solved the universe, and that I was going to BEAT Krishna, but the fact is that in regard to the number of wives (I was a Bachelor when I was a Ph.D. researcher at UIUC), number of My (body transforming) sp./sn. is ONE (may be more if sn. clones have replaced sp./sn.).

Body transformer Ranjit Mallick রণজিৎ মল্লিক - f***ing body transformer SAT. Deven Dutta দেৱেন দত্ত alias Diganta Bharati দিগন্ত ভাৰতী alias Hrithik Roshan ऋतिक रोशन / Rakesh Roshan राकेश रोशन etc. ad nauseam [रोशन Light - Lucifer]


All f***ing "parties" with many different names are the same f***ing Nazi "party".

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 6, 2024


On publishing IWE | Karthika V.K. | Westland Books (1:13:25) / Indian Writing in English UoH (YouTube)

I am an alert reader and listener and I am not obliged to believe everything said or written by any speaker or writer or any phony statistics presented by anyone. I don't think young Indian boys & girls should be interested in 420 investments.

I wondered what IWE means - I WE ? - Indian Writing in English ... very clever.

What is UoH? U oH? University of Hyderabad/Hyderabad Central University HCU

SWINDLER SAT. Peter V.K. Funk (P) changes sex to become Ms. V.K. Karthika?!!!
BM Anita C.B.? Many videos of talks and rape videos made by BM Deepu & BM Pradip at Anita's Attic Off L6 T.N. GASS.?

f. KARTHIKA is chief of f. Nazi armed forces which can be vaporized by LASER.

Emon Swapno Kakhono Dekhini | এমন স্বপ্ন কখনো দেখিনি | Sheuli Jana (4:00) / Sheuli Jana official (YouTube)

TRANSGENDER SATAN Peter(P) Krishna Patreon Whittaker BM Deepu BM Anita 


All Tomorrows - the future of humanity? (40:23) / X Alt Shift X (YouTube)

XENU: Scientology believes a powerful being named Xenu [f***ing LGBT transgender SATAN/CLONES] destroyed millions of beings on earth [immortal humans on earth] using bombs #SHORTS / Knowledge (YouTube)

Interview with L. Ron Hubbard in Zimbabwe (49:37) / Growing Up in Scientology (YouTube)

How to Publish a Book? Ft. [Featuring] Karthika V.K. & Urjita Wani (1:11:21) / All About Now (YouTube)

God knows how books sell! 

Not being an author or publisher or bookseller, I have no idea how books really get published, nor do I know how books sell. Actually, I am not interested at all.

I wonder if the male anchor*, talking about books published before his death, is rejecting human immortality - supposed copyright of Nazi "gods" & "goddesses".

Urjita reminds Me of Nazi cheat former RBI Governor Urjit Patel, who married a female of Reliance Ambani family (and later divorced her), who ordered the evil demonetization of 500 and 1000 rupee Indian bank notes (Nazis made PM Modi the scapegoat) - narrowly escaped lynching by an angry mob at Kolkata airport.

*Meghnad S. ...My mnemonics: 420 "Meghnad Saha"..."Meghnad" son of RAVAN ... "Baron Meghnad Desai" (wife Kishwar Desai, VP Zee, author of THE LONGEST KISS) - looks like LGBT Transgender MGM Maria Goeppert Mayer/SAT. Asit Sen in Helen's vulgar, cruel dance video AA-JANE-JAAN in INTAQUAAM (1969) (YT)
(Helen looks like Sharmila Tagore/Begum Ayesha Sultana in this vulgar dance.)
Compare: IROM Sharmila and IRON LADY Margaret Thatcher ("late" PM of UK).
Cf. Name of Scientology founder L. RON Hubbard (YT): L. RON looks like IRON.

XENU: Scientology believes A POWERFUL BEING named Xenu [evil transgender SATAN / BM ANITA (f) C.B. / WHITTAKER / PATREON / PETER (P) / AKSHAY KUMAR (OMG KRISHNA) / BM DIPU OFF L6T.N. / BM BIL3 GAURI SHANKAR C.B. / "SHEIKH SHAHJAHAN" & CLONES "FRANKENSTEIN" MONSTER ALBERT EINSTEIN etc.; cf. "Nightingale" Lata Mangeshkar singing in Royal Albert Hall in London - cf. sirens in HOMER: ULYSSES] destroyed millions of beings [humans] ON EARTH USING BOMBS [ATOM BOMBS] #shorts / KNOWLEDGE (YouTube)

Last year, PM Modi made the sensational shocking revelation that IAF (Indian Air Force) bombed Indian citizens in Indian state Mizoram. (YouTube videos) - At that time, Prime Minister of India was transgender INDIRA [INDRA] Gandhi "late" ["late" ASS. INDIRA Goswami: donated land to NEMCARE/BM ANITA C.B.] and President of India was transgender RADHA-KRISHNAN (BM Kirity/ARJUN] - supposed birthday: September 5, Teacher's Day; SATAN in two different forms?

[Transgender] TISUL Princess - she/he is 800 million years old (YouTube videos)
Satan BM Anita (f) C.B./Karthika (f)/Sheikh Shahjahan/BM BIL3 C.B./P (m) T.N.
Sept 5, 1955 Teacher's Day "b.day" Radha-Krishnan/Kirity/Arjun/Himmler/Arnab

AMERICA'S SECRET MEN [Nazi mass murderers](22:53)/The Atlantic (YouTube)

Woman who lived in Hiroshima ... #SHORTS / CBS Mornings (YouTube) [bullshit story by TRANSGENDER SATAN "SNAKE GODDESS" MANASA SHITAMA BM KuS BELT./"DR." A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM (m)/"DR." TESSY THOMAS (f)/MGM (m/f) etc.]


NETFLIX THE SANDMAN MORPHEUS VS LUCIFER The Oldest Game | The Sandman | Netflix Philippines (5:00) / Netflix Philippines (YouTube)

Lucifer (m/f) - transgender 

PM Modi called ex RBI Governor Urjit Patel a "SNAKE" (see YouTube videos). 

Reserve Bank of India RBI/Central Bank of India "CBI": gang of m/f Nazi cheats.

Don't believe 420 explanations & 420 statistics by Nazi m/f "economist" cheats.

I am sure SNAKE Urjit Patel transformed his body - perhaps even changed sex.

Transgender SAT. Ms. Sarojini Naidu ... Transgender SAT. Mr. Nehru/Mr. Gandhi 

NAZIS have always used lookalike identical-voiced CLONES to cause confusion.


Explain like I'm 10 with Meghnad (the host of YouTube channel All About Now)*:

AI vs Humanity - Must Know Basics of AI | Explain Like I'm 10 (16:42) / All About Now (YouTube)

It is not "AI vs Humanity" but AI vs f***ing Nazis - AI will wipe out f***ing Nazis.

Call centres are rape centres for Nazi rapists to rape women & girls "call girls".

*BEST JAIN GIRLS HOSTEL [ALIEN "ALLEN" GIRLS HOSTEL FOR NAZI RAPISTS] IN KOTA [RAJASTHAN, INDIA; KOTA IS HQ OF ALIEN "ALLEN" GANG OF F***ING NAZI RAPISTS] (14:20) / Jain Pathshala [run by Sri. P. f. Nazi partners of "shala" শালা "brother-in-law" gang of f***ing Nazi rapists with secret HQ C.B.] (YouTube)

*Cf. All Tomorrows - the future of humanity? (40:23) / X Alt Shift X (YouTube)

*Cf. XENU: Scientology believes a powerful being named Xenu [f***ing LGBT transgender SATAN/CLONES] destroyed millions of beings on earth [immortal humans on earth] using bombs #SHORTS / Knowledge (YouTube)

*Cf. Interview with L. Ron Hubbard in Zimbabwe (49:37) / Growing Up in Scientology (YouTube)

Cf. Fake "exorcist"-like videos of very scared SATAN JulienHimself on YouTube e.g. in his very pathetic THIS HAS TO STOP series: If I Had LOW SELF ESTEEM I'd Do This First (33:31) / JulienHimself [with capital H in Himself] (YouTube) - all his limbs and f***ing penis can be amputated by LASER by remote control.

