
Showing posts from June, 2024

8; मेरी माँ

मेरी माँ   मेरी माँ बहुत सुन्दर है ... बच्चे की नजर में माँ की शक्ल चाहे जैसी भी हो उसकी माँ संसार की सबसे सुन्दर औरत है । ... मेरी माँ का सुन्दर साड़ियाँ पहनने का शौक है । उसके पास 50 साड़ियां हैं । ... वह मेरे पिताजी का बड़ा आदर करती है, पर उसे उनका मदिरा पान करना कतई पसन्द नहीं है । इस बात को लेकर घर में कभी-कभी कहासुनी हो जाती है । अब मेरे पिताजी ने मदिरा पान करना लगभग छोड़ दिया है । अगर पीते होंगे तो घर से बाहर । ... ... मुझे मेरी माँ पर गर्व है ।  From the interesting short essay "मेरी माँ" (pp. 7-8) in निशि त्यागी : निबंध माला (माध्यमिक कक्षाओं के लिए), एकेडेमिक (इंडिया) पब्लिशर्स Academic (India) Publishers, New Delhi-110008; 15TH EDITION 2009; 192 pages; paperback; Price: Rs. 65 IAS Topper Divya Tanwar की निबंध कॉपी । UPSC Hindi Medium Topper Divya copy | IPS Divya | ONLY UPSC (12:31) / ONLY UPSC (YouTube) An interesting analysis and review of a Hindi essay, but though the speaker is serious, his talk sounds like a sarcastic COMEDY to Me! Kishalay Sinha किशलय सिन्हा जी

8; YouTube podcasts G-125 to G-130

YouTube podcast (Kishalay Sinha - handle @kishalaysinha)  April 3, 2024 G-125 A NATIONALIST ON TRIAL - 1 (1:46) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube) ALAN WARNER: A SHORT GUIDE TO ENGLISH STYLE (English Language Book Society/ELBS and Oxford University Press; 198 pages), p. 62 "... He [Jawaharlal Nehru] speaks simply and clearly and with dignity..." Comments on Jawaharlal Nehru's statement at his trial in 1940 quoted on p. 60-62 of ALAN WARNER: A SHORT GUIDE TO ENGLISH STYLE (ELBS/OUP). April 4, 2024   G-126 A NATIONALIST ON TRIAL - 2 (6:49) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube) ALAN WARNER: A SHORT GUIDE TO ENGLISH STYLE (English Language Book Society/ELBS and Oxford University Press; 198 pages), p. 60-62 G-127 STYLE (6:28) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube) ALAN WARNER: A SHORT GUIDE TO ENGLISH STYLE (English Language Book Society/ELBS and Oxford University Press; 198 pages), p. 1-2 highfalutin* language ["My beloved father has joined the heavenly choir" for "My father has died&quo

8; YouTube podcasts G-131 to G-136 (2), G-136 (3) (new), G-136 (4) (new)

PLEASE NOTE! - My audio podcasts on YouTube, which I recorded on different tablets/smartphones, seem to have uncertain handles, so please search for My YouTube audio podcasts under My name Kishalay Sinha - then find G-number!!! Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank God, I don't keep on changing My pen name. There is only ONE audio (an Assamese song by Dr. Bhupen Hazarika) which was uploaded to YouTube several years ago by a talented Assamese youth, Sobin Deka (SOBIN to Me) - under My name Kishalay Sinha (with handle:  @kishalaysinha9187) - to show Me how an audio can be uploaded to YouTube! - it is not a modern Assamese song sung by Me! - this song has also been uploaded to YouTube by others: Krishna (3:02) / Kishalay Sinha (YouTube) - 9 yr ago  Kalir Krishna (3:04) / Bhupen Hazarika - Topic (YouTube) - 9 yr ago  Kalir Krishna Buli (কলিৰ কৃষ্ণ বুলি) - by Bhupen Hazarika (3:02) / Assamese Old Songs অসমীয়া পুৰণি গীত (YouTube) - 5 yr ago  YouTube podcast (Kishalay Sinha - handle: @kisha


J & K DGP SWAIN IS FAKE? 8 April 2024: JAMMU NEWS: Jammu and Kashmir [J&K] police on Sunday [April 7, 2024] warned people to remain vigilant against a fraudster posing as DGP of Jammu and Kashmir R.R. SWAIN [f* rap. son of Namdev Swain - BM Haf.?] - Times of India (Google)  There are many videos of J & K "DGP" R.R. SWAIN on YouTube e.g. Jammu Kashmir's New DGP [?] | RR SWAIN Takes Over as Jammu Kashmir DGP [?] | Jammu Kashmir News [?] | News18 (12:23) / CNN-News18 (YouTube) Nazi elections are Nazi BULLSHIT. Who is this J&K "DGP" SWAIN? Kishalay Sinha [G] June 10, 2024


NAZI CRIMINALS SHOT DEAD   Nazi criminals hiding in transformed bodies identified and shot dead will be given a false angle by Nazi fake news TV channels. Kishalay Sinha কিশলয় সিনহা किशलय सिन्हा जी [G] June 10, 2024