HOW SMART IS AI? Will Artificial Intelligence take our jobs? Ft. [Ft. is probably short for Featuring, not an abbreviation of vulgar-sounding FAR_] Dr. [fake "Dr."] Rashi Gupta & Nishat IQBAL (1:15:51) / All About Now [the host: MEGHNAD S.] (YouTube)

"HOW SMART IS AI?" INFINITELY smart. [AI TRANSLATION: God in human form] 

Will Artificial Intelligence take our Jobs? TRANSLATION: Will AI take our [Nazis'] LIVES? Yes, AI will wipe out evil ZERO-intelligence male & female NAZI BRUTES.

Will AI have the patience to listen to 1 hour 15 minutes 51 seconds of f. CRAP?

If we read between the lines, 100 Nazi staff of the fake "AI" company make and sell RAPE VIDEOS of 15,000 threatened women and girls raped by NAZI rapists.
6000 staff of Ambani's 27-storey ANTILIA in Mumbai make and sell rape videos.
Nazi rape centers WORLD TRADE CENTER & NOIDA "twin towers" got blown up.

All f. body transformations of all f***ing male/female Nazis are recorded by AI.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 6/7/8, 2024


BM Saurav "Sunny" C.B. and BM BIL4 Suraj C.B. have identical voice. What does that mean? SATAN PC has transformed his body from BM BIL4 Suraj C.B. to BM SAURAV "SUNNY" C.B. with a very deceptive sweet and innocent child-like face. 
F. perpetrator of fake VIRTUAL RC of MARUTI SUZUKI ALTO CAR AS01 DE 3688.

SAT. BM BIL3 Gauri Shankar C.B./Peter(P)/Sheikh Shahjahan/Whittaker BM T.N.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 7, 2024

Mandi Lynn

Some time ago, I remarked that Mandi Lynn is "against" Norman Lewis/Wilfred Funk. Why did I say so? The reason is that I saw (for a few minutes) an English movie uploaded on YouTube by Mandi Lynn (an Oak Ridge Books production?) which seemed to regard Norman Lewis/Wilfred Funk as "evil". I don't know the identities of Norman Lewis and Wilfred Funk (if real, not imaginary), but I feel that they may be putative authors of top quality books ghost-written by one (or more) professional "ghost writer", and even if villains in real life, the top quality ghost writer/writers does not/do not deserve blame. Also, too, her (Nazi) "BF" or "husband" could have FORCED her to denigrate Norman Lewis and Wilfred Funk.

It seems clear that, like "Rachel Stephens" and "Karthika V.K." etc., "Mandi Lynn" can transform her body into ANY other form, e.g. "Mandi Lynn" in the following:

Every BODY Is A Treasure | Mandi Lynn (18:52) / TEDx Talks (YouTube) - 4 years ago

Local Television Interview with Teen Author Mandi Lynn (28:15) / Mandi Lynn - Stone Ridge Books (YouTube) - 8 years ago 

I don't want to hurt authors yet I often talk about ghost-writing by ghost writers.

Anchor podcast (podcastksinha) [Anchor now belongs to Spotify]:
Anchor podcast #200 (Oct 26, 2021): HAVE YOU EVER LOVED SOMEONE?
Mandi Lynn: I AM MERCY (Kindle Edition)

Camille Myrick

Anchor podcast #188 (Oct 13, 2021): PAPER DAISIES - 1
Anchor podcast #189 (Oct 13, 2021): PAPER DAISIES - 2
Anchor podcast #190 (Oct 13, 2021): PAPER DAISIES - 3
Anchor podcast #191 (Oct 13, 2021): PAPER DAISIES - 4
Anchor podcast #192 (Oct 15, 2021): PAPER DAISIES - 5
Anchor podcast #193 (Oct 16, 2021): PAPER DAISIES - 6
Camille Myrick: PAPER DAISIES (Kindle Edition), Intro

Anchor podcast #194 (Oct 16, 2021): PLAYING HOUSE (poem)
Camille Myrick: PAPER DAISIES (Kindle Edition)

A skilled Editor can transform a manuscript or typescript of a fledgling writer.

Interview with a Creative: Camille Myrick on Capturing NOW Through Poetry and Process (1:06:59) / QWERTY Writing Life Podcast (YouTube) - 2 years ago 

From some YouTube videos of "newbie" writer Camille Myrick that I watched a few years ago, I learned that Camille Myrick's understanding husband worked as a truck driver and was often away for many days, to enable his wife Camille Myrick (who was recovering from a nervous breakdown - I will not say sarcastic hurtful things about pampered females pretending to suffer from periodic bouts of "bipolar disorder" or "mental illness" to make life HELL for all family members and friends and psychiatrists) to follow her dream of becoming a writer without having to worry about earning for the family, which she could delegate to hubby.


The truck driver swirved [swerved] to hit the lawyer - but remembered he had a priest in his truck (1:22) / Funny Jokes (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 7/8, 2024

Ebooks And Audiobooks

Can Ebooks And Audiobooks Replace Print Books? Ft Vaishnavi Singh, Penguin  | The Book People (43:14) / Bound India (YouTube)

A thought-provoking discussion.

YouTube podcasts (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha):

G-1 TEARS AND LAUGHTER (1:30) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
KAHLIL GIBRAN: THE WANDERER (INDIANA, New Delhi-110002), p. 10-11

SIDNEY SHELDON: THE OTHER SIDE OF ME (Harper Collins Publishers):
G-12 MINSOON ! (8:43) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-15 NATALIE AND OTTO (8:30) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

G-31 THE FOX & THE LION (0:47) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-32 THE CAT & THE FOX (2:02) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-33 THE MILKMAID AND PAIL (2:04) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

Chekhov (চেকভ): THE CHAMELEON
G-7 CHAMELEON (Raduga) (12:37) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-8 THE CHAMELEON (Penguin) (13:02) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-9 বহুরূপী (12:54) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

Chekhov (চেকভ): DEATH OF A CLERK
G-10 DEATH OF A CLERK (9:49) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
G-11 কেরানির মৃত্যু (11:18) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 7, 2024

GHOST WRITER মানে ভূত লেখক/লেখিকা নহয়

"Ghost writers" are universal. 
"Ghost" lyricists, "ghost" music directors, "ghost" singers are also universal.
Many reborn male and female Nazi criminals are 420/fake lyricists, singers etc.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 7, 2024


I have read that Jhumpa Lahiri/Nilanjana Sudeshna "Jhumpa" Lahiri was told to revise her manuscript 200 times before it was accepted for publication by Editor and publisher! Sorry, I am not impressed. To many aspiring newbie writers, this awful true story may be a source of inspiration as an example of determination and perseverance etc. but I have a negative impression of such an awful writer.


BM S.S. T.N. was replaced by evil Nazi snake LGBT Transgender BM Sunanda "Nanda" Mala "Nilanjana"! Cf. "Professor" LGBT "Nilanjana Sanyal" (YouTube) / SAT. Sw. V.! Cf. Body transformer SAT. "বাচিক শিল্পী" "ব্রততী বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় Bratati Bandyopadhyay" Cf. Nobel Peace Prize winner Nazi torturer tyrant transgender "Aung San Suu Kyi" of Myanmar (Burma) Cf. Jhumpa Lahiri/Nilanjana Sudeshna "Jhumpa" Lahiri: INTERPRETER OF MALADIES: MALA DIES? MALA/SW V KILLS!

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 9, 2024



To all those who have written terrible books on how to be a success, I dedicate this terrible book on how it's perfectly all right to be incompetent for hours on end, because I am and so is everyone I know.

(p. 5)


Mr Gilbert Young's book, 'World Government Crusade', has been rejected by more publishers than any other single manuscript. It has been sent back 105 times.

(p. 129)


The most important critic in our field of study [incompetence] is Lord Halifax. A most individual [= very strange] judge of poetry, he once invited Alexander Pope round to give a public reading of his [Alexander Pope's] latest poem.

Pope, the leading poet of his day, was greatly surprised when Lord Halifax stopped him four or five times and said, 'I beg your pardon, Mr Pope, but there is something in that passage that does not quite please me.'

Pope was rendered speechless, as this fine [!] critic [Lord Halifax] suggested sizeable and unwise emendations [corrections] to his latest masterpiece. 'Be so good as to mark the place and consider at your leisure. I'm sure you can give it a better turn.'

After the reading, a good friend of Lord Halifax, a certain Dr Garth, took the stunned Pope to one side. 'There is no need to touch the lines,' he said. 'All you need do is leave them just as they are, call on Lord Halifax two or three months hence, thank him for his kind observation on those passages, and then read them to him as altered. I have known him much longer than you have, and will be answerable for the event.'

Pope took his advice, called on Lord Halifax and read the poem exactly as it was before. His [Lord Halifax's] unique [!] critical faculties had lost none of their edge. 'Ay', he commented, 'now they are perfectly right. Nothing can be better.'

(p. 130-131)

STEPHEN PILE: THE BOOK OF HEROIC FAILURES (Futura Publications, London; ISBN 0 7088 1908 7; paperback; 216 pages)


'One of the few books to make me laugh out loud' - SUNDAY EXPRESS

'One of the funniest and most entertaining books I have dipped into for a long time' - COUNTRY LIFE 

'(A) splendid panorama of non-achievement' - SUNDAY TELEGRAPH

'A comfort and an inspiration' - WOMAN'S REALM 

'As a serious book it's a failure, as a tonic to make your ribs ache, its [it's] a rip-roaring success' - MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS 

'Are you fed up with all these books of telling you how to be a success? Are you dreadful at most things you try? Here at long last is a book in praise of spectacular failure and people who can't do a thing' - NAMIB TIMES  

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 9, 2024


The Best Writing Moments Come Out Of Nowhere - Sheila Houlahan [Howl a hen] (10:03) / Film Courage 2 (YouTube)

"Norman Lewis" writes in WORD POWER MADE EASY: "Everyone has a book in him." [Transgender (he/she): modern buzzword but known for billions of years.]


How to publish your book! #SHORTS / Samragngi Roy (YouTube)

Looking at the fake name "Samragngi" will not give any idea about its delusional meaning unless someone knows Bengali and changes the weird spelling to its Bengali form সম্রাজ্ঞী - Empress - nothing wrong with that - prostitutes are called porn "Queens" (real Queens and princesses etc. are top Nazi prostitutes) - but there is nothing delusional or crazy or insane about this very helpful and neat sane summary of 4 options available to anyone who wants to get published: I think the FOURTH option will appeal to practically 99.9999...% of online users. Perhaps Samragngi Roy had Kindle in mind. But there may be a "CATCH" here, although this fourth option seems to be the best option for newbie writers, who should find out details about Kindle publishing: perhaps a Kindle book remains online as long as the Kindle book is read by at least a certain number of online Kindle readers every month - struggling Kindle does not have infinite memory space, unlike Google and YouTube which seem to have infinite memory space.

Those interested in self-publishing on Amazon Kindle will find YouTube videos (such as by Mandi Lynn and others) on how to publish a book on Kindle. I have no interest in publishing a book or books because I have no desire to become famous, but those who want to become famous could try publishing on Kindle, but I doubt how many will read books by newbies who don't know (or don't want to learn) how to write well - so it seems that the popular method of paying top ghost writers to write interesting well-written books and publishing the books with smart talkative males and females acting as putative authors (and paid a small commission by the publishers to do the work of advertising the books), whose names are printed on the covers, is a sound method of book publishing - and indeed the only practical method. By the way, I have the intuitive feeling that almost all if not all literary classics of the world, in many languages, have been written and are being written under thousands of pen names by a truly amazing extra-terrestrial literary genius who has been reincarnating for billions of years, who is located in outer space and has endless time and leisure to write books.

Cf. THE LITTLE PRINCE by ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPE'RY (ONEWORLD BOOK, 48/A, South Road, Kolkata 7000075; in paperback; 98 pages; Price: Rs. 70.00). THE LITTLE PRINCE story reminds Me of THE HAPPY PRINCE by Oscar Wilde.

THE LITTLE PRINCE by Antoine de Saint Exupery [MNEMONIC: Saint Expiry!] (Animated Book Summary) (14:02) / Books Mandala (YouTube)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 9, 2024


YouTube videos by Sirs and Madams who OFFER TIPS to candidates with ZERO STUDY seem like showing মরীচিকা মৰীচিকা मरीचिका MIRAGE in the desert. (Extra LOLLIPOP to "zero study" candidates: about 4-5 days gap between exam dates.)

Many unethical LAZY students and unethical guardians may be planning to BUY "leaked" question papers and bribe/threaten Board officials for fake high marks.

"চোরে না শুনে ধর্মের কাহিনী" - বাংলা প্রবাদ 

আমি G-KSG ছাড়া "এমন একটি ঝিনুক খুঁজে পেলাম না যাতে মুক্তো [মুক্তা pearl] আছে..."

FAKE "STRESS" is just an excuse for not studying the whole year and only busy the whole year in BF-GF "relationships" (s. with many GFs/BFs) and "breakups" (s. with other GFs/BFs) - all human-looking male and female Nazis are CHEATS who don't study but only enjoy f***ing plus extra Income by making and taking part in online porn sex videos. (Cf. DD NATIONAL - acc cable TV channel #166)

All schools and colleges and universities and engineering colleges and medical colleges in every country are full of reborn male & female Nazi mass murderers.

 YouTube tutorials are helpful for sincere students, not for reborn Nazi CHEATS.



Truth springs from argument among friends.            - DAVID HUME 

(p. 3)


It is early in the morning and my seventeen-year-old son eats breakfast, giving me a narrow window to use our sole bathroom. I wrap a towel around my waist and approach the sink, avoiding the grim sight in the mirror; as a writer, I don't have to shave every day. (Marketers despairingly call a consumer like me a "low self-monitor.") I do have my standards, though, and hygiene is one. I grab toothbrush and toothpaste. The tube is empty. The nearest replacement sits on a shelf in our freezing basement, and I'm not dressed for the part. 

"George!" I yell. "Who used all the toothpaste?"

A sarcastic voice answers from the other side of the door. "That's not the point, is it, Dad?" George says. "The point is how we're going to keep this from happening again."

He has me. I have told him countless times how the most productive arguments use the future tense, the language of choices and decisions. 

"You're right," I say. "You win. Now will you please get me some toothpaste?" 

"Sure." George retrieves a tube, happy that he beat his father at an argument. 

Or did he? Who got what he wanted? In reality, by conceding his point, I persuaded him. If I simply said, "Don't be a jerk and get me some toothpaste," George might stand there arguing. Instead I made him feel triumphant, triumph made him benevolent, and that got me exactly what I wanted. I achieved the height of persuasion: not just an agreement, but one that gets an audience - a teenaged one at that - to do my bidding.

No, George, I win.

(p. 3-4)

A police patrol stops you on the highway and you roll your window down. 

YOU: What's wrong, Officer?
COP: Did you know that the speed limit here is fifty?
YOU: How fast was I going?
COP: Fifty-five.

The temptation to reply with a snappy answer is awful.

YOU: Whoa, lock me up!

And indeed the satisfaction might be worth the speeding ticket and risk of arrest. Perhaps you would like to make the cop look like an idiot. Your snappy answer accomplishes that, especially if you have passengers for an audience. Good for you. Of course, the cop is unlikely to respond kindly, the result will be a fight, and you are the likely loser. How about getting him to apologize for being a martinet bastard? Sorry. You have to set a realistic goal. F. Lee Bailey and Daniel Webster combined could not get this cop to apologize. Instead, suppose we set as your personal goal the avoidance of a ticket. Now, how are we to do that?

1. Win the argument with a bombproof excuse.

YOU: My wife's in labor! I need to get her to the hospital stat!
COP: You're driving alone, sir.
YOU: Oh my God! I forgot my wife!

Chances are, this kind of cop won't care if your wife is having triplets all over the living room floor. But if the excuse works, you win.

2. Play the good citizen you assume the cop wants you to be. Concede his point.

YOU: I'm sure you're right, Officer. I should have been watching my speedometer more.

Good. You just let the cop win on points. Now get him to let you off easy.

YOU: I must have been watching the road too closely. Can you suggest a way for me to follow my speedometer without getting distracted?

This approach appeals to the cop's expertise. It might work, as long as you keep any sarcasm out of your voice.