THE METAMORPHOSIS: TRANSFORMED INTO A COCKROACH   THE METAMORPHOSIS BY FRANZ KAFKA - ANIMATED SUMMARY (7:06) / The Book Tutor (YouTube) The horror of finding one's body transformed into a cockroach. - G Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka in hindi Audiobook (9:31) / Study Lovers Kapil Gangwani (YouTube) The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka | Full Story in Hindi (8:32) / Book Stories in Hindi (YouTube) Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (20:38) / English Toto Orator (YouTube) বাংলাদেশী বাংলা মনে হয় ... বাংলাদেশে অনেকেই 'ব' কে 'ভ' উচ্চারণ করে হয়ত: বোন -> ভোন - সবাই যে একই উচ্চারণ করতে হবে তেমন কোন নিয়ম নেই যদিও অনেকের কাছে শুনতে অদ্ভুত মনে হতে পারে - ভারতে ঠিক উল্টো উচ্চারণটাও শোনা যায়: ভারতে অনেকে (যেমন, বহুরূপী kidnapper 'driver' BM শৈলেন Shailen T.N./SIL, transgender Nazi নির্মল/নির্মলা সীতা/রাম ইত্যাদি) 'ভ' কে 'ব' উচ্চারণ করে: ভারত -> বারত, মহাভারত -> মহাবারত etc. The painting hanging on the wall of the room/bedroom of Gregor Samsa [cf. samosa


SHOCKING LIARS   All male/female NAZI staff of all NAZI fake news TV channels are shocking liars who will try to suppress even important sensational news like if all NAZI Ministers and MPs and MLAs etc. are JAILED. Some days back, very corrupt NAZI politician ARVIND KEJRIWAL, ex Chief Minister of Delhi, declared in panic on all Indian TV news channels when he was temporarily out of Tihar jail before he went back to Tihar jail, that all top male and female Indian politicians of all Indian political parties would be PUT IN JAIL very soon, though he did NOT give details of WHO would put Indian politicians in jail. ALL male and female politicians of ALL political parties with many different names - which are IN FACT THE SAME f***ing NAZI party given MANY different names to FOOL the public - are very corrupt and cruel but there is a LIMIT to how much corruption and cruelty of evil human-looking f***ing transgender NAZIS can be tolerated.  (Don't expect Nazi fake news TV channels to tell


I HAVE NO BIAS   I have absolutely no bias for or against anyone in the world. I want to lead a simple life and try to help the long-cheated human race. I know that goodness and evil both exist in this world BUT I believe that incredibly advanced Extra Terrestrial ET scientists have been watching and audio video recording everyone on Earth and inside Earth in all body transformations continuously for billions of years and control the entire gang of transgender male and female Nazis. CONFUSING   The term of a Rajya Sabha MP is 6 years (Google). Mr Sarbananda Sonowal, who became a Rajya Sabha MP in 2021, should be Rajya Sabha MP till 2027. Unlike the Lok Sabha (Lower House of Indian Parliament), the Rajya Sabha (Upper House of Indian Parliament) is never dissolved - the rule is that one-third of Rajya Sabha MPs retire every second year; but retirement year of Rajya Sabha MP Sarbananda Sonowal is 2027 - how could he stand for Lok Sabha election 2024? Also, Rajya Sabha MP Sarbananda Sonowa


THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK   THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK by Alexandre Dumas is a complex story about TWIN sons of King Louis XIII who look exactly alike - one of the twins is King Louis XIV and the other is Philippe with an iron mask kept in Bastille prison. I skimmed through the novel to get the plot of the novel. I found the most interesting characters in the novel to be Athos ("The Angel of Death"?) and his "son" Raoul de Bragelonne (Brag alone?) who is madly in love with the King's kept Christine and seems to be a very unrealistic parody of KSG! "King Louis XIV" = SATAN = body transformer Emperor ASHOK (अ शोक - অ শোক - no sorrow - not sad though LAKHS of soldiers were killed in brutal Kalinga War in Orissa / Odissa) = alias BM Moirang L5/L6 T.N. GASS. = alias ASHOK SINGHAL (सिंहल সিংহল Singhalese / Sinhalese kingdom LANKA island - now Sri Lanka - of NAZI rapist SATAN RAVAN) etc. = LEONARDO da Vinci [LEO / LION सिंह SINGH (PUNJ, BIH) সিংহ SINGHA (B, MM)


UNPUBLISHED CHANGES   For the past few days till today, it has been happening that when I use any of My three 4G tablets - LAVA, SAMSUNG, REALME - to try to publish a blog post, it is not published on My first attempt, with the message "UNPUBLISHED CHANGES", but it gets published on My second try. This practically never happened before. What is the reason for this very irritating "comedy"? Google? Airtel? 4G Tablet? Kishalay Sinha [G] June 8, 2024


ELEVEN MINUTES   Eleven Minutes By Paulo Coelho | Full Story in Hindi (9:51) / Book Stories in Hindi (YouTube) A clear summary of the novel, though I cannot locate in the novel where Milan (brothel owner) tells prostitute Maria that she would have to have sex for 11 minutes per day (4:49-4:53). It seems that Milan later told Maria that Maria would get special customers like rich Ralf (who paid Maria 1000 francs for one night in a hotel) and Terence who practised/practiced WEIRD "sadomasochism" sex. I have no idea HOW prostitutes work, and so I am NOT sure if Ralf paying Maria 1000 francs (or whatever) for spending a night with him in a hotel WITHOUT HAVING SEX is realistic and believable  I find the weird idea of tying up and beating one's sex partner with a whip very strange, truly crazy mad insane SADOMASOCHISM SEX. Ralph d'Souza (whose father was said to be a rich guy in an Arab country but apparently went missing after the Kuwait war), who was a young freshman B.S