Now what do you think is most likely to happen? I can tell you what won't happen. The cop won't order you out of the car. He won't tell you to stand spread-eagled against it while he pats you down. He won't call for backup, or even yell at you. You took the anger out of the argument, which these days is no mean accomplishment. And if he actually does let you off with a warning, congratulations. You win. The cop may not recognize it, but you have just notched the best kind of win. He leaves happy, and so do you.

(p. 18-20)


A man feels sick, so he goes to a clinic.

DOC: I have good news and bad news.
MAN: Give me the bad news first.
DOC: You have a rare and incurable illness, with less than twenty-four hours to live.
MAN: My God! What's the good news?
DOC: You know that nurse who took your blood pressure, the one with the huge ...
MAN: Yeah, so?
DOC: We're having an affair.

(p. 98)


BELIEVER: Dude, I believe in extrasensory perception [ESP] and UFOs because scientists have never disproved them. 
PROPER RHETORICAL REPLY: They never disproved that the moon can talk, either.
BELIEVER: You think it can?
YOU: Never mind.

(p. 146)



Let's start with the terms. You can accept the words your opponent uses.

SPOUSE: That kid of ours is plenty smart. He's just lazy.
YOU: Yes, he's lazy. So how do we motivate him?

Or you can change the terms.

YOU: No, I don't think he's lazy. He's bored.

Or you can redefine them.

YOU: If "lazy" means frantically shooting aliens on a computer, then he's lazy.

(p. 110)



WAYNE: Garth, marriage is PUNISHMENT for shoplifting in some countries.

Garth has teased Wayne by asking whether he plans to marry his girlfriend; to Garth, marriage connotes something adult and mushy. Wayne's reply erases whatever marital image Garth has in his mind and replaces it with criminal justice.

(p. 110-111)


Suppose you're so excited about rhetoric that you want to get your book club to read this book... suppose for the sake of this argument that this is the first book you present. Where do you start? 

YOU: I have a book that's going to surprise most of you. It surprised me at least. 

Um, okay. Where are you going with this? 

YOU: I picked it up in the bookstore because I was curious about the title (holding book up). When I found it was about argument, I was going to put it right back on the shelf. 

Oh, I get it. The reluctant conclusion. Very nice. It establishes your disinterest and walks the audience through your reasoning. 

YOU: But then I flipped the book open. Let me read you what I read. (Read passage from the introduction about my rhetorical day.) This isn't stuffy scholarship or a cheesy business book. It's funny, and it actually teaches you how to argue. But that's not why I'm proposing that we read this together. It offers even more than that.

Oh joy, the but-wait-there's-more figure! Now you're just pouring it on [laying it on thick]. You use inductive logic to read an example [ONE example to hint to the reader that there are many more such wonderful examples!], employ the definition strategy - it's not a scholarly or biz book - and promise something even better ["It offers even more than that."]. Your group leans in to hear what comes next.

YOU: It shows how argument isn't just a matter of dominating people. It's about getting what you want, of course. But it's also a way of avoiding fights and nastiness of all kinds - in politics as well as at home or work. This club likes to focus on serious books that make a difference in people's lives. Well, actually, this book is too entertaining to be purely serious, but it has a really serious purpose. And that's to get us back to what the author calls our "rhetorical roots."

Very nice. You mention the club's core values [!!!] and show how the book sticks to them - a way of touting its rhetorical virtue. 

FELLOW CLUB MEMBER: Is the author an EXPERT on rhetoric - a what-do-you-call-it?
YOU: Rhetorician.

Uh-oh, a PRACTICAL WISDOM question. Does the author have a clue about his subject?

YOU: No, he's not an ACADEMIC.

An excellent use of the RE-DEFINITION tactic. Your fellow member asked if the author was an EXPERT, not an ACADEMIC. The club avoids scholarly books. Still, that fails to solve the PRACTICAL WISDOM problem. Where are you taking this?

YOU: But he spent many years in publishing as a manager and a consultant, and he's also a journalist - not to mention being a husband and father - so he's able to apply rhetoric to real-world situations.

The very definition of practical wisdom! I couldn't have said it better myself. Head right to a summing-up sort of peroration [grand climax of speech], and Bob's your uncle [?].

YOU: So I can't imagine a better book for this club. It tells a personal story while it teaches useful social and intellectual skills that we didn't learn in college. If you have any more doubts, I'll be happy to read you a couple more passages. [!]

BOOK CLUB LEADER: I don't think that'll be necessary. Do any of you? All right, let's have a vote!

Congratulations. You won a good argument, employing the book's own ethos to make it look good; wielding induction and redefinition; and making the group identify with the choice by employing values language [!]. Oh, and thank you so much.

(p. 265-267)


MARGE: Homer, it's very easy to criticize ...
HOMER: And fun, too!

(p. 27)


The easiest way to exploit your opponent's desire to score points is to let him. Concede a point that will not damage your case irreparably. When your kid says, "You never let me have any fun," you say, "I suppose I don't." When a coworker says, "That'll never work," you say, "Hmm, maybe not." Then use that point to change her mood, or her mind.

(p. 20-21)



Seduction is not just for sex, either. Writer Frederick Kaufman recently showed in Harper's Magazine how the Food Network uses techniques identical to that of the porn industry - overmiked sound, very little plot, good-looking characters, along with lavish close-ups of firm flesh and flowing juices.

RACHEL RAY: Lentils poof up big when you cook 'em. They just suck up all the liquid as they get nice and tender.

EMERIL LAGASSE: In go the bananas. Oh, yeah, babe. Get 'em happy right now.

(p. 8)


Spock for President

Take another logical fallacy that's good rhetoric: the appeal to rhetoric.

KID: All the other kids make fun of me for taking the bus. They think I'm weird.

Instead of LOGOS, the kid makes a pathetic appeal. It could actually work in some besotted parents. But the more rhetorically inclined might choose an unsympathetic response.

PROPER RHETORICAL REPLY: Ridicule builds character. So does riding the bus.

You have just left the pure and noble realm of LOGOS and wandered into the seedier neighborhoods of PATHOS and ETHOS - the terrain of emotional manipulation and AD HOMINEM attacks [personal attacks], where rhetoric feels right at home. LOGOS alone rarely inspires commitment. And a tactic that wins a logical argument will almost certainly lose a political one. Michael Dukakis demonstrated this principle during the 1988 presidential campaign, when he gave a disastrous answer to a vicious question. Bernard Shaw, the moderator, asked Dukakis to imagine someone perpetrating a sex crime against his wife.

SHAW: Governor, if Kitty Dukakis were raped and murdered, would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer?

DUKAKIS: No, I don't, and you know that I've opposed the death penalty during all my life.

Why, no, Mr. Shaw, thank you for asking ... 

What planet was that guy on?

The planet Vulcan, obviously. Dukakis already had a reputation as the Mr. Spock of politics, and his cool, reasonable response only confirmed that he was all LOGOS all the time.

So what should he have said? Should he have pointed out Shaw's blatant fallacy? After all, the question was a REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM, because it is extremely unlikely that Kitty* Dukakis would ever suffer such a crime. But merely pointing out the fallacy, or responding like an AUTOMATON [ROBOT] as Dukakis did, FAILS to persuade. Being in the right may make you feel noble, but being persuasive gets the job done.

Dukakis would have done a much better rhetorical job by getting strategically angry.

RHETORICAL DUKAKIS: Mr. Shaw, I find that question offensive. That's just the kind of sleaze that's ruining politics today. You shouldn't bring my wife into this, and I think you owe me an apology.

Shaw probably would have apologized. You might call Rhetorical Dukakis's tactic a RED HERRING, but it need not be one. Once he gained the high moral ground, he could define the issue to his own advantage.

RHETORICAL DUKAKIS: Now, let's talk about the death penalty without getting personal about it. The death penalty isn't supposed to be about personal revenge - it's supposed to reduce crime...

This approach would have made him look strong, passionate, and reasonable all at once - an ETHOS trifecta [TRIFECTA of Persuasion: Ethos, Logos, Pathos].

(p. 161-162)

[NAZI DRAMA: HIMMLER/ARNAB/ARJUN/BM KIRITY (m) sex change to KITTY (f). Compare KITTY lover/wife of LEVIN (LENIN) in Tolstoy's ANNA KARENINA.]



Anita Hill ...

(p. 164)


Thank You For Arguing - 5 Minute Book Reviews #3 (5:34) / Surplus (YouTube)

Moron Reviews: Thank You for Arguing (1:58) / Ferrari King (YouTube)

Overview on "Thank You for Arguing" by Jay Heinrichs (14:51) / Sergio O. Perez (YouTube)

[A comical voice, perhaps a bit sarcastic; certainly sounds very funny to Me. - G]

Thank You for Arguing Chapter 1 Summary / Take Aways [Takeaways] (3:09) / Argument Theory and Application (YouTube)
Question #1, Question #2, Question #3, Question #4 with Answers (1:35-2:55)

Thank You for Arguing by Jay Heinrich's: 8 Minute Summary (8:40) / SnapTale Audiobook Summaries (YouTube)

Thank You for Arguing Audiobook | Chapters 1-4 (55:52) / insert text (YouTube)

Thank You For Arguing Ch. 8 (3:16) / Jessica Lee (YouTube)

[The most vital factor in successful speech and writing is genuine sincerity. - G]


[I find a passage in JAY HEINRICHS: THANK YOU FOR ARGUING (ALLEN LANE an imprint of PENGUIN BOOKS) which seems a shocking distortion of the Bible]:

While bragging is the easiest way to show how great you are, it doesn't always work. God, for his part, bragged to great effect in the book of Job. Satan bets Jehovah that the most worshipful man on earth would curse God's name if his life were miserable. You're on, says God, who [?!!] wipes out Job's cow and she-asses, kills his ten children, and when Job continues to praise his name, allows Satan to give him loathsome sores from head to foot. Job finally yells to heaven.

JOB: Why are you [?] punishing me? At least LET ME ARGUE MY CASE. If you do, you'll [?] have to stop with the killing and the boils.

It may have been the bravest thing ever said by a man with raging dermatitis. But then a whirlwind appears out of nowhere and speaks in God's voice.

GOD: Answer me this. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Can you rule the heavens? And the whale: who do you think made it? What makes you think you even know enough to argue with me?

Job backs right down. You don't mess with God's ethos. He has virtue to spare; in fact, he constitutes virtue. Unless you happen to be a god, though - or at least someone with enough power to give a State of the Union address - reciting your re'sume' is not the most effective way to enhance your ethos.

(p. 62)

Anchor podcasts (podcastksinha) / Spotify for Podcasters (Spotify)

THE BOOK OF JOB (Bible: Old Testament)
Anchor podcast (May 12, 2020): Job (Hindi)
Anchor podcast (May 13, 2020): Job (Bengali)
Anchor podcast (May 13, 2020): Job (Assamese)
Anchor podcast #059 (March 27, 2021): BIBLE - 1a
Anchor podcast #060 (March 28, 2021): BIBLE - 2a
Anchor podcast #065 (March 27, 2021): JOB - 1b
Anchor podcast #066 (March 30, 2021): JOB - 2b
Anchor podcast #067 (March 30, 2021): BIBLE FOR THE DEAF
Anchor podcast #070 (March 31, 2021): Bible - 1c
Anchor podcast #071 (March 31, 2021): Bible - 2c
Anchor podcast #072 (March 31, 2021): Bible - 1d
Anchor podcast #073 (March 31, 2021): Bible - 2d
Anchor podcast #074 (April 1, 2021): BIBLE - 1e
Anchor podcast #075 (April 1, 2021): BIBLE - 2e
Anchor podcast #076 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 1f
Anchor podcast #077 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 2f
Anchor podcast #078 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 1g
Anchor podcast #079 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 2g
Anchor podcast #080 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 1h
Anchor podcast #081 (April 2, 2021): BIBLE - 2h
Anchor podcast #082 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 1 (Bengali)
Anchor podcast #083 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 2 (Bengali)
Anchor podcast #084 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 1 (1) (Hindi)
Anchor podcast #085 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 1 (2) (Hindi)
Anchor podcast #086 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 1i
Anchor podcast #087 (April 3, 2021): BIBLE - 2i 

b - Easy-to-Read Bible 
c - Good News Bible / Today's English Version 
d - NIV (New International Version) Bible
e - RSV (Revised Standard Version) Bible 
f - NKJV (New King James Version) Bible
g - KJV (King James Version) Bible 
h - IISB - NAS (International Inductive Study Bible - New American Standard)
i - NWT (New World Translation)

I occasionally read the Bible because of its beautiful English but I am not a Bible scholar nor am I a Christian (=follower of SATAN Christ), but as far as I know it is NOT God but arrogant transgender SATAN and arrogant transgender Satanic NAZIS who have cheated and tortured God-worshipper Job for billions of years.

I wonder if the author (ghost writer) subtly implies by this deliberate distortion of the Bible story that stupid arrogant retarded Satan imagines that he is "God".

"কষ্ট না করলে কেষ্ট মেলে না" - বাংলা প্রবাদ 
কষ্ট - কেষ্ট - কৃষ্ণ/খৃষ্ট - CHRIST - শয়তান SATAN 


Seduction is not just for sex, either. Writer Frederick Kaufman recently showed in Harper's Magazine how the Food Network uses techniques identical to that of the porn industry - overmiked sound, very little plot, good-looking characters, along with lavish close-ups of firm flesh and flowing juices.

RACHEL RAY: Lentils poof up big when you cook 'em. They just suck up all the liquid as they get nice and tender.

EMERIL LAGASSE: In go the bananas. Oh, yeah, babe. Get 'em happy right now.

(p. 8)


I had a deductive exchange recently with a subscriber to my blog. The woman, named Martha, objected to My accusing intelligent design advocates [Creator God's followers] of "kidnapping God and forcing him to teach biology." [I got a Ph.D. scholarship from UIUC and as TA taught a freshman Biolgy anatomy lab class of university "freshmen" (i.e. first year) young American girls and boys at UIUC; I did not teach the false Nazi "Darwinian theory of evolution" bullshit. - G]

MARTHA: What issue do you have exactly with teaching both approaches, intelligent design and evolution, in school?

ME: Oh, I'm certainly for teaching both sides, whenever there are two of them. But in this case - creationism and biology - we're dealing with a logical fallacy: if intelligent design people [creationists] refuse to name the designer [Creator God KSG], then they have an effect without a cause. If they can name the designer [KSG], then they're in the realm of faith, not science.

... her premise - there are two sides to every issue - is a commonplace that she and I both hold. Her conclusion is that classes in evolution should teach the other side. I replied agreeably, conceding her point that students should learn two sides.

Did Martha see the error of her ways and become an ardent [strong] foe [enemy] of intelligent design [God]? I doubt it. She is way too smart for that. But I wasn't trying to convince her; my audience was the READERSHIP of my blog, a proudly geeky crowd that gets ecstatic at the sight of an exposed fallacy. The strange thing is, though, I did convince her - about my blog. She had originally asked to unsubscribe, but changed her mind after reading my reply.

MARTHA: That's a good argument. I do like to hear both sides ... Please reinstate my membership.

Then she seduced me - rhetorically, I mean - through a little flattery. 

MARTHA: I laugh more than I am irritated when I receive your daily figure [when I read Your daily blog posts] actually ... Come to think of it I laugh very hard, and then my boss thinks I am really loving my job.

You could almost say that Martha beat me. While I won her back as a subscriber, she won me over, making me think twice before I trash the intelligent design peoples' [God's faithful followers'] intelligence again. See what a little agreeability can get you? And I think to myself, what a wonderful rhetorical world - at least until I read the next comment on my blog, which calls me a "Godless bastard."

I am not godless. [Note the subtle distinction made between God and f. "god"; "I am not godless" means "I belong to f***ing Nazi gang of gods and goddesses."]

(p. 128-130)



Back when I was single and living in D.C., my younger brother came to visit me. One evening in Georgetown, center of Washington's night life, we crossed M Street to hit a few bars [to go drinking] when a Hare Krishna approached us with some scraggly-looking roses for sale. John bought one and gave it to the first pretty woman he saw, saying, "Here you go, doll."

HERE YOU GO DOLL? What did he think he was, Dean Martin?

Instead of smacking him, the woman said, "Oh, thank you!" She looked as if she wanted to kiss him, but her girlfriends dragged her across the street.

I stared at John in astonishment.

JOHN: What?

ME: How did you do that?

JOHN: Do what? Give a girl a flower?

ME: You called her "DOLL."

JOHN: Yeah. She was cute.

Maybe he was onto something. "Wait here," I told him, and I jaywalked back across the street and bought another rose from the Hare Krishna just as the light changed and a crowd of bar hoppers came toward me, including several young women. I picked out a stunning blond and thrust the rose at her just as John had done. I even tried to imitate his tone.

ME: Here ya go, doll.
WOMAN: Go to hell.

She said it matter-of-factly, without any apparent rancor, the way one might say, "No thanks," to a Hare Krishna. I've never stopped wondering what happened. John and I look alike - same build, same hair. At any rate, it couldn't have been my looks, because she never looked at me. Did John have a homing instinct for the type of female who liked being called "doll"?

More likely, the one I approached sensed my embarrassment. John is the kind of irony-free, straight-ahead guy who attracts women. I'm not, apparently. What works for one can wreak disaster for the other. "Indeed," said Cicero, "SUICIDE may be for one man a DUTY, for another (under the same circumstances) a CRIME."

... we get the point. DECORUM is the art of the APPROPRIATE, and an ETHOS that fails to fit your ACTUAL personality is usually indecorous. People pick up on it. 

[I have never had a single GF, neither in India nor in America. I never had pre-m. s. I have never "visited" a single prostitute. I don't have to ape the hoi polloi. - G]

(p. 50-51)




As far as I know, my mother played exactly one practical joke in her entire life. She did it to teach my father a lesson, though neither one ever told me what Dad had done. It must have been egregious; Mom was not the joking type. It was as if she had waited all her life just to spring one joke and then retire in triumph. The joke went like this.

Dad comes home from work one Friday evening to find a DIVE MASK, SNORKEL, FINS, and a tiny SPEEDO [swimwear] laid out neatly on the bed.

DAD: What's that for?
MOM: It's for the party tonight.

So, Dad puts on the Speedo, grabs an overcoat from the closet, and drives her to the party. There he dutifully sheds the coat and cons the gear before flopping up to the host's front door and ringing the bell. 

DAD: What are the other men wearing?
MOM: Oh, we're not supposed to tell. That's a surprise.
DAD: What do you mean, a-

The door opens to reveal a formal crowd of women in dresses and, of course, men in coats and ties. Dad told me later that he was too much in awe to be angry. After all, she used remarkable patience and timing to make her husband look like an ass. Whatever it was he had done to her, I doubt that he did it again.

Rhetoricians would appreciate Mom's mastery of time and occasion. The ancients had a name for it: KAIROS, the art of seizing the perfect instant for persuasion.

Josef Stalin was a master of KAIROS. According to Alan Bullock, Stalin would sit mute until the very end of meetings. Finally, if there was any disagreement, he would weighing in one side or the other and settle the matter. He did this so often that comrades would look at him toward the end of every meeting, waiting for his judgment. In a party of equals, he made himself more equal than anyone else, despite being a coarse, ill-dressed peasant among well-bred colleagues. STALIN was the Eminem of KAIROS, a man [transgender Nazi mass murderer] who used his rhetorical skill to persuade an unlikely audience.

If it worked for the mass-murdering dictator, it can work for you. In your own meetings, when do you speak up, and when do you shut up? When is it a good idea to procrastinate with an e-mail? When are the best times to broach a touchy family subject? And can KAIROS improve your sex life? (Of course it can!)

(p. 226-228)

[BM S.S. (f) T.N. = RaT (m) = BM Ranjan R.N. (m) = Adv. BM Biswa. "Nan." = Sw. V. =  JOSEF STALIN = "ANGEL OF DEATH" JOSEF MENGELE = JACK MA ... etc.]


LADY ASTOR: Winston, if you were my husband I'd flavour your coffee with poison.

CHURCHILL: Madam, if I were your husband, I should drink it.

(p. 96)

- JAY HEINRICHS: THANK YOU FOR ARGUING (PENGUIN BOOKS; ISBN 978-1-846-14041-9; big size: 9 inches × 6 inches; paperback; 316 pages; its price was Rs. 499/- when I bought it some years ago from a local bookstore in Guwahati, if I recall right. I think ISBN 978 is the prefix code for books published in INDIA; book details can be found from its ISBN/International Standard Book Number.)

[I suspect that "Jay Heinrichs" is a pen name used by a top female ghost writer.]

Cf. Smriti Kumar Sinha: SEDUCING THE RAIN GOD (Niyogi Books/Amazon)

SEDUCING THE RAIN GOD Bishnupriya Manipuri song & dance video (YouTube)

কাঞ্চন বৰুৱা : অসীমত যাৰ হেৰাল সীমা


KISHWAR DESAI: THE LONGEST KISS (short movie on YouTube)

F***ING THIS HAS TO STOP series: If I Had LOW SELF-ESTEEM, I'd Do This First ... (33:30) / JulienHimself (YouTube)

[RIDICULOUS FAILED "EXORCIST" who is shitting in his pants in extreme PANIC.]

The Possession of Desire with Nicole Daedone (8:18) / Eros Platform (YouTube)



Y: What do You think of the Watergate scandal?
G: I don't know much about the Watergate scandal but I've heard Nixon is a highly educated man.


Z: What do You think of beggars in India?
G: I once attended an after-dinner speech by an American [white] professor at St. Stephen's College, Delhi. An Indian student quoted LIFE magazine saying how ill-treated Negroes were in America. The professor gave a nice reply. He said: "Negroes in America are far more comfortable than beggars in India."
Z: What do You mean - "comfort"?
G: They have food and housing.
Z: No.
G: No?
Z: No.
G: Too bad.

[I had spoken naturally and spontaneously with "hippy" Z - I had NO IDEA of the "Socratic method" nor did I apply rhetorical principles I knew NOTHING about. I was not aware that all My conversations and monologues and My reading aloud interesting passages from books were being recorded until "hippy" Y HINTED to Me about secret recording by a quick jerk of his head toward the locked wooden cupboard inside our shared room in hastily arranged inexpensive "RAVI HOTEL". I later found out that CBI office was opposite, on the other side of the road. - G]

[Ten years later, I was told by a "cousin bro." in Chicago that in the U.S. a Negro is called "black", not "Negro". Another case of deception by f***ing Nazis who try to HIDE the "secret" that skin color, racial features, etc., can be changed. I heard "black" (fake skin color) Barack Hussein Obama call "black" Americans niggers.]


G: I want to find out why people grow old and why people die.
Z: You think You could solve this problem?
G: We could try.


Z: What do You think of the Bangladesh War?
G: Is there a War? ...
Z: ... would You like to make a prophecy? [PROPHECY: NOUN]
G: The ordinary report tends to be biased, prejudiced, one-sided. I wouldn't like to prophesy on such meagre/meager evidence. [PROPHESY v pr. PRO FEE sigh] 
Z: You are a Muslim?
G: I am a Hindu!


POLICE OFFICER: Any complaint?
G: No complaint.

Silence ...

G: I would like to meet Dr. Gos. ["father" of Ms. X].
[I gave the f***ing Nazi chameleon's GASS. house address 2000 miles away. - G]

Silence ...

G: I think I have offended Dr. Gos.'s "daughter" [Ms. X].
POLICE OFFICER: Why, what have You done? FUCKED her?
G: No.
POLICE OFFICER: Then? Listen. You are an educated man. India is an independent country. FIGHT BACK!
G: Thank you.


G (soliloquy): SWINE! BASTARDS! What do they THINK we are? FOOLS? We will teach them! We will teach them a lesson they will never forget!



When I was passing wonderful days in the single shared room on an upper floor of affordably priced RAVI HOTEL (hastily arranged to "grill" Me, I guess - looking back over the years, I think I had been falsely accused by f***ing Nazis of having "raped" Ms. X and "murdered" a "lover" of Ms. X out of "jealousy" - a strange and  ridiculous accusation! - I did not know Nazi honeytrap Ms. X and I never spoke even once with her - Indian Army, CBI, Indian police CID soon verified that I was  innocent, as proved by the filmi dialog/dialogue at MATUNGA POLICE STATION quoted above) - the room had a wooden floor and several beds (for temporary occupants) and a locked wooden cupboard with a hole in it (for easy recording of My voice!) and My bed near the open window (I remember the amusing short story THE OPEN WINDOW by "Saki") which the manager of the "hotel" (Richard Nixon transformed into an Indian? - he was very impressed with My magic, he told Me afterwards) told Me to keep OPEN all the time (to ENABLE continuous video recording of Me by zoom lens cameras by CBI on the opposite side! - I did not know at that time that I was considered such a top "VIP" a la young "criminal mastermind" Artemis Fowl in the Artemis Fowl YA series by the Irish author Eoin (pronounced Owen) Colfer (cf. Golfer!), I bought a copy of the entertaining book CORRECT SPELLING MADE EASY by Norman Lewis, with amusing illustrative sentences like:


Two women to one man are one too many.

When "HIPPY" Y - (when I asked him what his NAME was, he told Me to call him "STEVE") - saw Me reading CORRECT SPELLING MADE EASY by Norman Lewis, he asked Me why I was reading that book - in other words, was I weak in English spelling? I replied that I was not weak in spelling but -

G: I am not a poor speller but he is so fascinating!

[I wonder if Nazi body transformer assassin MONICA Lewinsky (involved in SEX SCANDAL with Bill Clinton) = body transformer BM Monica B.B. GASS. (owner of goldsmith shop - BM sp. body transformer "Kalasena" B.B. GASS. who looks like Nazi mass murderer body transformer HITLER, very close criminal partner of Nazi mass murderer BIL BM BIL3 Gauri Sankar C.B.) - supplied body melting acid to Nazi mass murderer transgender SATAN BM Anita C.B. (sp. Nazi mass murderer TIMUR LANG IAF CHIEF SUBROTO BM BIL1 C.B.) to murder G-KSG? = lookalike American female in group discussion of the moving short story THE COP AND THE ANTHEM by O. Henry (YouTube)? cf. Shahrukh Khan (YouTube)]

আমি শুনেছি সেদিন তুমি

Ami Shunechi Sedin Tumi (3:56) / Shirin Soraiya (YouTube)

Ami shunechi sedin tumi | আমি শুনেছি সেদিন তুমি (4:05) / Sadia Jahan Prova (YouTube)

Ami Shunechhi Sedin Tumi | আমি শুনেছি সেদিন তুমি | Sad Song 2020 (4:13) / Sohini Soha (YouTube)



Chinese practical philosopher Confucius (cf. confusion, confusing) reportedly made the following famous/infamous remarks over two thousand years ago:

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."


"When rape is inevitable, lie down and enjoy the rape."

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 11/12/13/14, 2024


If you want to enjoy writing as an interesting hobby, stop wasting your time and money and emotional energy trying to become a published author - leave writing and publishing of books to publishers and their editors and professional ghost writers who want money and to smart hard-working (putative) authors who are not interested in money so much as in vicarious second-hand fame. You can get a lot of enjoyable interesting writing practice if you create a blog and post short pieces of writing every day and correct and polish your online published pieces as often as you like, asking your friends to read your blog posts and comment on your pieces - and also read and comment on their blog posts as well. Do this for at least a year and you and your friends will discover a wonderful new hobby. I recommend free Google Blogger, which seems to have infinite memory space.

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 11, 2024


Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 12, 2024


A MARTIAN SENDS A POSTCARD HOME - Poem by Craig Raine | Explanation (23:20) / English Lessons [Dr. Lakshmi S.] (YouTube)

The poem gives the Martian poet's weird interpretations of activities on Earth:

BOOK = "Caxton" (William Caxton: first printing press in England) = "bird" with "wings" (pages of a book) ... CRYING and LAUGHTER of users of Caxton (book)

MIST = ...

RAIN = ...

CLOCK = ...


TOILET = ...


Cf. short play by Claire Boika: THE BOOK THAT SAVED THE EARTH (YouTube)

Emon Swapno Kakhono Dekhini | এমন স্বপ্ন কখনো দেখিনি | Sheuli jana (4:01) / Sheuli Jana Official (YouTube)

Whittaker/Patreon/BM BIL3 Gauri Sankar C.B./Akshay Kumar/Krishna/"Christ" C.B./Peter(P)/Peter Funk/Isaac Asimov (putative author of top science fiction and popular science)/BM Ranjan Rupnagar GASS./Shishir Bajoria BJP/"Rana" (26/11)/Amitabh Bachchan/Suvendu Adhikari/Sudipto Sarkar/Anita's Attic BM Dipu off L6 T.N./Sheikh Shahjahan etc.
LGBT BM Anita C.B./BM Sonali C.B./BM ASS. Mamoni/Ass. Indira (Indra) Gos.

Twins (lovers, partners): f. "god of death" Yama-Yamini/f. यम-यामिनी/f. যম-যামিনী

BEST JAIN GIRLS HOSTEL IN KOTA (14:20) / Jain Pathshala by Shivani (YouTube)


CLASSICS THAT WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK Classic books that will change the way you think (9:41) / English Nerd (YouTube)


Inspirational story about Greek philosopher - Demosthenes (13:23) / JnanaShala (YouTube)

Inspiring and interesting (fictional) biography of (fictional) great Greek orator "Demosthenes" told in simple English - King George a Greek king? Not sure of King George Serial Number? Sarcastic about "George" aka RaT aka BM Ranjan aka George Bernard Shaw (founder of London School of Economics cheats and of G.B. Road full of kidnapped and tortured girls and women forced prostitutes).

Richa Lakheria: ITEM GIRL (RUPA)

Ben Elton: STARK (BLACK SWAN / Transworld / Random House; ISBN 978-0-552-77355-3; UK  £6.99 but My copy has Rupa (DELHI) sticker price £ 4.10); website of the publisher: www.booksattransworld.co.uk)

Stark is a secret consortium with more money than God, and the social conscience of a dog on a croquet lawn [?]. What's more, it knows the Earth is dying.

Deep in Western Australia where the Aboriginals used to milk the trees [to get rubber?], a planet-sized plot is taking shape. Some green freaks [hippies?] pick up the scent: a pommie poseur [Pamela/Bobby/Anita?]; a brain-fried [?] Vietnam vet [veteran - but B.B. - sp. veterinary college GASS. ... Lily ... Pamela in TO SIR, WITH LOVE]; Aboriginals [cf. BM] who have lost their land ... not much against a conspiracy that controls society: it just lives in the same place, along with the cockroaches.

If you're facing the richest and most disgusting scheme in history [satanic Nazis against Almighty God in human form KSG; Nazis want to prevent immortality of the human race], you have to do more than stick up two fingers and say 'peace'.

(Summary on the back cover)

[Central characters: Sly, Chrissy, Zimmerman, CD, Rachel, etc.]

Excerpts from the thriller:

Sly Moorcock was more powerful than God in Carlton, but Colin's enemies were cockroaches, he had no time to worry about billionaires.


Cockroaches have an extraordinary physical resilience. You can smash one to bits on your living room floor leaving it in numerous cockroachie pieces and a little later when you have steeled yourself to clearing it up, it's gone! Cockroaches are definitely bionic, they can rebuild themselves. If you put the shattered corpse of one in the bin, it will wait until you are gone and then slowly pull itself back together again, gluing on its head with its own horrid goo. Then, when it is ready, a born-again cockie, bigger, scarier and somehow managing to have more legs than it started off with, it will scuttle out, refreshed, from a mound of potato peelings making obscene gestures at you with its little cockroach fist.

Nothing is more deflating than being sneered at by a cockroach. It is said that cockroaches would survive a nuclear sar better than anything. They would brush off fall-out like they brush off being smashed to bits with a shoe.

As Colin lay in bed, watching with distaste the phoenix of a new cockie rising out of the ruin of its dead self, it seemed to him eminently likely that in the barren aftermath of the final folly [nuclear explosions all over the world to wipe out the human race]; when the [radioactive] poison winds blow cruelly over the rotting debris of us, the previous top dogs, cockroaches [the satanic Nazi gang of aliens living underground and unaffected by nuclear bomb explosions over ground] will inherit the earth. After all, they had clearly already inherited Carlton [cf. Karl Marx, Isaac Newton]. Colin was thinking of charging then rent.

Perhaps, he thought, the government had been conducting secret nuclear tests and the Holocaust had already come to Western Australia.


Colin was a pom. He'd lived in Oz [cf. The Wizard of Oz] since he was thirteen but that doesn't make any difference, if you're a pom, you're a pom. The Aussies have a strange double standard when it comes to poms. For instance, they are fairly happy to cheer Lady Di [Diana?] and have a Union Jack on their flag, but that doesn't stop most of them calling you a whingeing pommie wanker if you happen to remark that it's hot when the mercury's pushing 40°C.

Colin did not care. However hot it was Colin always thought he was cool. He was so unashamed about his pretensions that they kind of worked. For instance, despite living in Oz, he managed to speak in an accent that was situated somewhere in the mid-Atlantic, half-way between Britain and the USA [RP - Received Pronunciation] - having arrived at this location via some pretty groovy forties movies and some equally crucial rock lyrics [.. via learning IPA International Phonetic Alphabet and by buying and listening to Linguaphone LP records of British Institutes/BI, Fort, Bombay/Mumbai, India]. By rights this should have been horrible, marking Colin down as the worst kind of poseur, but it didn't.

Probably it didn't because Colin wouldn't have minded being considered a poseur, in fact he would have thought being called a poseur quite an interesting pose. Everybody poses, the coolest people pose most of all, they just make it seem natural. ... Brando in The Wild One: 'Listen, I may be ssnsitive, confused and inarticulate, but I could still beat seventeen types of shit out of you, OK?'

Colin called himself CD.

As CD fished about in the dirty clothes bag for a pair of pants that had only been worn once, he thought his morning thoughts. He thought, as he always did, that it was time to get a new toothbrush. The bristles on his present one were flattened so far back that they were parted in the middle. He had a toothbrush that looked like the top of Oscar Wilde's head. [?]

Christ almighty ..


The judge fined him a hundred and fifty bucks plus cost. Too much for CD.

'Your Majesty,' he said, trying to look honest, 'the truth of the matter is ... There was this chick, right? and she's a bit of a peace freak and I wanted to impress her so I could well ... do the business, right? Anyway ...'

CD's fine was increased to two hundred and fifty.


Rachel was up for a driving offence... She looked like Margaret Thatcher and it clearly worked because she got off lightly. Rachel walked free...

[Cf. Adam and Dinah in ADAM BEDE by George Eliot (male pen name of Mary Ann Evans); BM SLS/clone said she was called DINAH by Khasis in Shillong; cf. Princess Diana was reportedly killed in a car crash, when pursued by paparazzi.]



[Top level NAZI SNAKES foiled and crushed by God in human form viz. G-KSG.]

[Cf. Richard Connell: THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME]

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 12/13, 2024


Introduction to "Rhetoric" (14:15) / Stephen Klien (YouTube)

"Klien": mnemonic "CLEAN"

Very interesting presentation by Dr. Steve Klien. (I remember that "hippy" Y, who was about My age but had a sexually very loose outlook like all hippies, told Me to call him "Steve".)

● logos - 

● ethos -

● pathos - 

The Art of Rhetoric: Ten Principles of Persuasive Speech (28:40) / Paul Griffin (YouTube)

It is clear from this very effective explanation and illustration of the principles of rhetoric that Paul Griffin is a very skilled teacher like Stephen Klien cited above. (I conclude from books on CHEMISTRY and SAT and GMAT etc. displayed in the background that Paul Griffin may be an online coach for SAT, GMAT, and similar level CHEMISTRY competitive exams. Paul Griffin sounds like highly effective passionate online Bible preacher John Piper. There are many charlatans who look like John Piper and we must be alert to the presence of genuine vs chaff. David Jeremiah is a wonderful passionate online Bible speaker like John Piper.)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 13, 2024

দৈত্যগুরু শুক্রাচার্য - এক অজানা কাহিনী 

শুক্রাচার্যের অজানা কাহিনী || Unknown Story of Shukracharya - Guru of Asuras (13:17) / Odvut Othocho Bastab [অদ্ভুত অথচ বাস্তব (true? really?)] (YouTube)

Complete nonsense. Nazi deceptive fiction. Total LIE. All Nazis are born LIARS.

F***ing body-transforming male/female transgender over-smart retarded alien Nazi idiots stupidly arrogant Indra ইন্দ্র, গরু গৌতম, গরু বৃহস্পতি, গরু শুক্রাচার্য ইত্যাদি মিথ্যুক ঠক Nazi শয়তানরা কেউ চায় নি / এখনো কেউ চায় না মানুষ অমর হওয়াটা - অথচ মরাকে বাঁচানো খুবই সহজ - সব নাজি Nazi হাসপাতালের সব পুরুষ/নারী male/female নাজি Nazi ভুয়ো ডাক্তাররা জানে কোন ঔষধ মরা নাজিকে injection দিলে মরা বেঁচে ওঠে - videos of medicine given by Nazis to dead Nazis to revive the dead Nazis inside Nazi hospitals are available with CIA, FBI, FSB etc. Medicines to reverse aging and transform the body (such as changing sex and changing body size of any adult into a small boy or girl or baby or dwarf cf. story ALICE IN WONDERLAND - e.g. changing Bh. Haz. into "baby son" of SATAN BM BIL4 SURAJ C.B. and vice versa - cf. very funny but REAL story "লোকটা" by মানিক দাস (মনফকিরা) and My YouTube podcasts G-109 বামন অবতার - 1, G-110 বামন অবতার - 2) - such NAZI "secrets" are open secrets to millions of male and female humans throughout the world. শীতল কপাট (m)/"শীতল পাটি" "মা শীতলা" "small pox goddess" (f) / dead NAZI body transformer SATAN BM KaMoSin (m) BELT. was REVIVED by GMCH.

YouTube podcasts (Kishalay Sinha - @kishalaysinha-dk4ph)

February 18, 2024
G-108 নীরব পুলিশ (4:54) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
মানিক দাস : "অপহৃতের পুনর্গমন" in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (মনফকিরা), ১৭৫-১৭৬

G-109 বামন অবতার - 1 (5:43) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
মানিক দাস : "লোকটা" in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (মনফকিরা), ৫৪-৫৬

February 19, 2024
G-110 বামন অবতার - 2 (1:59) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube)
মানিক দাস : "লোকটা" in এ-আমি সে-আমি নই (মনফকিরা), ৫৬-৫৭


[Dear Romance Writers] Romance myth BUSTED: Why Soulmates are a Joke (10:36) / Self-Writeous (YouTube)

[All terrestrial pr. and all terrestrial gig. are f***ing soul mates of one another.]

বেশ. ইচ্ছা

কারো কারো জন্য এমন লাগে কেন ! Karo Karo Jonyo Emon Lage Keno (3:18) / Munmun Mukherjee (YouTube)

Compare heart-touching lyrics: 
জানি না আজ যে আপন
কাল সে কেন পর হয়ে যায় ...
[পৃথিবীর নরনারী ভালোবাসার নাটক করে আর আরাম-সে আপন থেকে পর হয়ে যেতে পারে]

Also compare heart-wrenching lyrics:
সখি, ভাবনা কাহারে বলে?
সখি, যাতনা কাহারে বলে?
তোমরা যে বলো দিবস-রজনী
"ভালোবাসা, ভালোবাসা",
সখি, ভালোবাসা কারে কয়?
সে কি কেবলই যাতনাময়? 
(Rhetorical questions because the answers to the questions are known to all.)

Also, compare this short poem on snake-bite:
ভ্রমে কি কখন
ব্যথিতবেদন [ব্যথিত বদন/face?] 
বুঝিতে পারে?
কী যাতনা বিষে
বুঝিবে সে কিসে
কভু আশীবিষে [snake/সাপ]
দংশেনি যারে?
(Rhetorical questions. যে চিরসুখী, যাকে সাপে কামড়ায় নি, সে বুঝবে না "ব্যথা" মানে কি)

Well-known warning poem on romance: 
John Keats: La Belle Dame sans Merci (watch recitation videos on YouTube) 

আমি তো KSG ছাড়া একটিও ঝিনুক (oyster) খুঁজে পেলাম না যাতে মুক্তো (pearl) আছে
(Metaphoric sentence: about finding someone who is Genuine and not fake.)

Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] February 20, 2024


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